Restigouche Timber Trail in Balmoral | Sport & recreation
Restigouche Timber Trail
Locality: Balmoral
Phone: (506) 826-2355
Address: 1035 St-Maure rd E8E1J2 Balmoral, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Bonne nouvelle Le Club Island Lake va ouvert ses portes vendredi le 15 mai pour le service de restaurant, essence et location des camps seulement et ceci selon ...les politiques du Covid-19 tout en respectant la distanciation de 2 mètres entre chaque personnes. Partager svp merci Good news The Island Lake Club will be opening Friday May 15 for the service of the restaurant, gas and camps only and it will be under the Covid-19 policy also regarding physical distancing of 2 meters between each other Please share thank you
25.01.2022 General Meeting - Rencontre Générale Bonjour à tous, Il y aura une rencontre générale pour tous les membres du Restigouche Timbertrail.... Quand : Lundi le 30 novembre à 19h00. Où : Club de motoneige Relais St-Maure. PORT DU MASQUE Les mesures mises en place par la santé publique doivent être respectées, donc le port du masque sera obligatoire durant la rencontre. Merci ______________ Hi everyone, There will be a general meeting for all members of the Restigouche Timbertrail. When: Monday November 30th at 7:00 PM. Where: Snowmobile Club St-Maure Relay WEAR YOUR MASK Public health measures must me respected, therefore it is mandatory to wear a mask during the meeting. Thank you
22.01.2022 The Executive of the Restigouche Snowmobile Club has decided to close the Clubhouse for the remainder of the snowmobile season, effective March 18th, 2020 due t...o safety concerns and governmental guidelines in response to the COVID-19(Corona Virus) pandemic. We want our volunteers, club members and visitors to remain safe and healthy during this time and feel that closing is the best way to do this. We will be continuing to groom and maintain trails until the end of the season, which is midnight of April 15th. There is no lack of snow at the moment and the trails are in great shape. Please stay safe if you do choose to go out snowmobiling.
21.01.2022 Please note that any NBFSC Member Club who is interested must seek permission from the NBFSC BoD before committing to a purchase, deposit, etc. (of any Trail Gr...ooming Equipment) from anywhere, used or new as per NBFSC Policy GRM-004. Selling price $139,900 Year 2016 Time clock 3,028 hours New acquisition in 2016 for $251,332 For more information, contact Ghislain Lévesque tel. 418 735-2643
21.01.2022 Well folks, our season is over much earlier than we had anticipated or wanted, especially with the amount of snow we still have and how beautiful of shape the t...rails are in right now but we have to stay safe in these uncertain times. The Restigouche Snowmobile Club would like to thank many people for helping us have such a great winter season: Our Club members who support all of our social events and activities, the Landowners who allow us to use their land to groom and drive on all season, the Sponsors who buy advertising and donate to our Wing Nights and other events, this helps us keep the Clubhouse operating and the big red groomer driving up and down the trails. And last, but certainly not least, to all our volunteers: my hugest thanks for all that you do.... Without you, we would not exist; you drive our groomer, cook yummy food and serve cold beverages, shovel snow, saw, split, and pile wood and make on fires, clean and maintain the Clubhouse and Warm Up, sign and maintain trails, and do so many more other tasks. You give so freely of your precious time, and no small task goes unnoticed, I promise you that! Many thanks to everybody!! Stay safe and healthy and we can't wait to see you in the Fall!!!
18.01.2022 Wednesday, Oct 28th, Club #1 Another big job done by our beautiful volunteers. Thanks Guys and Gals. Much appreciated. Craig Lindsay, Bonnie Boucher, Adam Russ...ell, and Jake Vienneau finished up another big job today at red pine shelter! All the wood that was delivered before restrictions were put in place has now been split and piled!! They also brushed all around the shelter! A big thank you to Ace leasing aswell for the wood splitter!! We have a great group of people involved in our club, all the help is appreciated!! We still have a bit of clean up + stove installation at Nine Mile. See previous post for lottery tickets. See more
17.01.2022 Tonight was my last trip of the winter. We had yet another great year. One of the best! Snow everywhere! Snowmobilers from East to West, North and South! Coup...le new groomers on the fleet! What more could you ask for? Well, we ask that everyone pay attention to world around us and take all the necessary precautions we are being asked of. Together we will beat this! This includes the 78,845 of you that seen our earlier post in regards to the trail closure tomorrow at midnight. Thank you to all the great club volunteers around us, and our volunteer board of directors. It was and always is a pleasure to work with you all. Remember, Ride right, Ride safe, Ride sober. See you all next year. Kyle, T.M.
15.01.2022 Many thanks to Jason Moran for clearing some blowdowns on Trail #236 from the hydro over to Billy Murray's field.
14.01.2022 Mise à jour des sentiers (2020-03-19) Sentier 270 & 275 (Dalhousie) : surfacé le 17 mars. Sentier 285 & 279 (Charlo) : surfacé le 18 mars.... Sentier 259 & 255 (St-Arthur) : surfacé le 17 mars. Sentier 22 (St-Maure à Campbellton) : surfacé le 19 mars. Sentier 22 (St-Maure au Island Lake) : surfacé le 15 mars. Trail update (2020-03-19) Trail 270 & 275 (Dalhousie): groomed March 17. Trail 285 & 279 (Charlo): groomed March 18. Trail 259, 255 & 250 (St-Arthur & Maltais): groomed March 17. Trail 22 (St-Maure to Campbellton): groomed March 19. Trail 22 (St-Maure to Island Lake): groomed March 15.
11.01.2022 Attention a tous les membres / Attention to all members Souper Steak BBQ T-Bone Pour des raisons exceptionnelles, nous avons pris la décision d’annuler le souper Steak T-Bone BBQ prévue pour samedi et de le remettre à l’année prochaine.... Merci de votre compréhension. Due to exceptional reasons we have decided to cancel the BBQ T-Bone Steak supper planned for this Saturday and reschedule it to next year. Thank you for your understanding.
10.01.2022 The NBFSC would like to announce that all Managed NBFSC Snowmobile trails will be open and groomed for the winter season 2021. Trails officially open December ...15th, 2020. The Snowmobile Trails will not be closed until the end of the season, April 15th, 2021 unless mandated by Provincial health guidelines. La FCMNB annonce que tous les sentiers de motoneige gérés de la FCMNB seront ouverts et surfacés pour la saison d’hiver 2021. Les sentiers ouvrent officiellement le 15 décembre 2020. Les sentiers de motoneige ne seront pas fermés jusqu’à la fin de la saison, le 15 avril 2021, à moins d’en être obligé par les directives provinciales sur la santé. See more
10.01.2022 Pour tous ceux et celles qui nous appellent et envoient un courriel. OUI, il a de la neige en masse. For all those who call us and send us an email. YES, there's enough snow.
09.01.2022 Fin de la saison Relais St-Maure Relay Inc. (2020-04-15) Chers clients, Comme vous le savez, notre saison s’est terminée beaucoup plus tôt que prévue due aux ...circonstances exceptionnelles liées au COVID-19. Cela dit, c’est très important pour l’équipe du Relais St-Maure de prendre le temps de remercier beaucoup de gens : D’abord, un énorme merci à nos employés pour la qualité de leur travail, leur motivation et leur persévérance tout au long de la saison 2019-2020. Ensuite, nous voulons remercier nos précieux clients locaux ainsi que les nombreux touristes qui fréquentent régulièrement notre Club. Nous prenons énormément de plaisir à vous offrir un service de qualité et ce fut encore le cas cette année. Aussi, nous souhaitons remercier chaleureusement tous nos commanditaires qui supportent le Club par l’entremise de dons et qui contribuent grandement à nos levées de fonds. Finalement, un énorme merci à nos chers bénévoles pour tout ce que vous faites! Vous donnez si librement de votre précieux temps. Que ce soit faire du ménage, aider dans la cuisine et au bar, conduire les surfaceuses, entretenir nos sentiers, remplir le bois de chauffage dans les abris, participer dans l’organisation des levées de fonds ainsi que bien d’autres tâches. Sachez qu’aucune petite tâche ne passe inaperçue, nous vous le promettons. Grace à vous tous, nous avons réussi à avoir une excellente saison. Sur ce, l’équipe du Relais St-Maure vous encourage à rester en sécurité, à prendre soins de votre santé et celle de vos proches. Nous avons hâte de vous voir la saison prochaine! Un message du conseil d’administration. End of the season - Relais St-Maure Relay Inc. (2020-04-15) Dear clients, As you know, our season ended much earlier than expected due to the exceptional circumstances associated with COVID-19. That said, it is very important for the Relais St-Maure team to take the time to thank many people: First, a huge thank you to our employees for the quality of their work, their motivation and their perseverance throughout the 2019-2020 season. Next, we would like to thank our valued local customers as well as the many tourists who regularly frequent our Club. We take great pleasure in providing you with quality service and it was the case again this year. Also, we would like to warmly thank all our sponsors who support the Club through donations and who greatly contribute to our fundraising events. Finally, a huge thank you to our dear volunteers for everything they do! You give so freely of your precious time. Whether it's cleaning, helping in the kitchen and at the bar, driving the groomers, maintaining our trails, filling the firewood in the shelters, participating in the organization of fundraisers as well as many other tasks. Know that no small task goes unnoticed, we promise. Thanks to all of you, we managed to have a great season. That said, the Relais St-Maure team encourages you to stay safe, to take care of your health and of your loved ones. We can't wait to see you next season! A message from the board of directors.
08.01.2022 Clarification Afin de clarifier le message de la FCMNB qui à pris la décision de fermer les sentiers et cesser de surfacer à partir du 22 mars à minuit, les autres véhicules (VTT, Jeep, Truck, 4x4) NE SONT PAS PERMIS sur les sentiers jusqu’au 15 avril comme d’habitude. Merci. SVP partager. ... In order to clarify the message of the NBFSC which made the decision to close the trails and stop grooming on March 22 at midnight, all other vehicles (ATV, Jeep, Truck, 4x4) ARE NOT PERMITTED on the trails until April 15th as usual. Thank you. Please share.
07.01.2022 The NBFSC would like to announce that the 2021 Trail permits will be on sale as of October 13th, 2020 at all Service NB locations. Prices are the same as the 20...20 winter season. Trail Permits will not be sold at the Woodstock Office this autumn-winter due to Covid-19 restrictions in place. La FCMNB annonce que les permis de sentiers 2021 seront en vente à compter du 13 octobre 2020 auprès de tous les comptoirs de Services NB. Les prix sont les mêmes que pour la saison d’hiver 2020. Les permis de sentiers ne seront pas vendus au bureau de Woodstock cet automne et cet hiver à cause des restrictions en vigueur pour la Covid-19.
01.01.2022 Look at the beginning of the beautiful fall colors! Spent the afternoon out collecting old signs that are no longer in use. Great day to be spent out in the w...oods, almost as nice as when the woods are coated in that beautiful White Gold! 91 days and 8 hours to the official start to the season, incase you were counting down too. See more
01.01.2022 Trail update March 21st, 2020. Trail 22 (St-Maure to Island Lake) was groomed tonight. Trail 259, 255 & 250 (St-Arthur & Maltais) was also groomed tonight.
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