Restore Ministries in Toowoomba, Queensland | Community organisation
Restore Ministries
Locality: Toowoomba, Queensland
Phone: +61 499 071 387
Address: 10a Neil St 4350 Toowoomba, QLD, Australia
Likes: 358
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25.01.2022 Episode 02. God in the Midst of Trouble Sue Patterson shares how God is well acquainted with our trouble.
24.01.2022 So why is this important? Or relevant? Because our sense of who we are shapes almost everything we do. Because our identity and the way we do relationships are directly connected. If you are interested in learning more about what is happening in the space of identity with Restore Ministries and Peter Sondergeld visit
24.01.2022 In the latest Restore Ministries blog, Peter Sondergeld looks at who we are, how our identity is infuenced and informed, and where true identity is found. Read the article today:
23.01.2022 In Episode 04 of the Restore Ministries Australia Podcast, Jess, Peter & Sue dive into a discussion on vulnerability. This is a fantastic episode to listen to if you can relate to the desire of being known and the risk of being vulnerable. The full episode is availble on Apple Podcasts or Spotify by searching "Restore Ministries Australia" or listen to it on the link below. ...
23.01.2022 Last week we released a sneak peek download of Chapter 2 of Peter's new book to all of our email subscribers. This chapter is now available as a free download on our website! To have your chance to read it visit: As we continue to work towards the finalisation and development of this resource we would ask you to prayerfully consider offering your financial support. We have been grateful for all who have generously contributed to this process so far, as we are close to reaching half of our funding goal.
23.01.2022 Are you a leader of a small group? Have you ever wondered about creating a culture of safety within your group? Or, how to appropriately share vulnerability whilst in a position of leadership? In this episode Jess and Peter, who are joined by two new voices, Kurt Peters & Renee Gilmour, discuss exactly that, as well as some personal stories around connecting with God, and spending time reflecting with Him. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at
22.01.2022 There's something precious about hearing one another's stories. In Episode 06 of the Restore Ministries Australia Podcast, Renee shared about the depth that comes in community and small groups when we learn more about one another through the sharing of stories and who we are. To hear more of this conversation, and how we can participate well in a small group environment (like so many of us are part of right now in the face of COVID-19 restrictions), find Episode 06: Sharing Stories, Elevators & Unmopped Messes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or at
22.01.2022 God, trouble and crutches? If you want to find out how the three are connected listen now to the latest episode of the Restore Ministries Australia podcast! Episode 02 features a round table discussion with Peter Sondergeld and podcast guests Col & Sue Patterson as they discuss God in the midst of our troubles.... Episodes are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and the Restore Ministries Australia website (find the link in the comments below).
22.01.2022 One of the reactions to shame is to want to hide and to not be seen, and unfortunately when we hide and we’re not seen then change becomes pretty difficult.
21.01.2022 In in the first episode of our three-part sustainable ministry series, Peter Sondergeld speaks with Jeff Pierce, Senior Pastor of Leroy Community Chapel in Ohio. As we look to see and discuss what contributes to serving effectively in ministry long-term, Jeff shares with us some of the highlights and struggles from his 20 years of serving God in various ministry positions. This episode is a must listen for anyone whose heart is to serve God, and continue doing so effectively long-term (dare we say it, all of us). Whether your role is paid and pastoral, or volunteer and in another capacity, there is a wealth of beauty and wisdom to glean from the way Jeff shares about his love for people and his love for the Lord. Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or the Restore Ministries website.
21.01.2022 What is powerful enough to actually transform evil? Our human use of power can often fragment or fence in evil in our futile attempts to transform it, but the good news is there IS One who is able to overcome and transform evil. Watch as Peter shares just how God overcomes and transforms evil through the character of who He is.
21.01.2022 The latest episode from the Restore Ministries Australia podcast is now LIVE! This is a bonus episode, as Peter Sondergeld is joined by guest Kirsty Castle to discuss the current effects of COVID-19 in Melbourne, Australia, as they face their second lockdown experience. Kirsty shares what she has seen in her role as a mother, biblical counsellor and pastor’s wife during this time, and how we can helpfully love and pray for Christians in Melbourne during the second take of COVID-19 lockdown.
19.01.2022 How is running with crutches similar to how we respond in times of trouble? Listen to a snippet from Peter Sondergeld in Episode 02 of the Restore Ministries Australia Podcast. For the full episode Apple Podcasts, Spotify or the Restore Ministries Australia website.
17.01.2022 Peter shares about the incredible grace and mercy of God to liberate us from our own storyline.
16.01.2022 We are not significant because we are great, we are significant because someone great loves us.
15.01.2022 We are just over halfway through one of the weirdest years in our lifetimes. We have had droughts, fires, floods, and are partway through a global pandemic. How are you coping? As the season has dragged on, discussions about self-care seemed to become more prevalent and more relevant. We saw and heard others needing to slow down and be careful. We read articles about it on the internet, we had discussions with others about it.... But there is a problem with self care... Find the full article at
15.01.2022 In the first video update on his writing leave for the Restoring Identity book, Peter shares his progress so far, the plan for the months to come, and how you can pray for him both during this week and next as he puts pen to paper for chapters 2 & 3. If you would like more information on the Restoring Identity book, or to find out how you can support Peter & Restore Ministries please visit
14.01.2022 Peter, Jess, Col & Sue are back! Join us for Episode 03 of the Restore Ministries Podcast for a round table discussion about the character of God as our Father, and His togetherness with us in our pain as we explore our own neediness and shame. Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and the Restore Ministries Australia website.
14.01.2022 John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
13.01.2022 Galatians 4:4-5 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.
11.01.2022 A short little reminder from Sue of what we can trust, God in the midst of us. To hear the whole conversation, listen to Episode 04 of the Restore Ministries Australia podcast.
11.01.2022 Galatians 6:2 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
10.01.2022 Be on your guard against attempting things above your pay grade like trying to control the future or trying to bring about the change you so desperately want to see in someone’s heart. These things are beyond you. Be okay with it, but don’t be lazy. God has work for you to do which is matched to the way he has made you. (Ephesians 2:10 -- For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.) Read more about what Peter shares about our finiteness, and self-care in the full article here:
10.01.2022 Ephesians 2:10 (ESV) For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. As we spend the next couple of months exploring the notion of self-care here at Restore Ministries, journey alongside us. Watch our videos, read our blogs, and dive into the scriptures alongside us as we seek to re-align our view of self-care, because what we know is this: the Bible has better categories than self-care, categories which lead to increased wisdom and closer connection to Jesus.
09.01.2022 Shame is a relational problem which needs a relational fix.
09.01.2022 The time has come for Restore Minstries to create their own content! Peter Sondergeld will be writing a book which will serve as a resource for Restore Ministries Restoration Groups, with a core focus on identity. To find out more, including how you can partner with us, pray for Peter and journey alongside us in this process, watch Peter's video below, then visit the Restoring Identity Campaign page.
09.01.2022 Listen to a snippet from Restore Ministries first ever Webinar, presented by Peter Sondergeld. For more teaching and practical tips on how to care for someone struggling with fear and anxiety, listen to the entire episode, available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and the Restore Ministries Australia website.
09.01.2022 In the final episode of our three-part sustainable ministry series, Jess Fernance speaks with Craig Lyons, who shares with us the ups, downs, challenges and miracles he gets to experience as a case worker for a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. Craig has committed the last 14 years to Teen Challenge Queensland, after previously serving as a Youth Pastor, and through this episode shares openly about how he has learnt to serve sustainably, long-term, in ministry which is both rewarding, but also emotional, hard and disappointing at times. Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or the Restore Ministries website.
08.01.2022 In the latest video by Restore Ministries Peter Sondergeld gets personal as he shares his experience of the Covid-19 pandemic as a local church pastor. This video is part one in the current series on self-care by Restore Ministries, where we are passionate about discussing the biblical view of self-care over the coming months, so stay connected as we work to help you towards long-term, sustainable ministry.
06.01.2022 IMPORTANT POST ALERT Dying to self: A Caveat Part Two. Be careful you don't separate your life into spiritual and non-spiritual parts. There is no such thing as a time in your life where you work for the Lord, and then another time where you look after yourself.
06.01.2022 This episode is a MUST LISTEN before Christmas! Elenne Ford breaks down a wide variety of conflict situations in her conversation with Peter Sondergeld as we seek to prepare well for our relational engagements this Christmas. In this conversation we look at how to respond to triggers, difficult family members and situations, God's sovereignty and when our own sinfulness creates conflict amongst those we love.
05.01.2022 Creator or Creation? When it comes to sustainable living and sustainable ministry you need to start at the beginning the very beginning... This article is part two in the current series on self-care by Restore Ministries, where we are passionate about discussing the biblical view of self-care over the coming months, so stay connected as we work to help you towards long-term, sustainable ministry. ... For the full article, visit: And, if you would like to receive all of our self-care videos and blog articles delivered straight to your mailbox, find the Sign Up button on our website today!
04.01.2022 For most of us, this Christmas is a likely drawing together of individuals who have vastly different physical, financial, spiritual and emotional experiences of the pandemic of 2020. Meaning this year, perhaps more than ever, we are drawing together families and friends who have such an incredible opportunity to meet one another in their experiences and extend compassion and love in ways we may never have been able to before. BUT, there is also such a risky chance of missing each other, in the sense of truly seeing one another, and making room for conflict instead of compassion, opposition instead of connectedness. To read more about how we can make room for those around us this Christmas, visit:
04.01.2022 "It's all good." We use the phrase It’s all good to hose down fear or concern in others. We use it to reassure. Reassuring others is a lot like snuffing out spot fires; you see something sinister developing in someone else, perhaps a fear or insecurity, and you do what you can to extinguish it. From parents seeing the world through their children’s eyes, to friends clarifying their heart for each other in conversation, and pastors and counsellors reaching out to encourage ...those who are struggling. Once your eyes are trained to see it, you will see it everywhere. Read more at
04.01.2022 What does it say to someone in your small group if you don't need the specific details to their problem? Listen to the whole episode about leading safe small groups with vulnerability as a leader in Episode 05 of the Restore Ministries Australia Podcast.
03.01.2022 We recently shared a bonus podcast episode where we chatted with Kirsty Castle, a mum, pastor's wife and biblical counsellor from Melbourne, Australia. Kirsty shared with us what she has seen and experienced in Melbourne during this second wave of COVID-19. This video is a little snippet of this episode, and shares some ways we can pray for Christians in Victoria at this time. At Restore Ministries, we are asking you to join us, wherever you are, as we pray for our brothers a...nd sisters in lockdown in Melbourne. We do know, that since recording this episode, some things have changed, and restrictions have tightened, but the heartbeat that Kirsty has shared is still as pertinent in this phase, as it was when she shared two weeks ago. For the full episode, look for Restore Ministries Australia Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or visit
03.01.2022 IMPORTANT POST ALERT Dying to self: A Caveat Part One. Be careful not to simplistically go out and paint everything with the self-denial brush. Many have done this, and it hasn't worked out too well.
02.01.2022 "And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another." 2 Corinthians 3:18 To read of the latest from the Restore Ministries Australia blog visit
02.01.2022 If you want to be an expert at reassurance you can’t stop at being close enough to know the struggles and concerns of another, you need to roll up your sleeves up and get involved. You have to be prepared to run interference and interrupt their fears and concerns. Not rudely or harshly, but in love, with the other person’s best interests at heart.
01.01.2022 So then, how do we reassure skilfully? Well, you can’t reassure someone from a distance. You have to be close, relationally close. Close enough to read facial expressions, close enough to hear the concerns in the other person’s heart, and close enough to imagine yourself walking in their shoes. Continue reading at
01.01.2022 Small groups. Most of us have been a part of one, and no doubt we have seen some small group interactions go well, and some, perhaps, not quite as well. In this episode Jess Fernance and Peter Sondergeld are joined by Renee Gilmour & Mick Eley, to discuss participating effectively in small group situations. Renee & Mick have both served as small groups leaders with Restore Ministries, and draw upon their experiences as both participants and leaders to share some helpful ways we can connect within our small groups and develop deeper, well connected relationships in a safe space that move us closer to Jesus and being known by one another. Listen now
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