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Retrain Health Byron Bay & Ballina in Byron Bay, New South Wales | Beauty, cosmetic & personal care

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Retrain Health Byron Bay & Ballina

Locality: Byron Bay, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 6680 7447

Address: 1/55 Centennial Circuirt 2481 Byron Bay, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 Bonjour Monday! . Today’s ‘professional’ inspo post of the week: . Treat yo’self (there’s science behind this - not that we need an excuse!) inspired by @masabyronbay and their insanely good lookn’ almond chocolate (x2 baked) croissant...... . Studies show that beyond the instant feel-good factor of treats for oneself, there appears to be deeper psychological benefits that make constant, small treat yo’self moments a recipe for better mental health. . I.e. kindness to yourself (and others), expressed in affordable and small measures, is genuinely good for you. (Yes, pastries count!) . On top of this, a Stanford scientist’s research has shown that self-compassion and building a better, kinder relationship with yourself can improve your reactions to failure and your ability to pursue success. I.e expressing love to yourself via small gifts = success. Boom! . Self-nurturing treats, self-indulgent or both? Apparently, the psychological idea being addressed by a nurturing treat isn’t emptiness, boredom or frustration - instead it’s the fact that we deserve good treatment. And that sort of treat-giving to ourselves reinforces better self-esteem and lower stress levels (I.e. a remedial massage ) ... . What’s your favourite way to treat yo’self? Comment below! . For more treat yo’self inspo see @masabyronbay or call the clinic to book yo’self a well deserved remedial massage! . . . . #retrainhealth #treatyoself #selfindulgence #selfnurture #byronbay #byron #osteopathy #massage #pt #ballina

24.01.2022 Happy Monday! . Are you suffering from ongoing headaches? . Did you know head pain, such as migraines and tension headaches are some of the most common conditions that may be treated by an osteopath!... . if you would like more info on how we can help, call the clinic or headline to make an appointment. . . . #migrains #headaches #retrainhealth #osteopathy #remedialmassage #massage #byronbay #byron #northernrivers #nsw See more

23.01.2022 The Blue Moon on October 31st 2020 (tomorrow night) will be the first full moon on Halloween in 76 years! . According to information from NASA Earth, the last time a full moon fell on Halloween was in 1944. . The rare All Hallows' Eve full moon follows the harvest moon on October 1st 2020. A blue moon is when two full moons fall in the same month.... . When you look at the full moon on Halloween night, it won’t appear blue in color but you’ll be looking at something pretty uncommon! A full Moon on Halloween occurs roughly once every 19 years...The next time a full moon falls on Halloween isn’t expected until 2039, NASA said. . Happy trick or treating! ARH-WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . @slap_byronbay . . . #halloween #fullmoon #bluemoon #halloweenfullmoon #retrainhealth #byronbay #byron #ballina #osteopathy #massage #strength #conditioning #dryneedling See more

23.01.2022 Raise your hand if you have been personally victimised by DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness) . If you haven’t heard of DOMS, you are in for a treat - go read Eliza’s latest blog that explains everything you need to know about DOMS! It’s a very informative and fun read! . You will be a DOMS wiz by the end of it and will understand the importance of a foam roller!... . If you have any questions, please get in touch - we’d love to hear form you! . . . #doms #musclesoreness #foamroller #exercise #retrainhealth #byronbay #byron #ballina #osteopathy #massage #strength #conditioning #dryneedling

22.01.2022 Want to work at Retrain Health? . Remedial Massage Therapist Want to live and work in Byron Bay & Ballina? .... We have a permanent part time position available for a Remedial Massage Therapist to work in our Byron Bay and Ballina Clinics. The position pays a base salary (holiday, sick leave, super), with bonuses. . You will be working alongside 5 Osteopaths and another Remedial Massage Therapist. . We are a friendly practice, with our Byron clinic located in a newly renovated purpose-built space. Our Ballina clinic operates within the Jetts Gym. We have an open-door policy, structured mentoring, and a focus on patient centred care. . Please apply if you are: - Are health fund and HICAPS eligible (not negotiable) - Passionate about assisting patients to achieve their best - Confident in your ability to communicate - Interested in providing your services in a professional environment - Comfortable working in both a team and individual setting - Interested in further development of your existing skillset . If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]. . To apply complete the application found under the jobs section on our website. Link in bio. . We look forward to hearing from you!

21.01.2022 An oldie but a glodie - FAQ with DC . It hurts when I exercise. Do I have to completely stop? . Before you throw in the towel and stop training all together, try to change a few of the things which impact your training.... . In the biz, we call these the Acute Variables of Training. . The variables include: Volume Intensity Frequency Range of motion Tempo Strength group Exercise selection . In summary, ideally we want to swap it, don’t stop it!. . Check out Dan’s previous videos in the feed on as he goes through all the variables! . If you would like more info or to book an appointment with Dan, head online or give our clinic a call. . . . . #variables #training #volume #intensity #frequency #ROM #tempo #strengthgroup #selection #retrainhealth #byronbay #byron #ballina #osteopathy #massage #strength #conditioning #dryneedling See more

20.01.2022 New blog on cervicogenic headaches (CGHA) . Headaches can be a debilitating condition, especially for those who suffer regularly, and interestingly, there are many different types of headaches: . Migraines with or without aura... Tension headache Cluster headache Cervicogenic headache Sinus headache Hypertension headache Hormonal headache . A cervicogenic is a headache that occurs as a result of pain referred from the top three vertebra in your cervical spine (neck). When the nerves around these joints are irritated, they refer pain around to the front of your forehead, typically on the same side as the irritated vertebra. . Irritation to these nerves can be a result of neck trauma, whiplash, sleeping position or pillow, sitting and standing posture (especially at work), or from jaw issues. . Head over to our blog page (link in bio) to find out how osteopaths can help treat these types of headaches. . For more info, head to our website to read the blog. To book an appt with one of our practitioners, head online or call the clinic. . . . #headaches #necktension #help #migraines #rth #retrainhealth #byronbay #byron #ballina #osteopathy #massage #strength #conditioning #dryneedling

19.01.2022 Remembrance Day - Lest we forget . Today marks the day of the end of the First World War after more than four years of continuous warfare. . .... . #remembranceday #lestweforget #retrainhealth #byronbay #byron #ballina #osteopathy #massage #strength #conditioning #dryneedling

19.01.2022 Massage is back! . Remedial massage appointments are available with Max on Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings. . To make a remedial massage appointment or for more information, call the clinic or head online!... . . . #byronbay #byron #remedialmassage #massage #osteopathy #retrainhealth #rth #relax #destress #ballina See more

18.01.2022 Congratulations to all the @jettsballina contenders who completed the 8 week challenge that wrapped on Friday with the final scans! . We hope the wrap up celebrations this Friday are a good chance to let your hair down after all the hard work put in! . get in touch if you’d like information or to join in on the next 8 week challenge @jettsballina ... . . . #8weekchallenge #fitnessgoals #jettsballina #retrainhealth #byronbay #byron #ballina #osteopathy #massage #strength #conditioning #dryneedling

15.01.2022 Happy Monday! . Today’s post is about bone broth and how delicious this particular one is from @govitaballinacentral . This broth is not only tasty but filled with 40% collagen protein, amino acids and essential minerals which in turn help to aid with a list of bodily functions that include joint, muscle and gut health!... . Jump on the broth bandwagon and let us know your thoughts! . . . #bonebroth #health #retrainhealth #byronbay #byron #ballina #osteopathy #massage #strength #conditioning #dryneedling

14.01.2022 professional Inspo post of the week: . The lymphatic system inspired from @stopchasingpain . Salivary glands have the highest rate of lymphatic flow per gram of tissue of all regions studied in the GI tract. -JA. Barrowman... Now imagine if they get blocked or overwhelmed? Yet another reason why periodontal disease and root canals and molds and cavitations and the list keeps going can have an impact on your overall health. The entire lymphatic system can be impacted Lymph is your sewage system of the body. We always check the head and neck lymph on everyone for every condition. Taking care of your teeth always contributes to a healthier body Your dental history matters in your ability to recover from illness. I always ask about dental history because they tells me about your GI system and that matters because up to 70% of your immune system resides in your gut. And your gut starts in your mouth No system in the body ever works alone. Never gets injured alone. Never heals alone. Think bigger. Think better. Think systems . Thanks @stopchasingpain for the interesting post. Stay tuned for our blog later this week on the lymphatic system! #lymph #lymphaticsystem #lymphnodes #lymphaticmassage #lymphaticdrainage #chronicpain #retrainhealth #byronbay #ballina #osteopathy #remedialmassage

12.01.2022 This one goes out to our fellow Victorian's. . Congratulations Victoria on your most recent easing in restrictions! . You may not know this but most of our team is made up of Victorian's (Victorians in Byron - what a shocker ;))... . While we have been #blessed to have been based in Byron during the pandemic, via our loved ones down south, we have felt the stress and struggles they have endured all year. . Boy, have we missed you and we can not wait until the boarder opens up and we can embrace you (metaphorically, speaking - for now) again. . @melbourneiloveyou . . . . #Victoria #Melbourne #Melbournecity #Australia #together #love #melbourneiloveyou #pandemic #restrictions #lockdown #corona #covid #covid19 #stage4 #stage3 #stage2 #stage1 #stage0 #readyandwaiting #travel #retrainhealth #rth #osteopathy #byronbay #byron #remedialmassage #ballina See more

12.01.2022 Remedial Massage Therapist . We have a permanent part time position available for a Remedial Massage Therapist to work in our Byron Bay and Ballina Clinics. The position pays a base salary (holiday, sick leave, super), with bonuses. . You will be working alongside 5 Osteopaths and another Remedial Massage Therapist.... . We are a friendly practice, with our Byron clinic located in a newly renovated purpose-built space. Our Ballina clinic operates within the Jetts Gym. We have an open-door policy, structured mentoring, and a focus on patient centred care. . Please apply if you are: - Health fund and HICAPS eligible - Passionate about assisting patients to achieve their best - Confident in your ability to communicate - Interested in providing your services in a professional environment - Comfortable working in both a team and individual setting - Interested in further development of your existing skillset . To apply visit the job section of our website . We look forward to hearing from you!

11.01.2022 Do you get sore feet? Are you missing the support in your life from a comfortable pair of shoes? . Read up on our recent blog that covers plantar fasciitis, what it is, why it happens, and how to fix it! . A good place to start is supportive footwear!... . If you pain persists, it’s a good idea to seek further help! . Mikaela rates these shoes 5/5 for support and style @suicoke_official . If you would like more info or to book an appointment, call the clinic or head online. . . . #retrainhealth #rth #osteopathy #osteo #remedialmassage #massage #byronbay #byron #ballina #nsw #supportiveshoes #shoes #suicoke #plantarfasciitis See more

09.01.2022 WOOP, there it is! . WOOP is one of many goal setting tools that purposefully utilises the brains neurological pathways. . It is backed by 20 years of research, in the science of motivation. ... . WOOP stands for wish, outcome, obstacle, plan . Here’s a quick overview of how to WOOP . Wish: Choose a goal and the ideal timeframe you wish to complete it in. . Outcome: Write down what the ideal outcome looks like, feels like etc. Be specific. . Obstacle: Identify any obstacles that may be holding you back from fulfilling your goal. Take a moment to fully imagine your obstacles. . Plan: Now make an ‘if this, then that’ plan. What can you do to overcome your obstacle? e.g. If X happens, then I will do Y. . Now if you are faced with obstacle X, your brain will easily navigate around using Y, helping you to achieve your goal. . Why not try your first WOOP and let us know what you think . For more info ( . . . #woopmylife #woop ##humpdayvibes #retrainhealth #byronbay #byron #ballina #osteopathy #massage #strength #conditioning #dryneedling See more

08.01.2022 New blog - Exercise and Mental Health. . Is exercise the best medicine? . head to the blog via our website to find out the facts! You may be surprised to know 50% of people with mental illness have cardiovascular disease while 75% of people with mental illness are at risk of developing cardiovascular disease.... . Feeling not quiet yourself today? Give one or more of these 3 things a try to help boost your mood: . 1. Strike a pose! That’s right, do your best Wonder Woman or Superman pose . 2. Try stimulated or genuine laughter - a few minutes of laughing helps release ‘feel-good’ endorphins . 3. Try some diaphragmatic breathing (I.e. deep breathing) - breathing deeply and slowly can help calm the sympathetic nervous system and stimulate a relaxed response . . . #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalillness #retrainhealth #byronbay #ballina #strenth #remedialmassage See more

07.01.2022 Long weekend trading hours at Retrain! . Enjoy the extra day of sunshine everybody! . .... . #longweekend #sunshine #retrainhealth #byronbay #byron #ballina #osteopathy #massage #strength #conditioning #dryneedling #thepoint #beach #weekend #happyfriday

07.01.2022 Happy Friday! We hope you all have a whale of a time over the weekend. . Make sure to get some salt, sand and sun. . We will be closed this Saturday and back Monday for all your osteo needs!... . Call the clinic or head online to book your appointment. . . . #whaleofatime #whale #whalewatching #retrainhealth #rth #osteopathy #byronbay #byron #remedialmassage #ballina See more

04.01.2022 New Blog: The Lymphatic System! The lymphatic system helps to maintain fluid balance (homeostasis) within the body, by removing excess fluid and cellular waste. It also plays a key role in the immune response, nervous system regulation, inflammation and healing, via it’s ability to filter lymph and dispose of foreign particles, before depositing the lymph fluid back into the blood stream. Inflammation and lymphatics: When an injury occurs, a domino effect is triggered withi...n your body to encourage the healing process. The inflammatory response produces an influx of inflammatory mediators and fluid in the area of cellular damage. Lymphatics play a role in this by changing their contractility to remove excess fluid from surrounding injury, as well as cellular waste, to help the cells to heal and return to homeostasis. Chronic pain + the lymphatic system: Research is starting to highlight the importance of the lymphatic system in the presence of chronic pain and pathology. The basic premise is that if the body is unable to clear toxic cellular waste during the healing process, the waste by-products may cause further damage, resulting in the pathology lingering, or causing additional symptoms. This principle is being tested to assess its association with chronic pain, mood disorders, lethargy, cognitive dysfunction and autoimmune diseases. What can a practitioner do to help? Lymphatic drainage massage (aka effleurage - as above )is a technique used by some practitioners to help encourage lymphatic movement throughout the body. Head over to the blog to find out more! #lymph #lymphaticsystem #lymphnodes #lymphaticmassage #lymphaticdrainage #loveyourlymph#chronicpain#retrainhealth #byronbay #ballina #osteopathy

03.01.2022 high-five it’s Friday! Enjoy the sunshine this weekend . . .... #highfive #fridayvibes #friyay #retrainhealth #byronbay #byron #ballina #osteopathy #massage #strength #conditioning #dryneedling

02.01.2022 Beautiful Byron . FYI we are open tomorrow - a few osteo appointments are still available in the morning. . Head online to book or call the clinic ... . . . #oceanview #sunshine #sand #saltlife #rth #retrainhealth #byronbay #byron #ballina #osteopathy #massage #strength #conditioning #dryneedling See more

01.01.2022 . Dan, our go to for all things training, takes us through a satirical overview of the variables of training. . Variable of training #6: Exercise selection .... If we’ve tried applying all of the other variable of training, and your pain is still not tolerable, it's time we look at substituting the exercise for a brief time. What this might look like is instead of squatting, we will box squat, or leg press or single leg squat. If you’re running, it might be cycling instead or walking. . Again these changes aren’t forever, they’re meant to give things enough time to calm down, so we can begin to build again. . Tune in for what's to come next! . . . . #swapit #variablesoftraining #absoluteload #intensity #tempo #ROM #frequency #exerciseselection #retrainhealth #byronbay #byron #ballina #osteopathy #massage #strength #conditioning #dryneedling See more

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