Return to Source Wellbeing in Brighton East, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service
Return to Source Wellbeing
Locality: Brighton East, Victoria
Phone: +61 411 092 342
Address: 2/199 North Road 3185 Brighton East, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 FREE WEBINAR THIS SATURDAY! The countdown is on! Im thrilled that Ill be chatting live to some beautiful people on Zoom. If you feel that my upcoming course Being Sensitive 101 is for you, there are some really good reasons to join us for the information session on Saturday: ... 1 Ill be previewing some of the course content, sharing some personal stories - which might help you understand your own experiences a little more 2 Ill be explaining all of the details of the course: dates and times, price, how and where etc 3 Everyone who signs up for the webinar will be eligible for the pre-webinar special price 4 One person who attends live will win a spot on the course 5 Two people who participate in the share challenge will win 50% off the course price Plus youll be connecting with other like-minded souls on the call! There will be a Q&A so you can ask questions, too. There are 12 places left for Saturday so book yourself a spot now! Link is in my bio and also below:
23.01.2022 Spring blossoms What are your touch points to stay connected to nature? For me its always the beach and the ocean. A close second are trees. Ill always remember the time I first heard a tree speak to me! In a telepathic way, obviously. ... But it was very loud! Since then Ive had the joy of conversing with many trees. Some I find speak more loudly than others. Some are more sleepy or maybe just not as interested in speaking to me. The more ancient the tree, the more it has to say. Although for me anyway, their conversation is conveyed in feelings and thoughts. Not so much words. I said hello to these two beauties on my walk today. Love the reminder, too, that Spring is coming. The cycles of nature remind us that everything changes. Nothing stays the same. And nature always seeks a balance.
22.01.2022 I may have added cacao powder when I was brewing this pot of almond milk chai
22.01.2022 Picnicking in the glorious Spring sunshine. Pretending for a little while that life here in Melbourne is normal...
21.01.2022 #Repost @alexgreycosm with @get_repost Journey of the Wounded Healer II In the central panel, the self explodes into space, dismembering into a mysterium tremendum, a powerful confrontation with forces on all levels of reality subatomic, cellular, planetary, galactic, psychical, spiritual. The energy which animates the All, the force of God, erupts through the embodied self and destroys identification with the sickly contracted ego, opening the self to merge with new p...owers. An alchemical serpent power with three heads (representing body, mind, and spirit) weaves an integrating and transmuting energy which binds together the new self. Featured art: ‘Journey of the Wounded Healer Panel II’ (details) (1984-1985), 90 x 224 in., oil on linen. Collection: Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego
21.01.2022 Sunday morning raven song From very early this morning when Raj and I were in the garden.
21.01.2022 AMBER LAUGHTER Who couldn’t do with a bit of lightening up in this over-serious year? I was reflecting this morning how glad I am to have pets that make me laugh every day. Then this came up in a client session! ... Amber has the simple purpose of laughter. It’s helpful when we’re feeling trapped in life (2020 anyone?!!). It can also play a role in connecting us to universal perfection via the crown chakra. And can assist in viral inflammation. Amongst other things. Definitely the most interesting thing about Amber is that it has transformed from being carbon-based to silicon-based and is unexpectedly light weight. As this year comes to a close, it’s definitely time for us to consider another perspective. One that isn’t mired in the seriousness of this year’s events. Laughter is always good for the soul, and very beneficial for our immune system too.
19.01.2022 SURVIVAL STRESS Perhaps for the first time, many of us are going through a collective experience of trauma, and living in survival stress. This pandemic situation has caused uncertainty, loss of livelihoods, mental health problems, loneliness and a whole lot more.... As a result our focus becomes quite narrow. We have certain beliefs about the truth of the world and we dont want anyone telling us otherwise! Hence the deeply divided opinions on whats true and real, what matters and what doesnt. Believing whats true for us is part of our survival strategy. People who think otherwise are DANGEROUS in this state of being. Our bodies are producing heightened levels of stress hormones via the HPA axis (hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands), and all of this overload of cortisone and adrenaline is messing with our thought processes, our routines and even our sense of identity. Who are we without our usual routines and experiences of life? Its a good question. Many people have never had the bottom fall out of their world before now, and this level of fear and uncertainty can create a disconnection from our identity, leaving us wondering what the point is, or if there even is one?! Were currently living in a heavily laden stress pool. Fear of death, fear for our safety and survival means we can act in ways we wouldnt if our systems werent on high alert all the dang time. The first task is to accept that this is how life is for now. And that its okay to feel so different than you used to. The second task is to find ways to keep returning to whats important for you. The truth of who you are as a divine being, having a weird ass human experience! And its important in your new non-routine life to make space for decompressing from all the stress and weirdness, and be endlessly kind to yourself. Your nervous system needs your support, everyone! The very best thing you can do is acknowledge that and practice self-compassion. See if you can spend more time in nature, meditate, rest and hydrate well. Essentially take care of you and do whatever you can to soothe your frazzled parts in all of this madness.
19.01.2022 GRIEF Intense sorrow caused by death and loss. Theres been a huge wave of grief transmitted in the community, in addition to the anger and rage. Have you been feeling it, too?... Grief for the loss of what was, for those whove lost loved ones, for our freedom and our human rights. This is especially true here in Victoria where our government has chosen to imprison its citizens. The lock down here is one of the most severe in the world and yet weve had less than 500 deaths in this country to date. People have lost their businesses, their right to walk outside in the fresh air without a mask and so many other little and big things. Ive been prescribing the essential oil blend for grief a lot at the moment. And Ive been teaching my clients the acupressure points to diffuse grief, too. Combined with this specially formulated essential oil blend, its a powerful self-care tool to help keep you on an even keel right now. Take good care of yourself beautiful humans. And keep paying attention, because whats happening in Melbourne will definitely be tried on elsewhere in Australia, too.
19.01.2022 For all my fellow Victorians in lock down, this is a good read. If you're wondering why everything is harder than it seems like it should be, the answer might be long-term stress and uncertainty. I hope you're taking care of yourselves.
18.01.2022 What does your own energy body feel like? How do you know when youve taken on someone elses energy? Good questions, right?! ... The answer is that most people dont know! Which isnt a problem, unless your sensitivity increases to the point where it can get overwhelming... feeling what you feel and feeling what others around you feel, too. And because we live in a world that mostly ignores the fact that humans have energy bodies, we were never taught how to manage our own energy! In fact, not knowing how to manage your own energy can contribute to physical, emotional and mental health issues. So if youre finding that your sensitivity to the world around you is increasing, please join me for my webinar on Saturday 12th September. Ill be talking about being an empath and sharing the details of my upcoming course, Being Sensitive 101. Its for people just like you. Swipe for details or follow the link in my bio. Webinar spots are filling up fast, so book your spot now!
17.01.2022 2020 has been one heck of a mind f*ck, has it not? It seems as if everyone’s baseline of truth and reality has been splintered. No matter who you speak to, everyone is convinced that if you don’t believe what they believe they you’re asleep. This is a harmful way to see other humans.... But what’s really going on? Which version of events is true or even partially true? In some ways it doesn’t matter, as long as you aren’t causing harm to other people. It’s totally not okay if you ARE harming others though. It’s time to get off this dang merry-go-round! Because it’s enough to cause a bit of a mental meltdown. As if a pandemic and lock downs and limits on our freedoms weren’t enough. As of last week I have to find a new hairdresser as the one I’d been seeing for the last two years has swallowed the kool aid on a lot of very out there topics. Which I’m fine with. I mean, have whatever beliefs you want. But please don’t turn my hair appointment into an echo chamber for your social media rantings. I’ve always loved the Shanti Path mantra. I first learned it many years ago, and it’s a beautiful prayer for peace and sanity. If nothing else, I wish us all peace and sanity.
16.01.2022 Getting some sun on my skin to keep my vitamin D levels up. Low levels of vitamin D are linked to a lowered immune response. Stay healthy lovely people! Your health is in your hands. Ive heard way too many people repeat the fallacy that we have no immune response to Covid. If that was true, everyone who gets infected would die. Right? But actually most people are surviving. ... Another story I hear repeated is about how terrible Covid is because people have long-term health issues for months afterwards. This isnt a new thing. There are many health conditions that have long term impacts on health and wellbeing. Once upon a time I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease I was meant to have for the rest of my life. Thats what western medicine had to say, anyway. Take this pill every day forever. But I wasnt down with that. I saw a naturopath, a Kinesiologist, a TCM practitioner for several years. Eventually I reversed out my so-called lifelong health condition because I worked my ass off to make it happen. Now, not everyone can completely reverse out chronic health issues. But there are many ways to mitigate the impact they have on your life. Take your health in your own hands. There are so many diseases western medicine has no answer for except take this pill. It doesnt have to be that way. So Im just out here in my garden getting my Vitamin D. Make sure you get yourself some, too.
14.01.2022 FINDING JOY This week has been a heavy one here in Melbourne. Ive heard multiple stories of loss, death, suicide, miscarriage and more. Melbournians are fatigued from the oppressive lock down we are living under, some of the strictest rules outside of China. ... And weve had wild windy storms that have taken out power and caused issues with our drinking water. So this morning I decided it was time for an old favourite - banana and blueberry buckwheat pancakes. YUM! Pancakes are a delight for my inner child, too. And just seem to make everything more fun. Its important to find a balance, especially when theres so much collective stress going on. I hope youre enjoying your Sunday, and that youre finding some joy for yourself today.
14.01.2022 Yes, you do have an energy body It powers and animates the physical body, is the container for our sense of Self, and interfaces with the collective consciousness. Energy is balanced when it flows freely and easily. Stuck emotions and stressors create blocks that can translate to physical, mental and emotional imbalances. ... Your physical body is the vehicle for your energy body to experience this world. Only, most of the time we have it backwards. We think were physical bodies first and foremost. So we grow up not really noticing or understanding our energy body! Of course, as you awaken to your sensitivity, you begin to feel your energy (and everyone elses) more and more. Without any skills or resources to manage how and what youre feeling, things can get a little tricky. Most people who relate to being sensitive have no problems feeling energy... they just havent learned how to turn it off. When Im working with clients, being highly sensitive is a gift. It helps me to understand whats going on pretty quickly. But I dont want to walk around feeling what everyone else feels all the time. Neither do you! If youd like to learn more about being sensitive and managing what you feel, join my webinar next Saturday 12th September. Its an information session about my upcoming course: Being Sensitive 101. An online program equipping you with skills to stand in your power as an empath. If youd like to book a spot, the link is in my bio and also below:
13.01.2022 Breathing in the rawness of the inky ocean and her waves. Filling my lungs with fresh and chilly air. Speaking the language of the ocean and hearing her song. This medicine is never more necessary than it is right now.
13.01.2022 EMPATH MYTH BUSTING For as long as I can remember, the idea of people being highly sensitive and being able to perceive things that other people cant was considered a special trait. An ability that some people have and others never will. But I know this isnt true! Ive got dozens of stories about people waking up to their sensitivity, including my own dad in the last year of his life. A true story Ill be sharing in my webinar. ... Sometimes when we first start working together Ill have clients tell me oh no Im not very sensitive at all. Then after several sessions (sometimes a few, sometimes more), theyll tell me what theyre feeling as we work together. Thats it, Ill tell them. Thats you feeling your energy body! It can be a powerful experience, and its not something I did. Its you connecting to how youre feeling and whats really going on for you. This is why I know without a doubt that everyone has this capacity. Its innate to all humans. And if you go down the path of connecting to yourself ever more deeply, you will one day find yourself feeling the vibrancy of your own chi/prana/energy pulsing through your body. I will never forget the first time that I felt the flow of energy in my kidney meridian! It was during a Kinesiology session I was receiving and whoah... meridians were no longer just an idea or a drawing to refer to. Wild, wild times. So if youre wondering, that means that you too, have this capacity. How exciting is that? If youd like to find out more about being an empath, Im running a free webinar to talk about my upcoming online course: Being Sensitive 101. You can grab your spot here: Id love to meet you in my Zoom room to talk all things energy, being sensitive and more!
12.01.2022 Prepping for my webinar at 11am Melbourne time! Coffee and avocado toast + hair still wet while I wait for my laptop to update. Microphone plugged in (must remember to record the session), and my friend Metatron looking over my shoulder. ... This webinar will probably also feature my cats, who enjoy sticking their cute little noses in everything. Theres still a couple of spots left and you can sign up to join us here:
12.01.2022 The unpacking of the Kundalini expansion Time isn’t the easiest thing for me to relate to anymore, but it seems to be about four years since the fierce vibrancy of Ma Kundalini blew all the way through my physical form! I can look up the date in reference to other things that occurred around the same time. But to be honest, it feels as if this is the only way things ever were. ... It took a really long time for the rawness of the energy to settle in any meaningful way. Remember all that ecstatic poetry that poured forth, much of it posted to this account? I’m now far enough along in the process to be able support others with the physiological changes that can cause all manner of disturbances! And with gaining some context to work with whatever is going on. Kinesiology is an excellent process for working with a Kundalini awakening. Having regular sessions absolutely saved my butt during those first couple of years! Now, I’m learning as I go about the next phase of this unfoldment. The intensity of the energy is still there, but enough of the retrofitting of my nervous system and physical body has happened so that I can contain it more easily. The bliss states are still there, too. But they no longer send me into altered states of consciousness for hours at a time. The flow remains wild. There are still plenty of channels that need clearing and purifying (the intelligent work of Ma Kundalini!), but it’s much easier now. For that I’m grateful. My connection to source continues to evolve as long as I work with it. Which brings more clarity for myself in my own life, as well as more clarity in client sessions. I know that even today, there’s not too many people who’ve experienced the full force of the Divine Mother in this way. All I can say is be careful what you wish for. It’s a blessing and a curse. It’s a bloody miracle! Every day now, is a prayer. A constant conversation with the divine. Under each breath. In the between moments, she is always there. We are so much more than our minds can imagine. Humans are here for much bigger things than our current way of life, and the current model of what it means to be successful.
11.01.2022 Are you an empath or highly sensitive person? Want to learn how to switch off from the world's feels? I'm excited to announce a FREE webinar to tell you about my upcoming online program: Being Sensitive 101. ... The webinar details are: Date: Saturday 12th September Time: 11am12pm AEST Where: Online in my Zoom Room A recording of the webinar will be emailed to everyone who has booked a spot. So it's a good idea to sign up anyway, even if you can't join the session live. Why the webinar? Why the course? The webinar is an introduction to my upcoming online program Being Sensitive 101 a course I've developed to equip you with skills to stand in your power as an empath/highly sensitive person. You can find out more about the webinar and book your spot over here: I look forward to seeing you there!
11.01.2022 Webinar do-over So the webinar went really well on Saturday! Except for one thing... Zoom didn't record the video. Believe me, I thought I'd checked EVERYTHING before I started the session. ... So while I've got an audio recording and slides, I don't have a video of the session. I had a couple of people ask me if I was going to run it again, and the answer is YES. Tomorrow night, 7pm Melbourne time (AEST) I'll do a re-run of the webinar, which is an information session for my upcoming Being Sensitive 101 online program. To be part of the webinar, visit this link tomorrow night: To find out more about the program, head to this page:
07.01.2022 Water wisdom I thought Id share with you the messages that came through yesterday while I had my bare feet in the bay. I hope theres something for you in this piece! ... Ive published it on my websites blog, too.
07.01.2022 #energyalert Today the earth speaks loudly. It resonates its song up the ley lines, through the core. The opening acts began in the night and sent their message through the gates. Tuning their frequency for us to hear. ... Today is a good day to sit your butt on the grass and listen. Take your listening inwards, where you will meet the song. Translation is then completed via your own system of filters and understanding. Take what you need to know. by @cristinamcallister
06.01.2022 Untrained empaths are almost always people pleasers This often means that youd do anything for anyone else, but rarely would you extend yourself the same courtesy. I mean, if youre all about pleasing people...arent you also a person? Why did you get left out of this concept of pleasing people? ... Without a doubt, people pleasing is linked to boundary issues. We mightve been taught that its better to do things for others than ourselves. That its selfish to receive, and much more acceptable to give. Its a nice idea in theory. Except...people pleasers tend to run on empty because they give til it hurts. Theyve never learned that saying no is acceptable, or that its an act of self-compassion. And for empaths whove never learned how to shut down what they feel from the world... it can be an act of survival to make the world around you feel happier, so that what youre feeling is more pleasant. BUT this is not the only way. Nor is it the best way! Heres some other options: Learning good boundaries Developing enough respect for yourself to say no Learning to keep tabs on your own energy levels Finding ways to balance your self-care with caring for others Im running an online program for empaths and highly sensitive people starting 5th October. Unlearning people pleasing is one of the many topics well be working with during the course. Boundaries is another! Plus a whole lot more. Head to the link in my bio to find out more about the program and to book your spot. Early bird rates apply until 27th September. Id love to have you join us if this feels like its right for you!
05.01.2022 RED FLAG DAYS As a highly sensitive person, occasionally I experience what I call red flag days. Theyre the days when no matter how much work I do and have done to manage what I feel and perceive of the world around me, I just cant keep it all out. ... Red flag days suck. They are an experience of massive sensory overwhelm. So many emotions in a single day! And on an energetic many vibes flying around that its easier to avoid the world all together. These are the only times Im grateful for this enforced lockdown Melbourne is experiencing! While it doesnt solve everything magically, my best course of action is to invoke all the self-compassion I can muster. I hold space for the parts of me that are deeply feeling all the feels, and I remind myself it wont be like this forever. Sometimes I do more - crystals, nature, acupressure, journaling etc. but some days I simply witness myself having these days and allow myself to rest, go to bed early and accept that today, this is how it is for me. How do you manage your red flag days?
05.01.2022 Are you an animal lover who also loves Kinesiology? As you may know, I volunteer as a foster carer for rescue cats with Cheltenham Cat Rescue. This coming Saturday there will be an awesome online trivia event! Two sessions, one for families and one for grown ups only. ... Its to help raise money to cover the vet bills for all the fuzzies we save. There are a lot of vet bills! There is also a silent auction, and I have offered a Kinesiology session as one of the prizes. Valued at $150, currently the top bid is $60! So if youd like to get a discounted session with me, go check out the silent auction link below and place a bid. I will also include links in the comments for the trivia events. Theyre pay what you can so its a cheap night of lockdown fun AND you can help beautiful rescue cats at the same time!
04.01.2022 RUOK Day started in 2009, and encourages us to check in with the people in our lives. Its a wonderful sentiment. Except...I cant think of a single person that hasnt said theyre ok when theyre really not. Even when asked straight up. ... Ive done this myself. Our community culture expects us to answer Im good thanks. As a Kinesiologist my job is to work with people who arent doing okay. In a session, people can admit that things arent right. Even then, it might take many sessions to build enough trust, allowing someone to safely reveal their deepest wounds and/or things they consider shameful. The beauty in someone allowing themselves to be honest and open? That very process is healing. Speaking whats true for you, facing and meeting yourself in those places... it can be hard, but it also offers relief. At the moment, most of us are not okay! And thats fine. This pandemic is creating havoc with our resilience. It challenges us on so many levels. Its okay to feel stressed and worried and scared. Its okay to feel deeply uncomfortable and stuck. Youre most definitely in this alongside many other people. Personally, I havent had a hug for many months now because I live alone!! I really miss hugs. And I have felt very unhappy with whats going on here in Victoria politically, and how thats affecting the lives of millions of Victorians. Please always reach out to a friend or a practitioner you trust if you really arent okay. Even if it feels hard to admit how youre feeling, you dont have to share everything. Just start somewhere! Feel free to share in the comments about anything youre not feeling okay about at the moment. Sending you love today and always.
04.01.2022 Are you too sensitive to function? I wrote this post a couple of years ago. But everything I've written here is very much at the core of my upcoming program: Being Sensitive 101. Sometimes empaths/highly sensitive people feel like they're wayyyy too sensitive for this world. Yet it doesn't have to be like that. ... Considering yourself "too sensitive to function" is not a badge of merit you want to achieve. Its actually a badge of dysfunction. You can read the blog post here: And you can find out more about Being Sensitive 101 here:
02.01.2022 HOLLA FELLOW EMPATHS! Does this sound familiar? As a kid I was always being told that I was too sensitive, too emotional, that I had my head in the clouds...etc! I know Im not the only one, right? ... Every message I ever received from other people about Being Sensitive was that it was a bad thing. A weakness. That I should harden up. Be more sensible. Something I say a lot to my clients is theres a lot about being human that no one ever taught us. This is because most of our parents and grandparents didnt know any differently either. Weve grown up in a world that doesnt understand who we are as spiritual beings in physical form. Yet for those of us whove always been open and highly sensitive, for the most part weve been white knuckling our way through a world that thinks being too sensitive isnt a good idea. I know that personally I used to feel like the world was just too hard for me. Like I couldnt cope. It took me many years to figure out how to manage my energy and how to stop being overwhelmed by everyone elses feelings! Finally Ive written a course to help teach other empaths the lessons Ive learned. And Im running a free webinar to tell you more about the course. Head to the link in my bio to find out more, and book your spot. The link is also below:
01.01.2022 Hey everyone! I'm very excited to announce I'm running a webinar to talk about my upcoming program: Being Sensitive 101. The program offers those who are highly sensitive/empaths skills, techniques and information I've learned over many years to manage living in this world without feeling overwhelmed the whole dang time. So if you've ever wondered if you're an empath, or wanted to learn how to NOT feel all the feels of the world... then this webinar is for you.... The webinar will be held on Zoom. There'll be an opportunity to win a free spot on the course for live attendees. There'll also be other special offers for those who share on social media about the webinar, and a webinar pre-earlybird rate, too. If you can't attend live, it's a good idea to book a spot anyway as I'll be sending everyone who books a recording, and you'll be eligible for the webinar pre-earlybird rate for the course. Thw course has been years in the making. It will include information I've been teaching my clients 1:1 for years. I'm really looking forward to getting this information out there! It will be awesome if you can join me for the webinar!
01.01.2022 Im so on board with this. Im very much missing my own sessions, and I know my clients are, too. Theres a lot we can do with online sessions but its not the same as whats possible in-person. My clients know the value of the work that Kinesiologists and other complementary practitioners do. Complementary therapies are desperately needed for physical, emotional and mental health. As we know, theyre all the same thing anyway. ... I do not support the decision to keep us from doing our jobs at a time when people need us the most.
01.01.2022 The doors are open for the very first round of my online program: Being Sensitive 101! Some of my clients know that Ive been talking about delivering this course for years now. It contains a lot of content that Ive been teaching my clients in 1:1 sessions about how to come to terms with being an empath in a world that doesnt value emotions and feelings, and thinks that energy is a woo woo thing. ... It offers insights, skills, techniques and ways to develop your awareness around what you feel. Importantly it also helps you to work out how to roll down the shutters, as I like to call it. In other words, you can learn to have control over what you feel, instead of being at the mercy of the feels of the world around you. I know this is doable because its what I had to learn how to do in order to function as a Kinesiologist and avoid burnout. Head over to my website if youd like to learn more about the program: Early bird rate applies until 27th September! Get $100 off the full cost of the program. I also did a webinar to explain in more detail and I can send you a link to watch the replay if youre interested. Get in touch if youd like to know more! Im super excited to launch the very first round of this program and I look forward to working with those who feel called to join me.
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