Reveal training | Sport & fitness instruction
Reveal training
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25.01.2022 I started my health and fitness journey in a pretty negative mind frame about my own image. I wasn’t happy with how I looked or how my behaviours were destructive, binge eating and drinking and feeling awful afterwards! I initially did the whole cut carbs and all bad foods and cardio cardio cardio which gave me a really nasty relationship with weight loss and the feeling that it was SO HARD and so UNENJOYABLE and I quickly would rebound and yo yo diet. - It wasn’t until ...I discovered weight training, building muscle that increases your metabolism and allowed to eat even more and taking the flexible dieting approach to food so I never felt I was missing out. It honestly felt easy the weight kept coming off and I just couldn’t believe how much I had struggled over the years and I was just so uneducated ! - I’ve been super skinny for a comp and then also gained weight for a healthier body fat levels and I’ve maintained that. I’m so confident and proud and happy with my lifestyle and I am so passionate to help others. I don’t want ANYONE to struggle as I once did. - Let me show you there’s a DIFFERENT way #weightsforwomen #flexibledieting #fatloss #transformation #personaltraining
25.01.2022 One of my go to low calorie dieting desserts The trifle variation ! Super filling and one serve is about 80 calories yes please ! I have used frozen berries before but fresh is much nicer !! One or two punnets of raspberries works a treat ! ... I use 10 Savoiardi biscuits, can break them up. Place at the bottom of a big bowl and then pour 1 litre (2 jelly sachets ) ontop to cover and add the berries and put it in the fridge. This makes 6 serves (big bowls! Or even more for smaller portions and less cals!) Service with your light whipped cream about 10 g worth and enjoy
25.01.2022 6 months of ass busting gains . @danikaleagold We just compared these photos today and the composition change is really evident. Can’t not be stoked with that.... Building shape takes a lot of time! A lot of learning good execution and technique and I most certainly will take credit for teaching my girls how to isolate and get those glutes working Happy coach ! Love helping Shape the booties of the hard working ladies !
25.01.2022 Week 4> Week 1 on the right . Bulgarian split squats are one of my FAVOURITE leg exercises. They are also probably one of the hardest. Using a rack like this for stability purposes is amazing! Really allows you to focus on the working leg, the knee tracking nicely in line with the toes and just getting 100 percent out of the exercise without the stability being the issue here. @jas_l87 Started her first week at 3 sets of 10kg for 10 reps with these, today 4th week she has ...smashed out 18 kg for ten reps for a whole 5 sets!! Absolute I think the leg gains and shape she’s created are proof of her hard work. These staple exercises will REMAIN in the program, we simply progress by adding a 2 second PAUSE in the stretch position next month
25.01.2022 YAY YAY YAY I am so proud to show off this hard worker Honestly her progress in just a few weeks is incredible. Ana picks up exercise execution really quickly and has the ability to contract the right muscles and control the weights so so well! She knows more weight doesn’t necessarily mean better if the reps suck- greater control and execution is where the best results lie! Fitting in 4 weights sessions a week, seeing me 2X per week and even getting up early (5.30 am s...ession ) to hit her goals! Starting out with a back injury we are building up nice and steadily, incorporating unilateral exercises such as this single arm press is adding in extra core stability work alongside key basics like dead bugs, planks, farmers/suitcase carries. Here’s to continuing our journey together, getting stronger every week and NO MORE BACK PAIN. Can’t wait to see you in that dress on your 21st yes girl let’s do this #strengthtraining #transformation #strongnotskinny #weightsforwomen #bodyrecomposition #hardworkpaysoffs #personaltraining
24.01.2022 Lying leg curl tips and tricks: 1) when holding on to the handles I want you to pull hard on them and imagine your elbows tucking in towards your sides. This helps activate our lats and create a tight back. 2) the pelvic tilt/thrust. We want to squeeze our glutes and thrust our hips (tilt pelvis under) into the pad. This helps keep our back from taking over the movement and seeing excessive hips lifting up! ... 3) don’t forget to brace your abs and core- imagine we are being punched in the stomach haha. As you can see, we reach failure when the hamstrings refuse to go up any higher, we don’t let any of the above tips go and cheat reps. Keep those hips thrust forward, back pulled tight and those abs braced. That way we know it’s all hamstring work ! Just because we are on a machine we have to still know how to use it properly ! Otherwise it is far less effective and who likes wasting the most valuable resource of time ? Not me ! So try these tips and see how much less weight you can actually lift when it’s purely hamstring targeted and no cheating
24.01.2022 PATIENCE and CONSISTENCY is the key to long term success. Changing your body shape and composition takes time! On the right, Juliet was doing purely cardio/ Hiit style weights training. 5 days a week for 30-45 minutes. She didn’t have knowledge of macros, on protein intake and could not shift any weight she wanted. Flash forward to now, months later, training only 4 x per week full body WEIGHTED workouts and she is finally creating the shape she wants. ... As you age it does become more difficult to put on muscle, you are more limited in exercise if you have injuries and we have to work around these. Juliet has knee issues and elbow tendinitis. But she’s still absolutely KILLED IT!!
24.01.2022 There is never a perfect time to start- it’s a long journey to get to your end destination so let’s get started NOW. Stop saying Tomorrow or Next week because we all know tomorrrow never comes. We have to MAKE IT HAPPEN! ... Come work with me for one on one PT sessions and let’s have some fun whilst getting your ultimate bod NEW clients can still access the $100 dollar per week x 8 weeks package deal. Including personalised macros and meal plan (to individual taste), 2x one on one hourly PT sessions per week as well as an additional personalised training program to follow from home/gym accessed via an app. So much value to get you started !
23.01.2022 Set your goals high. You really can do anything you put your mind to. Don’t undersell yourself. Do it for YOU. Be your own cheerleader and cheer yourself all the way to the finish line . I’ve always got big dreams and goals I’m working towards. Set yourself a challenge and go out and get it ! #fitness #growth #muscles #girlswholift #strongnotskinny #weightsforwomen #bikinicompetitor #wbff #wbffaustralia
23.01.2022 Age is just a number ! Only getting started into lifting weights (outside of a body pump class) well into her 50’s has been the best decision Juliet has made ! Left pic= after weights , more food then ever Right pic= cardio bunny salads only lol She loves that she doesn’t slog it out for 45 minutes dying on the treadmill or the rpm bike and enjoys the feeling of being strong!... She can squat 55kg, trap bar deadlift 80kg, bench 35 kg and shoulder press 25kg for reps! That’s a lot of weight ! She hasn’t become the hulk she has a lovely bikini frame ! She only wishes she started 20 years ago to get the full benefits and not be so restricted by age related factors like her dodgy knees and elbows So don’t leave it to late guys! Now is the time, make the best decision and investment in yourself that you will praise yourself for in years to come.!! It’s not just about what we look like, it’s improving our quality of life! Our enjoyment of exercise, our nourishment from food and our ability to perform everyday tasks without pain and stiffness as we grow older
23.01.2022 Muscle growth is determined by your calorie intake !! Putting on muscle and getting big or growing requires you to eat a lot and in a surplus of your daily calories to gain weight. Here I went from 2200 calories on the left including cardio to around 2700 calories a day on the right with no cardio.... If you DONT want to get any bigger or more muscle it’s a simple as controlling your calorie intake to NOT be eating in such a surplus. If you always eating at maintenance or cutting trust me you won’t get jacked and look huge. You can stay looking lean and softer with a bit of tone from consistent years of lifting. Or if you are like me and you want all the muscle and shape then eat up girls because it’s the one route to get you where you want to be !
23.01.2022 Eyes closed training was something I started using without even realising it on certain exercises. My coach and mentor @primaleducation further encouraged a lot of this and reinforced the benefits. On many exercises by closing our eyes and removing other distractions we can get a really good ability to focus our attention on the muscle we want to contract and work. ... We control the weight better, slower, and develop that mind to muscle connection. It’s harder to rush your reps with your eyes closed. Give it a go- obviously on suitable stable exercises not on walking lunges please guys See how you feel when you tune out from everything else going on and have a pure focus on your reps at hand!
22.01.2022 But lifting weights will make me bulky NO. Just NO You get bulky because you overeat calories in excess, or take steroids.... Gaining lots of muscle mass is a long slow process. You don’t pick up a weight and suddenly become SWOLE with veins in your arms and huge thickness to your physique haha. I was initially scared to lift heavier because I didn’t understand this as a newbie gym go-er. It’s been 3 years between photos, I lift weights 4-5 times a week !! I most certainly don’t have crazy bulky legs haha. I look bigger when I’m fatter and full of carbs. If I want to look leaner and smaller, just eat less. You will NOT become the hulk by moving some weights. It will actually be the BEST thing you can do for your metabolism abs body composition. Go pick up some heavy things and reap the rewards !!
22.01.2022 GROW GROW GROW your peach ! Cheaper then surgery - weightlifting It’s a longer process but dam worth it !! Love helping all my girls get buns of steel If you need some help with training, programming, exercise execution, nutrition pretty much anything fitness and bodybuilding related reach out ! ... This is my absolute passion and love and I am here to help . Let’s get everyone moving towards their goals and feeling like a dam QUEEN
22.01.2022 The valsalva manoeuvre and how it helps protect your spine when you are lifting heavy weights.
22.01.2022 IS DEADLIFTING FROM THE GROUND SUITABLE FOR YOU?? Not everyone can perform a conventional deadlift from the ground. Their body mechanics does not allow for it! Look at my neutral spine, this is safe to pull from. On the right, my client jasmine has exceeded her Active range of motion and is showing lumbar rounding. She has shorter femurs and a longer torso- she runs out out hip flexion at this depth. It is NOT suitable to pull from the floor here. ... Now we have options. 1) pulling from blocks, where we elevate the barbell slightly so she can pull within her active range using a CONVENTIONAL stance. This will bias the glutes the most. 2) Taking a wider stance semi-sumo (not FULL sumo, think more like squat width). Which will give us that more Range of motion, but will mean the adductors are performing a bit more of the work and slightly less glutes are biased. I LOVE learning from each individual I work with, finding the best solution for them. Following a standard program not designed SPECIFICALLY for you is not the best approach. You have to know how what exercises YOU can perform and what will work best for YOU! #deadlifts #conventional #fitness #personaltrainer #biomechanics #health #strongnotskinny #girlswholift
21.01.2022 YESS little boss girl ! YEAR END PERSONAL RECORD of 75 kg !! This is about BODYWEIGHT x 1.7! strong girl. Goal next year is 90 kg so twice times bodyweight !! I didn’t tell her it was this weight, sometimes mentally you can psych yourself out if you think it’s to heavy that you can’t do it. ... Your belief in your ability to lift and move something is directly related to whether or not you will actually achieve it ! If you think it’s a weight you’ve done before, you are more likely to get the job done ! As you can see it’s okay to fail - you don’t know what your capable of unless you try. New program and Deload from heavy lifts starts next week. We don’t push this training week in and out. Yay congratulations miss Alex ! The most bad ass kindergarten teacher I know @alexandriahills
21.01.2022 Rehab work: You know it really isn’t fun. It’s the nasty little stuff. The concentration required for stabilisation, the little muscles burning. The boring stuff. The necessary stuff. But you know what’s also not fun? Not being able to train movements you LOVE. Being STIFF / SORE. ... Not achieving muscle growth results because of your body’s limitations. My back and QL tightness gets out of control. It isn’t fair that this is my limiting factor. I can’t progress my training fast like others can, it’s going to take longer for me to achieve goals that I want that others can get in weeks/months. I can get frustrated, I can have a cry some days about it. I can be disheartened and disappointed when I get one step forward to take one step back.But it’s the cards I have been dealt. We are all dealt different cards and different struggles we need to overcome. We all have our weaknesses and our strengths. We all have different work necessary to do to achieve our goal! My work is, I need to spend just as much time stretching, paying for massages and release, doing rehabilitative work as I do trying to train heavy and achieve my muscle growth goals. It’s ALOT more time than a healthy bodied person has to spend on an equivalent goal. But I LOVE my journey! I won’t ever throw in the towel and say well I can’t do this and I can’t do that so I may aswell not bother. Or I can’t see any progress because I can’t physically lift more. Nope no way. Never a quitter. Giving up is worse than not achieving it. So whatever your struggle is guys, do the extra work necessary to overcome it! Do your stretches, do your rehab work, track your food, increase your steps, get a massage and look after your body the best you can and let it serve you and enjoy the ride of the ups and the downs and the successes and the failures. It’s always all about the JOURNEY
20.01.2022 Deadlift execution tips: Not everyone can pull from the ground first of all. So I don’t start clients here ! Karen has years of training history and has performed them for a while with good technique ! Left image: this is our starting point- our feet are facing forwards neutral not rotated and around hips distance apart. we want to push our glutes and hamstrings far away behind us and create as much tension in these muscles as we can. We will have a relatively vertical shin ...angle when we do this ! (We would probably benefit by adding a small 1 inch blocks under the plates for Karen to lift from here giving her even greater hip extension but hey ho nothing’s always perfect!). Always film your sets and check for neutral spine, no bum or back rounding or tucking under and don’t forget : engage those lats !! Tight back (bend the bar behind you, or shoulder blades in your back pockets before pressing the floor away. Middle pic: at the top, this is where we see many people make the mistake of overextending and leaning far backwards! No no pls think stand up tall or head to ceiling only ! Not pulling backwards and leaning back as this is just back injuries waiting to happen. Right photo: here is where we start our descent- note training for non powerlifting purposes we DO NOT drop the weight- we get a lot of eccentric tension and muscle damage on the way down so don’t waste those reps ! Start your descent by thinking of pushing your hips and bum back again to the wall behind you, with a slight bend in your knee starting to happen like in an RDL. Once you run out of hip extension (bum not pushing back anymore) then we sit down! The position we start in should be identical to the position we finish in !
20.01.2022 Make your own pizza bases! : I’m a sucker for a pizza or a burger and love making my own. For pizza bases we use:... 250 g natural Greek yogurt 250 g self raising flour Some salt to flavour Mix well and flour a surface to roll it out into about 3 thinner round pizzas Pre-bake them slightly before putting the toppings on and finishing them off in the oven delicious! #healthy #fitness #homemadepizza #food #yummy #delicious
20.01.2022 Where there is a will there is a way !! Dominique has shoulder issues and we cannot place weight on her back ! No squats, barbell lunges, hack squat machine etc. so we have to find alternatives to hit the muscle groups and create enough tension in the legs to stimulate growth ... Non back loading exercises that we use include : Bulgarian split squats, Lunge variations, Leg press, 45 degree hyperextension RDL’s Straddle lifts Hip thrusts That’s a lot of options and variations ! We don’t need to lift heavy deadlifts, squat/lunge with a barbell using big weights for growth. There are many ways to skin a cat and achieve the results you are after. I’m always willing to work with clients around injuries and find the BEST way for them to train to get the changes we are after
19.01.2022 LAUNCHING THIS WEEK ! AFFORDABLE ONE ON ONE PERSONAL TRAINING. This is the perfect time to begin working towards your health and fitness goals! Whether that is losing those few covid kilos or regaining strength - let me help you ! ... All from a newly set up fully equipped home gym in BENOWA. Train without waiting for machines, play your own music and focus is 100 percent on YOU- no distractions! Private message for details on location and book in your FIRST FREE SESSION !
18.01.2022 Want to grow and shape up your booty? I love teaching women how to really target and work those glutes- I’ll help you feel them working like never before A program is only as great as your ability to execute it. You can follow the best program in the world, but if you don’t know how to properly perform the exercises and target the right muscles then you just won’t get the best results you are after. ... Learning from a PT is honestly second to none. I would NOT have achieved half of what I have done without the help and knowledge from MULTIPLE different coaches and trainers. It’s an investment in myself that’s well worth the cost ! Reach out if you need some guidance and help in the gym - it’s my favourite thing to do, teach, educate and help you improve
18.01.2022 Please don’t be afraid of food girls, don’t overtrain, over do cardio etc. Make healthy sustainable changes to your lifestyle. Nourish your body not punish it. I am so passionate about helping everyone on their journey and helping you avoid the mistakes that I too once made. ... We all start somewhere. There’s never a perfect right time , we just have to dive in and take one baby step after the other
18.01.2022 Who else is already getting excited for 2021 and everything to come ?!? I’ll be reaching out soon to those of you who have enquired about training and getting on board team reveal. Get ready to work hard and reap the results! We are going to do some amazing things together ... Now enjoy the rest of the year and your holidays everyone
18.01.2022 Who loves a good breakfast stack of sugarfree healthy pancakes ?? - Some serious pre workout fuel here ! Filling and nutritious homemade pancakes! ... 1 banana 2 eggs 1/4 cup rolled oats 1/2 scoop protein powder Blend and fry on medium heat! I use coconut oil spray to fry (so less oil reduces calories) For the toppings I use a big handful of frozen berries with some stevia ontop and heat it in the microwave for 1 minute. Drizzle approx 15 g creamy natural peanut butter and go to chow town (Bega smooth in glass jar is my fav) #breakfast #wholefoodpancake #healthyeating #proteinpancake #personaltraining #macrofriendly
18.01.2022 Can’t wait to see this girl back in the gym ! One of the hardest workers I know- she can tolerate and push past more pain than I can endure myself. Super amazing ! I love lots of bulgarian variations... we get such a great range and stretch on the glutes , they really help build some epic legs and if your willing to put the grind in on these you will get some great results
17.01.2022 Intensity of your training matters ! @jas_l87 always has the ability to dig so damn deep and push hard to places many people don’t want to go! Our body is screaming messages of we can’t possibly do more , it’s to heavy it’s too hard it hurts please stop. ... We have to mentally fight back, fight what your brain is trying to tell you about what HARD is. REDEFINE your level of discomfort, find what you are TRULY capable of. SURPRISE YOURSELF! You will be amazed at what you can really endure. These tough sets are the building blocks of some serious shape and definition. Getting a bikini body is so much more challenging then what you may think. Food is key for your composition yes, but your training matters too! Train hard, eat well, and you will get the body of your dreams that many wish they could do! I’m going to help you all push to the next level. Stop wishing and start doing. Team reveal are going to murder 2021 #intenseworkout #legday #legpress #personaltraining #girlswholift #weightsforwomen #strong #strongnotskinny #fitness
17.01.2022 Fun Fact about me : Last year I thought I’d challenge myself physically and run the 10 K Gold Coast marathon. Given it relatively fit I thought I’d be ok, the week prior did a ten KM run outside round Southport park run and smashed in under an hour felt so proud.... Little did I know running uses a lot of muscles that I don’t actually train. LOL wake up next morning and welcome to pain. I couldn’t walk properly for a week hahajajajaj. Oh and then I missed the actual marathon that I had signed and paid up for Like in everything in life- we live and learn. Tell me something silly or funny you have done in your fitness and health journeys !!??
17.01.2022 This is what makes me so happy Seeing clients get STRONG and lifting weights they have never moved before ! It’s so rewarding as a PT. Absolutely love my job Karen is a little powerhouse she only weighs 53 kg and today she squatted 70 kg ... She is also a beast Muay Thai fighter so I be careful not to give her to hard workouts incase she comes back to beat my butt @karenyvd All the food and all the gains so proud of you sticking to your training and giving it everything you go girl
16.01.2022 Remember life is most certainly about balance ! Here is me training hard and also eating a giant calorie dense burger When rapid fat loss/ body composition changes isn’t your main goal it is OK to have these things! You can most certainly eat a burger out and stay within your weekly calorie budget. This means having the burger and not gaining fat win win. ... You could also lose body fat doing this, if you mindfully restricted calories for a few days prior to burger eating party haha. This is the beauty of understanding calories and your own daily calorie expenditure/ bodies requirements. The amazing thing about building muscle is that it INCREASES our basal metabolic rate. Which means your body literally burns more calories (and energy) at rest and when performing simple everyday tasks like walking, standing, fidgeting etc. More muscle= we turn into calorie burning machines !! This is one of the main benefits of strength training. If you love eating like me, enjoy building some muscle because then you can eat even more fat whilst maintaining a healthier body composition. How good is life burgers and weights lol I’m sold
16.01.2022 Deadlift day ! Here is an example workout from Jasmine’s current program. The main lift we are building strength in is her deadlift this session with 4 sets of 6 heavy reps. Building weight from 70 to 77.5 kg top set.... Workout: 4X 6 deadlifts Superset with 4X 8-10 heel elevated lunges 1+1/4 rep 4X 8 reps B stance bridges 1+1/4 rep Superset with 4 x 10 heel elevated goblet squats 1+1/4 rep at bottom Finished with 3 sets of glute focused hyperextension for 12-15 reps More posterior (glute and hamstring work this session with a little bit of quads). I like to hit all 3 muscle groups every session for my girls.
16.01.2022 LEG PRESS: The leg press is a fantastic lower body exercise, placing the feet slightly (only slightly not excessively) higher and wider on the machine will also really help to hit the glutes and hamstrings in the lengthened position. -... It’s important to get a GOOD range of motion, I love seeing knees get to at least 90 degrees. Leave your ego at the door and focus on nice deep controlled reps. - However, when getting deep in the movement you must ensure your back does NOT rise up off the pad, the pelvis must be secure and stable not lifting off otherwise reduce your range as it is too deep for YOU. - When performing the movement use the handles to really pull yourself down into the seat and create stability, take a big deep breath to fill your lungs at the top and hold the breath until you push to the top again. Begin by lowering the weight slowly, focus on pushing through the whole foot. At the top do not lock knees out, keep them with a soft little bend. Breathing and bracing the core is VERY underrated. It makes absolutely huge differences to Protecting the back . - This is a relatively stable and safe machine to reallly use to push your legs to the MAX. I would place these typically later on in the workout and go for more higher reps such as 12-20 reps. Love the burn and get pressing to build some epic legs #legpress #personaltraining #girlswholift #strongnotskinny #fitness
16.01.2022 TEMPO squats: Tempo is an extremely under-utilised tool in training. Everyone focuses on sets reps and weight but forgets about the control, the pauses in the shortened or lengthened position, the time spent on the eccentric (lengthening/stretching) portion of the lift. The Eccentric part of the movement causes ALOT of muscular damage and micro tears which helps promote growth. You also really really learn to focus on good form when you practice controlling the movement. ... Controlled Eccentrics also mean you have the ability to use less weight on the bar but achieve more muscular tension. Thats Another form of progressive overload essential for gains. Why are we always chasing a heavier weight ? Why not chase the MOST work with the LEAST amount of weight for a change ? If you are at a stale point in your training unable to improve certain lifts then time for a change! Try incorporating some 3-4 second eccentric work in your training for a few weeks, incorporate pauses where appropriate ! See how strong you get and watch your bodies ability to contract the target muscles increase ten fold #eccentrictraining #controlledsquats #squats #legday #timeundertension #gains #girlswholift #strongnotskinny
16.01.2022 Haaaappy fri-YAY!! I love the food for thought conversations I get to have with my clients. Yesterday me and @danikaleagold had a good old chat about people commenting on your weight loss.... We thought it’s rather funny how people still refer to FAT LOSS as WEIGHT loss. Because truth be told, our weight is not purely just our fat is it ? We have water and bones and muscles and lots of other bodily parts that make up our weight. FAT and WEIGHT are totally different things really ! In the bodybuilding community I really appreciate the way we talk about our bodies, we use words like LEANER (not skinnier) to describe the process of losing some body fat and having more tone and definition on show. We talk about periods of gaining some essential body fat or putting on some body fat and gaining muscle. We don’t view ourselves as fatter or skinnier or gaining weight = all fat gain , or losing weight = all fat loss. Because we know it isn’t true ! It’s good to continue to educate people. Let’s stop using you’ve lost weight to describe someone getting LEANER or STRONGER Because remember, we can weight exactly the same at points in time yet have totalllyyyy different body compositions
15.01.2022 PULL UPS: There is no better feeling than doing pull ups. It’s an absolute test of strength to move your bodyweight and guaranteed to make you feel like a BOSS. I love seeing my girls get STRONG and celebrating their wins with them . ... If you can’t do a pull up yet, get a heavy band, keep doing banded pulls from all the different pulling angles (neutral, pronated and supinated). Eccentric training will be your best friend too- jump up or use a box/step and then let your bodyweight and gravity slowly lower yourself down. Goal is to progressively take longer to get down! To get strength in the bottom position for the pull , you can use HEAVY lat pull downs, performing even HALF range lat pull downs with a weight that’s TOO heavy for you to fully do a rep is a great way to build that initial pulling strength Who wants to get STRONG ?
15.01.2022 This weekends reminder : Skinnier and lighter does not equate to being happier. I gained 8kg of scale weight from the right pic to the left. My thighs rub together now and I don’t hate it ... I get to eat so much more food now, I have more freedom. I train less, I don’t have to cardio and I am still super happy. Gaining weight doesn’t have to be a bad thing or mean you are doing something wrong or being unhealthy etc etc. Always hoping to inspire and motivate you guys to embrace whatever number the scale says it is only a tool to track it doesn’t mean poop. Have a great weekend everyone
15.01.2022 We can’t compare calories ! What works for one will not work for another- they are TOTALLY individualised. The same goes for macros! - you don’t know what training program or plan someone is doing and why their nutritional goals are structured as so! Our daily energy requirements depends on many factors, including our own bodies weight, our activity level (in steps), how often we exercise, what percentage of our bodies are fat vs. muscle and we also need to consider how our b...ody reacts when fed more- everyones metabolism can respond differently ! Some people have very efficient (slower) metabolisms that when calories are cut energy gets preserved very well as well when calories increase their body stores this energy (fat) very easily too! Other metabolisms are inefficient, when you are over fed the calories get used up really quickly from extra activity like fidgeting ! These people have the easiest time getting lean and staying lean, but putting on size and gaining weight is challenging ! These are a couple of the metabolism types out there - it takes time to figure out what works for you- some trial and error as well as on my part as we learn how your body responds and reacts! This is why sticking with a coach for a longer period is going to be best for you. You have the data and information (hopefully if they’ve been paying you any form of proper attention lol ) on your activity level, your weights, steps and food level to understand the machine that is your body and how it runs !
15.01.2022 Extreme dieting: I remember this feeling, this photo was a day before my first bodybuilding bikini show. I can tell you now this is NOT how I would want to look year round. The feeling is CRAP! Our bodies don’t want to be this lean. We need essential healthy body fat. I was more then happy to quickly gain a few KG and look healthy again. ... But what I can say is that I UNDERSTAND how to cope with hunger, certain strategies CAN make dieting MUCH easier when used ! My favourite dieting hacks/tips for coping with a period of fat loss: 1) start eating as late as possible. I push my first meal of the day out as late as I physically can (before neasua from hunger kicks in) this might be 6 hours post waking up. This is because I then have a shorter window for consuming more food to feel fuller for the rest of the day and this worked well for me. 2) a reduction in FLEXIBLE fun foods. I can tell you now, when you are starving- like really starving. The enjoyment you get from a simple banana or an apple or some potato is JUST as amazing as what a piece of chocolate might taste like to you now. I am VERY mindful of what foods I choose to use my calories on. Your calories are minimal- get the most filling high fibre foods possible you can in. 3) sweetener drinks/ jelly lite / sugarfree hot chocolate. These were my flexible desserts not a dessert really as such, but something sweet that may only use up under 100 MAXIMUM calories in my day I would allow for if those cravings really kicked in. 4) fluids fluids fluids, drink a lot of water !! Herbal teas, fruity teas, a long black coffee with a splash of almond milk or a tea. You will be surprised how we can trick out stomach into feeling fuller by filling it with a lot more liquid ! 5) as you get leaner (lower body fat) our body produces greater amounts of hunger hormones. So we start to feel hungrier and hungrier. When I hit this point, at the last few weeks of a prep it is actually quite useful for me to use really plain bland food. If I made something delicious and oh so tasty, you really really have a giant urge to over consume. Basic foods win.
14.01.2022 @danikaleagold let’s watch this team reveal babe get strong and build her shape Thankyou so much for trusting me, for letting me feed you more food than your comfortable with and being brave on this new journey! We’re going to train hard, eat and fuel ourself well and witness the miracle that is body re composition !! ... Let’s get this done
14.01.2022 SHOULDERS: We do a lot of pressing , lateral raise variations and rear delt work building a bikini X shape frame. Age really is just a number, you can start lifting at any age- but we must take it slow ! It’s a marathon not a sprint. ... I like to build weights slowly, we use tempo- pauses, slow eccentrics, quarter reps etc before progressing up again to heavier weights. You need to strengthen the tendons and ligaments and joints as well as building more muscle if you want to prevent injuries from occurring. Juliet is such a hard worker - she’s built some amazing arm shape and strength and recently told me a story how she is now motivating and pushing the other women in her gym A lady commented impressed with her 10 kg weights, whilst she was only lifting 4kg. Juliet asked her how long she had been doing this weight and the woman replied over one year!! Well then it must definitely be time to increase now then isn’t it ! It’s great to see others inspiring and encouraging others, you must keep progressing if you want results we can’t do the same weights and reps week in week out and expect changes ! keep working hard Juliet and keep motivating and inspiring others. Very proud
14.01.2022 Foood + Training : A lot of women are so surprised by the amount of food you can eat and actually lose weight. Learning to track calories and macros may seem daunting and time consuming g initially. But think- this is saving you years down the rabbit hole of yo yo dieting unable to maintain your body weight or gaining fat losing fat and gaining again. Once you learn the quantity and content of a lot of your food choices if becomes so much easier to prepare meals you know are well balanced, contain enough nutrients and enough calories to nourish your body to MAINTAIN/ LOSE fat depending on your goal. Tracking doesn’t need to be forever!! It’s a teaching tool! Learn the basics to one day take control of your food choices and your body weight !
13.01.2022 I am SO damn proud of everyone working so hard on reaching their goals. 6 weeks progress here, 4 times a week training full body. No crazy diets, no restricting food groups, a few naughty days of drinks and weekend away but still making some epic progress. My client is also dealing with an under active thyroid making weight loss even more challenging. ... Currently beginning medication this week will definitely help us see even more progress and increases in energy to come! Weight loss can be much easier and more enjoyable when you are given the right tools. A few simple changes to your nutrition and eating behaviours and voila let the magic happen! Can’t wait to see what more changes we bring in the months to come ! amazing work girl lets keep this momentum rolling #fatloss #transformation #weightsforwomen #strengthtraining #personaltraining
13.01.2022 This week I want you all to dedicate at least 10-15 minutes of stretching 2-3 times this week - either at the end of your workout or on your rest days. This is something I do religiously , as well as getting a full deep tissue massage weekly. Your recovery is just as important as your training. I’ve had 2 clients recently have niggles and discomfort training all stemming from overworked muscles that are super tight ! ... Stretch those hamstrings and glutes, use a foam roller as well for tight quads and remember, the better you recover the less likely we are to have an injury and can continue to perform and train at our best !
13.01.2022 We all started somewhere. I was never a super fit person. Loved eating out, love my sweets and binged drinking and hated any physical activity that got my heart rate up and involved sweating haha- I was just lazy, the more unfit you are the more simple tasks get difficult and the less energy I found I had for daily chores. - Lifting weights changed my life, it was a form of exercise I enjoyed, something that challenged me that I could get competitive with myself about and al...lowed me to lose the weight I always wanted to. It still surprises me how I manage to get away with eating so much and not putting on a lot of fat anymore. Building muscle and shape is an incredible thing. It’s a slow journey but every step is an amazing one. I can’t wait to show others how much fun it can be and how we can create YOUR version of YOUR ideal body. (Not everyone wants to put on as much muscle or size as me and that’s perfectly fine! You train to reach your own goals and that’s what I’m here to help you with!) The main way to avoid putting on additional muscle mass is simply don’t eat an excess of calories (if your body is not in a caloric surplus it will not want to use energy to build muscle). So with this in mind it always makes me laugh how women automatically assume lifting a lot of weights makes them automatically big- no lifting a lot of weights, for years on end, consuming adequate protein, AND eating in a caloric surplus is what helps make you bulk #tranformation #motivation #ificandoitsocanyou #fatloss #musclegain #fitness #personaltrainer #girlswholift #strongnotskinny
12.01.2022 I wanted to show an example of 2 different individuals responses to dieting. Remember- we are all individual !! Our bodies all respond differently. What works for one, may not work for another ! This is why we can’t blindly copy what calories our friend or influencer has or what macros they used to achieve their results.... Fat loss is a result of more calories expended than consumed. It’s scientifically proven that is the only way to achieve fat loss. More energy OUT than energy IN! The key thing to remember here is that FAT LOSS does NOT always directly correlate with SCALE weight loss. Our scale weight can be impacted by factors such as our level of stress and water retention. It could be due to poor sleep, you may have had high sodium in a meal, you may be due for your monthly cycle ! So many reasons behind water retention. Some individuals respond a lot better to dieting than others. Some may see a continual gradual decline in scales and some may be all over the place ! So do not panic and have your attachment of success to the number you see ! Have faith ! Both of these clients are heading in the exact RIGHT direction! A GENERAL downward trend is perfect ! Don’t panic for your ups and downs of the journey and don’t compare your path with someone else’s ! Have faith in the process and follow the plan because you do get to the result you are after with patience and perseverance Lots of hard work behind both these changes :) proud of my girls
12.01.2022 HACK SQUAT VARIATION: Introducing the landmine hack squat! These bad boys are killer for the quads and legs. If you hate the hack machine or don’t have access to one try these ! They honestly feel so incredible comfortable and a natural arc of movement you will love it ! Make sure your feet are far forward enough so you can lean back against the weight (no clips on the bar) and drive up and back. ... Higher reps suited here- 10 to 15 will work nicely. Alternatively for extra death by quads add a 1/4 rep at the bottom range of motion. (Lengthened position). Another way to increase resistance at the TOP would be to BAND it using a rubber band around the bar and then your feet. #landminehacksquat #quads #legday #muscle #strong #gains #hacksquatvariation #personaltrainer #fitness
12.01.2022 Do you know WHY your elevating your front foot? How a reverse lunge helps target the glutes in their lengthened (stretched) position? This video is for you !
10.01.2022 Nev had a few rehab goals when coming to work with me - knee pain, plantar fasciitis and just an overall body stiffness that comes with getting older (so he told me ) and struggling with tasks like getting in and out the car in the morning . This step up version is actually incredible difficult, we are building stability at the hips and working on getting all the lower body muscles coordinating and working together . They’re fantastic to help reduce knee pain, we start w...ith a smaller box and build up to a higher step as we progress. Nev loves to play tennis and recently played his first game in a long time and told me he was running around and playing like he was 20 years old again! He won the match and he wasn’t even sore the day after, his serves didn’t cause him pain and he felt strong . It’s amazing what strength training can do for the body. 2 times a week for 60 mins is all nev has been doing as well as his physio/stretches prescribed for him. I love any clients who see physios to keep me in the loop, tell me your injuries/ issues and what your physio recommends you to build and strengthen and we incorporate this all into your exercise routine. It isn’t always purely about aesthetic changes, remember we exercise for so many health purposes !!
10.01.2022 FULL DAY OF EATING @ approx 2000 calories. The great thing with flexible dieting is the ability to create meals you LOVE that also benefit your goal. I like to keep it simple, stick with similar meals I know I like and recreate with little variations. If I want an ice cream or chocolate I also incorporate that into my day- but not everyday do I feel like this. Yesterday I was happy with my muesli bar and salted caramel yogurt (this flavour is 10/10 delicious)!! ... - this is a DEFECIT of calories for me. This is how I eat to LOSE FAT. I am by no means starving. I use a lot of FiBROUS foods, slower digesting foods and have a higher protein intake than usual for both satiety purposes and maintaining muscle mass. - protein smoothies are great for sweet tooth’s too. In mine I add fats like chia seeds (omega 3), avocado or a nut butter and frozen berries/banana with ALMOND milk to blend Pumpkin is also a great carbohydrate to use, very filling and lower in carbs and calories . Veggies I love a mix of raw and cooked throughout the day (not many know that when you cook veg at high temperatures this denatures a lot of the nutrients in it. The more raw the better really - leave your broccoli a bit crunchy lol!) #healthyeating #macrocounting #flexibledieting #eatingforfatloss #weightloss #carbsarelife @ Gold Coast, Queensland
09.01.2022 Never underestimate what you are capable of. Never. I remember the time in my life on the right photo clearly, I had lost a bunch of fat quite quickly. The guy I was seeing had cheated on me, I already had low self esteem. I never felt good enough, pretty enough, my boobs were to small, my nose was horrible, I had cellulite still bla bla you name it I spoke so horribly to myself . I could hardly eat at this time in my life, I felt sick on the daily and was stomaching some pro...tein shakes and the odd meal. It wasn’t healthy and it wasn’t good. I wasn’t happy. Remember fat loss doesn’t automatically make you healthier or happier, it doesn’t fix the root of your problems. I look at myself today with nothing but love. Proud of who I am, nothing negative or nasty to say to myself and this is how I want EVERYONE to feel. Through the gym , exercise and good nutrition I learnt how amazing my body was ! What it can do ! How strong it can feel ! How much fuel/food it can eat ! How mentally tough I was for getting through some tough workouts and days. These traits you learn about yourself completely can change your self esteem and confidence. It’s incredible. I don’t fear food, I don’t fear the scales or my weight, I don’t care about cellulite, I don’t care if I sit up and have some skin rolls. I can’t wait to continue watching other women grow into themselves. Grow in confidence and self love because I tell you- Nothing feels better than strong ! Mentally and physically- they are intertwined
09.01.2022 @sb_a68 come so far in only a few short months. 9 kg down and now we are smashing some more weighted work and building something serious strength Go Ana Go! 21st birthday incoming soon... let’s get it
08.01.2022 Protein smoothie 100 g mixed frozen berries 1 scoop vanilla protein 60 g avocado ... 10 g chia seeds Water to blend Remember- we don’t just eat fats for fats sake. Our body needs some essential fatty acids such as omega 3 that it cannot produce on its own! Omega 3 is usually under consumed in our diets, it is found in seeds like chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts . Omega 3 is also found in fatty fish like salmon and mackerel or sardines. Omega 3 has ANTI INFLAMMATORY effects ! Studies indicate that this fatty acid can help protect us against diseases like breast cancer, depression, ADHD and other inflammatory diseases. Our food is our Health! Not ONLY our body composition. avocados, another brilliant source of HEALTHY FATS . These contain niacin, folate, potassium, vitamin B5 and C that helps our brain and nervous system perform at its best . We all know strength training (low rep ranges ) requires a lot of mental focus and fires up our central nervous system- so it makes sense to assume eating fats like avocado that improves our nervous system function is Then ALSO going to help ensure we are as STRONG as possible too. It is ALL inter-related !! You want to perform your best ? Get the most muscle mass possible ? Be in the best body composition you can be and live the healthiest life possible ? You have to improve the quality and variety of your food ! Flexible dieting is great, yes. With everything in MODERATION! We still need to ensure the fats in our macros are predominantly from monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and then some saturated fats. Get the good stuff in guys ! All the nuts and seeds, avocados, olive oil, coconut oil. Etc etc. then think about adding chocolate/cheese/cream/ice cream and other less nutritionally beneficial fats ONCE YOUVE HIT THE GOOD STUFF
08.01.2022 12 weeks of gains !! Alex was my first ever client ! We have been working together for a long time now ! Since around April during lockdown I think the smile says it all ! Confidence is so darn good She follows her personalised training program 4 days a week doing 2 upper sessions and 2 lower sessions. She has been gaining around 1kg per month which is just awesome ! I have been using the bikini programming methods taught to me by @coach__carroll and they are working a... treat! Alex has almost the opposite goal of majority of women- putting on some healthy body fat! Getting stronger and building that booty . She quotes I just want my thighs to rub together 3 months later we can now confirm she has experienced some chafing hahahah and she is loving the thigh rub Although slightly regretting an expensive pair of Jean purchase which now takes her 10 minutes to try pull over her new found peach lol. So proud of my girls smashing it #personaltrainer #girlswholift #strongnotskinny #weightgain #gainsphase #bulking #musclegain #fitness #personaltraining #personaltraininggoldcoast
08.01.2022 @sb_a68 smashing her workouts
08.01.2022 A little look into my own transformation timeline over the years. The body is an incredible thing! What the mind believes the body can achieve! Beginning with fat loss, to muscle gain, to maintenance phase all achieving my desired result. ... What’s stopping you? What’s been holding you back? Why not start NOW! Put your thoughts and wants into action, let’s get to work people
08.01.2022 Last week of sessions and work for 2020 ! Eek so exciting. We are LOVING the upgraded and expanded gym, the new machines (45 degree back extension, hack squat and leg press combo) and I am looking forward to coming back in 2021 to keep smashing goals with everyone ! I wonder what upgrades we will get for next year
07.01.2022 POSING: Sometimes I think people don’t realise that you create a dramatic look and definition in your body shape from posing. Those unfamiliar with the bodybuilding world, competing or even I guess modeling where angles, posing and learning how to contort and create shape with their body is key- might not realise the big difference. I don’t walk around all day looking super huge and muscly. When everything’s relaxed and not turned on we look more like a normal human with nice shape. So don’t always fear those photos you see thinking oh gosh they’re so muscly and big I don’t want to be that big etc. in reality we don’t look like that 24/7!! It’s for a few seconds for a pose- bracing the core and really sucking in the stomach and abs to create a smaller waist line. Really turning on the quads and pushing them to show off the leg muscle. I promise u don’t look like that all day everyday me taking a post workout selfie where I’m FILLED with blood and a pump looking twice my size vs. where I’m natural and soft and relaxed. More feminine I guess on the day to day basis.
07.01.2022 UPDATED PRICES 2021: Hello team! As many of you know I upgraded the gym at the end of the last year and can now offer some different services than before, including a shared 2 on 1 session as well as shorter 30 minute sessions. The shorter sessions are targeted at those of you who are newer to weight training, and need less volume and rest time within your workouts. I would prefer beginners to do 2x 30 mins instead of a single 60 min. Like anything, routine and frequency wit...h training yields the fastest results ! My clients know how much I care for them, how much time and effort I give you with answering any questions and help you need outside of your training. I want to continue to provide this utmost care and attention for you all as well as continuing to upgrade equipment as needed and my own education which all costs me upwards of thousands of dollars. I love my job, I am not doing this for personal profit. I hope you all understand the necessary price increases and I look forward to a HUGE 2021 with achieving incredible results for you all .
06.01.2022 Upper body day for lil beast @alexandriahills ! Girls have to train upper too home gym style
06.01.2022 Active range of motion in a RDL: The most common thing I hear when performing RDL’s is that they hurt your back! It is sooo very normal to overextend, to go too deep and as such it is your back and erectors that initiate the movement instead of your glutes and hamstrings like we want! Pay careful attention to when your glutes and hips stop pushing back away from the bar and to the wall(or simply behind you). That is the end point ! Extending deeper is not going to be our frie...nd! We all have different ranges of hip extension so you can’t blindly say -when the bar is around shin height etc as we all differ in lengths of limbs and so on! So film yourself (on the left is where I told my client Juliet to STOP) on the right you can see she is hinging too far forward- if anything her glutes and hamstrings are now at an even shorter distance to the bar and it is her back starting the lift up! Not comfortable . Something so small as that extra inch could be what’s causing your back irritation Hope some of these tips help your lifting game
04.01.2022 Had such great feedback from my story and so these changes definitely deserve their own post!! Few months of growth from miss Alex. Eating more, training consistently and the proof is in the pudding. So excited for the 8 weeks coming up and to see what changes all the girls on board are going to achieve! ... Operation building booties commences It’s important to really learn how to contract and properly work the glutes for them to grow- so this is the key thing I teach my clients for them to see some epic results. You can follow a great program but I’d you aren’t executing correctly you just won’t get the same results!! #splitsquats #fitness #booty #muscle #growth #gains #girlswholift #strongnotskinny
04.01.2022 Proud coach is an understatement
04.01.2022 Did you know strength training is BENEFICIAL in improving your mobility AND flexibility ? By loading the muscles with slow eccentrics (time under tension) this helps improve our flexibility in that muscle. If we are weak in that muscle group on lengthening, our nervous system wants to prevent an injury and does so by stopping how freely it can stretch! Ways I like to improve flexibility/mobility are by incorporating extra time in that lengthened position. ... For example PAUSES at the bottom of your squats/lunges. 1/4 reps at the bottom of the lunge/squat also works really well ! Over time this weighted stretching will have a big impact on your ability to hit greater range of motion in both exercises and in every day life ! My squat range and depth has increased massively over 2 years - I can help you ! Swipe to see my clients improvements in range and depth ! @danikaleagold @alexandriahills @jas_l87 Only going to keep on improving ! If you are looking for any advice or programming, feel free to reach out ! I have a wait list set up now for one on one clients PT sessions, so if you are interested and want to be added to the list (probably starting in the new year ) send me a DM
04.01.2022 Pull ups are my favourite upper body strength based exercise !! The heavier you are obviously the harder these become, if you haven’t yet mastered the pull up then use a resistance band (of varying thickness and support) to assist you. Machine assisted pull ups do not cross over well to achieving an actual unassisted pull, due to different mechanics and body positioning etc so I definitely recommend starting with a band attached to the bar if you want to one day smash out r...eps of pull ups! With these we want to be thinking chest to the bar, not neck or chin despite the name ironically. So chest to bar is a better cue so we pull more through our back rather then traps and rounding the shoulders and upper back at the top which is commonly seen. Controlling the negative is great, don’t drop down and swing around, I have super sore abs and core the day after pull ups because these need to be braced and working to create a stable lower body! As such, I love legs straight or slightly in front of you to create a strong stable base. You can also simply do negatives where you jump up to the top position and lower your body as slow as you can, this really helps build up your pull up strength too . Make these the first exercise in your workout!
04.01.2022 Excuse me sometimes losing track of what I’m saying haha! Here is a demonstration of how to alter your RDL to place a greater load through the glutes. The key is to obviously maintain a neutral back and ensure you have strong core stability and spinal erectors to support this position. It is going to further bias the glutes to due biomechanicsl reasons: greater distance between the axis (at our hips) and the weight (either dumbell or barbell). Give it a go! Push those hips ...and glutes back to the wall behind you, do NOT allow your back to arch into anterior pelvic tilt (very common for women especially). Only stretch as deep as the glutes can move backwards. When they stop moving backwards you stop lowering yourself. #romaniandeadlift #biomechanics #glutes #personaltrainer #n1education
03.01.2022 Excuse cutting off my head in the video. Here are some tips for how I like to perform a glute focused step up. torso is slightly slightly hinged forward to lengthen the glutes. Spine still neutral do not kick back off the leg on the ground ... your hips and pelvis must be neutral at the height you are using. If the hips are tilted (you should feel this being wonky) then this step is TOO HIGH for your active range and you need a smaller step! don’t use a squishy bench like here. Find a hard surface to push from! back foot is further away from bench to allow the stretched glute to drive forwards and back down. upright torso and back foot close to bench will give a QUAD biased step. Not wrong just not our GOAL here!
03.01.2022 I don’t encourage you girls to have scale related weight loss goals! This is really quite old school now. Often the ideal image of what YOU would LOVE to look like will not be the scale weight you think you need to be to be happy! How I look now at 70 kg is NOTHING compared to what I once looked liked weighting that amount. ... I wanted to be 60 kg once (see right pic), I achieved that, I STILL didn’t look how I wanted to. It took me gaining more weight and muscle and getting up to about 67 kg to actually be content with my shape ! That’s 7 kg more then I ever thought I would want to weigh. We really can’t use it as a tool for finding your GOAL physique and body image! It’s not a matter of if I lose 5 kg I will be where I want to be and be content. A lot of the time yes reducing body fat is a goal, but also appearing toned which requires some muscle mass added which surprise surprise adds weight. So your scales will ALWAYS go through periods of increasing, decreasing, as we work towards different goals and you might end up surprised by what you ACTUALLY weigh in at when you do reach that happy place one day !
02.01.2022 Time is on your side. We have plenty of it so let’s not rush things. It took me two years of proper training to make these changes. On the right I was doing just TOO MUCH. Not eating enough- to much activity. I did pole classes, PT 2 times and followed BBR programs 6 days a week! Lots of hiit and cardio and just under eating. I thought MORE was better and it would get me to my results FASTER. But this isn’t true. BETTER is BETTER! Better exercise execution, better form, ability to get STRONG. Eating MORE, recovering BETTER. Placing less stress on my body. I now solely focus on weights. 4-5 times a week and that’s it. Do my daily steps for general health activity and eat enough to fuel this activity. The proof is in the results. I didn’t genetically have a great amount of shape, I BUILT it. I’m so glad I have the knowledge I do know and I am so thrilled to be able to pass this on to others and get you the results you are after Let’s try a NEW approach to what you have been doing. If I can get these results in 2 years why the hell shouldn’t you be able to aswell! Set your goal and go get it #growth #booty #muscle #bikinicompetitor #wbff #wbffaustralia #girlswholift #strongnotskinny
02.01.2022 This is one of my proudest memories I have! I found a goal, took on a lot of responsibilities and absolutely went to town to achieve them. I was determined, disciplined (not but the best I could at that time) and I definitely learnt so much about myself and what I’m capable of along the way. Anything worth having requires work, you won’t be handed it on a platter. But the rewards are worth the hustle ... I couldn’t have done it without the support of @coach_clarisse . I appreciate this man so much for teaching me not to fear weights. I used to say oh I don’t want to get too muscly and he’d laugh. He told me I would squat and deadlift 100kg one day and I laughed. Having someone there in the beginning who is your number one supporter, sees in you what you fail to see in yourself and motivates you to be the BEST you can be is part of what makes a great coach and trainer. These are a few of the qualities I want to give back to my clients. I can’t wait to see you reveal what you are all capable of #icnqld #weightsforwomen #girlswholift #bikinicompetitor #firstplace #goals #fitness #bodybuilding #personaltraining
02.01.2022 Getting my holiday workouts in! Tips: get up early and get it done so you have the whole day free (plus side partner might even sleep through it and not know you’ve even been missing for an hour ) If your super time poor even a 30 minute workout will be better then nothing. I’d prefer 3-4 compound movements and focus on quality of less work. ... E.g squats, RDL, split squat and leg press/hack. 3-4 sets of each minimal rest and smash it out If you don’t have access to a gym (some days I will simply do yoga and walking) staying moving and be conscious of not eating like an absolute piggy wig. I know you girls (and boys) have put a lot of effort into getting your body composition and fat loss changes the last few months and year so let’s not undo ALL our hard work over the festive season !
02.01.2022 Wahooo Miss Alex!!. Today we celebrate your progress so far! I know your damn proud of yourself and so am I! Hard work and consistency pays off. I LOVE getting my girls super strong and building some muscular definition! Weighing in at around 42 kg she has built her strength to lifting 50kg x 6 reps with huge improvements in form the last 2 months. -... Before initiating the lift I want to make sure we are pushing our hips and glutes back far enough to feel tension and tightness in both the hamstrings and glutes prior to beginning the leg press push part of the movement. Hence the hips back cue to ensure we build enough tension in the desired muscles we are working. - Previous best was one rep at 40kg 2 months ago. - Alex can definitely confirm nothing feels better than being strong and lifting some heavy things yeah the girls. - Will be posting her NEW PB at the end of this training block to watch the magic happen ! Muscle gain train in action
02.01.2022 Can we just take a minute to give a freaking huge clap and congratulation for my client Ana. These photos are absolutely incredible and show 3 months of consistent work ! She is lifting some heavy weights in the gym now, training 4-5 times a week and enjoying it and the changes are just bloody amazing.... 10 kg down, healthier, happier and on her way ! It’s a whole lifestyle change and she knew that coming to work with me. No crazy low calories, no fasts, no detoxes or skinny tea and shakes. Just weights ! Oh and we haven’t done any cardio except walking ! Weights weights weights yeah the girls 2021 is going to be a big darn year for the team and I cannot WAIT to see what everyone can do #transformation #fatloss #motivation #inspiration #healthy #fitness #weightloss #weightstraining #weightsforwomen #strongnotskinny #personaltrainer #pt
01.01.2022 So great to look back from when we started ! Show me your quads Just over 3 months of hard work and solid muscle gaining. Now to attack a gradual calorie increase and grow phase before being in a great place to begin a diet again. ... 3-4 months minimum of maintaining higher calories restoring that metabolism and turning you into a calorie burning machine Currently eating 2150 cals a day! About 500 more then in the left pic ? @jas_l87 trains like a beast and it shows !
01.01.2022 I love showing my amazing clients changes with you all !! Yes there’s a difference in posing (As I didn’t take the first pic ) but the changes are still very Evident ! A loss in fat, a gain in shape and muscle and continuing building that beautiful strong body we are after ... It’s NOT a quick fix ladies ! It’s a lifestyle change, your habits, food choices, exercise frequency all impact your results. You have to make these changes consistently for a long period of time to really see INCREDIBLE changes ! I’m so excited to do another check in with Jas in a months time and see how much more progress we have made since these photos ! Anyone who works hard, follows the plan, I PROMISE we will get you to where you want to be! Thankyou for trusting me with your health and your physiques, I will always give my best to ensure you are at yours !
01.01.2022 What is the purpose of a heel elevation? - Today’s topic is about using squat wedges / heel elevation and who this might be helpful for and why. ... - Juliet has very limited ankle mobility, this means when squatting there is a tendency to perform a more hingey squat where the chest falls forward and the range is very small, struggling to hit 90 degree depth. - By incorporating a heel platform this helps to maintain a more upright neutral spine (less loading on your low back) so it’s great if you tend to suffer with sore erectors or low back pain when squatting. - It also allows for more quads to get used in the movement as we have a greater degree of flexion at the knee (simply seen as a smaller angle between thigh and calf) - Initiate the movement by thinking about pushing your knees out over your toes and really focus on using your quads and keeping your torso more upright. I like a pause at the bottom to learn where your bottom position is and ensuring the same depth each time. - Adding a dumbell to make this a heel elevated goblet squat is fantastic for beginners to learn proper form and technique whilst protecting their low back. Let’s get squatting for some leg growth #heelelevatedsquats #squats #squatwedge #primewedgesquatsolos #personaltraining #fitness #strongnotskinny
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Sport & recreation Gym/Physical fitness centre Sports & fitness instruction Fitness trainer
+61 2 9879 3663
111 Pittwater Road 2110 Hunters Hill, NSW, Australia
- Norths Squash Club
Sports club Sport & recreation Social club
12 Abbott St 2062 Cammeray, NSW, Australia
- Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre
Sport & recreation Public swimming pool
8878 5111
504 Victoria Road, Ryde 2112 Sydney, NSW, Australia
- Goju-ryu Karate-do Mission International
Sport & recreation Sports & fitness instruction Martial arts school
+61 2 9427 7051
300B Burns Bay Rd #9 2066 Lane Cove, NSW, Australia
- Bandy creek stables
Sport & recreation Horse riding centre
+61 498 457 018
7 Kiwi Close 6450 Castletown, WA, Australia
- Grand Slam Sports
+61 410 057 456
11 Wheatleigh Street, Naremburn 2065 Sydney, NSW, Australia