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25.01.2022 If I were to ask you who your market was, how specific would you be? Would you say, potentially everyone, or could you narrow it right down to specific people experiencing specific issues? Recently weve had conversations with really innovative tech start-ups whose products could have a wide range of applications. And I stress, could....Continue reading

25.01.2022 Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters isnt the answer! In an increasingly digital world theres an awful temptation to hide behind email, messaging and social media when it comes to selling. And while all those mechanisms have their place when reaching out, ultimately nothing beats actually picking up the phone and speaking with prospects.

24.01.2022 When speaking with potential clients one of the biggest mistakes we can make is espousing our value in vague or verbose terms. Which means we don’t clearly and succinctly articulate the impact our solutions will have for our clients. So when speaking with prospects there are 3 aspects of your communication you must be deliberate about.

24.01.2022 Sales. Its such a loaded word for many coaches and consultants. They cringe at the thought of contacting strangers to convince them to buy. And to a large extent I cant blame them. Lets face it. Sales has got a bad rap. Thoughts of sleazy used car salesmen come to mind. But thats not what sales is about.


23.01.2022 Right now the world seems to be going to hell in a handbasket. Fear and uncertainty rules. Having said that, you have a choice. You can retreat, bunker down and hope itll all blow over. Which at some stage it will. Or you can take stock. See where youre at and look outwards.... Did you know that more millionaires were created in the great depression than in any other period of history? One of my favourite sayings is Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor.

22.01.2022 As we come out of lockdown and enter a new phase, what will that look like for you? Will it be more of the same or have you really thought about what you could be doing? How else you could deliver? How youll utilise and manage your resources be it staff, office space (do we really need as much)? How about your clients. What are they looking for from you? Has it changed? Can you address new markets or offshoots from your current ones?...Continue reading

22.01.2022 Free Zoom Session - For Professional Services Firms Were doing another free Zoom session this Thursday 2nd July at 5pm. Topic: How to attract clients in 90 days without pushy sales tactics.... Its for professional services consulting firms who sell high value services and dislike pushy selling tactics. We had some great reviews from last weeks session so heres the registration link if youd like to attend.

22.01.2022 What is the basis of the interaction with your clients? Is it purely transactional (closing the sale) or is it relational (developing a long term successful partnership with your clients)? Which do you believe is the basis of a flourishing business? #leadership #leadgeneration #businessstrategy #sales

22.01.2022 Look around you. Unless you have a completely unique product or service which is highly unlikely, you’ll have myriad competitors. So what distinguishes you from all of them? The answer is YOU!

21.01.2022 Winning The Future: What Businesses Must Do To Prepare For 2021 - this is worth reading. Covers some good tips on what you need to do to be successful in 2021. #leadership #businessgrowth #leadgeneration #sales

21.01.2022 Youve finally got that meeting with who you believe could be a good prospect. You turn up at the appointed time, but they keep you waiting. When you finally sit down, you realise the hour youd scheduled is now 30 minutes. What would you do? Heres another common scenario. Two or more decision makers agree to be in the meeting. One says she has to leave early, so wont be there for the full presentations. Whats your response?... #businessgrowth #sales #salescoaching

21.01.2022 Mental Illness May Plague Entrepreneurs More Than Other People. Heres Why (and How to Get Help).

20.01.2022 Content marketing. Its been all the rage for a few years. But has it brought the results you hoped for? Over the years weve written hundreds of articles and this is about our 80th video. I meet people all the time who say, I love your stuff. But does that translate into sales?

20.01.2022 When working with business leaders, we emphasise that everything starts at the top with your leadership. Leadership ultimately is creating a space where people want to belong. And you as the leader set the tone and example.... You define your identity as an organisation. You formulate the vision and goals. The values and beliefs you hold to. Which directly affects the organisations culture. How we do things around here.

20.01.2022 Are you outsourcing your thinking? Going with the flow. Letting others tell you what to think, how to act, who to support, what your opinions should be. Or do you think for yourself. Determine your own values and beliefs. Take a stand and fight for what you believe in.

20.01.2022 Agility, resilience, resourcefulness. The three hall marks of every successful person be it in business or life in general. And never more pertinent than in times like these.

20.01.2022 Camels. I think they’re pretty ugly and they spit. But that aside they’re one of the most resilient creatures on the planet. They survive in stinking hot deserts all the way to frigid mountain areas. And they’re a great metaphor for leadership thinking in business.

19.01.2022 Feast and famine. Seems to be the perennial curse of small business. It goes something like this. You get clients and become really busy. As a result you stop any marketing, prospecting and sales activities. Then the wheel inevitably turns. Projects finish and you find yourself madly scrambling for the next deal, while your cash flow dries up. Eventually you get new clients. Happy days. Then the cycle repeats.... If you can relate, the question is what are you going to do to fix this? #businessgrowth #sales #leadgeneration #prospecting

19.01.2022 What advice would you give to your 11 year old self? Ive been watching a group of successful people do just that. Weve been in business 20 years, which got me thinking what advice would I give to myself if I were starting out again, knowing what I now know. What mistakes would I avoid? What would I do instead?

18.01.2022 We had a great session on how to attract clients without pushy sales tactics. Thank you to all of you who attended live. I thought Id put up a replay here :) #businessgrowth #sales #marketing #prospecting

18.01.2022 Every business faces competition. Just Google your service offering and I’m sure there’ll be hundreds, if not thousands of results. So what separates you from everyone else in your category? What is your positioning in your market? What expertise do you want to be recognised for? How can you ensure you don’t become a commodity and end up competing on price? The answer is to develop a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) which succinctly answers the question:... Why should a client buy from you over anyone else? There are 6 major angles to developing your USP. Your clients. You may work with a specific demographic, industry or psychographic. What’s the specific problem you solve. What you sell. Is it your knowledge, experience, a particular product or service. Your special angle. What do you do differently? What you don’t do. Add a time frame. Your clients will achieve an outcome in a specific timeframe. Your guarantee. What if it doesn’t work? How will you fix it? A well-crafted USP tells the market exactly what you stand for and deliver. Your clients recognise themselves and contact you. You’ll position yourself as the trusted authority and a recognised expert. By being unique, clients can’t make an apples to apples comparison. So you never fall into the commodity trap and compete on price. And you can charge premium prices. And perhaps most importantly, you’ll recognise and embody your own value to your market which ultimately means you’re comfortable raising your prices! Now many of you may well be thinking I provide the same service as everyone else in my industry, so how could I go about differentiating myself? Every business has something unique about them. Be it your knowledge, experience or processes. It’s a question of highlighting these and ensuring they actually matter to your clients. Wrapping up if you’d like help honing you USP, contact Rashid on 0414 913 334.

17.01.2022 Grace Under Fire: How to Prepare Your Sales Pipeline for 2021. This article talks about: The importance of communication with customers Build a crisis recovery sales plan with "what-if" scenarios Create a sustainable remote sales environment... Evaluate how effectively your customers can "try" your product Give your sales team the training it needs to close deals in a recession #leadership #businessstrategies #leadgeneration #sales See more

17.01.2022 Its an understatement to say we live in uncertain times. The pandemic has thrown a spanner in the works for a huge number of people. We have no idea what the future may hold. What the state of the economy will be. What we can control, or not.

17.01.2022 Prioritisation and Delegation are keys to building a successful business. One major part in this process is to work out who is doing what and in what order. Start at the bottom by setting priorities. From there flows strategy, systems which give you leverage. You become more efficient allowing you to scale and achieve sustained growth. #leadership #leadgeneration #businessstrategy #sales

16.01.2022 People over-complicate sales. Ultimately sales is about finding people who have problems you can solve, then putting your value proposition to them. Ergo, you must be very clear on two things. The problems you solve and who are likely buyers. The clearer you are, the more successful youll be.... So heres an exercise we put all our clients through. I encourage you to complete it too.

15.01.2022 Your organisations growing rapidly. How do you hire the right people? What should you be looking for? There are three predominant ways companies hire people. But only one leads to long term success. Both for the individual and the organisation.

15.01.2022 Have you ever found yourself rambling in a sales meeting? Losing control of the conversation? So you find yourself going down rat holes where your prospect has taken control, setting the agenda. And as a result you walk out thinking you blew it, another opportunity lost. Unfortunately this is a pretty common scenario. However its easily fixed if you have the right mindset and structure your meetings correctly.


15.01.2022 Want more sales before Christmas? Want to hit the ground running January 2021? Now is the time to massively ramp up your marketing, prospecting and sales activities. Be active when others are scaling back and you will stand out. Contact us for our Reboot, Revitalise and Thrive strategy sessions, where we will formulate your growth strategy and implementation plan for 2021. ... Message or call me on +61 414 913334. Rashid #strategy #leadgeneration #sales #prospecting #marketing



14.01.2022 Free Zoom Session - For Professional Services Firms We're doing another free Zoom session this Thursday 2nd July at 5pm. Topic: How to attract clients in 90 days without pushy sales tactics.... It's for professional services consulting firms who sell high value services and dislike pushy selling tactics. We had some great reviews from last week's session so here's the registration link if you'd like to attend.

13.01.2022 2021 is nearly upon us. What you do NOW will set you up for January and the rest of the year. At the risk of mixing my metaphors, the early bird catches the worm and you need to dig the well before you need the water! Attend our final Effortless Selling Webinar on Tuesday 10th November at 10:30am AEST.... It's especially for Professional services firms, Consultants, Coaches, SAAS and IT services providers who provide high value services to either a B2B or B2C market, and who dislike (or even hate) the thought of selling. Filled with practical examples, you’ll learn... What you do before even speaking with a potential client has major ramifications on whether they buy. How you can position yourself as the trusted authority and go-to person in your market space. How you can reach out to prospects in a warm way that makes you an invited guest. And how to frame a sales conversation so your prospects buy into your solution. Even if you've been to one of these before, come along. We've added more material which will make your sales process smoother. You will need to register - so click

12.01.2022 Well, it’s November and it’s almost the end of the year. It’s mission critical time! Why? Because it’s the time where you either set yourself up for a great 2021 or you don’t.... You either relax and take a break after all your hard work, or you put your foot on the accelerator now and forge your plans for 2021, so you can build up momentum and hit the new year running. If you’re a consultant or leader of a professional services firm including IT, (AI, SAAS, Data Analysis) Financial Planning and Engineering, 2021 heralds a lot of opportunity for those willing to seize it. Business will open up. Which is why you should adapt your business strategy and tactics so that you’re well positioned moving into next year. Now is the time to put in place your business vision and strategy for the next 1 to 3 years. What you want to achieve in terms of money, time, lifestyle. To refine your market and possibly target new ones. Hone your value proposition. Develop a strong pipeline of high quality prospects. And refine your sales methodology to convert a higher percentage of prospects into clients. And if you have staff, make sure the right people are in the right roles, devolve responsibility and ensure each knows what they’re accountable for. Do this well and you’ll set yourself up for a great 2021. You’ll have a defined plan and know exactly what you need to implement for the next 12 months. Now you can do this yourself, or get our help via our Reboot, Revitalise and Thrive strategy and implementation sessions. Working together we’ll look at where you are, where you want to get to in 12 to 24 months and then put a plan together. You’ll know what your 3 to 4 major priorities are. What must be done and by whom. Your risk factors and how to mitigate them. You’ll have a clear value proposition which positions you as the trusted authority in your niche. These sessions take place over 8 hours and are designed to provide practical, immediately implementable actions. We’ll work together either face to face or over Zoom. These are intense sessions so numbers are limited to 10 for the remainder of 2020. So first in best dressed. Remember, the early bird catches the worm and at the risk of mixing my metaphors, you need to dig the well before you need the water. Now is the time to really ramp up so you hit the ground running in 2021. Call Rashid on 0414 913 334 and we’ll discuss whether you’d be a good fit and the details.

11.01.2022 AI, block chain and Fin Tech start-ups appear to be sprouting up everywhere. Founded by someone who has what they think is a great idea who then goes ahead to create a product. But they make some fundamental mistakes which more often than means they fail.

09.01.2022 How client centric are you? And why does it matter anyway? Were coming out of lock down, people are starting to look forward. Businesses are starting to wake up and look to the future. Given this what you do now and in the next 3 to 4 months is going to set your business up for success for the next 3 to 4 years....Continue reading

09.01.2022 What do you do when confronted with a new idea or way of doing something? Do you immediately go, It wont work or do you stop and consider it reflectively?

08.01.2022 Great audience at our 2 hour workshop on Maximising Your Sales in 2019. Thanks for James Marshall of North Sydney Council for organising it. North Sydney Council

08.01.2022 Why did you get started in business? Whats your vision? What do you want to achieve? And how are you going about implementing this? Every successful business owner has a vision for what they want to achieve and for whom. But translating that vision into reality is where the rubber meets the road. When working with clients we use the Vision, Mindset, Strategy (VMS) model shown in the diagram below.... Read more at #businessgrowth #vision #strategy #businessmindset See more

08.01.2022 Beware the quiet one in the corner. They are the ones likely to wield the power and sign the cheque Words drilled into my at the beginning of my career almost 4 decades ago. Over the years Ive seen many instances where sales people ignored this advice and lost deals. It happens when selling to a couple. One seems dominant so you focus on them, ignoring the quiet one. Car salesmen were notorious. Theyd focus on the male while ignoring the true buyer, the female.... In a business environment when selling to multiple stake holders theres a temptation to focus on the people you relate to. The people who seem most engaged. But as anyone whos dealt with the Japanese would tell you, its the quiet one in the corner who sits with the inscrutable face, is the boss. Ignore them at your peril. When dealing with multiple stakeholders, everyone needs to say yes. A common trap is to believe that just because theyre an existing client and know you, youll get the new deal. Heres a common scenario. You know 3 of the 4 players well. The 4th doesnt know you and happens to be the bean counter. If you dont take the trouble to fully explain your value proposition to him, assuming hell understand, you could lose the deal. Worst case of this Ive personally seen is a $5M construction deal lost. Ouch! Remember, with multiple stakeholders, while one may give final approval and write the cheque, many can say no and kybosh the deal. Its your job to make sure each person involved understands the value proposition as it applies to them. For each person think in terms of whats in it for them. Both personally and professionally. Think in terms of money, time, status and happiness/fulfilment. e.g. How much money will they make or save? Time how time would your solution save them and what could they do instead? Personal status would this make them look good to their peers, family, society at large? And personal satisfaction and fulfilment. All of us want some combination of these. Your job is to figure out what and show your prospects how your solution will help them achieve these. And that isnt always easy. You have to ask the right questions in a non salesy way. Which is both an art and a science. Which is why a major component of our PMS SalesAccelerator system delves into behavioural psychology, emotional intelligence and what makes people tick. Mastering our methodology will help you close bigger deals faster. Message or call me on 0414 913 334 to get started.

08.01.2022 Are you genuinely interested in your prospects problems? Whats happening in their lives? Or do you fall into the me-me trap?

07.01.2022 The Chinese symbol for crisis denotes both danger and opportunity. Both of which were experiencing with the pandemic. While a lot of businesses have massively suffered, a significant number have found new opportunities through realigning their offerings. Some to existing markets, others to completely new ones. So questions we encourage you to ponder include:...Continue reading

06.01.2022 People over-complicate sales. Ultimately sales is about finding people who have problems you can solve, then putting your value proposition to them. Ergo, you must be very clear on two things. The problems you solve and who are likely buyers. The clearer you are, the more successful youll be.... So heres an exercise we put all our clients through. I encourage you to complete it too.

05.01.2022 When working with business owners we start by asking them where on the S-curve they are. Are they experiencing instability where theres feast and famine. Often more work than they can handle, and then nothing while they madly scramble for the next job. Or are they feeling relatively secure. Theres good cash flow. Profitability is average their margins could be better. And theyve got capacity to handle more business.... And finally, prosperity. Theyre solidly profitable. The business is a well-oiled machine which gives them choices. Where do you sit?

05.01.2022 What do you do and is it what you’re known for? And if you are known, what’s your reputation? Is it as a generalist, specialist, expert, authority or someone in an elite category? The answer to that will determine how much money you make, how much time you spend doing it and what your lifestyle and even legacy will be.... Being a generalist risks you being perceived as a commodity. And commodity suppliers face stiff competition and mostly compete on price. Profit margins are low and it’s a constant battle for survival. At the other end of the scale is being elite. Recognised as being at the top of your profession. The go to person in your narrow field of expertise where you command premium prices often at orders of magnitude higher than your industry norms. Where do you sit? And unless you’re already near the top, where do you aspire to move to?


04.01.2022 Are you genuinely interested in your prospect's problems? What's happening in their lives? Or do you fall into the me-me trap?

02.01.2022 In business theres only so much you can do alone. Ultimately, your business will only grow if theres leverage. Which comes from people. Sustained growth and profitability comes from staff who are cooperative, collaborate, are reliable, stable and pull in the same direction. People who want to come to work as they feel theyre making a contribution. Which means productivity goes up. Over 40 years in industry Ive had the privilege of working with some great leaders.... Ultimately, leadership is the ability to influence others towards the accomplishment of a goal. Leadership is intimately tied up with motivating and influencing others to come on a journey with you. Which means you must put in the right structure. #businessgrowthstrategy #leadership #corevalues

01.01.2022 Leverage! Archimedes famously said, Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. Ultimately, leverage is about increasing efficiency across the board. Something...Continue reading

01.01.2022 Mental Illness May Plague Entrepreneurs More Than Other People. Here's Why (and How to Get Help).

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