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Reverse Speech Investigator in Sydney, Australia | Personal coach

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Reverse Speech Investigator

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 432 376 068

Address: 8 Hillcrest Street, Homebush 2140 Sydney, NSW, Australia


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19.01.2022 If you conduct a self interview with yourself in Q&A form (see possible questions below) for 5 min. on this subject and send the Audio Recording to me (via FB Messenger) or via email to [email protected] I will analyse your recording and send to you the Speech Reversals that I find in your recording together with Links to the Speech Reversals so that you can hear the Response from your Unconscious Mind to your questions. Sample questions Q. What do I feel about the auth...enticity of Sr Faustina and the Divine Mercy phenomenon? Q. Why do I feel this way? Q. How confident am I that I am right about Sr Faustina and the Divine Mercy phenomenon? Q. How would I feel if I found Sr Faustina and the Divine Mercy phenomenon were both frauds? Q. Why do I think that Sr Faustina and the Divine Mercy phenomenon are authentic? Q. Why do I think that the Decree of Pope John Paul II declaring Sr Faustina to be a Saint should be accepted as True? Q. What would I think if I found out that Sr Faustina and the Divine Mercy Devotion she founded were both fakes? Q. What would I think if I learned that Sr Faustina's Divine Mercy revelations were exactly the same as an Excommunicated Mariavite Nun from Poland some 20+ years before? Q. Why should I believe that Pope John Paul II should be accepted as being a Saint? Q. What do I think about the remarkable coincidence that all of these persons the two Nuns and the Pope are Polish? Of course, these are just sample questions plucked from the top of my are free to devise your own questions, but I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT YOUR ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS WILL KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF WHEN I ANALYSE THEM FOR SPEECH REVERSALS.

08.01.2022 This is from a flyer I have been distributing by letterbox drops in my local area - IF THE CIA SUCCESSFULLY USED REVERSE SPEECH FOR 25 YEARS WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO TEST IT TOO? The CIA has just declassified under the Freedom of Information Act their initial look at Reverse Speech see link This posting gives David full credit for the discovery and quotes his 1991 book Hidden Messages in Human Communication, which was...Continue reading

08.01.2022 Would YOU like to earn additional income? Yes? Then please read the following and contact me without delay - IF THE CIA SUCCESSFULLY USED REVERSE SPEECH FOR 25 YEARS WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO USE IT TOO?...Continue reading

04.01.2022 Questions for Laurie Myers re Pell Acquittal etc... 1. Why did you decide to check out the Pell Police Interview for Speech Reversals? A. Because as a Reverse... Speech Investigator who qualified in 2018 I knew that if Cardinal Pell was innocent of the charges laid against him for offences allegedly committed in 1996 and 1997 then I would be able to confirm this from Speech Reversals that I would find when I analysed the Audio Recording of the 42 min Police Interview. 2. So what did you find? A. I was shocked when I completed by Reverse Speech Analysis to realise that of the 12 Speech Reversals that I found none of them pointed to his Innocence, and, in fact they all pointed to his Guilt. I re-visited these Speech Reversals following Pell's acquittal by the High Court of Australia. This time I listened intently to the Speech Reversals. I found 19 of them 3. Why did this shock you? A. For a number of reasons - first, because before I started this RS Analysis I could not believe that a Churchman with Pell's Credentials could have committed such crimes and that for him to have been convicted meant that something must have horribly gone wrong with the System of Criminal Justice in the State of Victoria. 4. What was your reaction to the Court of Appeal decision that his Conviction should be confirmed? A. I watched as many of the Direct Telecasts of the proceedings as I could and I was impressed with the Majority Decision. 5. What do you think about the Unanimous Decision of the Seven High Court Judges in freeing Cardinal Pell? A. I think the decision is an Overturning of an 800 year Common Law Tradition of Trial By Jury granted by King John 1215 in England and directly followed in Australian Courts as the High Court has basically now said that a Jury is not capable of determining Guilt beyond a Reasonable Doubt.. That Decision will be seized upon by every person who has been convicted of a Criminal Offence as a result of a Jury Verdict in any Australian Court and, effectively, will mean the end of Trial by Jury in the Criminal Court System and result in more Unjust Convictions if Trials are to be Determined by Judge Alone. 12 Jury Members are much more competent to determine Guilt than any number of High Paid Judges could ever do. 6. Do you think that there is a place in the Australian Court System for the use of the Reverse Speech Phenomenon? A. Yes. Because everyone who has studied the Reverse Speech Phenomenon is aware that the Unconscious Mind cannot Lie and that in the hands of a competent Reverse Speech Investigator, Analyst or Practitioner a person's evidence can be examined to detect any obvious signs of Lying or Telling the Truth. If the person is Lying then the Speech Reversals will point this out because of the number of Incongruous Responses which will indicate a Conflict between the Spoken Word of the Witness and what his/her Unconscious Mind is saying at the time that the Forward Words are being spoken. 7. Has Reverse Speech ever been accepted in any Court? A. A Court in the USA Civil Court Judge permitted evidence as to Speech Reversals on Records to be admitted where it was alleged that two persons had committed suicide after listening to Satanic Messages on Music Recordings but the Judge said that it could not be determined whether the Satanic Messages had been placed there Deliberately or whether they had occurred naturally.

03.01.2022 IF THE CIA SUCCESSFULLY USED REVERSE SPEECH FOR 25 YEARS WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO TEST IT TOO? The CIA has just declassified under the Freedom of Information Act their initial look at Reverse Speech see link This posting gives David full credit for the discovery and quotes his 1991 book Hidden Messages in Human Communication, which was released in 1991 shortly after he lectured in Washington, D.C. to the CIA, FBI, and...Continue reading


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