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25.01.2022 The simplicity & benefit, of "Being" conscious, of the Now! by, Troy (K) Eichelberger - Nobody 21/11/20... Being? How can being, require any thought? I just be! If this reflects your understanding of "Being", you are right on the money. Now do it! Be - and be, without the necessity of active thought. If you can just be, Be truly free. Be free, of the limiting thoughts of social conformity. Just imagine - Social compliance and the class system, all but dirty memories, of a past realm of enslavement by thought. Is humanity truly free, to "BE" at last? Can we even relate to that sensation - of "being"? How many people, can you speak to, about your spiritual consciousness? Truly, speak about your inner thoughts and questions, ponderings and dreams? Being, is the most wonderful experience. It requires for us to let go. We must let go of the constant commentary in our mind. It creates chains and balls - our invisible prison. "Being", has no need to interpret and create illusions. Being is simply about observation in the now. Life is about observation. It goes on just fine, without our constant commentary. In fact, Life starts to drastically improve for us - once that commentary has been silenced. The biggest hurdle on our path to happiness, is our memory of the past and our prediction for the future! Either, positive or negative memory, hold little true relevance. Time as we know it, indicates the past, present & future! Yes? Have you ever known yourself to function in any time, outside the present time? Can we physically function in the past? Can we physically function in the future? Now here it gets interesting. How much of our life, do we spend, worrying about the past or the future? The majority of time? Have you ever woken to the fact, the "journey" is the destination. Observe the journey. For the destination is an illusion. The moment of "Now" - is "It". Now, is all the time you have to function in! Try it after reading this post. Allow yourself to, "exclusively", enter the "now". Get familiar with the opportunity, of simply "being", in the now. Throw out all thoughts about the past and the future for a while. Sit and allow yourself to feel the sensation of such mental freedom. Being - is truly such a magnificent experience! Let yourself simply observe life. Drop the need for any inner commentary and understand the reality of time - now. It is always "Now" o'clock. To "be" and be "free", is so far more possible in the luxury of the now, the eternal moment. I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did writing it. Things happen on the keyboard - they are not planned.

22.01.2022 Only Possibilities - remove the regulator and open the "Self".

20.01.2022 Love - use it wisely. It can make us, or break us. by, Troy (K) Eichelberger - Nobody 15/02/21... Our connection with the word, "LOVE", gives us immense motivation. Love is the driving force behind "Everything" we do. Step back, observe and see if you can find a better way to apply love to your life. Love is the energy, behind everything that is worth staying alive. As such, it holds the ultimate power over humanity. Humanity is sustainable via reproduction, which predominantly occurs as a consequence of an act of immense love and passion. Love triggers that, which delivers you into this world. The human functioning mechanism, is triggered by motivation. Motivation is based on the love we have for the self. If I love myself sufficiently to stay alive, I am motivated to do things to remain sufficiently healthy, to reach the average life expectancy. If I fall in love with another, I am motivated to act in a manner to sustain my relationship with that other. ....... I think you get the drift - love in this aspect, is what propels our motivation to perform towards an outcome. This where we must start to observe ourselves. You see, Love, is immensely powerful, but it does not have an intelligence - it is a motivator to trigger action. Love can be the cursor, to seduce us into poor judgement. A Heroin addict loves the "High". The love for that mental state, becomes the motivator to acquire costly drugs. To get the money for this habit, the addict is motivated to do anything. The love for the "high", is the motivator. Love is a powerful energy - it is so powerful, it motivates the entire human race. However, "Love" needs to be observed and understood. Love does not decide what is good and what is bad - it simply becomes a driving force to acquire our desires. Sit back. Now, observe your present situation. What are the consequences of our innocence? Are we living with stress? Do I need all the material things I have acquired? One might hate their job. But the payments for the car or the house, they loved, need to be made. We think we fall in love with things and that this love justifies that we find a solution to get them. That is not love, but a demonstration of the power that love generates within us. Use this knowledge to reflect. Use it to teach your loved ones, be motivated by it to help others. Love is unique, but dangerous when applied without this understanding. Love is many things, it is our connection to everything. Love sustains creation. Love also threatens it. The "Love" for Power and Wealth, motivates the wrong actions in many. Love is blind! Love can be infectious. Love can make us and Love can break us. So shine the light on love. Inspect it closely. Let love motivate you to shine bright, and spread the light on those around you.

19.01.2022 My latest experiment - Natural Earth Nutrients.

19.01.2022 Do you see a chance for humanity to enter into the Era of Light? If so, what does it mean to you? Mine:... Throughout history we have experienced major change. From the Stone Age to the Industrial Age, evolution has brought major change to human evolution. I feel and hope (not predict), we are due for a major shift. In my ideal, this change will see an increase in our intellectual functions, to a level, which will turn us into a peaceful and loving society. I look forward to your thoughts, hopes and ideals. Best wishes, Troy Nobody

12.01.2022 Terror - Religion - Education - Belonging - Mental Anchors & Limitations. It is high time, we outgrow these chains. by, Troy (K) Eichelberger - Nobody 04/11/20... Another terror attack takes place, this time in my birth country of Austria. As one group seeks revenge, the other group seeks more targets. ....... and so we spiral further, into this ongoing dance of a primitive being. What hope have we got, to bring change? That of true wisdom and Inner Knowledge. What does this change actually look like? Firstly: You must understand the problem of, present day mental influence. Group formation holds the opinion of more than the individual - so it generally is seen as acceptable. We vote in numbers, it doesn't give us the best outcome, but it is how we operate in most democratic systems. To manipulate group opinion is the key to secure a win - it's not the quality of the content that counts. In Europe we have seen Soccer Hooligans - again group activity. Violent and most primitive to be sure. You see, we can make the wrong right, in our mind, when others do the same. No matter how wrong, we know those actions to be. By acting as a group, we see no fault or responsibility for our own actions. We can live, with blaming the influence of the group, and jump back on our moral high-ground when caught out. Does that tell us something? Is there a pretty primitive trend? Where do we stand with our brain functions in 2020? Have we opened additional functions, and improved our abilities of late? Look at the daily news and you be the judge. Do we seem like smart species to you? Human beings, presently, are operating on approximately 10% of the brain functions, or much less, when considering neurons per brain cell. Why, have we remained at such a low level, and not improved our usage of the brain? We are getting better and better, at using the available range of our brain, but we are hardly opening new frontiers - nor new neuron regions. Our minds are too busy. Our ego function too noisy, for us to listen to the reality within. We are too tangled up, with our daily challenges and problems. Or at least our perception and interpretation thereof. Our brain is geared to operate, on a much higher functioning scale, and run programs we would think utopian. Are they really so utopian? In my view, we are engineered to tune our own brains - via brain silence. Preserving all energy in the brain, for the brain to use these energy reserves to tune itself. Silent meditation to nothing - switching on sensory systems and other neurological regions, as we allow the brain to flow with energy. Not stopped by any active thought, prayer, mantra or any other former educational or group influenced limitation. One of the ancient Upanishad scriptures, instructs humans, not to worship or follow another. That scripture is estimated to be dated, from anywhere, between 2000 and 6000 years BC. Upanishad's have no known authors and are thought to be written by a number of independent individual Sages, throughout these ancient times. So, what is the point of this article? We have a primitive way to deal with each other, still resorting to violence and bullying. We are mentally not evolving. Human's will remain in this primitive and violent existence, for centuries to come, if we don't wake up. What is the solution? Understand the number one principal - you have been given all the abilities and smarts, you will ever need and then some. Wake up and unwrap the potential which you are. There is no need to look up to others and align your ideas with theirs for the sake of popularity. Your journey through life is about so much more. Stop being limited by your current belief system. It is being installed upon you, by groups and society, to control and limit your capacity. Free the mind from past limitations and learn from within. Connect to your skilled self. Inner knowledge and increased abilities will open a new world of opportunity and bliss, you'd never have thought possible. That should be our ultimate goal. A goal, we have no need to fight or harm anyone for, in the aim to achieve it. It actually only works when you have pure thought, not active thought - for active thought ceases the connection. That is its security system to make sure the enabled human is a human operating unconditionally and in the interest of the collective. Violence and discrimination, a bad smell from the past. If I was a young kid today, and knew what I know now - I'd switch off my constant need for external stimulation and learn to switch on that computer within. Imagine you can self heal? Imagine you can learn from meditation instead of books? Imagine you can observe historical events as if watching a movie? ........... that, and much more, is what I am convinced, we all have the ability to achieve. If you want change, don't seek it through primitive means, for you will not achieve a different outcome than that which has been the story of division and wars for the last 2000 years. Change is only real when YOU ARE the change. Start with silent meditation to nothing. Practise it daily, the more you practise, the sooner you will achieve the connection to your skilled self. The connection to your skilled self, will not happen overnight, but for the pure of mind, it will happen and open a new understanding of that which we find ourselves in. Group ideologies of any kind are limiting your abilities. Don't focus on anything when meditating - complete mental silence is your aim.

11.01.2022 Good morning everyone. A conversation with a friend and my reply, triggered this post. For I think, the answer is relevant here on my time line, given our topic... on recent posts. It is about a clearer explanation, of how "LOVE" is to be understood from my perspective. Bethann Christopher thank you for taking this into the depth of the mind as you do - your questioning of my posts is great for achieving an intimate understanding on a broader spectrum. After getting past prior documented reference to LOVE, including biblical, philosophical and theatrical - here is my original understanding. I learn from within, not books. by, Troy (K) Eichelberger - Nobody 02/11/20 Love - in this context, as I refer to, is an all inclusive "AWARENESS". You see, I have little thirst for existing limitations via past description, or as I see it, "limitation", of the word Love. We don't need to visit the past lectures to find what we already know. Charles Coon phrased it perfectly, if I understand his use of the meaning - removing ones mask, correctly. For you see, the awareness of love, to me - translates to a complete understanding of the need for balance and harmony. It does not translate to exclusivity of intimate relationships, but was romanticised towards this subject. Later this idea gave birth to the commercialisation in a retail flavour - Love sells. But that is not what I see as the true meaning of Love. In the first instant, love is what drives our need for survival - keeps us wanting to survive. First was the self as one, one male, one female. As a need to be here today, we had to reach the point when we commence reproduction. Now, we move from self love, and love, as an underlying "knowing", spreads across the family unit - an act of protection of your tribe. As we grow in numbers, we merge into becoming a community. This now means, love as the unwritten overall connection, further extends to each member of the community. We found that everyone had a role and was seen to one day fill that role or purpose. Discrimination was not invented, for it has no prospect of survival, in a climate of true unconditional love of all. As we moved beyond the pure existence of survival, scholarly thought saw the light of day - observation became an important aspect of protecting and planning for the welfare of the collective. Study was commenced with the motivation of love, for the collective. The sole motivation for this initial study, originated from our collective responsibility, which we had no need to question - we simply knew it as love - the underlying energy of all connections. Study was carried out to protect and improve life - it observed nature. It observed animals eating some and avoiding other, plants etc. This was first behavioural observation, which we apply to this day, as a guide to our understanding of the natural food chain. Such observation recorded the benefit of all beings, it sensed our connection and the right to be - all species and plants inclusive. Such early study taught us that, which can be learned by observing animals feeding habits its movement and life span. We observed seasons and change in vegetation. Observed time and locations to grow food. All action, was driven by that original understanding of love. It is this true sense of love, that unconditional sharing and commitment to the collective, which is the love I speak about. It is the love I wish to re-introduce to all - for it is known to us all - we are just to go within and become one with the self and the awareness of human destiny. Violence is not bringing harmony. It disturbs all balance in nature - every being and plant have a purpose, nothing is created by mistake. Creation is motivated only by love. Learn again to love "all" for what it is. - For it simply is! We don't need to add, our spin, of good or bad, as a judgement to anything. Our journey had to be as it is, for we would not be here today writing and reading as we are. Love is the initial neuron - it loved the self sufficiently to produce another self and as a collective felt no less love and so went on to produce a third etc...... and it loves every one, of the billions alive, to this day. We simply have to learn to listen, listen to our inner knowledge, our knowledge of history as it is, not as we read it, but as we can sense it from within. Shut down the ego mind and active thought for long enough, and everyone can connect to, and understand, the love I refer to. In harmony is the future, with the understanding of love, we will reach our destination. Love to all, Troy Nobody - we are one with the universe.

10.01.2022 What are your practises for meditating in a noisy environment? Can you escape to your island? by, Troy (K) Eichelberger - Nobody A few days ago I stopped on a b...each on Victoria's Shipwreck Coast, near Lorne - in Australia. After walking and exploring the beach, I had this urge to meditate there. I do not, usually, meditate in the public, but this was a secluded spot. Yet, it was carrying noise from nearby tourist traffic. The "energy" and winds coming of the ocean, the crushing waves - all made it an irresistible location - overriding the noise issue. I found the perfect rock and went into meditation, dissolving with the energy of this magical coastline. A friend asked me later, if the noise was not off putting? I explained, that I didn't experience the noise for what it was, I didn't have to. I imagined myself sitting there in this spot, all alone and with no signs of the modern world. Instead, I experienced an amazing ancient energy - I was there 500 years ago. During meditation, I choose the setting when the setting is not ideal. I love to Observe the energies of the past - sensing and becoming a part of it - feeling the awareness of that time, in that place. We can create the ideal setting - so much of our lives, is based on an illusion, why not the setting for your meditation?

08.01.2022 How did COVID lock down, impact upon you so far? by, Troy (K) Eichelberger - Nobody I'd be interested to hear some of your thoughts and/ or, stories.... 2020 lock down, has provided many amongst us, with time for "BEING". Silent and quality self time. Time, when perhaps, the noise of the ego mind became a little less interruptive? That holds so much potential. Time, when the inner self, got a chance to be noticed perhaps? To my observation, the whole atmospheric energy changed, during stages of local and global lock downs. Pollution levels dropped dramatically - both, environmental pollution and human pollution. Pollution is a form of energy - a negative one. I use the term human pollution, to refer to what I call, over active ego functions. These over-active ego thoughts, of zero quality, stress driven and mostly negative garb, attract negativity around the globe. You see, all thought and action leaves ripples of consequences. This in turn creates a negative, anxious energy field. It is not conducive, to a balanced and harmonic existence. COVID has helped us to highlight this. COVID also let us experience a less polluted energy field. We now, learn to become aware of this energy, and we can produce a counter energy. We can do so, by reminding ourselves of the magic of interpretations. We hold the magic wand, the power. Add a higher dosage of positivity, to your inner dialogue. Our ego function is constantly creating illusions. So, why not put an effort into turning these, into beacons of positivity and light? And, just imagine, if we all, press share, and this idea becomes fashionable - who knows what global impact we can generate? Let's work together. Let us generate more positive energy. Let us explore positive opportunities, when confronted with any type of situation. It may not seem obvious, but it can be done - your will, is the first hurdle. A problem, is a gift, wrapped into a problem. Start unwrapping and step into more bliss in your daily life and relationships. We can all create a little magic of our own and together, bring the magic of positive change to humanity.

08.01.2022 Spiritual awakening - My new understanding. by, Troy (K) Eichelberger - Nobody 13/02/21... Spiritual awakening is not about religion - it is about philosophy and the potential of our personal enablement. Our ability to reach a level of higher functionality. I have written about Spiritual awakening in the past. However, as my personal waking process progresses, I undergo change. This change is reflected in my thoughts, my understanding of how things work and what role they play. As human beings, we have a longer development phase than most other species. In fact, the human development phase never needs to cease. One such development phase, is our "PHYSICAL AWAKENING". Physical awakening is the process of learning to utilise our bodies to its best ability. Some people take it to the limits of athletic performance. Whilst others are happy to awaken their physical abilities at a more moderate pace. We learn to walk, we learn to talk. We learn to swim and much more. All of our functions, we either actively awaken, or they simply wake as we develop. There are other functions we can only gain by learning. For example, I can learn the Tango, but I need to know it exists first. It is not an obvious skill - nor a must have one. Some may think it a "gift". Yet, we can learn it too if we are willing to put in the effort. So, how does that relate to "Spiritual Awakening"? Well, our mind develops by the same principle. We learn to read and write. We learn some maths and languages. As per the example of the Tango, we can wake the mind to specific functions. To me, Spiritual awakening is about tuning the mind, to understand and explore its capacity and seek its limitations. The waking mind, will understand our inter connected universe. When I use the term understand, it is an under statement. When learning via meditation, you gain a "knowing". A knowing, is a solid addition to your intimate understanding of a subject. We will realise the immense depth and meaning of the word "AWARENESS". Our life is constantly changing. To wake to the knowledge, that we can achieve constant improvement at any age, is the most exciting aspect of the spiritual awakening process. It is a life's work. Your life's work. It is life changing. Religion contains stories about the abilities of a God for example. Stories about miracles, stories about kindness and love. These stories are delivering us a message. The message is to seek - to seek the discovery of the self. Seek within. Spiritual awakening is the journey towards our mental completion. It is not about learning from existing texts, it is about learning and exploring the limits of your mental functions. We are always told that we are only using a fraction of our brain capacity in a functional manner. Spiritual awakening is the tuning fork to change that in our favour. It is no different to physical awakening, it simply is a continuation in the overall waking process of human development. Some may be happy to have a semi functioning existence - others wish to reach the outer limits. Presently, telepathy and such functions are seen as gifts. They are not. They are like the Tango, we can learn to enable these functions and many more. So, "Gift" yourself. Go within and activate your waking process, the possibilities are infinite. The mind is the next frontier. It is the human escape of the predictable. Silent meditation is to the mind, what honey is to the bee. The mind is connected to the heart. Our heart generates the energy that connects the mind to the universe. Connects you to the rest of Creation. As such, a "true" understanding of the concept of "unconditional love" is a pre-requisite to your waking. I am not saying you have to have succeeded in reaching the Bliss state, I am saying you have to realise that love connects everything. Enjoy your journey. Share your story - wake others by being an example of that which is possible. Love & Light

06.01.2022 Our life is a consequence of Cause & Response. Take the reigns. by, Troy (K) Eichelberger - Nobody 11/02/21... Every response we give, is triggered by a preceding cause and every cause, at one point was a response to a prior cause. In fact, all of creation is a consequence of the dynamic between cause and response. The outcome is an ever self feeding and continuous creation. Therein remains the biggest opportunity. We have internal and external events, that present themselves on a constant basis as causes during our existence. Our response to these causes, triggers the cause we will be confronted with next. The ever self creating pattern of our life. We talk of destiny. Destiny is not decided for us, it is the result of all our responses to the causes we have to happen upon. The awareness of this self creating direction of our life, lends us the power to design the pattern. Internal events are those, consisting of our interpretations. Interpretations are merely an opinion. As each event has a billion possible outcomes, our opinion may seem valid, but it is an illusion that rarely meets with perfection. If you must form an opinion, "pause" - and pro-actively remind yourself to form a positive interpretation. Thus your response to the cause, changes the pattern. External events are more challenging at times. However, the response we expel is still an important choice. A choice that may prolong the suffering after an event, or accept it and move on. Again, our interpretation is the opportunity we can take. The opportunity to pro-actively change our destiny, by designing a response that is "OUR IDEAL" outcome. Why do we pro-actively change our responses? When change the pattern - we garner the awareness of the power we hold. The power to dramatically influence our life. Remember what I said at the start. Every response we give, becomes a cause. That cause triggers another response as a consequence, thus forming that which we have to deal with next. That is the constant dynamic of life and all of creation. All is inter connected, all a free forming creation. We are all co-creators, we all have the power to make changes.

06.01.2022 Inner Harmony - Social Harmony - Global Harmony by, Troy (K) Eichelberger - Nobody 08/02/21... Everything is possible - if we can think it - it can happen. Imagine harmony - real 100% harmony in your external world. Imagine a neighbourhood, beaming with open smiles and welcoming faces. A place you truly feel at peace in and at home. Imagine you can hold conversation and you are not being ridiculed, for even your strangest ideas. For, the strangest ideas can lead to the greatest inventions. After all, an idea is where it all starts. Imagine your neighbourhood like a safe harbour. Allowing you to dream and go about your business without any qualms. Todays world has become so busy. Many suffer from stress and poor health, as we forget the order of our priorities. Even our own home, at times, may not be the safe harbour we crave. So, let's change that - starting today. We truly can. Look at it like doing a spring clean. A spring clean of our ingrained thoughts and old habits. Our minds need some relief. Let us be generous. Let's spoil ourselves and lash out today - by investing the time - to put our own minds into a more peaceful state. Create harmony within you. Once you master it, you can infect your family and friends. We can let it spread around the world - like a virus. This is how we can go about it: Read and digest. We must realise the only time we can have any effect in, is the time of now. It always is so. You can no longer impact the past, nor can we act in the future - not in the physical sense. So, why not put all the focus into the present moment? Look around you right now - forgetting all that happened in the past. Are you feeling safe right now? Yes? You are taking the time to read this, so I hope for you to be in a place "right now", this moment, that is safe. Now, block out the future - for it has not occurred as yet. Anything can happen, do not try and interpret and predict the future right now - just focus on the safety of the now. Take a moment and try that - or do it after reading this article, but give it a go. Morph into the now - you'll meet yourself, for you are already there - waiting for yourself to catch up with your skilled self. What is the purpose? As we drop the importance of the past and the future, we simplify our existence - even if it is just momentarily. We can let go of our convictions and limitations, for we just float in the safety of now for a while. Let go of any problem for now, it will turn up again by itself if it must - no need to give it the privilege of your energy until it does. For now, I just want you - to experience the harmony of the now. I'd be interested how many of you will try this, or already practise a form of it? Understand, the only true time, is the eternal moment of now - the present moment. That is so important. So, if you can reach inner harmony with this practise, start to become aware - you can take this practise into every day life. The more people that find this inner peace, the better our chances to spread harmony throughout your home, your neighbourhood and globally. Silent meditation to nothingness is another must ingredient for my daily routine. I feel it was a life changing one for me. Love & Light

05.01.2022 Expectations are ........ by, Troy (K) Eichelberger - Nobody 09/02/21... Expectations are, the limitations we choose to place on our relationships. Unconditional love, is one that is not limited by "our" expectations. Our expectations are the chains and limitations, you bring to the table. Don't be disappointed in another for not living up to "YOUR" expectations. Your removal of expectations, will give you back the power over your emotions. Love & Light

01.01.2022 The way forward - Ubuntu - the conversation has begun. Thank you Patrice Wheeler - we are one, we are all.

01.01.2022 World Poverty - Climate Change & Discrimination by, Troy (K) Eichelberger - Nobody 23/11/20... So, apparently the World Economic Forum is contemplating a strategy to improve equality and co-operation amongst Nations. Under the motto, "Economic Re-Set", the up coming World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, will be the sounding stage to analyse and solicit interest amongst the top power-broking nations and Lobbyists. Little is known by the public at this point. H.E., Prince Charles, is a front man for what appears, a platform that could bring positive change. How serious this concept is, or its true prerogative are not known to us at present. Going by past history, little is likely to happen in the near future, or feed down to us mere mortals. It is however, an opportunity to engage! It is a chance to commence our Conversation! A chance for Positive Change. We - you and I, are the world population. We are all in the same boat, no matter the religion or beliefs we may hold. We are "Nobody" on this scale of events. The scale at which decisions are made on our behalf. We are spoken about. We are not being engaged with. We have no authentic Voice. Our elected political representatives, are not at liberty to act beyond the "will" of those more powerful. Just look at the outcome of EU deliberations. You have 27 Nations going into meetings - but you are fooling yourself if you think, that there are 27 opinions tolerated. Pressure is placed on those, who oppose the interest of the likes, of Germany or France for example. In our present global system, money is the only "power". It is "NOT" the democratic ideal, which would suggest, Power to the People. That, is an illusion in todays developments. Internet technology has further deteriorated our democratic ideals - to manipulate elections is much simpler in a digital world. The authenticity of information or news, often impossible to establish. So, Davos '21, is an opportunity. Is it a start towards change? Can we find ways to engage peacefully? Find a seat on the round table? Engage - don't protest if you wish to find an ear. Be the voice of "reason". The Voice of Peace! Poverty: - can be overcome at once. The budget for this, is presently going to fund military interests. If we have a wish to move towards a peaceful existence, more weapons surely are not the answer - rules to this effect can easily be designed and agreed upon - on a stage, such as Davos. (if it is an ethical conference and not a dodgy deal making orgy). Climate Change: - is reversible within 20 years. All it takes is a natural approach to change present agricultural techniques. Educating farmers about soil treatment and how they can stop the use of pesticides. It restores our carbon balance and regains vegetation of deserted land. Discrimination: - understand that we are all in the same boat, we are one. We have one goal, to live a happy life. To live without fear, without violence. I must not force my ideas upon you and you have no right to make me comply to yours. Let us understand the true "free Being". Teach the culture of Ubuntu, and discrimination is no longer possible. How can we hate or fight, when we are all one? No need for a military. No need for borders. No need for weapons to protect ourselves from ourselves. How do we get a seat on that table? This is my voice and I am Nobody! Do you share this desire towards a better tomorrow and a better world for future generations? This is our legacy we leave behind. At present it is a complete disaster. Be the change - join and share the conversation.

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