in Wynnum, Queensland | Sports & fitness instruction
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Address: 82A Florence st 4178 Wynnum, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Link is below. Alright...clear some space and get ready to work. Very elaborate equipment is required for this bodyweight circuit. You will need the floor, a towel and a door jam. IF YOU SAW THIS VIDEO AND ARE A CLIENT PLEASE TYPE GOT IT AND ON IT! We would also love it if you could comment, like and share and pretty please...subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the notification button. Thanks...Coach Kunin.... See more
25.01.2022 Here is the latest video with bands. Enjoy Boulder Shoulders with bands. Click the link in the comments below and Subscribe to the YouTube channel!
24.01.2022 After a week spending way too much time on computers, phones and in front of the idiot box, it's time to Release and Mobilize your body. Get your Sunday started (at least in Australia) by following this video with Kathy. As always, description of the movements are listed in the YouTube video.
23.01.2022 How to use the thingamagigy with the bands.
22.01.2022 Just a little Friday fun. Here is a Upper Body Power Circuit. Proceed with caution.
22.01.2022 Leg Press Fail! It's the last set of the day and I'm after a leg press widowmaker (20 reps) with high feet position to finish off quads and hams. Weight is 300 kg and I am well and truly smoked from squats and heavy hamstring work. 20 is the damn target and I fail at fricking 18 which will piss me off till I get it next week. In the game of iron you pretty much constantly fail to succeed. If you don't, you aren't working hard enough. It is fairly amusing watching my first attempt to get up afterwards.
22.01.2022 Here's a quick demo of how to use the therabands for legs in straps or kneeling arms in straps. Excuse the not-so-flattering angle and check out the 80's fringe going on! I might have to resort to cutting it myself...
22.01.2022 Monday in the trenches. Finding the right isolation movement while still focusing on progressive overload.
20.01.2022 Looking for a way to finish a pulling/back session? Try these. I had already did 2 sets of heavy pulldowns 2 sets of deadlifts to failure and had one set left in me. This hybrid bar/band row is just perfect. Because my CNS was pretty shot from earlier sets, I wanted something that wasn't stupid heavy while still being intense and challenging. What I love about these is the capacity to create mechanical drop sets on the fly. My training partner missed my last 4 reps which was me doing a standard barbell row with no band tension. Yes, I like heavy low set totals but with brutally high intensity. At 51 and average genetics, I fail to gain with lots of light pump sets.
17.01.2022 GOOD NEWS TO REPORT! Starting Monday June 8th, we will be back with the doors open. This week we are super busy sorting scheduling and new procedures/ protocols to protect both you and us moving forward. We are SUPER thankful for all our wonderful clients who have been with us online over the last many weeks. We will speak during the week and confirm all of our personal training times and that includes Kath's sessions at Pilates at Revolution Fitness.
16.01.2022 Here are my top three band movements for a stronger chest. I have demonstrated the sequence and reps. Give me a hell yeah if you think this would sting a bit.
15.01.2022 Seven Ways to Keep Your Shit Together This Week Now that my lovely title has forced you to continue reading, let me first say Happy Holiday, Merry Christmas, Happy Festivus and whatever gets you feeling happy and connected. Below are some tips for not turning into both mental and physical sludge during the holidays starting right now.... 1. Today and days following are just that...days. They can be pleasant and relaxing or stressful and taxing. You are an adult, you bloody decide. Me, I'm going to chill the hell out and let my friend Mr. Cortisol take a big old hike. 2. Get some damn good sleep if possible. If you have days off, aim to actually allow the brain and body to rest and heal itself. 3. Don't be like a spring breaker on your first college party every single day. There is this awesome stuff called water. It's well priced and needed. Get stuck into them. 4. Have a drink but walk 20 minutes minimum for each drink in a 24 hour period. Alcohol like everything else can be habitual so don't abuse this clunky wide bristle intoxicant. 5. Less calories equals less weight gain (fat gain). If you know you are going to be in a surplus of calories tonight, consider doing some intermittent fasting. Miss a meal or two to start the day. Even better if you can take a nice long steady walk first thing. It swings the pendulum in your favour for fat loss and clears the head. If you are coastal or have a pool, swimming is also outstanding and clears the head fast when you just might have overdid it last night. 6. Perform a body weight or band circuit every other day before your biggest meal of the day. 7.Have some alone time where you can reflect and figure out what is important for next year. Everything starts with vision and first steps. If you have no direction, plan to get lost.
13.01.2022 Here I sit and I got nothing left in the tank. Just to type this 30 minutes post workout is a struggle as the fine motor skills are useless. In this industry there is training hard and then there is training hard. Training really hard is when you can safely give it everything you have with GOOD FORM! You know it when you can't get another rep let alone another set. For me lately it is all about eating to meet my requirements of getting bigger and stronger. It isn't about bein...g Instagram "Cut and Ripped" but doing everything I can to beat the logbook from what I did last week. It is about food prep, it is about getting enough sleep for recovery and then finding it within to do it all again the next week till I have met my goal. Every time I get the goal it is a win even at my silly age. I'm lifting heavier and harder now than I have in the last five years and I'm loving it. My goal and your goal and your partner's goal will likely not be the same. What should be the same is the dedication. Life is short and I want to meet my challenges. With each one met, I use that as leverage to meet my next one in or out of the gym. There is no magic pill, there is no shortcut or trickery. It is all about being in the moment now and instead of saying to yourself, that's hard or that's enough, saying I got this and even if I fail now, I'm going to get it next time. #neversellyourselfshort
12.01.2022 Good genetics, consistency, hard work and banded heavy sumo squats paired with Bulgarian lunges blew Sean Downes quads right up. Not bad for a 50 year old.
12.01.2022 With just one band, I will make you walk like a baby giraffe.
12.01.2022 We’re back. And very happy about that!
11.01.2022 Are you after a t-shirt, singlet, long sleeve t- shirt, jumper or hoodie? We got the men and ladies covered. Products now shipped from Brisbane unless indicated in description.
11.01.2022 It's great to be back out of lockdown. Give me a " Hell Yeah" if you are ready to kick some serious ass and improve your physical and mental state.
09.01.2022 Training, life like is seasonal. Yesterday was the end of my growth phase. Some would call it off season and some might call it bulking which I kind of hate. Seeing as I don't compete, I'll continue to call it my growth phase. So what does that mean? For me it means a real focus on: 1. Increasing focused lifts 2. Increasing calories... 3. Not giving two shits about a little bodyfat increase. 4. Not losing sight of Increasing muscle mass. I also make sure I don't get too fat. One or two chins are preferable...not three or four. I slowly increase calories (mostly carbs around training windows) to find optimal performance range. I keep an eye on blood work and blood pressure with increased body weight to make sure I am healthy. Lastly, I still perform cardio work. Now that "cutting" has officially began, I will keep focus on the following. 1. Lower calories in slight increments to milk fat loss. 2. Utilize lower carbs and Intermittent fasting on non-training days. 3. Still lift heavy as I can with good form. Take the date that got you to the dance. There are two sets of photo. The bigger guy is now. The leaner guy is at the end of last year's cut. Follow along in the upcoming months to see how the process unfolds. Or better yet join me #Now. #now#transformation#bodyrecomp#muscle#bulk#getshredded##gym #fastingripped50#keto
09.01.2022 Building the body is a time intensive pursuit which takes time. Here in social media land everyone wants to be shredded 12 months a year. That's all good and well but guess what, you can't serve two masters at once well, meaning it's hard to increase muscle mass and get stronger while being on a restricted diet 12 months a year. That is why I periodize my training and body composition pursuits. Right now it's winter and I'm intentionally eating more (especially carbs) and am ...chasing the log book to challenge myself for heavier lifts. The result will be I'm getting stronger, adding body mass including bodyfat at the moment. Two caveats...first, I am not eating shit food and second, I am keeping my fitness and cardio up. Just because I go up a few percent in bodyfat doesn't mean I want to become unhealthy. As winter turns to spring and spring to summer, I will cut calories and ...voila get leaner while now having obtained more muscle mass and having an increased metabolism. I might only be 3 or 4 kilos up but will be so while being leaner than last year. That is how you build the body while staying healthy. Now PLEASE NOTE...If you are overweight right now, this will not be what you make your priority. You should get leaner, have insulin management in cheque, etc. If you have questions, fire away in the comments below.
09.01.2022 50 year old lawyers can also kick ass in the gym. It all starts in the head. Take two people with equal genetics and equal muscle mass. The one who goes further faster is the one who doesn't apply the mental breaks. Most people NEVER reach their potential, not because they are physically weak, but because they aren't mentally tough. Don't put the hand break on and slam the breaks on before you have really pushed your limits. 99% of the time people lose before they have even started the battle. #mindset#squat#lawyers#planexecutesucceedrepeat#fitness#coachkunin#gymwisdom#quadtraining
08.01.2022 Life is too short not to challenge yourself. Get yourself out of that comfort zone and allow yourself to grow. Hell yes I feel fear but I also know I have made my best gains in and out of the gym by pushing harder and often failing.
04.01.2022 Do you want to effectively train your back muscles at home with just a band? Watch this video for six great exercises to incorporate into your next training session. Click link below.
04.01.2022 How do you want to complete the end of this crazy 2020 year? It has been an absolute bastard of a year in almost every way imaginable. There is roughly 12 weeks to go and I am here to pose the question...make that a challenge, to yourself of what physical and mental state do you want to cross the finish line with? I set out the year to aim to get stronger and if being honest, bigger than I have been in the last 7 or so years. I lifted as hard as I could and frankly I eat as m...any healthy calories as I could while remaining healthy. Plenty of walking and sprinting accompanied my "bodybuilding" training to make sure that blood pressure, blood glucose, etc. were all healthy. Now in the last quarter, the goal will be to shed a few kilo's of body fat with the idea of getting as lean as possible while still maintaining muscle mass. Holding on to muscle is what will serve people in keeping lean for the long haul. It makes little sense to over diet and lose muscle mass because when your diet is over, you have to begin with a smaller engine, decreased strength and a slower metabolic rate. These are not things to strive for. Now back to my question, how do you want to cross the finish line? Myself, I only compete with myself. While I body build, I am not a bodybuilder. I have ordinary genetics and I also know that many of the practices in that sport are not healthy long term, especially for a 52 year old. That said, we can all set goals to become our best version of ourselves physically and mentally. It is almost impossible to hit a goal without a target. I hope that makes sense. While I am unable to take on any more in-house clients, I am happy to answer any questions you have regarding training, diet and mindset below. Ask away. Your question may help someone else. Let's see if as a community we can finish this year strong and hopefully inspire a few folks along the way. #finishstrong
03.01.2022 People have the uncanny ability to either look at life under such a microscope that they miss the big hurling comet coming right toward their heads. Humans are fairly adept at patching up their enormous wounds with band-aids. We are fallible, fixable and on our best days we are courageous and resilient. If you were to watch yourself, what would you witness? Would you see a balanced individual who can move from hour to hour with grace and confidence exuding good health or wou...Continue reading
03.01.2022 Here is the the definitive resistance band playlist. Find link in comments below. #noexcuses
02.01.2022 Who doesn't want better arms? Watch this video and with bands alone you can improve your guns today.Video is in the comments section below. Make sure to like, comment and subscribe!
02.01.2022 Kathy has provided Episode Two of mat Pilates with Kathy. Clear some floor space (PJ's OK) and feel great. Watch the YouTube video and subscribe to the channel and hit the notification bell for new videos. Lots of love. K & K
02.01.2022 Week 1/6 Body Recomposition I had a few request last week to see if it would be possible to document my body recomposition. After thinking about it for a bit I thought it might be good to follow, especially for folks who I don't train in person. This will give people an idea of what the approach is moving forward. Before I go into the finer details, let first define what a recomp is to me. A body recomp is a change more of what you see with your eyes than necessarily what th...Continue reading
01.01.2022 Train with focus, safety, and intensity. Here is my favourite back finishing exercise at the moment. It is a one arm supported cable row. After close grip pulldowns and barbell rows to failure, this allows me to polish off my lats safely.
01.01.2022 Come have a look at my favourite one arm row with #jammerarms
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