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Revisiting Nature in Inverell, New South Wales | Speciality food shop

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Revisiting Nature

Locality: Inverell, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 6721 5111


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12.05.2022 Being sampled before arrival in Inverell on Wednesday. Super super yummy and oh so natural.

04.05.2022 Ta Na! We finally get to pull the plastic off the floor and see what it all looks like - without anything on shelves - yet. The floor could do with a good mop. That look didn't last long though - the space is all junked up again!

20.04.2022 The pinnacle of exhaustion, but satisfaction - Nick and I over the moon with coolroom in place AND working (photo 1)! Katie and I are ever so grateful to our beautiful wonderful partners (Phillip hard at work in photo 2).

05.04.2022 Well we perhaps need to let the cat out of the bag as Kelly starts to play with the online shop. Some of you will jump online and think WTF as Revisiting Nature... disappears (today is the last of Revisiting Nature's weekly deliveries - next week the new shop and its new in-store and delivery regime will commence). We are keeping the same online shop, but redesigning it into the new shop - so same products, checkout, but eventually new delivery options, information, as well as in-shop check out. You'll be witnessing some of these changes live at the moment! Funki Munki was the brainchild of Katie one evening sipping red wine - it started with the idea of creating something fun....which led to funky, then funky monkey (as red wine does), and eventually a group of us came in and confirmed the final 'Funki Munki Thinking Naturally' name - after some numerology check ups as well. So this was thrown across to Kelly with other encompassing words such as community, colour, general store, healthy. And remembering that Kelly had already led us down the pallet shelving path - this is what she came up with....

18.03.2022 Arrgh - I keep forgetting to take a photo of the public computer in our shop for this I'm going to post a random photo instead just to get it on its ...way - me looking over our beautiful local cypress pine benches in our front windows. While we won't be kick starting the shop with our proposed cold-pressed therapeutic juices just yet, the grand plan does include that and imagine sitting down at these huge windows (without the grotty newspapers) and looking out over the street scape... And so back to the original post: How to mould the shop around your desires....for those who never took the plunge and ordered from Revisiting Nature, you may not be aware that it works on a system of offering 1000s of products - some sitting on the shelf here in Inverell, many that are brought in within days on demand. That system will continue on after the shop opens. So while we aim to have more and more of the popular items sitting on shelves at the shop, we will also have a computer set up for you to view and order all the other 1000s of items on offer that can be quickly brought in. Or of course, you can just talk to us over the counter. The computer will also provide quick reference to ingredient lists and brand details. Our range is certainly not restricted to just those showing up online though - we are always happy to research specific requests. Its another way of discovering new products and brands and really honing our offerings to what the community wants.

01.03.2022 "You see, we Australians have become addicted to the idea of really cheap food. And nowadays, cheap comes with toxic, pretty much regardless of where your food originates." This is why I do what I do - supporting real farmers and real food. How about you? Just passing the berry/HepA stories around, or really walking the talk with your choices?

18.02.2022 Oh boy oh boy oh boy - I am absolutely mentally and physically exhausted! It's been quite a few days since my last update, but in that time we have all pushed o...urselves to, damn it, get this shop open - finally. Phillip and Katie have been working late into the night finishing shelves and painting, Nick has been madly setting up computers and getting them to talk with the world and the printer and I have been sanding sanding sanding, then vacuuming vacuuming, vacuuming. Then we had an early rise this morning (Monday) getting ready to move the coolroom from our shed, which involved removing everything out of it first, man handling it onto a trailer with the help of mum and dad (see photo) then unloading and positioning it at the shop. It was all fingers and toes crossed that it worked when we switched it back on and got it reloaded with our fresh fruit and veggies.....success! Then it was bringing down the rest of Revisiting Nature's products to start stocking our shelves, which involved, obviously, packing them all up and man-handling them into the shop, then stocktaking everything before they got onto the shelves. A sound sleep tonight. I'll try to get back into my daily updates.....tomorrow....

31.01.2022 Yep, read into this side of the food industry many many years ago when submitting an application for approval for hemp food - I was aghast back then, but it just gets more and more perverse. There is even a chemical out there being used without any labelling (or common name) that disguises bitter flavour (i.e. off flavours) - barely any testing, but jumped on by many mega-corporate food companies at the time. Who knows where and where it is actually being used.

29.01.2022 Look at what Guyra is up to! Check out those eggs too....

21.01.2022 And yes, we sell organic chicken frames - though I need to stock up again (after the shop opens.....too snowed under just at the moment).

04.01.2022 Very good summary. Interestingly, we were just chatting about the packaging of some of our bulk products (flours, grains, dried fruits). To date I have used calico bags that return back to me for washing....but the big question is, when you have a physical shop front, is that an acceptable practice? We suspect that bureaucracy would insist that all 'food' items be in 'new' containers. Now we are working through what is more environmental - white paper bags (less energy, but bleach) vs recycled brown bags (lots of energy apparently, no bleach). Obviously no packaging is ideal, which our bulk tubs will hopefully negate a little....but really, its a tough path of choices in the retail world.

15.12.2021 Some of you might get a sneak peak of the shop name and signage during our online shop redesign process over the next week. We are using exactly the same online... shop and simply changing the look and name. So it will be same products and functions in the end. When we finally open our doors though, the online shop will change its delivery offerings, and of course work with walk-in customers. But more on that later. So don't be alarmed if you go to order and a completely foreign looking site pops up like it did this morning. It even gave me a fright as I wasn't aware that it was being worked on overnight! So rather than give all that fun away too soon, I'll introduce you to more of the crew. The shop-to-be will be run by Katie Brown and Carolyn Ditchfield (me). In a past life Katie and her husband, Phillip, ran an organic broadacre medicinal herb farm - both growing and drying, and built one of the most beautiful rammed earth and timber homes I have had the pleasure to visit. I met them both roughly 15 years ago when I was an agronomist for Nutri-Tech Solutions (one of the largest biological fertiliser companies in the world based SE Qld), and my partner Nick Barton works in precision ag with a large bent towards permaculture principles. Our friendship has only grown over the years - in this photo we are communing after another gruelling day playing with wood. Still a construction site eh! This shop is a natural merging of our skills and interests, all centred around non-toxic, health promoting, fair trade ethics - with an enormous desire to nurture and promote our own locals into providing more and more of the raw materials and services....but of course the most important ingredient in all of this is you - our local customers!!! We are keen to mould our offerings around your desires....

10.12.2021 Should we get some of these on our shelves? Which ones?

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