Herb Bar | Alternative & holistic health service
Herb Bar
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24.01.2022 Herb Bar’s dispensary is getting bigger! #aloesresin #falseunicornroot #hemidesmus #oliveleaf #peppermint #shepherdspurse #healwithherbalmedicine #liquidherbs #customherbs #naturalremedies www.herbbar.com.au
22.01.2022 Hey ladies... For those of you who frequent the ugly side of multiple personalities each month, the good news is liquid herbal medicine is here to help! If there’s one area where herbs can really shine, it’s balancing and regulating our intricate endocrine system. Let us formulate a personalised herbal blend for you and feel normal all month round www.herbbar.com.au/custom-blends #saveyourrelationship #hormonalbalance #PMS #emotional #angry #teary #breasttenderness #dysfunctionalbleeding #heavybleeding #PCOS #Premenstrualsyndrome #lowmood #depression #anxiety #stopbingeeating #customliquidherbs #herbbar
17.01.2022 Essentially the job of a Naturopath is to get you on the road to better health. But how do we decide what needs to be done before we can make this happen? in order to achieve great results, firstly we need to find out the underlying issues. What symptoms are your experiencing? What body systems are involved here? We may also use the assistance of #functionalpathology to achieve a better understanding. Something I talk a lot about with my clients is being able to identify the ...triggers to these underlying isssues. You may be suffering from #constipation #diarrhoea #bloating #cramping #excessivegas. So we know your gut is inflamed, and we have a case of bad bacteria balance, but what could be driving your body to be experiencing these uncomfortable symptoms in the first place? There are any number of possibilities... it could be #foodintolerance, #sugaroverload, #parasiticinfection, #poordigestiveenzymeproduction #systemicinflammation or even #poorliverfunction. You may be experiencing more chronic symptoms from #chronicfatiguesyndrome or #autoimmuneconditions which are more multifacted and may require longer term management protocols, but the process is the same. If you are battling with ongoing uncomfortable symptoms that are holding you back in life, stop googling and seek real answers! It's really not rocket science #keepitsimple #getanswers #nutrition #naturopathicmedicine #herbalmedicine #herbs See more
17.01.2022 Went for a run in my old stomping ground yesterday.. feeling grateful to have so many beautiful places hang, right on our doorstep #doingwhatilove #aussiebeaches #healthwellness #holistichealth #feelingblessed #greatstarttotheday
17.01.2022 This has nothing to do with bringing HF premiums downs. There is plenty of valid evidence for the treatments and natural medicines we use as Naturopaths. Of course the government are going to look in all the wrong places! If you believe the government are taking away Australia’s freedom Of choice to choose their preferred healthcare. ... Become a member of the ‘Health Australia Party’ We need a united voice to turn this around! See more
16.01.2022 Hopefully it’s just a 24 hour thing or 12..
15.01.2022 I've made it to my happy place My website is finally up. It's been a work in progress! please check it out, and share with friends www.herbbar.com.au
14.01.2022 7 Top Tips for avoiding the Flu this Winter, Naturally #winterwellnessremedies #nomorecoldandflus herbalantivirals #strengthenimmunesystemnaturally #preventativemedicine #healthtips Cold and Flu season is at its peak right now. If you can’t afford to take sick days or get knocked down by viruses this year, here are some really simple practices you can implement to avoid a non-productive day in bed. It may be stating the obvious to some of you, but following a few key step...s to avoid the flu plague, without the use of prescription medications, is easier than you think. And, in case it fails you, I also have some acute treatment suggestions to get you up and going in no time at all! Obviously we want to avoid exposure to germy people! Clearly this is not always possible, so be sure to wash well with anti-bacterials after known exposure. My best tip, in flu season, is to carry a herbal throat spray with you containing herbs like Echinacea, Myrrh, Sage, Calendula, Thyme, Clove and/or Oregano oil. The antimicrobial and antiviral effects of the herbs can deactivate the virus and stop it in its tracks. I am exposed to sick people every day and this is my saviour! 1/. Eating to build your core immune health Eat clean and vary your food options in your daily diet. Include lots of the following foods as they each have their unique immune building properties:- berries, citrus, Kiwi fruit, raw capsicum, mushrooms (in particular Reishi and Shitake), nuts, seeds, green and orange veg, fermented foods like sauerkraut, herbs and spices like ginger, garlic, turmeric, chilli, basil and oregano. Avoid processed and packaged foods, white breads, bakery goods, refined carbohydrates and alcohol and sugar, as they will almost immediately deflate your immune system 2/. Hydration Staying hydrated allows the body to flush unwanted toxins and by products from metabolism that can put unnecessary stress on the body. When the body becomes dehydrated, it may become more burdened and, in turn, this can affect our immune systems. Read more.. https://herbbar.com.au/clinic
12.01.2022 7 Top Tips for avoiding the Flu this Winter, Naturally #winterwellnessremedies #nomorecoldandflus herbalantivirals #strengthenimmunesystemnaturally #preventativemedicine #healthtips Cold and Flu season is at its peak right now. If you can’t afford to take sick days or get knocked down by viruses this year, here are some really simple practices you can implement to avoid a non-productive day in bed. It may be stating the obvious to some of you, but following a few key step...s to avoid the flu plague, without the use of prescription medications, is easier than you think. And, in case it fails you, I also have some acute treatment suggestions to get you up and going in no time at all! Obviously we want to avoid exposure to germy people! Clearly this is not always possible, so be sure to wash well with anti-bacterials after known exposure. My best tip, in flu season, is to carry a herbal throat spray with you containing herbs like Echinacea, Myrrh, Sage, Calendula, Thyme, Clove and/or Oregano oil. The antimicrobial and antiviral effects of the herbs can deactivate the virus and stop it in its tracks. I am exposed to sick people every day and this is my saviour! 1/. Eating to build your core immune health Eat clean and vary your food options in your daily diet. Include lots of the following foods as they each have their unique immune building properties:- berries, citrus, Kiwi fruit, raw capsicum, mushrooms (in particular Reishi and Shitake), nuts, seeds, green and orange veg, fermented foods like sauerkraut, herbs and spices like ginger, garlic, turmeric, chilli, basil and oregano. Avoid processed and packaged foods, white breads, bakery goods, refined carbohydrates and alcohol and sugar, as they will almost immediately deflate your immune system 2/. Hydration Staying hydrated allows the body to flush unwanted toxins and by products from metabolism that can put unnecessary stress on the body. When the body becomes dehydrated, it may become more burdened and, in turn, this can affect our immune systems. Read more.. https://herbbar.com.au/clinic
11.01.2022 Rise and shine!...If you frequent the symptoms of Mondayitis and need a little pep in your step, this red robust little berry called Korean Ginseng otherwise known as Panax Ginseng may be just what your looking for, to start your week firing on all levels! It's actually the dried root that we use to improve physical and mental performance. The longer term benefits of Korean Ginseng is its ability to improve adaption to all kinds of stress. Not only is it great for everyday pr...essures, but can be used to adapt someone to things like climate or altitude changes because it makes the body better equipped to deal with outside stressful influences. This herb is in our precious range as its one of our more expensive herbs, but thankfully the dosage for Panax ginseng is very low and a 2-3ml shot taken one to two times daily is all that is needed. That's less than the cost of a takeaway coffee, is less acidic and far more beneficial! So rather than reaching for that double expresso, think 'ginseng shot' on a Monday morning. #herbbar #koreanginseng #getyourmojo #herbalmedicine #getalkaline #stressadaption #energy #mondayitis #longevity See more
10.01.2022 Nigella Sativa seed, also known as black cumin or black seed is extremely diverse in its actions! There is even an Arabic proverb that said "In the black seed is the medicine for every disease except death" Nigella is very aromatic and peppery in taste and often found sprinkled on top of middle eastern breads. Nigella can help in treatment of #parasites such as #helicobactorpylori and #blastocystishominis #gastrointestinalinfection #gasandbloating #increasebreastmilk #chestcongestion #sinus #allergicrhinitis #arthritis #diabetes #weightloss #digestive #lowappetite. There is also research into the use of #Nigellasativa in the treatment of #cancer #thepowerofherbs
10.01.2022 These cute little pink flowers come from the Bearberry bush, also known as Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, most commonly as Uva-Ursi. In #herbal medicine we use the leaf, it has urinary antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory actions, making #Uvaursi leaf useful in treating and preventing #cystitis #urinarytractinfections #urethritis #dysuria #prostatitis #kidneystones #bladderstones. More recently Uva Ursi has been getting a lot of attention for it's use to treat #SIBO #smallintestinalbacterialovergrowth #bowelbacteria For urinary tract infections Uva Ursi would combine well with #Echinacea #Cornsilk #Crataeva #horsetail #Andrographis #Marshmallowroot #shepherdspurse Keep an eye out for our new UTI support blend, coming soon @ #herbbar #preventativemedicine
09.01.2022 Herb Bar’s dispensary is getting bigger! #aloesresin #falseunicornroot #hemidesmus #oliveleaf #peppermint #shepherdspurse #healwithherbalmedicine #liquidherbs #customherbs #naturalremedies www.herbbar.com.au
08.01.2022 Are you coping well with every day pressures of life? Could you better handle stress? Does your anxiety consume you? Cope better with liquid herbs! https://herbbar.com.au/shop... BUY ONLINE Stress + Anxiety Blend Contains the calming effects of Kava, Holy Basil, Passionflower, Withania and Lavender, perfect for acute emotional stress and anxiety. This blend of herbs will reduce cortisol levels, help to relax tight muscles, sooth the nervous system and better equip you for life's ever increasing demands. Withania and Holy basil taken longer term will improve your adaption to cope better with all forms of stress Buy online and have it delivered to your door. Take 5mls 2-3 times daily
05.01.2022 #tiredoffeelingtired #tiredoffeelingsick #getwellnow #changinghabits #nomorebadnightssleep #nomorewakingcranky No more excuses! There is no time like the present. You deserve to feel amazing everyday! Start waking feeling refreshed and ready to fire on all levels #Naturopathiccare #thenaturalwaytowellness #feelingfabulous
05.01.2022 Our new CLINIC page at Herb Bar has arrived! How can we help you to be your best? Why Keeping it simple, is the best approach to reaching optimal health! Learn how to keep you and your family out of harms way! Book an appointment today (mention Facebook and receive $30 off herbs or supplements at your first Naturopathic visit) https://herbbar.com.au/clinic
03.01.2022 Your Portal to Rewinding the ageing process...
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