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Rezenate Yoga & Beyond
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25.01.2022 The main thing standing between you and what you want from life is... You Your beliefs ... Your focus Your decisions Your actions Your habits They can all hold you back BUT They will also set you free and be the reason you succeed IF you are willing to put in the time and effort to change them To dig into yourself and pull out the weeds so your garden my grow You know to eat healthy You know to exercise You know to meditate You know to be positive and grateful You know to set boundaries You know success takes a long time You know to value your time You have the knowledge So now is the time to overcome your internal blocks so that you can put it all to use.
25.01.2022 I haven't been very active on social media lately, but that doesn't mean I am not around (and not busy) After creating the Break Through Anxiety Coaching Course and running multiple clients through the entire program (+ receiving great feedback!), I realised something was missing... Not just in the program, but in myself... I was making myself anxious creating a program on Anxiety and I was working so hard to reach my work goals that I had forgotten something very important... I wasn't fulfilling my own values Being the last piece to the Break Through Anxiety puzzle, I thought it would important to expand on this idea But I did one better I created a whole new program! I needed something to help guide myself, so I laid out a plan and structure to help me create a life that is congruent with myself And I want to share it with the world So when you are ready to figure out who you are and how that fits into the life that you live and the world around you, Drop a "" in the comments below and I'll send you more information
24.01.2022 The MOST effective tool to prevent overwhelm and stop overthinking Let's be honest here - I am a chronic overthinker I always have a minimum of 10 things on my mind at one time, constantly jumping back and forth between them... It's like my head is an internet browser filled with open tabs and somebody is clicking on them at random I have trouble focusing, am constantly distracted and never really achieve my outcomes even though I am constantly working hard While I still have moments like this, I seem to have a lot more control over my mind since I discovered this amazing tool Sure, there are lots of things that help: breathing, meditating, planning and journalling are just a few But nothing quite empties your mind like literally emptying your mind Once you discover this technique, it will smack you in the face with how obvious it is Like the answer was there all along but you just couldn't see it That's how I felt anyway! Like it couldn't be easier That I had wasted all those years getting stuck in my head Beating myself up Feeling not good enough and that I wasn't getting anywhere And because of the effect it has has on my life, I want to share it with you So, if you want to learn how to sort out the mess that is inside your head and clear your mind, drop a "" in the comments below and I will send you everything I know
24.01.2022 Although it looks like I am crying - I'm not! But, I do! It's so easy to get pulled into only posting the perfect photos, showing only the positives and giving everyone the idea that we have our shit together.... So... Here's the balance!: - I have spent the last 10 days or so quite down, questioning lots of things about life - At least once per week I beat myself up for something that I did or didn't do - I start heaps of things but finish few - I often isolate and distance myself - Sometimes I just don't care about people or life Not very motivational I know, but this is life We all have ups and downs, good and bad, positive and negative. My main intention is to show you that I am not perfect and to give yourself permission to be not perfect as well.
24.01.2022 Who finds that exercise helps with their mental wellbeing?
24.01.2022 Self-worth. Worry. Overthinking. Procrastination. Anxiety isn't always what you think...
23.01.2022 Its okay to rest! 10 days ago a sneaky little tick bit me and it looks like he has passed Lymes disease onto me (I guess thats what happens when you lay on the ground like this haha) I am okay, just resting up.... But it has made me stop and reflect on what I was doing and the way I was acting leading up to this moment I wasnt letting myself rest My mind was racing all the time I wasnt practicing my yoga or meditation Isnt it funny how life always tends to give you what you need, not what you want?
23.01.2022 I havent been very active on social media lately, but that doesnt mean I am not around (and not busy) After creating the Break Through Anxiety Coaching Course and running multiple clients through the entire program (+ receiving great feedback!), I realised something was missing... Not just in the program, but in myself... I was making myself anxious creating a program on Anxiety and I was working so hard to reach my work goals that I had forgotten something very important... I wasnt fulfilling my own values Being the last piece to the Break Through Anxiety puzzle, I thought it would important to expand on this idea But I did one better I created a whole new program! I needed something to help guide myself, so I laid out a plan and structure to help me create a life that is congruent with myself And I want to share it with the world So when you are ready to figure out who you are and how that fits into the life that you live and the world around you, Drop a "" in the comments below and Ill send you more information
23.01.2022 Four years ago our paths crossed... Call it fate, destiny or whatever you wish to call it But our success comes down to us:... The willingness to embrace challenge To communicate the flaws of the other To voice when we need time for each other To understand the bigger picture of everything that is happening around us So fate may have brought us together But we are responsible for everything else I love you - 4 years is just the beginning
23.01.2022 Flashback to when Eli used to jump all over me when I wanted to exercise... oh wait, he still does but I wont let that stop me!
22.01.2022 Sometimes I lift heavy things and push my body to the extreme Other times I wear flowers in my hair and dance around with no shoes on I dont have a need to be one or the other because who I am is so much more than a label
22.01.2022 Self-worth. Worry. Overthinking. Procrastination. Anxiety isnt always what you think...
20.01.2022 Need to work on your wellbeing? I am looking to create a FREE 7 day wellbeing challenge in a private Facebook group Each day will feature a tool that will help you overcome mental challenges, change your physical state, focus on the positives and create a strong plan for your wellbeing... Are you interested? I would like to know what you would like to learn, so leave a comment below and let me know what I can offer that will maximise your wellbeing :)
20.01.2022 I'm looking for 3 anxious over-thinkers who want personalised advice on controlling and calming their mind. Drop "" belowI'm looking for 3 anxious over-thinkers who want personalised advice on controlling and calming their mind. Drop "" below
19.01.2022 If you don't make time in your life for the things that improve your self-worth and wellbeing, how can you expect it to improve? For years I left my wellbeing as an afterthought. Sure, I exercised and ate well, but what about the things that were truly important? I kept saying things such as "I will do them when I get the time" or "after I do everything else"... But there was a big problem I would always find more things to do And I missed out I began to value myself less and the less that I valued myself, the more I put things off It was a deadly cycle So I began to do what I call non-negotiables Essential elements of my routine that come first, then build my life around them They were things such as: - going to bed early - meditation - time in nature - exercise - listening to binaural beats If something else came up that impacted me doing these things, I said no I spent months alone, but do you know what? I actually started to value myself I stopped saying yes to please other people I started being okay with not having to be surrounded by people And most importantly, the things that nourish my wellbeing get done FIRST, not last If you had to set a non-negotiable for your wellbeing, what would it be? See more
18.01.2022 Who do you have to lean on? For such a long time I felt that I didnt have any support around me I thought I had to do everything myself ... And if I am honest - I still find it difficult to ask for help I believed that it was my responsibility to solve all of the problems and figure them all out I learned a LOT and wouldnt be able to support others in the way that I do now if I hadnt gone through that However, its HARD! All of that pressure makes me feel sick Feeling all alone The mounting stress As the years go by, I am slowly beginning to realise that this isnt how I want to spend my life I want to be able to enjoy the precious time that I have on this Earth So I pay coaches to show me the way and point out what I am doing wrong I hire people to do tasks for me that I dont particularly enjoy I attend workshops and events that bring up my failures and weaknesses so that I can overcome them Its only been a few years since I first asked for help and sometimes it takes me longer than it should for me to reach out But I KNOW I wouldnt be in the place I am today if I hadnt reached out and asked for help Find people who have faced the challenges you are going through and they can save you time, energy and pain by guiding you. Comment Below and let me know one thing you would love help with right now and Ill do my best to help you or point you in the right direction
18.01.2022 My world is full of problems, just like everyone else And I find the times that I struggle the most is when I try to solve the problem at the surface instead of digging deeper When I try to battle Anxiety, I make things harder rather than figuring out why I am anxious and working on that... When I am struggling with money, I go to work trying to fix money issues rather than changing my mindset or focusing on acquiring customers and marketing When I am struggling in relationships, I want to change the other person rather than working on communication and my own self-worth To truly work on these problems requires a level of honesty and depth that is difficult, but not as difficult as spending my life trying to change things that I have no control over. Are you willing to go deeper into your problems in order to find the answer?
17.01.2022 When you move your body you will find your mental limitations Maybe it's your mind telling you not to push harder Or not allowing you to slow down ... You might find that you run from pain and discomfort Or that you struggle to find a place of ease Underneath these thoughts are beliefs And in the physical movement, you will become aware of the mental beliefs that are impacting your life How has moving your body helped you to overcome your own mental limitations?
16.01.2022 Ive spent years studying the depths of mindset and mental health Ive trialed everything that I teach and have made plenty of mistakes along the way Many people want to do it on their own, and so did I, but in all honesty the changes really started to flow once I asked for help... I began attending workshops and receiving coaching I was submitting myself to the process of learning from people who had walked the path before me And now I have the privilege to be able to pass that onto other people Ive compacted 10 years of research, trial and error and suffering into the methods that I teach now So that I can make the path a little less rocky for those who wish to follow me If you would like to know how you can learn years of experience in just weeks or months, leave a in the comments below and Ill reach out to you
15.01.2022 When you move your body you will find your mental limitations Maybe its your mind telling you not to push harder Or not allowing you to slow down ... You might find that you run from pain and discomfort Or that you struggle to find a place of ease Underneath these thoughts are beliefs And in the physical movement, you will become aware of the mental beliefs that are impacting your life How has moving your body helped you to overcome your own mental limitations?
15.01.2022 Your energy is limited - be very wary of how much you spend trying to control the world around you.
15.01.2022 I've spent years studying the depths of mindset and mental health I've trialed everything that I teach and have made plenty of mistakes along the way Many people want to do it on their own, and so did I, but in all honesty the changes really started to flow once I asked for help... I began attending workshops and receiving coaching I was submitting myself to the process of learning from people who had walked the path before me And now I have the privilege to be able to pass that onto other people I've compacted 10 years of research, trial and error and suffering into the methods that I teach now So that I can make the path a little less rocky for those who wish to follow me If you would like to know how you can learn years of experience in just weeks or months, leave a in the comments below and I'll reach out to you
15.01.2022 3 years ago I stopped exercising I had spent years chasing the perfect body and was constantly disappointed I was never fully happy with the results and always found something wrong to be unhappy about ... But when I stopped exercising I also stopped pushing myself I stopped moving forward and wanting to grow I lost my drive and willpower So, after 3 long years, I finally found my way back to something that I love What does exercising do for you? See more
14.01.2022 It's okay to rest! 10 days ago a sneaky little tick bit me and it looks like he has passed Lyme's disease onto me (I guess that's what happens when you lay on the ground like this haha) I am okay, just resting up.... But it has made me stop and reflect on what I was doing and the way I was acting leading up to this moment I wasn't letting myself rest My mind was racing all the time I wasn't practicing my yoga or meditation Isn't it funny how life always tends to give you what you need, not what you want?
14.01.2022 Over the past few weeks I have realised I fell into a trap I was working hard Putting a lot of pressure on myself ... Trying to grow externally And I was missing the foundations of my own happiness and fulfilment: - movement - breathing - meditation - teaching - connecting Life helped me along with some health issues to stop and reset So I would to present you the opportunity to gain the same insight without the life lesson What is one area that you have been meaning to focus on, that keeps popping up in your thoughts and you keep putting off? Something you know would benefit you That wont be without its challenges But would begin to fill you on the inside so that you can carry that into the other areas of your life Let me know in the comments below
13.01.2022 Do you know how to truly relax? Not just be on your phone or watch TV But do what is necessary to tell your body and mind to completely switch off?... For me, it is a process: 1) I move my body 2) I consciously relax my muscles 3) I control my breathing 4) I surrender control Its like a total reset for body, mind and soul. When was the last time that you truly relaxed? See more
12.01.2022 Take a moment to think about the mountains you've climbed The challenges you have overcome The moments you thought it would never get better... and then it did... The things you once thought were extremely difficult that you now do with ease on a daily basis It is easy to get stuck looking at how far you have to go I'm extremely guilty of this and I just realised yesterday with my coach that it wears me down Instead of feeling good about myself for everything I have been through, I skip over it and focus on where I am moving to My achievements have become like a checklist: - I quit drugs and alcohol - Got myself out of depression - Quit my job and travelled the world - Left all my friends behind so that I could learn to enjoy myself When I recite the list, it has lost all meaning. I saw it like it was easy so that I sound successful But in all honesty it was extremely difficult. The constant battles with my own head, the judgement (both internal and external), the paranoia, feeling like a loser and a loner. And I am sure it is the same with many of your challenges So comment below and tell the world, what is one thing that you are proud of yourself for achieving? I want you to own your greatness and honour the challenges you have overcome And let's get together in the comments and congratulate everyone for their achievements
12.01.2022 If you dont make time in your life for the things that improve your self-worth and wellbeing, how can you expect it to improve? For years I left my wellbeing as an afterthought. Sure, I exercised and ate well, but what about the things that were truly important? I kept saying things such as "I will do them when I get the time" or "after I do everything else"... But there was a big problem I would always find more things to do And I missed out I began to value myself less and the less that I valued myself, the more I put things off It was a deadly cycle So I began to do what I call non-negotiables Essential elements of my routine that come first, then build my life around them They were things such as: - going to bed early - meditation - time in nature - exercise - listening to binaural beats If something else came up that impacted me doing these things, I said no I spent months alone, but do you know what? I actually started to value myself I stopped saying yes to please other people I started being okay with not having to be surrounded by people And most importantly, the things that nourish my wellbeing get done FIRST, not last If you had to set a non-negotiable for your wellbeing, what would it be? See more
12.01.2022 Keeping the flavour of free content for May, I have uploaded a short video presenting a challenge for the next 30 days - lets see who will take it on!
11.01.2022 The #1 benefit from using your physical body isnt physical Its mental The feeling you get after stepping into a challenge... Facing the fear, doubt and uncertainty From doing something uncomfortable And coming out the other side Its fulfilling Its wholesome It trains discipline and willpower It proves that you CAN do it So the more that you train your physical abilities, you automatically train your mental capacity Let me ask you What physical activities help to strengthen your mind? Id love to hear from you, so drop a comment below and let me know See more
10.01.2022 Who do you have to lean on? For such a long time I felt that I didn't have any support around me I thought I had to do everything myself ... And if I am honest - I still find it difficult to ask for help I believed that it was my responsibility to solve all of the problems and figure them all out I learned a LOT and wouldn't be able to support others in the way that I do now if I hadn't gone through that However, it's HARD! All of that pressure makes me feel sick Feeling all alone The mounting stress As the years go by, I am slowly beginning to realise that this isn't how I want to spend my life I want to be able to enjoy the precious time that I have on this Earth So I pay coaches to show me the way and point out what I am doing wrong I hire people to do tasks for me that I don't particularly enjoy I attend workshops and events that bring up my failures and weaknesses so that I can overcome them Its only been a few years since I first asked for help and sometimes it takes me longer than it should for me to reach out But I KNOW I wouldn't be in the place I am today if I hadn't reached out and asked for help Find people who have faced the challenges you are going through and they can save you time, energy and pain by guiding you. Comment Below and let me know one thing you would love help with right now and I'll do my best to help you or point you in the right direction
08.01.2022 Gratitude - you are doing it wrong...
07.01.2022 You don't need to hide yourself It only makes things worse We hide ourselves because we don't want to be judged by others... But then spend our lives suffering with our internal criticism and judgement Sure, Being judged by others doesn't feel great But it is better than feeling miserable and being suffocated by the pressure of trying to be everything for everybody else What if you could go through life just doing you and be resilient to the influence of the world around you? What impact would that have on your life? That is what I am currently working on with myself and my clients It's not easy by any means, but it is worth it. Have you had enough of not being able to truly be yourself? Comment "I want to be me" below and I will share the secrets I have learned through the past 5 years of working on myself
05.01.2022 Im looking for 3 anxious over-thinkers who want personalised advice on controlling and calming their mind. Drop "" belowIm looking for 3 anxious over-thinkers who want personalised advice on controlling and calming their mind. Drop "" below
05.01.2022 It is easy to be grateful for the things you think are"good", but true gratitude comes when you realise that everything in life has positives if you are willing to look hard enough
04.01.2022 The big results are built on the small actions and habits repeated over a period of time. What is one thing that you can do today to start working toward a bigger goal?
04.01.2022 We all have many problems, the majority of which we have created with our mind. I like to solve problems, which is probably why I create so many in my life =P But seriously, problems are created by seeing things a certain way... Solutions are created by looking at the same situation in a different light Every event has both problems and solutions, challenge and support, positive and negative The more you make something out to be a problem, the more problems it will create But if you are willing to search for how the situation is helping and serving you, that is exactly what you will find. Most people will say but you dont understand, this IS a problem! And that is probably the way it will stay...
04.01.2022 Take a moment to think about the mountains youve climbed The challenges you have overcome The moments you thought it would never get better... and then it did... The things you once thought were extremely difficult that you now do with ease on a daily basis It is easy to get stuck looking at how far you have to go Im extremely guilty of this and I just realised yesterday with my coach that it wears me down Instead of feeling good about myself for everything I have been through, I skip over it and focus on where I am moving to My achievements have become like a checklist: - I quit drugs and alcohol - Got myself out of depression - Quit my job and travelled the world - Left all my friends behind so that I could learn to enjoy myself When I recite the list, it has lost all meaning. I saw it like it was easy so that I sound successful But in all honesty it was extremely difficult. The constant battles with my own head, the judgement (both internal and external), the paranoia, feeling like a loser and a loner. And I am sure it is the same with many of your challenges So comment below and tell the world, what is one thing that you are proud of yourself for achieving? I want you to own your greatness and honour the challenges you have overcome And lets get together in the comments and congratulate everyone for their achievements
04.01.2022 You dont need to hide yourself It only makes things worse We hide ourselves because we dont want to be judged by others... But then spend our lives suffering with our internal criticism and judgement Sure, Being judged by others doesnt feel great But it is better than feeling miserable and being suffocated by the pressure of trying to be everything for everybody else What if you could go through life just doing you and be resilient to the influence of the world around you? What impact would that have on your life? That is what I am currently working on with myself and my clients Its not easy by any means, but it is worth it. Have you had enough of not being able to truly be yourself? Comment "I want to be me" below and I will share the secrets I have learned through the past 5 years of working on myself
04.01.2022 Have you ever had a friend who was experiencing troubles and you give them great advice and ask them all the right questions, but then think: "Why cant I do that?" Solving other peoples problems seems so easy.... It is solving our own problems that is difficult. And if we can see the solution for other people, that means maybe other people can see our problems and solutions better than we can. That is why I get coaching. For me to coach others and help them solve their problems I also have to keep working through my own. My coaches help me realise various things by asking simple questions. By guiding. They dont want to fix me. And I dont want to fix others. Coaches role is to guide people to their own solutions. We act as a mirror. A Mentor. A guide. It helps me to improve the parts of my life that I am not an expert in We all have certain parts of life where we could improve Which areas could you use coaching in? For me it is Mindset, Planning, Business, Money and Relationships (a lot, I know!) What do you want to improve on?
03.01.2022 What is something that you love about yourself? I spent years not wanting to look in the mirror I convinced myself that it was because I wasnt vain... But really I hated myself I hated the life I had created I felt shame and guilt for so many things I had done And while it sounds terrible We all go through it And through that journey I have come to learn that all of the things that I judged so harshly were such an important part of my journey and made me who I am today I still have challenges Some days I still struggle But I am constantly working to change my perspective of self which changes how I see the world So tell me, what do you love about yourself?
03.01.2022 Although it looks like I am crying - Im not! But, I do! Its so easy to get pulled into only posting the perfect photos, showing only the positives and giving everyone the idea that we have our shit together.... So... Heres the balance!: - I have spent the last 10 days or so quite down, questioning lots of things about life - At least once per week I beat myself up for something that I did or didnt do - I start heaps of things but finish few - I often isolate and distance myself - Sometimes I just dont care about people or life Not very motivational I know, but this is life We all have ups and downs, good and bad, positive and negative. My main intention is to show you that I am not perfect and to give yourself permission to be not perfect as well.
02.01.2022 The MOST effective tool to prevent overwhelm and stop overthinking Lets be honest here - I am a chronic overthinker I always have a minimum of 10 things on my mind at one time, constantly jumping back and forth between them... Its like my head is an internet browser filled with open tabs and somebody is clicking on them at random I have trouble focusing, am constantly distracted and never really achieve my outcomes even though I am constantly working hard While I still have moments like this, I seem to have a lot more control over my mind since I discovered this amazing tool Sure, there are lots of things that help: breathing, meditating, planning and journalling are just a few But nothing quite empties your mind like literally emptying your mind Once you discover this technique, it will smack you in the face with how obvious it is Like the answer was there all along but you just couldnt see it Thats how I felt anyway! Like it couldnt be easier That I had wasted all those years getting stuck in my head Beating myself up Feeling not good enough and that I wasnt getting anywhere And because of the effect it has has on my life, I want to share it with you So, if you want to learn how to sort out the mess that is inside your head and clear your mind, drop a "" in the comments below and I will send you everything I know
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