RFSA Division 6 | Community organisation
RFSA Division 6
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23.01.2022 The NSW Government has today announced further enhancements to the state’s emergency services and partner agencies, as part of the response to the NSW Bushfire Inquiry and last summer’s devastating fires. Today’s announcement totals more than $192 million to all agencies over the next five years, including $56 million this financial year....Continue reading
22.01.2022 Survey for crew and group leaders. At the recent RFSA State Council meeting the State Council moved to undertake a project to look at Communication and Mapping throughout the 2019-2020 bushfire season. There were many issues with communication across the state and we seek your support to identify what mapping programs are being used across the entire state by our members on the fireground, and what concerns the members experienced with communication in the field last fire season. It would be appreciated if you could please help us by filling out our brief survey.
22.01.2022 Happy International Men’s Day. Today we celebrate the positive role models we have not only in the RFS, but also the wider community and acknowledge their input and the influence they play in keeping our society safe, happy and functioning. We also would like to draw a light onto some of the issues affecting our males and associated health issues.... #internationalmensday
19.01.2022 Such a wonderful video from our Narooma Rural Fire Brigade. Awesome work. Certainly highlights the challenges all of our crews shared during the fires and shows the wonderful bond that members have within Brigades.
18.01.2022 Thanks Shane Fitzsimmons for the kind words in memory of one of our Division 6 members Col Burns who passed away 1 year ago today, whilst supporting the fire efforts.
18.01.2022 Congratulations Brogo Brigade.
18.01.2022 The NSW RFSA Grant Scheme is open all year round! One of our Association's most admired and popular assistance programs has benefitted many NSW RFS Brigades and... Districts over the years, and with the need for assistance greater than ever, we are accepting grant applications throughout the year. The Grant Scheme assists NSW RFS Brigades and Districts in improving the level of equipment, training and welfare of their members; and providing an overall community benefit. All NSW RFS Brigades (individually or collectively) and Districts are eligible to apply for a Grant. There are 2 Grant types available: *Brigade Grants for items up to $5,000 (ex. GST) *Special Grants for items up to $25,000 (ex. GST) Brigade Grants are available to individual Brigades. Special Grants are available to a number of Brigades collectively or to an individual District. Information on how to apply for a grant can be found at https://www.rfsa.org.au/assistance-programs/grants or contact the office on 02 4723 3400.
15.01.2022 Here's to all the Dads who are there for loved ones and the community, hope you're having a great day!
12.01.2022 Fire fighters are some of our biggest heroes. They save homes, bush, animals and lives, and now they're being trained to save our mental health as well. #9Today
11.01.2022 The RFSA is excited to announce a delivery of Christmas Hampers to RFS Brigades across NSW. This is a Thank You pack to every brigade with some extra wellbeing resources provided. We know it’s been a tough year and we hope opening and sharing a hamper will provide a boost to members across the state. We don’t want anyone to miss out, so please ensure your Brigade registers their details by 15 October at the following link.... https://rfsaforms.rfsa.org.au//rfsa-christmas-hamper-givea
10.01.2022 Here’s a VERY IMPORTANT message from our sensational Major Partners the NSW RFSA.
07.01.2022 Division 6 which incorporates the Bega Valley Rural Fire Service Association Branch RFSA, Eurobodalla Branch and Snowy Monaro Branch of the NSW Rural Fire Service Association would like to wish all of our members, their families and the wider Community a very Merry Christmas. All of our Volunteers and Staff have worked tirelessly through one of the worst Bush Fire disasters, followed by a pandemic which prevented Brigades from the usual team bonding that they would normally do. We look forward to catching up with members from all of our Division 6 branches during 2021 and hope that everyone has a safe, happy and quiet break.
06.01.2022 - . Are you, or do you know of a local contractor who could undertake refurbishment of our RFS tanker fleet, which is part of the recently announced $34.4 million for new and upgraded RFS trucks? The Service is looking for contractors in each area command. For more details, please see below.... NSW RFS is seeking suitable vendor within each Area Command that can meet NSW RFS specifications in relation to the refurbishment of current appliances deemed viable for extended use within the fleet .Fleet procurement is assessed annually to determine which Brigade/District can accept a refurbished appliance. Across NSW. Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements. / Please visit the RFS Q2C portal get yoursef registered if you are new to Q2C To access tender documents, Attached Factsheet for registration. : https://rfs.bravosolution.com//guest/go/opportunity/detail
06.01.2022 RFSA Vacuum Giveaway Thanks to the generous support of Nilfisk, the RFSA has hundreds of Gerni industrial-grade wet and dry, dust extraction vacuums to give away to Brigades. The Gerni ATTIX 33M-class vacuum is certified for the removal of medium risk dust particles, and is valued at $700. As a wet and dry vacuum, it can also be used more easily in areas where a standard vacuum would not be suitable.... We hope to be able to supply a vacuum to every Brigade that wants one, but in the event there are more applications than available vacuums, successful Brigades will chosen at random. To apply for your Brigade, simply complete the form at https://rfsaforms.rfsa.org.au/forms/rfsa-vacuum-giveaway by 5pm Friday, 4 September. Please help us spread the news by forwarding this email to the Brigades in your area.
04.01.2022 Today marks the anniversary of the tragic death of NSW RFS volunteer Colin Burns. Colin lost his life on his property at Belowra, as he was making his way to th...e local fire shed to help protect local residents who were sheltering from fires. Colin was a long time member of the Belowra Brigade in the NSW RFS Far South Coast Team, initially joining in the late 1980s. We remember Colin and our hearts go out to his family, friends and fellow volunteers today.
02.01.2022 Today marks one year since the 2019-20 bushfires took hold in the Bega Valley at a rate that no one had expected. Our best fire prediction experts had predicted... that at a worst case scenario, we could see spotting deep into the Bega Valley at some stage on the 31st December 19, however no one had expected that before the sun had risen on that day, we would see direct flame impact in past Cobargo and Quaama into Coolagalite and the Murrah area. It was a day that tested all of our members, their families and the wider community. Unfortunately we saw massive losses, including lives and it was only the start of what was to come over the next few weeks for the Bega Valley. One thing that is undisputed, is that all of our members and colleagues from the other agencies did everything they could and exhibited the highest of qualities that anyone could ever expect. As we mark one year and head into another new year, it can be awkward to know how we should approach the day, but it’s important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to approach New Years as we go forward, whether that be either commemorate (the events) or celebrate (as we go forward into a new year). Some may wish to have some quiet time to reflect, whilst some may choose to spend time with family and / or friends and welcome the new year in under fireworks (legal display of course) or at a party... It may be that many do both? No matter which way you spend the day, it’s normal for many to find that they are experiencing emotional challenges... for some the challenges may not have shown up until now, or will show up a long time later. Whilst these challenges are normal, it’s important not to ignore them and ensure that you seek help. It’s also important that our Brigades and the wider community look out for each other and constantly check on one another. We don’t fight fires alone - we don’t go through the recovery and proceeding years alone! For our RFS members and their families, please remember we have available various support services: - Critical Incident Support Services Team - 1800 049 933 - Benestar Member Assistance Program - 1300 360 364 Senior Chaplains and family support are also available and can be reached via the CISS team. The Bega Valley RFSA Branch and the wider RFSA is proud to support our Volunteers and Staff in as many ways as we possibly can and welcome anyone to contact us at any time. Regards, Bega Valley Rural Fire Service Association Branch (Photos: Prediction map for 31/12/19 and map of impact by the revocation of the Section 44.) * For the wider community help is available through the Bega Valley Shire Council Bushfire Recovery Support Service, where case management and person to person support for everyone impacted by the 2020 Bega Valley Bushfire. Confidential and free, linking you to a wide range of services: Personal Business Agricultural financial Housing Government Agencies Council Phone: 02 6499 2345 or check out the BVSC website. Lifeline (If the day creates any issues): 13 11 14
01.01.2022 After a challenging 2020, here's hoping this year will bring better times for all of you and your loved ones.
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