Rhee International Taekwondo Moe Dojang in Moe, Victoria | Sport & recreation
Rhee International Taekwondo Moe Dojang
Locality: Moe, Victoria
Address: High Street Community Hub 4 High Street 3825 Moe, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.rheetkdvic.com.au
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25.01.2022 Just a reminder folks, Rosedale Dojang Live will be commencing at 5:30 pm tonight, 10/8/2020, so please join in. Please do the following warm-up about 10 minutes prior to the start of the class: ... -Jogging on spot, 1 minute -15 squats -15 push ups - 30 star jumps -30 seconds of trunk twisting -standing side leg raise x 15 each leg -do your own pattern x 2 - 2 minutes of stretching See you at 5:30, Regards SB Dave.
24.01.2022 WEDNESDAY WORK OUT : One minute of Jogging on the spot, one minute of stretching, then LETTERS H to N... A: Dan Gun Hyung B: High block x 25 each side C: Front kicks x 15 each leg D: Outer to inner Crescent kick x 15 each leg E: Do San Hyung F: Inner to outer crescent kick x 15 each leg G: High X-block x 50 H: 25 squats I: One minute shadow box J: 20 push-ups K: 25 sit ups L: Standing side leg raise x 20 each leg M: One minute plank N: Your current pattern O: Low block x 25 each side P: Side kicks x 15 each leg Q: Chon Gi Hyung R: Turning kick x 15 each side S: Outer forearm block x 50 T: Horse riding stance punch x 50 U: Star jumps x 40 V: Knife hand strike x 20 each hand W: 25 sit ups X: 4 directional punch, Left & Right Y: Inner forearm block x 50 Z: Low X-block x 50 Regards SB Dave.
24.01.2022 Always a thrill when Con is able to join us for training especially when Stuie decides to indulge in a bit of board 'renovation' work. Isabella and Simone joined in on the action with great success. The lost footage of Isabella's turning kick from last Friday Rhee-appeared.
23.01.2022 Training 27th November 2020
22.01.2022 WEDNESDAY WORK OUT 20/5/2020: One minute of Jogging on the spot, one minute of stretching, then LETTERS W to Z then A to D... A: Dan Gun Hyung B: High block x 25 each side C: Front kicks x 15 each leg D: Outer to inner Crescent kick x 15 each leg E: Do San Hyung F: Inner to outer crescent kick x 15 each leg G: High X-block x 50 H: 25 squats I: One minute shadow box J: 20 push-ups K: 25 sit ups L: Standing side leg raise x 20 each leg M: One minute plank N: Your current pattern O: Low block x 25 each side P: Side kicks x 15 each leg Q: Chon Gi Hyung R: Turning kick x 15 each side S: Outer forearm block x 50 T: Horse riding stance punch x 50 U: Star jumps x 40 V: Knife hand strike x 20 each hand W: 25 sit ups X: 4 directional punch, Left & Right Y: Inner forearm block x 50 Z: Low X-block x 50 Regards SB Dave.
22.01.2022 WEEKEND WORK OUT 23/5/2020: One minute of Jogging on the spot, one minute of stretching, then: Spell your town, (Moe students, spell the towns original name of West Newborough)... If you know both patterns listed for a particular letter do both, if you only know the lower one do the lower pattern. A: Dan Gun Hyung and/or Chun Gun Hyung B: High block x 25 each side C: Front kicks x 15 each leg D: Outer to inner Crescent kick x 15 each leg E: Do San Hyung and/or Toi Gae Hyung F: Inner to outer crescent kick x 15 each leg G: High X-block x 50 H: 25 squats I: One minute shadow box J: 20 push-ups K: 25 sit ups L: Standing side leg raise x 20 each leg M: One minute plank N: Your current pattern O: Low block x 25 each side P: Side kicks x 15 each leg Q: Chon Gi Hyung and/or Yul Gok Hyung R: Turning kick x 15 each side S: Outer forearm block x 50 T: Horse riding stance punch x 50 U: Star jumps x 40 V: Knife hand strike x 20 each hand W: 25 sit ups X: 4 directional punch, Left & Right and/or Won Ho Hyung Y: Inner forearm block x 50 Z: Low X-block x 50 Regards SB Dave.
21.01.2022 WEEKEND WORK OUT : One minute of Jogging on the spot, one minute of stretching, then LETTERS A to G:... A: Dan Gun Hyung B: High block x 25 each side C: Front kicks x 15 each leg D: Outer to inner Crescent kick x 15 each leg E: Do San Hyung F: Inner to outer crescent kick x 15 each leg G: High X-block x 50 H: 25 squats I: One minute shadow box J: 20 push-ups K: 25 sit ups L: Standing side leg raise x 20 each leg M: One minute plank N: Your current pattern O: Low block x 25 each side P: Side kicks x 15 each leg Q: Chon Gi Hyung R: Turning kick x 15 each side S: Outer forearm block x 50 T: Horse riding stance punch x 50 U: Star jumps x 40 V: Knife hand strike x 20 each hand W: 25 sit ups X: 4 directional punch, Left & Right Y: Inner forearm block x 50 Z: Low X-block x 50 Regards SB Dave.
21.01.2022 ATTENTION ALL GIPPSLAND REGION STUDENTS: Due to the upcoming COVID-19 lockdown coming into effect at midnight Wednesday 5/8/2020, we will again unfortunately ha...ve to close our Gippsland Region Dojangs. We will hopefully be able to resume training mid-September, pending government restrictions. In the meantime, at home practice your techniques, practice your patterns, do some exercise & stretch and improve your flexibility. ALSO During the lockdown I will resume the Rosedale Dojang Live sessions on the Rhee International Taekwondo Facebook page at 5:30pm Mondays. Our last training session will be tomorrow night (Wednesday 5/8/20) held at the Traralgon Dojang. Regards SB Dave.
21.01.2022 Just a reminder folks 2 more sleeps till our End of year break up.. Free grading day for students that have trained in our park or hall sessions.. Bbq.. visit from Santa Rhee.... 11am Morwell wooden fort playground Elgin St.. Full uniform runners an drink bottles.. Family welcome.. See more
21.01.2022 Logan, ready for some informal training at McGregor Park Trafalgar & Dad, Kevin
20.01.2022 Moe Rhee Tae Kwon Do will resume training this coming Monday 22nd of June commencing 6:00 pm. If you have contact with fellow students, please take the opportunity to let them know. Unforeseen circumstances notwithstanding, Senior Regional Instructor Mark will be attending. So lets get our game faces on, get there on time, and get our Rhee Tae Kwon Do education back on track!
20.01.2022 Rosedale Dojang Live, 5:30 tonight, dont forget to do a 10 minute warm up & stretch before the session, Regards SB Dave.
19.01.2022 Last training session for the year, tomorrow afternoon Friday 18th December from 5:30 pm, McGregor Park Trafalgar. Visitors welcome. Infection control measures complied with.
19.01.2022 Training tomorrow afternoon Friday 27th November from 5:30 pm McGregor Park Trafalgar. Visitors welcome. Infection control measures complied with.
17.01.2022 General notice to members an families..Gippsland Region. We will be hosting an end of year BBQ (sausage sizzle) an social gathering on Sunday 20th December at the Wooden Park Elgin St Morwell starting 11am. We are asking $10 per family to assist with providing the day. There will be a visit from Santa Rhee for all the kids..(an some adults apparently.)... There will be one last chance for a training session an skills development for 2020. Its been a very tough year folks so I hope we can all pull together an help RHEE BUILD an RHEE PAIR for 2021. There have been some very dedicated students that inspite all the difficulty have shown outstanding endurance an perseverance and have maintained consistent training in either limited public classes or park training with equally dedicated instructors an seniors.. To acknowledge these outstanding efforts.. as a token of appreciation I will be holding a free Kup grading for those students that have been dedicated and trained with their instructors an seniors during this time.. Come along participate.. train do your best and achieve The kup grading will require full uniform an runners as it will be outdoors. Any relevant social distancing measures will be in place (if required) an we ask that all members an visitors assist us in maintaining these. Drinking water... bread. Fruit juice soft drink sunscreen bug spray disinfectants will be available an children will receive a token xmas stocking Please pm for committed attendance as numbers will need to be monitored so appropriate measures can be made. Regards Mark SRI Gippsland Region
17.01.2022 WEEKEND WORK OUT 6/6/2020: One minute of Jogging on the spot, one minute of stretching, then: Spell TAEKWONDO... If you know both patterns listed for a particular letter do both, if you only know the lower one do the lower pattern. A: Dan Gun Hyung and/or Chun Gun Hyung B: High block x 25 each side C: Front kicks x 15 each leg D: Outer to inner Crescent kick x 15 each leg E: Do San Hyung and/or Toi Gae Hyung F: Inner to outer crescent kick x 15 each leg G: High X-block x 50 H: 25 squats I: One minute shadow box J: 20 push-ups K: 25 sit ups L: Standing side leg raise x 20 each leg M: One minute plank N: Your current pattern O: Low block x 25 each side P: Side kicks x 15 each leg Q: Chon Gi Hyung and/or Yul Gok Hyung R: Turning kick x 15 each side S: Outer forearm block x 50 T: Horse riding stance punch x 50 U: Star jumps x 40 V: Knife hand strike x 20 each hand W: 25 sit ups X: 4 directional punch, Left & Right and/or Won Ho Hyung Y: Inner forearm block x 50 Z: Low X-block x 50 Regards SB Dave.
17.01.2022 CONFIRMED THIS MORNING KUP-coloured belts-GRADING THIS WEDNESDAY 23rd JUNE-6:00 pm at the venue below.
16.01.2022 WEEKEND WORK OUT : One minute of Jogging on the spot, one minute of stretching, then LETTERS O to V... A: Dan Gun Hyung B: High block x 25 each side C: Front kicks x 15 each leg D: Outer to inner Crescent kick x 15 each leg E: Do San Hyung F: Inner to outer crescent kick x 15 each leg G: High X-block x 50 H: 25 squats I: One minute shadow box J: 20 push-ups K: 25 sit ups L: Standing side leg raise x 20 each leg M: One minute plank N: Your current pattern O: Low block x 25 each side P: Side kicks x 15 each leg Q: Chon Gi Hyung R: Turning kick x 15 each side S: Outer forearm block x 50 T: Horse riding stance punch x 50 U: Star jumps x 40 V: Knife hand strike x 20 each hand W: 25 sit ups X: 4 directional punch, Left & Right Y: Inner forearm block x 50 Z: Low X-block x 50 Regards SB Dave.
15.01.2022 Training tomorrow afternoon Wednesday 2nd December from 5:30 pm McGregor Park Trafalgar. Visitors welcome. Infection control measures complied with.
15.01.2022 Late breaking footage from last Friday's Trafalgar class! Jessica putting it together.
14.01.2022 One good break deserves another
13.01.2022 Jump across to Rhee International Taekwondo Trafalgar Dojang page for the live video action!
13.01.2022 Training tomorrow afternoon Tuesday 8th December from 5:30 pm McGregor Park Trafalgar. Visitors welcome. Infection control measures complied with.
13.01.2022 From training 20th November 2020
12.01.2022 WEEKEND WORK OUT 21/6/2020: One minute of Jogging on the spot, one minute of stretching, then: To celebrate the shortest day of the year, ... Spell: SOLSTICE If you know both patterns listed for a particular letter do both, if you only know the lower one do the lower pattern. A: Dan Gun Hyung and/or Chun Gun Hyung B: High block x 25 each side C: Front kicks x 15 each leg D: Outer to inner Crescent kick x 15 each leg E: Do San Hyung and/or Toi Gae Hyung F: Inner to outer crescent kick x 15 each leg G: High X-block x 50 H: 25 squats I: One minute shadow box J: 20 push-ups K: 25 sit ups L: Standing side leg raise x 20 each leg M: One minute plank N: Your current pattern O: Low block x 25 each side P: Side kicks x 15 each leg Q: Chon Gi Hyung and/or Yul Gok Hyung R: Turning kick x 15 each side S: Outer forearm block x 50 T: Horse riding stance punch x 50 U: Star jumps x 40 V: Knife hand strike x 20 each hand W: 25 sit ups X: 4 directional punch, Left & Right and/or Won Ho Hyung Y: Inner forearm block x 50 Z: Low X-block x 50 Regards SB Dave.
11.01.2022 WEDNESDAY WORK OUT 10/6/2020: One minute of Jogging on the spot, one minute of stretching, then: Spell the name of your STREET... If you know both patterns listed for a particular letter do both, if you only know the lower one do the lower pattern. A: Dan Gun Hyung and/or Chun Gun Hyung B: High block x 25 each side C: Front kicks x 15 each leg D: Outer to inner Crescent kick x 15 each leg E: Do San Hyung and/or Toi Gae Hyung F: Inner to outer crescent kick x 15 each leg G: High X-block x 50 H: 25 squats I: One minute shadow box J: 20 push-ups K: 25 sit ups L: Standing side leg raise x 20 each leg M: One minute plank N: Your current pattern O: Low block x 25 each side P: Side kicks x 15 each leg Q: Chon Gi Hyung and/or Yul Gok Hyung R: Turning kick x 15 each side S: Outer forearm block x 50 T: Horse riding stance punch x 50 U: Star jumps x 40 V: Knife hand strike x 20 each hand W: 25 sit ups X: 4 directional punch, Left & Right and/or Won Ho Hyung Y: Inner forearm block x 50 Z: Low X-block x 50 Regards SB Dave.
11.01.2022 Rosedale Dojang Live session will be at 1:00pm, so join in live, or watch later, SB Dave.
11.01.2022 Reminder: there is no training in Trafalgar tonight-2/7-the hall is not available.Reminder: there is no training in Trafalgar tonight-2/7-the hall is not available.
09.01.2022 Training 29th Novemeber 2020
09.01.2022 A great first night back in Moe with 10 students attending with father and son due coming all the way from Mirboo North awesome effort. Big thank you to branch inst 1st Dan Dale and senior students for helping in our compliance with Covid 19 requirements..
08.01.2022 WORK OUT WEDNESDAY: One minute of Jogging on the spot, one minute of stretching, then SPELL YOUR NAME:... A: Dan Gun Hyung B: High block x 25 each side C: Front kicks x 15 each leg D: Outer to inner Crescent kick x 15 each leg E: Do San Hyung F: Inner to outer crescent kick x 15 each leg G: High X-block x 50 H: 25 squats I: One minute shadow box J: 20 push-ups K: 25 sit ups L: Standing side leg raise x 20 each leg M: One minute plank N: Your current pattern O: Low block x 25 each side P: Side kicks x 15 each leg Q: Chon Gi Hyung R: Turning kick x 15 each side S: Outer forearm block x 50 T: Horse riding stance punch x 50 U: Star jumps x 40 V: Knife hand strike x 20 each hand W: 25 sit ups X: 4 directional punch, Left & Right Y: Inner forearm block x 50 Z: Low X-block x 50 Regards SB Dave.
08.01.2022 NO-repeat-No training this afternoon (30th Nov.) in Trafalgar. The next favourable weather forecast is this coming Wednesday. This will be confirmed within the next 36 hours. Have a great day everyone.
08.01.2022 Training tomorrow afternoon Monday 14th December from 5:30 pm McGregor Park Trafalgar. Visitors welcome. Infection control measures complied with.
07.01.2022 WEEKEND WORK OUT 31/5/2020: One minute of Jogging on the spot, one minute of stretching, then: Spell CORONAVIRUS... If you know both patterns listed for a particular letter do both, if you only know the lower one do the lower pattern. A: Dan Gun Hyung and/or Chun Gun Hyung B: High block x 25 each side C: Front kicks x 15 each leg D: Outer to inner Crescent kick x 15 each leg E: Do San Hyung and/or Toi Gae Hyung F: Inner to outer crescent kick x 15 each leg G: High X-block x 50 H: 25 squats I: One minute shadow box J: 20 push-ups K: 25 sit ups L: Standing side leg raise x 20 each leg M: One minute plank N: Your current pattern O: Low block x 25 each side P: Side kicks x 15 each leg Q: Chon Gi Hyung and/or Yul Gok Hyung R: Turning kick x 15 each side S: Outer forearm block x 50 T: Horse riding stance punch x 50 U: Star jumps x 40 V: Knife hand strike x 20 each hand W: 25 sit ups X: 4 directional punch, Left & Right and/or Won Ho Hyung Y: Inner forearm block x 50 Z: Low X-block x 50 Regards SB Dave.
07.01.2022 Good afternoon all, Apologies for the short notice, but I wont be doing a Rosedale Dojang Live session today due to me working tonight. At this stage Im planning on doing one on Wednesday at 5:30, so please join me. In the meantime, if you need a TKD fix tonight, Rhee-do one of the previous Rosedale sessions, or go to the Rhee Taekwondo Victoria Facebook page and do one of their sessions, Regards SB Dave.
07.01.2022 Simone settling old scores !
06.01.2022 Last night's training was a walk in the park.
06.01.2022 WEDNESDAY WORK OUT 17/6/2020: One minute of Jogging on the spot, one minute of stretching, then: Spell: SIDE-KICK... If you know both patterns listed for a particular letter do both, if you only know the lower one do the lower pattern. A: Dan Gun Hyung and/or Chun Gun Hyung B: High block x 25 each side C: Front kicks x 15 each leg D: Outer to inner Crescent kick x 15 each leg E: Do San Hyung and/or Toi Gae Hyung F: Inner to outer crescent kick x 15 each leg G: High X-block x 50 H: 25 squats I: One minute shadow box J: 20 push-ups K: 25 sit ups L: Standing side leg raise x 20 each leg M: One minute plank N: Your current pattern O: Low block x 25 each side P: Side kicks x 15 each leg Q: Chon Gi Hyung and/or Yul Gok Hyung R: Turning kick x 15 each side S: Outer forearm block x 50 T: Horse riding stance punch x 50 U: Star jumps x 40 V: Knife hand strike x 20 each hand W: 25 sit ups X: 4 directional punch, Left & Right and/or Won Ho Hyung Y: Inner forearm block x 50 Z: Low X-block x 50 Regards SB Dave.
06.01.2022 Training tomorrow afternoon Friday 11th December from 5:30 pm McGregor Park Trafalgar. Visitors welcome. Infection control measures complied with.
06.01.2022 Good evening Moe students hoping to see you all tonight... Please ensure you contact your branch instructor to reserve your place as we have a maximum of 20 attendees. Please ensure you maintain social distancing and comply with all related instructions from your seniors..... Train safe...train hard.. SNI Mark 5th Dan Gippsland Region.
05.01.2022 This correspondence from Latrobe City is self-explanatory. Moe Rhee Tae Kwon Do is back in recess for the foreseeable future unless we are able to obtain the use of another facility.
04.01.2022 WEEKEND WORK OUT 14/6/2020: One minute of Jogging on the spot, one minute of stretching, then: Spell: WINTER & COLD... If you know both patterns listed for a particular letter do both, if you only know the lower one do the lower pattern. A: Dan Gun Hyung and/or Chun Gun Hyung B: High block x 25 each side C: Front kicks x 15 each leg D: Outer to inner Crescent kick x 15 each leg E: Do San Hyung and/or Toi Gae Hyung F: Inner to outer crescent kick x 15 each leg G: High X-block x 50 H: 25 squats I: One minute shadow box J: 20 push-ups K: 25 sit ups L: Standing side leg raise x 20 each leg M: One minute plank N: Your current pattern O: Low block x 25 each side P: Side kicks x 15 each leg Q: Chon Gi Hyung and/or Yul Gok Hyung R: Turning kick x 15 each side S: Outer forearm block x 50 T: Horse riding stance punch x 50 U: Star jumps x 40 V: Knife hand strike x 20 each hand W: 25 sit ups X: 4 directional punch, Left & Right and/or Won Ho Hyung Y: Inner forearm block x 50 Z: Low X-block x 50 Regards SB Dave.
03.01.2022 WEDNESDAY WORK OUT 27/5/2020: One minute of Jogging on the spot, one minute of stretching, then: Spell the name of your pattern (Do San Hyung, Chon Gi Hyung etc). ... If you know both patterns listed for a particular letter do both, if you only know the lower one do the lower pattern. A: Dan Gun Hyung and/or Chun Gun Hyung B: High block x 25 each side C: Front kicks x 15 each leg D: Outer to inner Crescent kick x 15 each leg E: Do San Hyung and/or Toi Gae Hyung F: Inner to outer crescent kick x 15 each leg G: High X-block x 50 H: 25 squats I: One minute shadow box J: 20 push-ups K: 25 sit ups L: Standing side leg raise x 20 each leg M: One minute plank N: Your current pattern O: Low block x 25 each side P: Side kicks x 15 each leg Q: Chon Gi Hyung and/or Yul Gok Hyung R: Turning kick x 15 each side S: Outer forearm block x 50 T: Horse riding stance punch x 50 U: Star jumps x 40 V: Knife hand strike x 20 each hand W: 25 sit ups X: 4 directional punch, Left & Right and/or Won Ho Hyung Y: Inner forearm block x 50 Z: Low X-block x 50 Regards SB Dave.
03.01.2022 Currently planning on Monday 20/4/2020 @ 5:30 pm for next Rosedale Dojang Live Session, let me know if theres anything specific that you would like covered, SB Dave.
02.01.2022 Just a reminder folks, Rosedale Dojang Live at 5:30 tonight, do a 10 minute warm up & stretch just before class. See you tonight, Regards SB Dave.
02.01.2022 WEDNESDAY WORK OUT 3/6/2020: One minute of Jogging on the spot, one minute of stretching, then: Spell WEDNESDAY... If you know both patterns listed for a particular letter do both, if you only know the lower one do the lower pattern. A: Dan Gun Hyung and/or Chun Gun Hyung B: High block x 25 each side C: Front kicks x 15 each leg D: Outer to inner Crescent kick x 15 each leg E: Do San Hyung and/or Toi Gae Hyung F: Inner to outer crescent kick x 15 each leg G: High X-block x 50 H: 25 squats I: One minute shadow box J: 20 push-ups K: 25 sit ups L: Standing side leg raise x 20 each leg M: One minute plank N: Your current pattern O: Low block x 25 each side P: Side kicks x 15 each leg Q: Chon Gi Hyung and/or Yul Gok Hyung R: Turning kick x 15 each side S: Outer forearm block x 50 T: Horse riding stance punch x 50 U: Star jumps x 40 V: Knife hand strike x 20 each hand W: 25 sit ups X: 4 directional punch, Left & Right and/or Won Ho Hyung Y: Inner forearm block x 50 Z: Low X-block x 50 Regards SB Dave.
01.01.2022 For any of our beginners having trouble remembering 4-Directional & Chon Gi Hyung, heres all the movements. If you want a printable version message me (David Crawford) & Ill send you it as a PDF file, Regards SB Dave. 4 DIRECTIONAL PUNCH (LEFT FIST): 7 movements...Continue reading
01.01.2022 Reminder Folks, Rhee TaeKwonDo Moe training will resume this evening beginning 6:00 pm Moe P.L.A.C.E, Vale Street Oval Moe. The screenshot below is the most up to date Victorian Government regulations.
01.01.2022 Rosedale Dojang Live session starting 5:30 pm, 25/4/2020.
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