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Rhyme & Shine
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22.01.2022 Don't forget we are going LIVE on Instagram today over at @stayhomemums for our Nursery Rhyme Sing-a-Long Session!! Woo! 12pm - See you then!! #live #mumlife #nurseryrhyme #babysongs #songsforkids #sydneymums #perthmums #singalong
22.01.2022 Get Excited!!! We are running a special FAMILY session next Sunday the 21st of June. The idea behind this session came to me because I have run a few sessions lately where we have had Mum, Dad and Baby come along, and it has been so lovely to see the whole family enjoying this bonding experience together! But it doesn’t stop with just Mum and Dad, you can invite other siblings, Grandma and Grandpa, Aunties and Uncles. All are welcome for our family session.... Imagine inviting the whole family over to experience the joy on your bubs face during Rhyme & Shine. Or maybe you just want to keep it simple and have Mum and Dad join. Whatever the family make-up, you are all welcome on Sunday the 21st of June. . I may even have my hubby there to play one of our songs on guitar (yep, I’m putting him to work). . All tickets are by donation so you can pay what you wish. Check out this link to get your ticket: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rhyme-shine-special-family-ses, or head to Eventbrite and search for Rhyme & Shine. We can’t wait to see you next week for a fun family session! x #nurseryrhyme #songsforbabies #babysongs #activitiesforbabies #babyactivities #rhyme&shine #familyfun #family #sundayfunday #familysundayfunday #love #singalong #babysingalong #sydneymums #brisbanemums #perthmums #canberramums #hobartmums #darwinmums #centralcoastmums #newcastlemums #mumsgroup #mumlife #dadlife #newbaby #newmum #newparents #parenthood
21.01.2022 Hands up if this is true for you It certainly is for me right now I'll have my fingers crossed that the sleep fairies sprinkle your little one with sleep dust tonight!... #sleep #sleepingbaby #mumlife #mumtruth #thisismotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #parentlife #dadlife #newbaby #newmum #babysongs #lullaby #nurseryrhymes #sydneymums #brisbanemums #perthmums #adelaidemums #canberramums #centralcoastmums #newcastlemums #hobartmums
20.01.2022 Hands up if this is you? #mumlife #newmum #newbaby #thisismotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #sydneymums #brisbanemums #perthmums #canberramums #melbournemums
20.01.2022 What kind of family are you? Do you like to make jokes (dad jokes anyone?) Do you co-sleep? Do you like to play board games? Do you like to entertain? Are you always 100% honest with each other? Growing up, my family always loved to sit down and watch a good movie together (and still do). We liked to have a joke around, and it was always light and fun at home (well most of the time anyway).... Thinking about the kind of atmosphere that you want to create for your family is a good way to start putting down the foundations for that life while your kids are still young. Do you want open communication? Perhaps you need to start that now. Do you want to be a strong family that kids can rely on, maybe you need to adopt a motto of 'all for one, and one for all' or 'no family member gets left behind.' Do you want to be a 'fun' family that's always going on new adventures? That can begin today! Take some time to think about the 3 main values that you want your family to have and write them somewhere that you all can see. Don't forget to get your significant other involved in this process too, so that you can both get behind it! Comment below with your top 1, 2 or 3 if you want to share... I'd love to hear yours! Also, don't forget that we are running a special family session this Sunday the 21st of June at 10:30am (AEST) - think 'Nursery-Rhyme-Sunday-Funday-Family-Party' (all from home) - sounds good right? Tickets are by donation, and you can get yours here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rhyme-shine-special-family-ses We can't wait to meet you and your family! Casey x #family #sundayfunday #familyactivity #activitiesforbabies #mumlife #familylife #parentlife #parenthood #thisismotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #sydneymums #nurseryrhyme #singalong #singalongsunday #brisbanemums #perthmums #canberramums #centralcoastmums #adelaidemums #melbournemums #mumsandbubs #mum #newbaby #newmum
18.01.2022 Oh yes... the old 'count to three' trick! . . .... #mumlife #thisismotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #kids #counttothree #funny #mumster #quotes #sydneymums #brisbanemums #melbournemums #canberramums #darwinmums #perthmums #adelaidemums
14.01.2022 Yep, when you are given the gift of Motherhood, it defiantly comes with its challenges. I don't think I have been in the bathroom alone for a VERY long time - ha! You definitely give up your privacy, that's for sure! Whats the biggest thing that you have given up since becoming a Mum?... #thisismotherhood #mumlife #motherhoodunplugged #sydneymums
14.01.2022 How do you even fold a fitted sheet?!? We are all just doing our best to get those crinkly corners into something that is somewhat neat and tidy and can fit in the cupboard... but nobody really knows how. Just like parenthood. ... Have a great Saturday!! #motherhood #mumlife #motherhoodunplugged #thisismotherhood #parenthood #fittedsheet #tryingourbest #sydneymums #perthmums #canberramums #happysaturday #dadlife
14.01.2022 Totally!! Can you relate?? . . .... #mumlife #thisismotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #sydneymums #melbournemums #brisbanemums #canberramums #adelaidemums #hobartmums #perthmums #canberramums
14.01.2022 Wow... this is so important! The way you speak to your kids becomes their inner critic. Are you critical? Are you encouraging? Whatever you are, they will adopt this and talk to themselves this way for the rest of their days. What an interesting concept! Who do you think your inner voice came from?... #mumlife #truth #parenting #parenthood #thisismotherhood #motherhoodunplugged
13.01.2022 Yessss! And it always seems to be when you have scurried off to the toilet for a few minutes alone, or you have your head in the pantry with a mouth full of chocolate Where do your kids find you most?... #mumlife #thisismotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #funnymumlife #funny #findme #parentlife #parenthood #newbaby #newmum #sydneymums #brisbanemums #melbournemums #perthmums #canberramums #centralcoastmums #newcastlemums #adelaidemums #hobartmums #darwinmums #funnykids #kids
12.01.2022 Sometimes as a parent, life throws us a lot of lemons. Oh yeah, it does! In fact, sometimes we are living under the whole Lemon Tree! But do you know how to make lemonade out of lemons? It’s an interesting saying, ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade,’ but how many of us really know how to do this?... When life is dealing you terrible cards, how do you turn around and feel good about it? Or make something positive out of the experience? I believe it all begins internally. It’s not really about actually going out and turning the lemons into lemonade, but if we can see them, not as lemons (sour and hard to take), but as something yummy and delicious (lemonade) then we change our experience immediately. Is there something in your life that you could look at differently right now? Something that’s bugging you, where if you could just flip the meaning to something more positive, you would have a different experience? Give it a try, and leave a comment below if you want to share Casey x
12.01.2022 Oh my! This gorgeous little one is having so much fun at her Rhyme & Shine session. What a beautiful little bub! There's still time to join our June Rhyme & Shine Sessions! You have only missed one week, so use the code '3weeks' for 30% off, and you can join in the rest of the month for only $21 (that’s 3 more sessions!!!). It's a bit miserable outside with the rain and the cold, so having something that you can do from home is just so lovely! Roll out of bed, and into a Rhym...e & Shine session :) Visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/june-rhyme-shine-program-inclu to get your ticket! xx #activitiesforbabies #babysongs #childrenssongs #nurseryrhymes #singalong #singing #singingtobabies #mumlife #babyactivities #babyfun #babylove #cutie #cutebabies #sydneymums #brisbanemums #perthmums #melbournemums #adelaidemums #hobartmums #darwinmums #canberramums #centralcoastmums #newcastlemums
11.01.2022 Wow... look at the loving connection between this mother and her beautiful baby at one of our Rhyme & Shine Private Sessions. It is amazing what effect singing to your bub can have, and the bonding moments that can be shared. I just love seeing this!! Did you know that we do private sessions? ... We are running one today for some beautiful mums A private session can either be where your group is all logging in remotely, or (you can do what a group did last week) where you can meet at a location and all participate together in the same room (the joys of ISO lifting!) It's a lovely way to get together with your mother's group and have an activity that you can all enjoy together. The feedback from last week's session was so positive: "We had a wonderful time with Casey and Beau for our Rhyme and Shine session! It was a great way to gather as a Mother’s group! The song selection was super fun, and the sensory use of scarves saw our babies giggle with delight! Would definitely recommend as an activity for any mum and her bub!" Get in touch if this is something that you would love for your Mother's group. Cx #activitiesforbabies #mothersgroup #love #connection #babysongs #songsforbabies #mumlife #thisismotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #sydneymums #melbournemums #brisbanemums #perthmums #adelaidemums #newmum #newbaby #motherbabyconnection #hobartmums #canberramums #centralcoastmums #newcastlemums #darwinmums
09.01.2022 9 months in ... 9 months out! I just love these two photos by Life & Light Photography (she is an absolute master!!) It's amazing to think of all the things that have happened in the last nine months.... Of course, Beau was born and subsequently, I was born as a mother. I spent a couple of months in the baby vortex, googling every ailment I thought he had on my phone - gosh he seemed to have a lot of things (none of which he actually had). During this time, I had a neighbour tell me to pop over for a coffee at anytime. She is just across the road and I can see her house from my front door. I desperately wanted to, but just didn't know how I would manage it with a new baby. I longingly looked across the road, but could never quite make the trip. Days were hard, and then easy, and then hard again. New motherhood was a rollercoaster! Once I got over the fear of being outside the house with a new bub, I became a bit of an outing junkie... and dragged him to every class, coffee date, mum + bub exercise class and mothers group I could find. It felt great to be out and about, and so confident with him. He was easy to take out and I enjoyed those times so much! Parents rooms became my best friend. Corvid-19 happened and then we became glued to our lounge room. Dreaming up ways to keep Beau entertained and enriched. It felt like everything that I had been excited about was cancelled - weddings that I had just found the perfect dress to wear to, our holiday to North Queensland to see my bestie, as well as my graduation ceremony for the Masters in Coaching Psychology that I had just completed. At least with that one my husband was able to organise a Zoom graduation party, which was really nice! More time at home, and more feelings like Beau was getting bored (and to tell you the truth, I was a little too). Then Rhyme & Shine was born! A desire to help other mums find something fun to do (both for themselves and their bubs) from home gave birth to a little idea called Rhyme & Shine. It was challenging but I threw myself into it fully and have loved every minute of it. And now here we are... not really fully back to normal, but being able to get out and see others which is nice. I am still dreaming up new ways to help and support the beautiful parents in this group (and I just may put a few more of my coaching skills into practice). Stay tuned! 9 months in ... 9 months out. What has the last 9 months looked like for you? Photos by the AMAZING Life & Light Photography #mumlife #9monthsold #9monthspregnant #thisismotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #sydneymums #brisbanemums #melbournemums #perthmums #canberramums #adelaidemums #newmum #newbaby
08.01.2022 How do you find older generations are with your bub? Are the grandparents so engaged that they never want to leave the baby, or are you hard pressed to get them to babysit for 5 minutes. Do old people stop you on the street to say hello to your bub? Did they do that with your bump?... I find it funny, that usually we walk around hardly talking to one another, and suddenly a baby is thrown in the mix and people are chatting to you and your bub in the checkout line, on the street... anywhere really. It's like its finally an excuse for human connection. Makes me wonder why we don't all just interact on a day to day basis without needing an excuse!? Have you experienced this? #mumlife #generations #motherhoodunplugged #thisismotherhood #truth #funny #newbaby #newmum
07.01.2022 Do you remember the feeling of being pregnant? Did you have a good pregnancy or was it tough? I was pretty sick for the first Trimester - Morning sickness was ALL DAY sickness, but for the rest of the pregnancy it wasn't too bad. I do remember being very uncomfortable towards the end though... But I also remember the immense joy of having another life growing inside me. The giggles I would get when I could feel hiccups, hearing the heartbeat at each pre-natal appointment, or ...imagining my heart connected to theirs. It's weird to imagine what it was like back then without knowing that the little being inside of me was Beau. This picture was taken by a wonderful photographer Life & Light Photography who does the most amazing job of making you look brilliant. Did you have a maternity shoot? I nearly missed out but I am so glad that I did one in the end! I'd love to see your maternity shoot pics. Post one in the comments below if you can :) I want to see all the beautiful mummas and their pre-baby glows!! #maternityshoot #pregnancyphotoshoot #mumma #mumlife #mama #thisismotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #sydneymums #brisbanemums #perthmums #melbournemums #canberramums #love #photography
06.01.2022 How is your breastfeeding going? Did you choose to breastfeed? Were you able to do it? . . Before I had Beau, I had no idea that Breastfeeding can be a difficult thing that not everyone can do. I just assumed that you had your bub, and like magic, the milk arrived and everyone was happy! Was this your impression too? .... . I didn’t know that latching can be an issue, milk supply can cause anxiety, engorgement happens and can be painful and that your boobs blow up like porn stars. I didn’t know that when your feeding on one boob the other is leaking everywhere or that when you go to the shops and hear another baby cry your nipples turn on like taps. I didn’t know that you can get things like mastitis or nipple thrush, that cluster feeding was a thing, that when babies get teeth they like to bite down (ouch!). . . There was just so much I didn’t know about breastfeeding. The only thing I really knew is that people didn’t want you to do it in public. WOW! After overcoming all of the challenges of breastfeeding that I mentioned above, we should be loud and proud with our breastfeeding (well maybe not loud, but definitely proud!). . . And if you can’t do it, or you have chosen not to, it’s still okay! You are not any less of a mum, and your baby will still grow up happy and healthy. I’m pretty sure my mum didn’t breastfeed me because I had an intolerance to milk as a bub, and I turned out okay. . . What were you most surprised about when it came to breastfeeding? . . . . . . #breastfeeding #newmum #mumandbub #newbaby #breastfeedingbaby #mumlife #thisismotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #sydneymums #perthmums #brisbanemums #aussiemums #nzmums #canberramums #centralcoastmums #melbournemums #hobartmums #adelaidemums #australianmums #love #feedingyourbaby
06.01.2022 Is your baby a DIVA? I find it so funny that when we become parents our world suddenly revolves around these mini humans, who demand that everything be done for them and think that the world revolves around them (...which it does). Our own little mini divas! ... I guess we just have to resign to the fact that we are no longer the master of our lives anymore, and for a short time (and it is really quite short in the general scheme of things) that this little person is the ruler of our universe. When we let go and lean into that, it doesn't seem so stressful. Give it a try! Happy FriYAY!
05.01.2022 Have you received ‘well-meaning’ advice about your little pumpkin? I’m sure we have all received advice at one point or another that has made us uncomfortable, angry or even sad. The thing to distinguish is weather the advice or comments that you are being given has anything to do with you at all. ... What?? You say, the advice is about MY little one, of course it has something to do with ME! Well, not necessarily. When someone is giving advice or treating you badly, its beneficial to think about whether it is YOUR STUFF or THEIRS. You see, we are all walking around with baggage from our past past hurts and past negative experiences. Often, when people give us well-meaning advice or negative comments, it can be out of their own past hurts. The comment they make could be about THEIR STUFF and really have nothing to do with you. They may be trying to make their past self feel better (as often is the case when someone makes a negative or passive-aggressive comment). It can be beneficial to visualise them as a child, who is just trying to achieve something. It can help you feel compassion for them, and shake off any negativity that you have received from the advice. Of course, some advice can be good and welcomed, but when you receive something that triggers you emotionally, perhaps think about who’s STUFF it really is. If it’s not yours, then let it go. #mumlife #parenthood #thisismotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #sydneymums #canberramums #brisbanemums #perthmums #adelaidemums #mindset
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