Richard Lawton | Businesses
Richard Lawton
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25.01.2022 Singing with Bob Sedergreen's trio at the Paris Cat meant that I could unleash my crooner - what a treat...
24.01.2022 Now that's a cool way to move!
24.01.2022 Five minutes with Richard and Finch Publishing!
21.01.2022 the second time Clare and worked together on a solo show. She's a real talented triple threat and a treat to work with
18.01.2022 what incredible voice and breath control! this woman has obviously lived closely with animal spirits
18.01.2022 wonderful music from Nessi Gomes, starting off by chanting the names of god. I'm told the videographer, Orion Eshel made this when he was only 15.
14.01.2022 phenomenal voice and I love the sneaky smile lurking as she enjoys her own virtuosity
14.01.2022 When we sing, we really are using our whole bodies. Of course we think of music as hearing-centric but some American Sign Language interpreters at seeking to change that, using different facial, bodily and sign mechanisms to fully convey music. Brilliant.
14.01.2022 You've seen the videos, you've bought the new book (please) and now it's time to come along and experience a workshop with Richard for yourself! Find out more here:
13.01.2022 The me too campaign has highlighted a gender power imbalance. Most men would be horrified to live in a world where women were three metres tall and felt they could grab men by the genitals (a la Trump) whenever theyd had a few too many. But the world is a different place than it was last week. Things are moving fast and now more than ever women (and men) need to find their voices. Recognising that you have one and that there are things you can do to have it heard is a goo...d place to start. Use of language is incredibly important. Tune into what you are saying with your words and a good place to start is tracking how often in a day do you use the word sorry and in what context? Weak language can undermine your message and your assertiveness. Power is something that most people want more of in their voice and youre going to need it to deliver your message. Women tend to prefer a voice without harsh edges, and consequently soften the power out of their voice. The power in your voice comes from your core, your belly muscles. A voice thats lost its connection to the belly is thin, possibly nasal, and hasnt much power. Try blowing hard and youll feel that core engage. Go for the gutsy voice. You are going to need Freedom in your voice to have it heard. Freeing your voice from the limits learned in earlier years can have flow on effects to other areas of your life and its actually a simple step. In a sitting-down-sort-of a-day you only use about 10% of your vocal capacity. A little bit of practise at standing tall and flexing your vocal muscles, (for instance by joining a choir) can bring you the strength it takes to speak up; be that to negotiate a pay rise, quit a toxic job or relationship, or just plain feel more alive in your body. How about giving yourself permission to crank up the stereo and sing loud along with your favourites? Its a small but significant blow for the revolution. Mary Ferguson and Richard Lawton run the AS SHE SPEAKS program for women as well as vocal and executive level coaching. Richard Lawton is the author of RAISE YOUR VOICE Finch Publishing 2017. You can contact them on
13.01.2022 It sounds obvious, doesn't it - open your mouth to sing! However, speaking and singing without opening your mouth very wide becomes a habit and using these tips can REALLY help you improve your sound. Take a look:
13.01.2022 I'm happy to announce that I'll be doing another FREE session on helping you find better ways to raise your voice, next July 4th in Kew. STAND UP SPEAK OUT With Richard Lawton Calling all creatives, coaches, entrepreneurs, teachers and speakers... Do you have something to speak out about? Would you like to connect more directly with your audience? Would you like more confidence in sharing your message? Its about connecting with your personal power sources. In learning the Stand and Deliver method :- You will develop more clarity about your message You will be witnessed and affirmed as you shine at your best You will have more confidence in creating videos, presentations and even just speaking up for yourself Richard helps you stand in the power in your authentic being, and fill the room by discovering the range and beauty in your voice You graphically reminded me of the value of giving the voice (your instrument) its full potential. Ian Gray, (former) Chief Magistrate In another century, Richard was a theatre director, spending 1000s of hours drawing out the best in performers. (Sydney Theatre Co., N.I.D.A. & the V.C.A.) Since 2012 hes been the Voice and Presentation trainer for the Victorian Bar Association, hes helped yoga teachers adjust the room with a strong, clear voice, and in Melbourne Hospitals Eating Disorder Unit hes helped outpatients gain confidence from group singing. His recent book; Raise Your Voice is published internationally. He has also convinced a lot of people they can sing better than they thought possible. See more
10.01.2022 now that was some kind of workplace choir!
09.01.2022 Larissa Ham from The Age did a good interview for the Domain Magazine. I thought it was going to be about my work in Presentation Skills, but I think secretly she wishes she could sing...
09.01.2022 I've been directing Clare Dea again. This show is on at the Butterfly Club in the Fringe Festival. Check out the promo!
09.01.2022 This is one of the most frequent questions I get, and also the simplest solution
09.01.2022 Hello All. I'm putting on two free workshops: PRESENT YOUR MESSAGE, in April, for people who need to be seen and heard. I know this work is really valuable, and I would love your help in getting it out there.
08.01.2022 It's a remarkable achievement in crowd singing. You have to wonder how they did it...they certainly didn't get together for a rehearsal
08.01.2022 these guys were in my acting class at Federation Uni last year. So uplifting to see them strut their stuff as dancers
07.01.2022 fell in love with his voice a couple of years ago. Love the way she critiques too...
07.01.2022 An MRI of what happens inside our mouths when we speak.
07.01.2022 The Celebration continues, but spare a thought for the conductor and the pianist because the larger the crowd, the harder it is to haul them along in time - they slow down. If you watch the conductor he's almost bodily lifting them and the pianist si trying to find the mid point between going ahead, and matching their slowing down.
06.01.2022 For those of you who are coming to the free RAISE YOUR VOICE event on Saturday, here's what you need to bring:- an open heart and mind, notepad and pen, three achievements or triumphs from your professional, (or personal) life. Looking forward to helping you raise your voice. Here's the link
05.01.2022 brilliant short film by the English playwright Jessica Swale. Reminds me of my days as a theatre director and some of the agonising decisions around having to chose between a bunch of good people, pick one and turn everyone else down
05.01.2022 For the second time I directed Clare a solo show. She's such a talented triple threat and very easy to work with too
04.01.2022 The fun isn't over yet! New South Welsh-people, the Raise Your Voice launch is THIS WEEKEND!
03.01.2022 20 years ago singing bass on The Velvet Groove Quartet. I'm amazed by how much dark hair I had
03.01.2022 According to this study, singing can improve your mental health. (via BBC Two)
03.01.2022 this is a great way to hear how the different lines of harmony work together
02.01.2022 SO YOU THINK A WOMAN SHOULD ACT LIKE A MAN IN ORDER TO SUCCEED?! I sometimes hear this cry of frustration when Im running training in Voice and presentation skills. Especially in response to that saying; the voice of authority speaks low and slow. I used to have a tape (ancient technology) of Margaret Thatchers voice coaching sessions, getting her higher, thinner sound down to a darker and fruitier one.... Back then women were trying to force down a deeper voice and the result was inauthenticity and sore throats. The low part of the saying means speaking from the lower half of the body, the belly, the core, your hara. The problem of speaking from the top half is that its often exacerbated by spending the day sitting in front of a screen, which collapses our lungs, and we learn to shrink our voice to the size of a suburban living room or office cubicle. As a result, many people speak only from the neck up, which gives them a thin, perhaps high-pitched voice; its got no guts to it. Imagine blowing out a candle thats a metre away and youll feel the lower belly muscles push hard to turbo charge your airflow. These same muscles support the power in your voice, they give you a gutsy sound that comes from your core; your hara. Most people came into this world with a loud voice. Listen to youngsters in the playground and youll hear what the voice naturally wants to do given free rein. Somewhere in between, we get various messages; some of them painful and shameful, to turn down our volume. And as a result to hide our shine. So, how to speak low and slow? Breathe into your belly and blow out slowly; this will help you slow down and tune into the place where a powerful sound comes from. Try saying a huh of contempt and then lengthen the sound till it can transform into words, (with ease no force.) You may be surprised by the change in your sound Get help from a voice coach, sometimes one session can make a tremendous difference. Richard Lawton of Ignite Coaching is a master voice and presentation consultant, working with leaders to help strengthen their message. His book RAISE YOUR VOICE is distributed by Harper Collins
01.01.2022 WAYS TO RAISE YOUR CREDIBILITY AT WORK Ten years ago, I was called in by a partner in a mid-tier law firm who wanted his team to have more gravitas. In the intervening years, some useful ingredients have emerged: Put a crown on your head... Meaning keep your head upright and relatively still. Under pressure a low power person will unconsciously revert to primeval gestures of submission tilting/bowing the head to indicate they are submissive. Learn more about body language. Animals do it consciously; they are intimately aware of their tribes pecking order, and their place in it, however, in the cause of democracy and fairness, Westerners have learned to turn a half blind eye to their power play, at the same time admiring those who have charisma and exude confidence. watch this space for more specific info on body language.
01.01.2022 With all the official launching business now done, 'Raise Your Voice' is available at all good bookstores (as they say) and online!
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