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23.01.2022 The Importance of Mindfulness Take a minute and think of any three things that are bothering you at present. Now ask yourself how many of those things are actually problems occurring in the here and now? In today’s fast paced life where we often feel like we are running out of time, we often have difficulty enjoying the present moment. All too often we are either too busy anticipating what is to come or thinking about what has passed. Spending excess time in the past o...r future keeps us in our heads and leads to states of anxiety and depression. What is Mindfulness? The term Mindfulness is a translation of the Pali term Sati which is an important element in Buddhist healing methods. As an intervention strategy many online and personal therapists use mindfulness to treat a variety of mental health conditions. How Does Mindfulness Help? Mindfulness helps by: Making us aware of ‘the self’ Helping us to feel our surroundings and make full use of our senses Allowing us a break from the chatter of our minds, giving us a chance to calm down Allowing us to appreciate the beauty around us Practicing and refining our concentration. Easy Mindfulness Exercises to Try 1. Mindful breathing: Allow the breath to flow freely. Do not try to control it. Keep breathing and stretch your arms with every inhale and exhale. Focus all your attention on your breath. When your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breath, without judgement. 2. Mindful observation: Select any natural object in your visual field (flowers, birds, the sky, water, a flame, a flower or even a picture) and allow yourself to become consumed by its presence. Every time your mind gets distracted with thoughts, plans, or worries - just gently bring it back to observing the world around you. 3. Mindful listening: Select the music of your choice and listen to it at your desired volume. If it’s a song you’ve heard before, try to notice something new about it. Notice the intricacies and the complexities of the music. When the music finishes, observe and name the next five sounds you can hear in the area around you over the next couple of minutes. 4. Mindful eating - Take a break from the conversation and close your eyes. Take a bite. Observe the nuances of the flavours. Notice how it feels and tastes on different parts of your tongue. Roll it around on your tongue and observe the texture of the food. Mindfulness takes practice, but is well establish as an effective remedy for anxiety and depression. Start with 5 minutes per day. Practice non-judgmentally and don’t get frustrated if it is initially hard to do. For further information, contact an online psychologist (or a Gold Coast Psychologist) if you are in the area. Check out my website for further help. If you have any queries or suggestions on this blog, please share in the comments below. -Richard Moore
23.01.2022 Want to learn how to meditate & make a positive difference in the world at the same time? In just 10 minutes of meditation a day for 1 month, you'll make a posi...tive change in your own life and the lives of people in developing countries by taking part in Mindful in May, the world’s largest online mindfulness fundraising campaign! Join Mindful in May, the 1 month meditation challenge, to enjoy a change in your daily life including increased clarity, focus and productivity. Save over $250 when you register now for Mindful in May >
22.01.2022 Happy World Mental Health Day Everyone. The purpose of World Mental Health day is to reduce stigma about mental health. What can YOU do to reduce stigma about mental health? Please see the link below for some great ideas:
20.01.2022 The "5 Things" Mindfulness Exercise. Following on yesterday's post on mindfulness, Here's a quick mindfulness exercise to unhook your brain that you can do right now (by that I mean after you have finished mindfully reading this article :) It's called the 5 things exercise:... 1. What are 5 things around me that I SEE (that I haven't noticed before?). This could be as small as a fly on the wall.. there is always something you have yet to notice in your surroundings. 2. (With eyes closed if safe to do so): What are the first 5 SOUNDS, no matter how subtle, that enter my awareness over the next 2 minutes? 3. What are 5 sensations I can FEEL? Look for sensations inside and outside your body. Place your hand on your heart and notice your heartbeat. Notice where your legs contact the chair. Notice the air. Notice how air is cooler as it goes in through your nose and out through your mouth. It can be more pleasurable to to these outside in nature, but you can do it anywhere. In fact, I do it in my office everyday. How did you go with this one? Let me know in the comments below. Also let me know what else you'd like me to write about. -Richard
16.01.2022 Today is RUOK DAY. Let’s make sure we check in with our peers and mates, take some time to share a cup of tea , and take some time out to to reflect.have a wonderful day! -Richie
08.01.2022 Who likes this quote?
07.01.2022 Managing Your Emotions Emotions can often be complex and confusing, yet our days are filled with an almost constant barrage of different feelings. Some such as happiness, excitement or contentment are positive and make us feel good. Others such as shame, anger or embarrassment are almost always much less positive and have a real effect on ourselves and our families if we cannot identify and manage them. Identifying Emotions... Looking inwards, reflecting and being honest with yourself is important. Men in particular can struggle with this as emotions that lead to a feeling of perceived weakness might be hard to acknowledge. On the other hand, research shows that women can experience emotions more strongly. Some emotions are easy to identify, yet others can be difficult, the difference between envy and jealousy for example, or shame and embarrassment. It can be helpful to ask yourself what am I feeling right now? Choose to Enact your Rational Mind How you feel about a situation is largely beyond your control, but how you respond to it is. Imagine arriving at a crossroad, one path leads to an instant and perhaps negative reaction, the other to a much calmer more analytical approach. Consider asking what does my rational mind think is the best course of action? Relaxation Everyone needs an an appropriate venue to vent their emotions, to feel understood and get things off their chest. Friends, an online psychologist (or your Gold Coast psychologist if you are in the area) are excellent resources to help you feel understood. Sometimes a different perspective can change how you feel, sometimes the simple act of talking is enough to relax you. A good psychologist can give you a number of strategies to calm down quickly that are tailoured to your specific needs. Keeping a journal can also prove helpful to give your thoughts and feelings a safe place to exist outside your own mind. Online psychologists tend to agree that writing is therapeutic. Practising positive emotions, communication skills and meditative reflection won’t just help you to rehearse the reactions and emotions you want, it will also help you to relax. Not just in those moments but much more generally throughout your life, giving you much better emotional regulation and helping you to stay more relaxed and positive. For further information on relaxation techniques and strategies for emotional regulation, click, tap or call me if you are in the Gold Coast area. You can also check out the online psychologist resources on my website at Feel free to like, comment and share. -Richard
02.01.2022 A Closer Look at Mindfulness Mindfulness has become something of a buzzword in recent years and has come to mean different things to different people. Those things are almost always positive, such as feelings of happiness, of awakening and living in the present, but how do we go about achieving them? What can practising mindfulness really do for us and our day to day lives? Online psychologists all agree that mindfulness is much more than a buzzword, a marketing tool or topic on social media. It has the potential to become a different and much more beneficial way to live your daily life; it can be a perspective, one that will reap rewards. How we define and think about mindfulness though, can vary. If you ask a Gold Coast psychologist for example then their definition may differ slightly from that of a person looking through a more spiritual lens. Each would have something important to say and each approach might have certain things in common and that is no coincidence. Appreciation Appreciation is an important factor in mindfulness, moving away from taking things for granted and more towards noticing and realising the value in the things we come across. It might be simple birdsong, or your child’s smile. It might even be the feel of your favourite item of clothing or the first cool evening of autumn. It could be one of a million things we don’t acknowledge because we are effectively on auto-pilot. Mindfulness is all about switching off that automated way of thinking and purposefully accepting and hopefully enjoying the things we might normally miss. Returning to the moment ‘Staying in the present moment’ is a phrase we hear a lot when looking at mindfulness, yet any online psychologist knows this is something of a misconception. Can we really do that given what our minds need to process and regulate the events of each day? What we can achieve much more easily is returning our minds to the present, learning to self-regulate our attention with an ethos of curiosity, acceptance and openness to the things it holds. That self-regulating, attentive definition can help a lot in understanding the broad nature of mindfulness. Taking ownership of your attention and regulating your focus, whatever that focus may be on at any given time. As well as engaging with, being curious about, and open to the things we might discover and learn as a result. To learn more about mindfulness and the techniques and strategies for achieving a more mindful lifestyle, click, tap or call me if you are in the Gold Coast area. You can also check out the online psychologist resources on my website at and arrange an online consultation. How do you practice mindfulness? Share your ideas in the comments section below.
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