Richmond North Public School in North Richmond, New South Wales, Australia | Primary School
Richmond North Public School
Locality: North Richmond, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 4571 1542
Address: Grose Vale Rd 2754 North Richmond, NSW, Australia
Likes: 683
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25.01.2022 Stage 2 - Digi Ed link This this the link to watch the movies that were created yesterday. Enjoy
25.01.2022 A friendly reminder that it is pyjama day tomorrow! Wear your PJs to school and bring in a gold coin to donate to year 6. All funds raised will go towards the year 6 farewell. Thank you for your support! Mr Wheat and Miss Ziesel
25.01.2022 Rugby League Training Cancelled Due to the hot weather, Rugby League Training will not take place this afternoon. I will run training for Seniors and Juniors tomorrow at Recess and Lunch. Mr Wheat
25.01.2022 Studio K From 2pm today you will hear some of our K-2 students and the music they have chosen. KM & 1H will feature today Visit to listen
24.01.2022 We are so lucky as a school to have such great support from our local community. Through the efforts of our wonderful P&C and funding support from the Australian Federal Government (through Susan Templeman) and our local Bendigo Bank branch, we now have this wonderful addition to our playground. The new shade shelters, sand pit and car track are a huge hit with our students. A HUGE thankyou to all involved.
24.01.2022 Our new murals have just been completed. We think they look amazing and bring much needed colour to our toilet block....What do you think? A special Thank you to Miss King for all your hard work in coordinating these special murals for NAIDOC week 2020.
24.01.2022 Studio K From 2pm today you will hear some of our 3-6 students and the music they have chosen. 5Z - will have the news 2/3D & 6W - will feature today Visit to listen
24.01.2022 Parent information evening will be Wednesday 17th February. Notes have gone home today. Please see details below;
23.01.2022 P &C meeting postponed Just a quick message to let everyone know the meeting scheduled for this evening has been postponed. Our apologies for the short notice.
23.01.2022 Studio K From 2pm today you will hear some of our 3-6 students and the music they have chosen. 4D - will be giving us the news 5Z & 6W - will be featured today Visit to listen
23.01.2022 ICE BLOCKS FOR SALE! Year 6 will be selling ice blocks on Wednesday at the cross country carnival. Only $1 each. Great way to cool off after the race and help year 6 with their fundraising.
23.01.2022 $2 to enter the Design a poster competition for ‘Day For Daniel’
23.01.2022 Thank you to those parents who have already responded to our parent surveys that are currently available online. Your views will be very helpful in developing our new school plan. For those parents who have not yet had the chance to complete the surveys - there is still time. The surveys will be open until Sunday 27 Sept (5pm). We have posted 3 parent surveys - One on our School Vision Statement, one on School Communication and one on Parental Involvement. Each survey sh...ould only take between 5 and 10 mins. Next term we will post some surveys on different topics. I encourage as many parents as possible to complete the surveys so that your views can be considered in the writing of our new school plan. The surveys can be found here - Simply click on the survey buttons to complete each survey. We appreciate your time in sharing your thoughts.
23.01.2022 Studio K From 2pm today you will hear some of our 3-6 students and the music they have chosen. 3M, 4D & 5Z will feature today Visit to listen
22.01.2022 Our murals are looking fantastic!
22.01.2022 Today our students completed their last Coding lesson in Robotics. Our coding program plays an important role by giving our RNPS students the opportunity to develop and create technology - not just consume it. Here are some pictures of 5Z in their last lesson.
22.01.2022 Finally our senior students are on their 2020 school camp! On camp we will be doing loads of fun activities, including canoeing , rock climbing, zip line, archery , low ropes and a milk crate tower climb . More pics to come....
20.01.2022 A friendly reminder from our office staff that text book money is now due, as well as other school expenses. If you are unsure of the payment amount, please contact the school office on 45711542. Our office ladies have promised to buy ice blocks for the first class that has all of their text books paid for!
19.01.2022 Year 6, just a reminder that we will be taking the muck-up day photo tomorrow. Please wear your school uniform to school, but bring a change of clothes that you can change in and out of for the photo.
19.01.2022 Friday 11th September is Pyjama day! Bring in a gold coin donation for year 6 fundraising
19.01.2022 RNPS P & C are holding a Cookie Dough drive as a major fundraiser for our school and ask for our community support. Orders are due on 14th August. Cookie dough will come in tubs of 10 different flavours (there is even a doggie dough available for your fury family members). Please see the details below of how you can order. Family and friends are more than welcome to participate. Thank you in advance for your participation. Happy fundraising!
18.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all those amazing dads that play such an important role in raising kind and respectful young people. We hope you enjoy your special day.
17.01.2022 Studio K From 2pm today you will hear some of our K-2 students and the music they have chosen. 2/3D & 1Y will feature today Visit to listen
17.01.2022 'It hasn’t been easy, but look what we’ve produced!' Thank you to all our students, teachers, school staff and parents and carers who have made this a year to remember. See you next year for #FirstDay2021! #LoveWhereYouLearn *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
17.01.2022 This week in public education it is SASS Staff Recognition Week (school administration and support staff). This week we thank our wonderful support staff for their dedication to our school and public education. Our SASS staff play many roles supporting the efficient management of our school including administration, health and safety, and finance. They include school administrative managers, school learning support officers and general assistants. On behalf of Richmond North Public School and our community we say thank you for making RNPS a great place to learn.
17.01.2022 Jellybean music is back for kindy to year 2. 2D kids really had a great time
17.01.2022 SANDPIT IS OPEN The students from Year 1 had a great time with the opening of the sandpit at recess today. Each grade will have a set playtime to enjoy the new race track and sandpit whilst it is so exciting!
17.01.2022 #MathsTrainsBrains
16.01.2022 Tomorrow is FUN DAY at RNPS! Students can wear mufti to school. There will be lots of activities involving water Children should wear a sun-safe play clothes, sunscreen, hat, socks and enclosed shoes that are okay to get wet. Some children might like to pack some dry clothes and a towel; other children may prefer to drip dry in tomorrow’s heat Thank you for your support, Miss Ziesel and Mr Wheat
16.01.2022 To Year 6 Parents: We have just received an email about purchasing uniforms for Year 7 at Colo High. The high school wants parents to book a time when they can go to the uniform shop to buy uniforms. The uniform shop has reported that there are only 8 booking slots available each day and many of the spaces for December are already booked out. It is uncertain if there will be an opportunity during the holiday to purchase uniforms. Colo High can be contacted: by email: [email protected] or by phone 45712011. See more
16.01.2022 Studio K From 2pm today you will hear some of our 3-6 students and the music they have chosen. 3M - will have the news 3/4S & 4D - will feature today Visit to listen
15.01.2022 The canteen will be CLOSED on Friday 13th November. No lunch orders will be taken. Sorry for any inconvenience.
15.01.2022 Dear parents and caregivers, Due to unforeseen circumstances, the canteen will not be able to open this coming Monday. It will reopen on Monday, 22nd February (Week 5.) We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
15.01.2022 An exciting day in 4D and Stage 2 learning Digi Ed. Making movies with claymation! Nearly finished our masterpieces. Just adding music and sound effects!
14.01.2022 COOKIE DOUGH COLLECTION DAY Thursday 3 September is Cookie Dough collection day! In light of the Department of Education COVID guidelines, the following systems have been put in place. * Parents who have ordered only 1 or 2 tubs of cookie dough - students will be given these tubs at school tomorrow to bring home. You may like to bring a plastic bag to put them in as they are frozen. These orders will be sent to classes just prior to the afternoon dismissal....Continue reading
14.01.2022 1Y have been learning about the artist Michelangelo. We made sculptures out of play dough and then we pretended to make art on the ceiling like the Sistine Chapel. It was lots of fun trying to create art upside down!
14.01.2022 Thank you to all the families that purchased vegies, eggs and lemons this morning
13.01.2022 Studio K From 2pm today you will hear some of our K-2 students and the music they have chosen. 2M will feature today Visit to listen
13.01.2022 Studio K From 2pm today you will hear some of our K-2 students and the music they have chosen. SRC -will be talk about what has been happening KM - will feature today Visit to listen
12.01.2022 Dear Parents, Richmond North PS is in the process of developing its new strategic plan 2021 - 2024. As part of this process, we are seeking parental input on a number of school related items. Currently, we have posted 3 parent surveys - One on our School Vision Statement, one on School Communication and one on Parental Involvement - that we would like parents to complete. We appreciate everyone is busy, so each survey should only take between 5 and 10 mins. These surveys w...ill be open until next Sunday afternoon (27/9). Next term we will post some surveys on different topics. I encourage as many parents as possible to complete the surveys so that your views can be considered in the writing of our new school plan. The surveys can be found here - Simply click on the survey buttons to complete each survey. We appreciate your time in sharing your thoughts.
12.01.2022 2/3D have been learning about Antarctica. Last week, each student became an Emperor penguin parent for the day to a baby penguin (we used eggs). They had to care for the chick and treat it like a penguin parent would. They had to protect them from the predators of the playground. At the end of the day, 8 chickens out of 22 had NOT survived. Everyone agrees it is hard being a penguin parent.
12.01.2022 GRANDPARENTS DAY To celebrate Grandparents and Special Friends day on Friday 30th October, all students will be bringing a special pack home with activities that they have been completing for the grandparents. There will also be a special key ring as well. We hope all Grandparents and special friends have a wonderful day and we hope you enjoy the wonderful work that students have done for you. We will miss seeing you all at our school this year. Thank you staff and students of RNPS
11.01.2022 Scoper star awards!
11.01.2022 STAGE 1 FIZZICS SCIENCE INCURSION Yesterday, 1H, 1Y, 2M and 2D enjoyed a great day learning how to make sherbet, slime and bubbles! Thank you to Mrs McDonald for organising such a fun and educational day!
11.01.2022 Well done team Coming home with a win today!!
10.01.2022 Studio K From 2pm today you will hear some of our 3-6 students and the music they have chosen. 5Z will have the news 4D & 6W will feature today Visit to listen
10.01.2022 Tomorrow is Party Day for 3M, 3/4S and 4D. Students can wear mufti clothes.
09.01.2022 HELP WANTED! Our wonderful P & C are once again looking for volunteers to help in the canteen when it reopens. Its a great way to help out in our school and meet new people. If you can spare a day here or there, please fill out this form and hand it into our school office.
09.01.2022 Congratulations to our Year 6 students from Richmond North PS on your excellent behaviour and sportsmanship today at the Year 6 Basketball Gala Day. We had 28 teams compete from 12 schools and Richmond North students were beautifully behaved. Thank you to Mr Wheat and Mrs Rickards for all your assistance, encouragement and guidance. We hope you all had a wonderful day. You will sleep well tonight!!
09.01.2022 Studio K - Christmas Songs From 2pm today you will hear some of our 3-6 students and the music they have chosen. 4D, 3/4S & 2/3D will feature today Visit to listen
08.01.2022 Studio K From 2pm today you will hear some of our K-2 students and the music they have chosen. KM & 2M will feature today Visit to listen
08.01.2022 Today the K-2 radio show will be featuring a 2 part interview with Matt Cosgrove. Some of our students had questions for him and he was nice enough to record them for our radio show. Be listening at 2pm, today.
07.01.2022 Studio K From 2pm today you will hear some of our 3-6 students and the music they have chosen. 6W - will have the news 3M & 3/4S will feature today Visit to listen
06.01.2022 Calling all parents and carers: Have you downloaded the School Updates app yet? Opt in to receive notifications about the operational status of our school (e.g. temporary closures). Find out more and download via *Posted by the NSW Department of Education*
06.01.2022 Good Morning Kindergarten Families, Today is the farm incursion. Students can dress up as farmers wearing items such as a flannelette shirt and jeans. Students will need a hat as they will wear it for most of the day. Recess will be provided, however students will need to bring a normal packed lunch and their water bottle. ... Looking forward to today, Miss Riley and Miss McCoy-Lancaster
06.01.2022 Tomorrow morning there will be produce from our garden (cabbages, spinach, snow peas, lettuce, and lemons) for sale at the front gate. These have been freshly picked by the students today. $2 a bag, the funds go back into the garden. Thank you
06.01.2022 A friendly reminder that Fun Day permission notes and money are due this Wednesday!
05.01.2022 Congratulations to Richmond North Public School for being a 'Space Wattle' school! Here is their video....@Australian Space Agency Hawkesbury Gazette Sarah Richards Robyn Preston MP - Member for Hawkesbury
05.01.2022 Year 6 excursion on Monday to Brewongle has been cancelled due to prediction of extreme weather. We are working on a new date and will inform students and parents ASAP.Year 6 excursion on Monday to Brewongle has been cancelled due to prediction of extreme weather. We are working on a new date and will inform students and parents ASAP.
05.01.2022 Busy day in 3M as well. Looking forward to the movie viewing session tomorrow afternoon
05.01.2022 Join us for the K-2 radio show. Starting shortly 2/3D and 1Y will be featuring this afternoon
05.01.2022 Our P &C Christmas raffle is being drawn on Tuesday 15th December. All tickets purchased through the Flexischools app have been sent out. All money and tickets are due back no later than 2:30pm on Monday 14th. If you have any questions please contact Kylie and the RNPS fundraising team at; [email protected] Only $2 a ticket and some great prizes to be won! Good luck everyone and thank you for supporting our wonderful school.
05.01.2022 This afternoon we will have our regular, Years 3-6 broadcast featuring students from 6W, 4D and 3M. Tune in from 2pm to hear us.
04.01.2022 Just a reminder it is party day tomorrow for KM, KR, 1H, 1Y, 2M and 2/3D!
04.01.2022 Our students are very excited to have some visiting coaches from the NRL today. It’s a beautiful day in our back oval for NRL clinics.
04.01.2022 Congratulations to our new House Captains for 2021 who received their badges at assembly today. Showing great leadership skills already.
03.01.2022 Studio K From 2pm today you will hear some of our K-2 students and the music they have chosen. KR, 1Y &2/3D will feature today Visit to listen
03.01.2022 RNPS - P & C AGM. Our wonderful P and C are always looking for families to get involved in our school community. Come along to see what its all about. Please be advised that the P & C AGM will now be held at Panthers at North Richmond. AGM will be held on 31/08/20 starting at 7:00 pm. All welcome!
03.01.2022 More sandpit pics We are working towards all grades having some fun in our new sandpit. Thursday lunch we had Stage 2s turn. Then on Friday, it was Kindergarten and Year 6.
03.01.2022 Last lesson of Scope IT Robotics for the term for 4D and 3/4S students!
03.01.2022 We cant wait for our new playground! Our students have been watching the progress and are very excited!
01.01.2022 The 3-6 radio show will begin today at the new time of 2pm
01.01.2022 Studio K From 2pm today you will hear some of our 3-6 students and the music they have chosen. 2/3D and 5Z will be hosting a segment each. 3/4S will be providing us with the news. Visit to listen in
01.01.2022 Watch this space! We have something very special coming from our indigenous community, to mark NAIDOC week 2020
01.01.2022 Yesterday 4D had their final lesson in the Superflex program run by Andrew and Armanie. Superflex is a terrific social skills program teaching children how the brain works and how this triggers our reactions and emotions. 4D have learnt over the past 10 weeks how to be flexible thinkers. Now to practice our new knowledge in real life situations! Thanks Andrew and Armani!
01.01.2022 Studio K From 2pm today you will hear some of our 3-6 students and the music they have chosen. 3M & 3/4S feature today 3/4S will also have the new 6W will have information about the Year 6 Fun Day... Visit to listen See more
01.01.2022 Studio K From 2pm today you will hear some of our K-2 students and the music they have chosen. 2M 1H Visit to listen
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