Richmond River Beef Producers Association | Businesses
Richmond River Beef Producers Association
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25.01.2022 "There's always work for a good drover on horseback." Jack Jones was an old school drover, but new "outback road trains" started to change the way cattle wer...e being moved from NT to Qld. Check out this documentary "Walking the Mob" that we've found in the archives from 1961! We've been sorting through the shelves finding some of our favourite videos from the past 75 years! #RetroFocus #ABCRural75
23.01.2022 SOIL OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL Several RRBP members attended the recently held Brunswick Valley Landcare ‘Soil Our National Capital’ field day at ‘Rosedale Farm’, Doubtful Creek. Charlie Arnott, Biodynamic/Regenerative farmer from Boorowa was the Host Producer and MC of the field day. In 2018 Charlie won the prestigious Bob Hawk Landcare Award.... Other guest speakers in attendance were Glenn Morris, John Grant, Nathan Jennings, Gavin Tinning and Joe Leven. Presentations covered many topics including regenerative farming practices, soil management, pasture die-back and industry trends. The informative and interesting presentations filled the morning sessions interjected with humorous banter. A delicious lunch preceded the afternoon field activities of a soil profile investigation, a paddock vegetation inspection and a dung beetle tutorial, followed by a panel Q and A and general socializing over afternoon tea and drinks.
22.01.2022 A ring around the moon, black cockatoos - what is your surefire sign it'll rain? Mungindi farmer Sam Heagney giving us some comic relief this Friday, surely you've had conversations like this lately? : Sam Heagney via ABC New England North West
22.01.2022 Fall armyworm is a new plant pest that has been discovered in NSW and we need growers and producers to keep an eye out. This insect pest is a serious threat t...o Australia’s vegetable, grain, rice, cotton, horticultural and sugar industries. Early detection is vital to minimising the spread and impacts of fall armyworm so we’re urging producers to monitor their crops and pastures. To find out more about fall armyworm visit If you think you’ve found the signs of fall armyworm call the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline 1800 084 881. North Coast Local Land Services North West Local Land Services #seeitreportit See more
20.01.2022 LOCAL UNI CLAIMS CLIMATE IMPACTS FUEL DEMAND FOR NEW AGRICULTURE CERTIFICATE - by Halden Boyd SOUTHERN Cross University has announced a new course in agriculture, responding to demand from students which is says are asking for skills and knowledge to address climate challenges and restore degraded landscapes left by traditional farming methods. The Graduate Certificate in Regenerative Agriculture is now accepting enrolments for March 2021. The course can be completed with six months of full-time study or one year of part-time study. It follows this year’s launch of the University’s world-first Regenerative Agriculture degree which is a Bachelor of Science with a major in Regenerative Agriculture, with SCU saying it’s an acknowledgement of Southern Cross University as Australia’s top agricultural university, rated number 1 in Australia for overall experience in Agriculture in the recent Good Universities Guide 2020/21. The new hands-on postgraduate qualification is designed for students who wish to gain a higher level understanding of underpinning philosophies and associated management practices of regenerative agriculture. It includes units on Ecological Perspectives for Transformational Change, Farming Systems, Soil Management for Biodiversity, and Building Resilience in a Changing Climate, through drought, fire and flood. People with a range of more conventional agriculture qualifications are contacting us, expressing frustrations with some of the impacts of conventional farming practices over the long-term. They are seeking to understand what practices and approaches can enable farming to continue successfully into the future, while regenerating, rather than degrading, soils and landscapes, Regenerative Agriculture course co-ordinator Dr Hanabeth Luke said. Dr Luke said by supporting and enhancing the living matter in our soil, regenerative agricultural practice draws down carbon from the atmosphere and into the soil, and can play a critical role in reducing climate-warming carbon levels in our atmosphere. Student concern over accelerated climate change is a significant driver for demand in Southern Cross University’s regenerative agriculture courses, Dr Luke said. One such regenerative agriculture student is farmer and former high school teacher Jennifer Ringbauer from Central West NSW. I see regenerative agriculture as fundamental to the very survival of the human race: for food, for culture and for Earth, she said. Agriculture is the number one way we can drawdown carbon from the atmosphere to negate climate change. This is pioneering science and such an incredibly exciting and exhilarating area to be studying right now, Ms Ringbauer said. For 37-year-old Northern Rivers farmer Louis Bell, who works in broad-scale landscape management, enrolling in the Graduate Certificate of Regenerative Agriculture was a natural study path after a career that straddled horticulture and conservation. There are real opportunities to mitigate the poor practices which are resulting in deleterious impacts to our natural capital, and we need to bridge the divide between conservation and production, he said. Members of Southern Cross University’s Regenerative Agriculture Alliance (RAA) said there was high demand from farmers seeking the kind of postgraduate qualification RAA founder and Southern Cross University Strategic Projects Director Lorraine Gordon said. The way we teach agriculture hasn’t changed in 30 years. In its first year, the Bachelor of Science with a major in Regenerative Agriculture became the most popular agriculture degree in the country. This is part of a huge movement that demands we rethink the way we produce food and how we look after the very source that provides such food our landscapes, our soils. Unfortunately, our track record to date hasn’t been great! We need a change in paradigm, a new narrative, and to recognise the role we play in ecological health. The Graduate Certificate of Regenerative Agriculture incudes on-farm field trips. Some units will be purely online, while others will have an on-campus option in Lismore. Details on the new course can be found online: PHOTO: Farmer and Southern Cross University student Louis Bell.
19.01.2022 : . , . : . , . ... : . .. () ' . : 6.30 . $15 . 66 322 454 12 , 2020. :
18.01.2022 Ever been tempted to go droving? It's hard work, but there's nothing like it. Karla Cann is one of two women in a droving team moving 2,000 head of cattle 550-...kilometres, from Clermont to Taroom. More:
16.01.2022 NORTHERN CO-OPERATIVE MEAT COMPANY CHANGES LOGO TO REFLECT SHIFT TO A COMMUNITY FRIENDLY CASINO FOOD CO-OP - by Halden Boyd THE Northern Co-operative Meat Co...mpany has announced a new look corporate change which it says reflects the evolving face of Australia’s food industry, but still keeping it well and truly local. The NCMC is now the Casino Food Co-Op, and the name it says also reflects on its history and community focus which spans back 87 years. At the Northern Co-operative Meat Company Limited we are proudly 100% member owned and have established ourselves as a key player in the red meat industry for generations, Company Chairman John Seccombe said. We are excited to announce our new look Corporate Logo and wanted to share this with you. The company objective has been to create a new corporate brand that recognises its origin, our history, our story and our Casino community. It also shows changing our tone of voice in a changing food world, and our unique proposition resonating with our farmers and the community and history since 1933. At its recent Annual General Meeting the Northern Cooperative Meat Company released the new look Corporate Brand to its members. The Board and Management have worked with the Ad Agency over five months to create the new look brand. There were a number of reasons why we decided to change from NCMC. NCMC did not form a succinct or cohesive sounding word and was very hard to say, and we wanted to tap into the Cooperative‘s heritage and location and step into the future with a new name that better defines who we are. We believed the time was right with the resurgence of Cooperatives. The enriched colour palate of navy and bone is more professional and provides a sense of warmth, earthiness, trust, loyal, confidence and stability, Mr Seccombe said. The refreshed branding will appear on signage, social media platforms, promotional material, website, as well as in its correspondence. While we might have a refreshed look, our business entities, structure and registered name Northern Co-operative Meat Company Limited remain unchanged, Casino Food Co-Op Chief Executive Officer Simon Stahl said.
16.01.2022 The Eastern Young Cattle Indicator has hit an all time high 932.5c/kg...! Meat & Livestock Australia Australian Livestock and Property Agents Association Ltd
15.01.2022 Nice try sweetheart.
14.01.2022 Live in the Northern Rivers and have an interest in soil health and regenerative agriculture? Get along to this event at Pearces Creek Hall to hear first hand h...ow Stuart Larsson navigated the path from conventional to organic and 'carbon smart' farming: SOFT Agriculture Pty Ltd Mara Global Foods See more
13.01.2022 PASTURE DIEBACK DON’T LET YOUR PASTURE DIE WONDERING 19 Oct 2020 As we move into the pasture growing season for northern NSW, North Coast Local Land Services ...encourage farmers to keep on the lookout for signs of pasture dieback. Pasture dieback is a condition that kills sown and native summer growing pastures. It was confirmed in the Tweed Valley in March 2020. So far, all reports in NSW have been on the Far North Coast with two recent confirmations north of Kyogle in early October, however, producers across northern NSW should be looking out for the condition. Nathan Jennings, Senior Land Services Officer - Agricultural Advice with North Coast Local Land Services said ‘Farmers need to keep a close eye on their sown and native summer growing grasses to make sure it’s growing as you would expect at this time of year relative to seasonal conditions and soil fertility’. Symptoms of pasture dieback on grasses include; Yellowing, reddening and purpling starting at the tip and moving along the leaf blade Stunted and unthrifty plants with fewer leaves and tillers Patches of discolouration less than one to several square metres in size A rapid increase in the size of the infected area particularly after rain Grasses die, and remaining plant material easily crumbles when handled Broadleaf weeds and legumes colonise patches where grasses have been killed Landholders should watch for these symptoms especially after significant rainfall. ‘These symptoms can also be associated with a range of other factors such as mineral deficiency, moisture stress or waterlogging, herbicide damage, or insect pests. So, it is important to eliminate these before assuming it’s pasture dieback.’ Said Nathan Sarah Baker, Development Officer Pasture Systems NSW Department of Primary Industries, said, ‘Research indicates pasture dieback is most likely caused by a complex interaction of multiple agents and factors, rather than a single agent. Research is ongoing into the causes of the condition.’ The premature death of pastures can lead to feed shortages, low ground cover and weed problems. For livestock producers, maintaining a feed base for stock is the primary concern and suitable options will depend on the type of country, the number of cattle, and the financial position of the farm. ‘Sowing broadleaf forages into dieback areas is the most logical option for those with arable land. Plant species available include legumes, herbs and brassicas, but their suitability and management on your farm will need to be considered.’ Said Nathan ‘We do not recommend re-sowing perennial grasses into dieback affected areas as all summer growing perennial grass species commonly sown in NSW are susceptible to pasture dieback,’ said Sarah. North Coast Local Land Services and NSW DPI are working together to find solutions for managing pasture dieback in NSW. If you suspect pasture dieback contact the Exotic Plant Pest hotline, 1800 084 881, or email [email protected] with a clear photo and contact details. North Coast Local Land Services is delivering awareness-raising field days on pasture dieback over the next few months. Landholders and other stakeholders will see what pasture dieback looks like and the symptoms to watch out for. Numbers will be strictly limited due to COVID-19 restrictions. To register your interest in one of these events please contact us on 1300 795 299 or email [email protected].
12.01.2022 We're really feeling for our mates in Sydney right now - but out of adversity comes opportunity, for you! Three Blue Ducks Bonte are offering Provenir beef Rib... Eye on the Bone, usually only available on the menu - for you to cook-up at home! Snaffle one for yourself, before the're all gone! >
11.01.2022 More than 3000 store cattle at Ballarat today.
10.01.2022 A frightening new map just released by NSW DPI the red shows new areas invaded by feral deer in the last four years 2016-2020. We're not doing enough to stop ...the spread of feral deer! Scroll to the bottom of Bad news for the northern tablelands, central-west and parts of far west NSW. Feral deer now cover almost a quarter of the state and still spreading! It's worth comparing this map with the doubling of deer spread shown in the 2009-2016 feral deer spread map at the same webpage.
06.01.2022 UPDATED FORECAST PAINTS A WET PICTURE FOR NORTHERN NSW RIGHT THROUGH TO DECEMBER - by Halden Boyd THE Weather Bureau is saying, just as other models are, that widespread rainfall is coming into play through to early December in the region. The movement of troughs in the northeast because of seasonal changes is also expected to trigger storms, some severe. The next major rain event will be coming out of central Australia and will link in with the moisture building over the eastern part of the coast bringing widespread rainfall. Another system is expected hot on the heels of this event the following week, with a new round of rain and storms over the same areas. Images: The chance of exceeding median rainfall over the period through 6th of November from the BOM, and BSCH modelling of total rain expected over the next two weeks.More rain should come with a second system after that. The other image is the long range ECMWF total rain forecast between now and the 4th December.
05.01.2022 , . , : : ... * ‘ ’ ‘ ’, ‘ ’ * 2013 * -- * * - * , . . , . , 9 . 2020, .
04.01.2022 COUNTY COUNCIL AWARDED $250,000 TO TACKLE INVASIVE TROPICAL SODA APPLE ROUS County Council (RCC) has been awarded a $250,000 grant from North Coast Local Land S...ervices as part of the NSW Government’s Bushfire Recovery stimulus funding. The grant will be used to help control weed infestations of Tropical Soda Apple (TSA) on priority areas affected by the 2019-2020 bushfires. This funding will allow RCC to directly assist landowners and property managers whose properties were affected by the fires and are vulnerable to the spread of TSA. These susceptible areas were determined prior to the submission by correlating existing TSA incursions with State Fire Mapping information. The TSA Bushfire Recovery roll-out plan involves organising and coordinating qualified and experienced staff/contractors to undertake primary and secondary weed control treatments on private properties in the Northern Rivers region managed by RCC. Other activities will include: Reducing the overall density and extent of Tropical Soda Apple Encouraging and promoting weed awareness and active involvement in controlling weeds (community/landholders) Providing a rapid response to eradicate and contain new weeds Providing effective targeted on-ground control Integration of invasive species management into education programs Increase skill of the workforce to implement weed management Unfortunately, a lot of properties in this region were affected by last year’s bushfires, similarly to the rest of the State. Landholders are still working hard to recover from the effects of these fires and the last thing they need is a high priority weed species like Tropical Soda Apple taking hold in the midst of this, Rous County Council General Manager Phillip Rudd said. Studies show that TSA can flourish rapidly in post-fire, drought or post-flood affected areas. They are a hardy species that can survive in low nutrient environments, taking hold and spreading significantly faster than local native plant species. Tropical Soda Apple is an aggressively invasive, prickly, thicket forming shrub that invades open to semi-shaded areas, particularly pastures and riparian zones. It is also known to spread throughout forests, roadsides, recreational areas, and horticultural and cropping areas. It has a negative impact on biodiversity by displacing native plants and disrupting ecological processes. Rous County Council currently has a dedicated TSA Officer however once the project commences, this funding will provide the opportunity to employ more TSA-specific Weed Control Officers along with other local weed contractors for the 12-month duration of the programme. To find out more about Tropical Soda Apple or other high priority weed species, visit or by calling (02) 6623 3800.
02.01.2022 Guest speaker Riley Wellman from George and Fuhrmann, Casino and RRBP President Phil Keevers at the November RRBP meeting.
01.01.2022 : , . : . , . : . .. ()... : & . : 6.30 . $15 . 66 322 454 9 , 2020. :
01.01.2022 From the right seasoning ratio to the type of cooking oil, watch chef Pip Pratt share his expert tips for perfecting a sirloin steak on your backyard BBQ with Brian the Butcher.
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