RID Australia | Product/service
RID Australia
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25.01.2022 At RID we take great pride in our history and the fact our product was the product of true blue Aussie perseverance and ingenuity. RID all began in a swamp and is now a great Aussie success, protecting people from biting insects all over the world. Find out more on our website http://www.rid.com.au/rid-story/the-great-australian-story/ #RIDgydidge
25.01.2022 Let's spread some love - it's catching! Shout out your #RIDgydidge Aussie Hero. From drought to floods, cyclones and economic downturn the Aussie spirit has shone through time and time again. Now, we're facing an unprecedented global challenge and we know we can pull together and make it through. At a time like this it's important to remember there are so many great people doing amazing things in our community every day.... https://contest.app.do/ridgydidge-aussie-hero
24.01.2022 The weather's turned bloody awful up in North Queensland .....apparently! Thanks Declan for this pic from his weekend 'Field Testing' our RID products at his favourite crabbing spot. Keep sending in your RID pics we love to see our products helping Aussies enjoy being Aussies. #RIDgydidge
24.01.2022 Hands up whos craving a camping trip right now! We hope you are your family and friends are all safe and well and coping with the social distancing restrictions. #RIDgydidge
23.01.2022 One of our valued team members Tim in his element, field testing RID and reeling in a few as well. #RIDgydidge
23.01.2022 Say hi to Tim. He's one of our hard-working warehouse staff. They've been working long hours packing RID Australia products for our retail partners, helping them keep the shelves stocked during these unprecedented and logistically challenging times. Great work team! ... #RIDgydidge See more
22.01.2022 #1 - its official! Canstar Blues latest review has named RID in top spot in Australias best insect repellent category. Our 100% Australian owned and made products have been helping Aussies enjoy being Aussies for over 60 years. #RIDgydidge... https://www.canstarblue.com.au/health-bea/insect-repellent/
21.01.2022 An IGA store on the Sunshine Coast has started displaying tags (wobblers) to highlight Australian Owned products for its customers. Should more businesses take this approach? Let us know what you think? Yes - No Read story: https://au.news.yahoo.com/woolworths-coles-shoppers-beg-aus
21.01.2022 Lest we forget.
21.01.2022 At RID we understand enjoying the outdoors is part of our Aussie way of life. The COVID-19 crisis means we can not take it for granted again. Sending our thoughts and support to our friends in Victoria and NSW. #RIDgydidge
20.01.2022 There is RID for all occasions. Who has the ultimate roll-on Cup Day accessory in their purse? It's a sure winner. #RIDgydidge #ScentofSummer
20.01.2022 Say hi to Tim. Hes one of our hard-working warehouse staff. Theyve been working long hours packing RID Australia products for our retail partners, helping them keep the shelves stocked during these unprecedented and logistically challenging times. Great work team! ... #RIDgydidge See more
20.01.2022 'Sun'days in Australia call for outdoor adventures. Our 50+ sunscreen and sunscreen repellent combo can keep you and your family protected from the bite of our Aussie sun and insects. #RIDgydidge
20.01.2022 RID = the opposite of bringing a banana on a boat! Thanks to the lads from Wild Caught Prawns in Ingham for sending us these snaps of their weekend Mudcrab catch in the Hinchinbrook Channel. Drop in and see Dom for all your RID supplies and some tips on catching these locals. #RIDgydidge
20.01.2022 We love it when our staff send us pics... but Tim is just rubbing it in now! Hes enjoying his well-earned long service leave just drifting down the Coomera River, and as always theres always room for his RID. Live it up while you can mate! #RIDgydidge
19.01.2022 $ RID has been protecting Aussie dads for over 60 summers and weve heard our fair share of lame dad jokes but we want to hear yours! Share with us the dad jokes you grew up with (keep it cleanPG) and nominate your dad for a chance to win a $100 Bunnings Warehouse Australia voucher for Fathers Day.... 1. Five x $100 Bunnings Warehouse gift cards to be won 2. To enter, leave your Dad joke in the comments section and nominate your dad 3. Winners will be selected at random by RID Australia executive 4. Winners to be announced on Sunday 6th September, 2020 (Fathers Day). 5. The winners will be notified via reply to their comment on this post, then will be required to provide their contact details via direct message to the RID Australia page to claim their prize. 6. Keep it clean - PG jokes only please
19.01.2022 We think there's plenty of Queenslanders getting excited for the restrictions to ease at midday tomorrow. What will you and your family get up to this weekend? Please stay safe and remember the social distancing rule and the RID #RIDgydidge
18.01.2022 Did you know only the female midge actually bites? It does this by breaking the skin and injecting saliva to prevent blood from clotting and then consumes enough protein to develop a batch of eggs. Their bites can lead to discomfort, irritation and infection and prevention is definitely better than cure. More info thanks to Australia Wide First Aid RTO 31961 here: https://www.australiawidefirstaid.com.au/biting-midges/
18.01.2022 The weathers turned bloody awful up in North Queensland .....apparently! Thanks Declan for this pic from his weekend Field Testing our RID products at his favourite crabbing spot. Keep sending in your RID pics we love to see our products helping Aussies enjoy being Aussies. #RIDgydidge
17.01.2022 Do you feel like Mozzies just love you to bits?! Why do they prefer you over your partner or family members? There have been many studies and some suggest it could be your sweat, or what you're wearing, how hot or cold you are, how much carbon dioxide you breath out or even that you are pregnant. Here is just one link to some info: https://www.healthline.com//why-do-mosquitoes-bite-some-pe
17.01.2022 Do you keep your sunscreen in the car 'just in case'? Extreme temperatures inside hot cars can severely impact the effectiveness of your sunscreen Please make sure you read and adhere to storage directions on the packaging. #RIDgydidge
16.01.2022 Its winter, so you dont need sunscreen...right? Actually in many parts of Australia UV levels remain at high levels throughout winter. Even mild sunburn can increase your risk of developing melanoma and the more often and more severe the burn the higher the risk. RID has a range of sunscreen and 2 in 1 sunscreen with repellent to keep you protected
16.01.2022 What did you think of the A Current Affair story about the resurgence of Aussie manufacturing in the wake of COVID-19? We even spotted some RID over the shoulder of Australian Made Campaign Chief Executive Ben Lazzaro. At RID, we wear the green and gold kangaroo with pride! #RIDgydidge
16.01.2022 Aussies don't mind poking fun at ourselves and we're Aussie through and through - ' ' '! Australian owned and made, we've been helping Aussies be Aussies for over 60 Summers. #RIDgydidge
16.01.2022 Remember the RID, youll be glad you did! #RIDgydidge
15.01.2022 A whole day fishing, topped off with a brand new bike! Congratulations to Alissa who was rewarded for showing dedication and commitment during the Townsville Game Fishing Club's annual 'Sharkies Shootout'. RID Australia is proud to have supported this event with essential RID Outdoor Mosquito Coils and roll on insect repellent for all of the 60 young people who took part, as well as as sponsoring this awesome prize! Keep fishing kids! ... #RIDgydidge
15.01.2022 It's winter, so you don't need sunscreen...right? Actually in many parts of Australia UV levels remain at high levels throughout winter. Even mild sunburn can increase your risk of developing melanoma and the more often and more severe the burn the higher the risk. RID has a range of sunscreen and 2 in 1 sunscreen with repellent to keep you protected
15.01.2022 That time we sent Shaun to the Amazon in RID budgie smugglers to test just how well our insect repellent works. #RIDgydidge
13.01.2022 Do you keep your sunscreen in the car just in case? Extreme temperatures inside hot cars can severely impact the effectiveness of your sunscreen Please make sure you read and adhere to storage directions on the packaging. #RIDgydidge
12.01.2022 $ RID has been protecting Aussie dads for over 60 summers and we've heard our fair share of lame dad jokes but we want to hear yours! Share with us the dad jokes you grew up with (keep it cleanPG) and nominate your dad for a chance to win a $100 Bunnings Warehouse Australia voucher for Father's Day.... 1. Five x $100 Bunnings Warehouse gift cards to be won 2. To enter, leave your Dad joke in the comments section and nominate your dad 3. Winners will be selected at random by RID Australia executive 4. Winners to be announced on Sunday 6th September, 2020 (Father's Day). 5. The winners will be notified via reply to their comment on this post, then will be required to provide their contact details via direct message to the RID Australia page to claim their prize. 6. Keep it clean - PG jokes only please
12.01.2022 Lets back Aussie Made! #RIDgydidge
12.01.2022 We may be commemorating this ANZAC Day in a very different way, but the meaning rings truer than ever. We can all play our little part in showing our appreciation for the veterans past and present who put their lives on the line for our freedom. Lest we forget.... #ForTheFallen
11.01.2022 At RID we work hard to deliver products that help Aussies enjoy our unique way of life. We can only do that with your support! So thank you for purchasing our products - proudly Aussie owned and made. #RIDgydidge
11.01.2022 As if we dont have enough being thrown at us right now?! Townsville folks - you can find our products at Woolworths, Bunnings, Chemist Warehouse, Anaconda Stores select IGA stores and pharmacies and at BIG W. https://mobile.abc.net.au//dengue-cases-in-towns/12096104
11.01.2022 Let's back Aussie Made! #RIDgydidge
10.01.2022 Good to know! We can still keep a look out for that same distinctive green and gold kangaroo logo to support Aussie-made products.
10.01.2022 ' #1 - it's official! Canstar Blue's latest review has named RID in top spot in Australia's best insect repellent category. Our 100% Australian owned and made products have been helping Aussies enjoy being Aussies for over 60 years. #RIDgydidge... https://www.canstarblue.com.au/health-bea/insect-repellent/
09.01.2022 Mozzies and midges a problem most of the year where you live? Keep your RID in a handy location so you have it when you need it. #RIDgydidge
09.01.2022 What do you think of the new Australian Made Campaign advert? We think it's great and such an important issue particularly post COVID-19. At RID we wear the green and gold kangaroo with pride! #RIDgydidge... https://www.facebook.com/AustralianMadeAustralianGrownLogo/videos/255040759043682/
09.01.2022 Its one of the great Aussie debates - whats the best way to separate mozzie coils? Is it the inside pull, the tapper, the outside in or the inside out technique? Do you have the answer to this Aussie life hack? Please post your video in the comments using RID Outdoor Mosquito Coils available at Bunnings Warehouse stores. #RIDgydidge
09.01.2022 Today is World Mosquito Day. Why have a day for Mozzies? Well, besides the fact they look quite amazing up close, they can also be deadly. World Mosquito Day was established to raise awareness and funds around the link between mozzies and the spread of Malaria in humans. As we know, they can also spread other diseases like Dengue and Ross River Fevers and Zika. Help us spread the prevention message - keep your RID on hand to protect yourself, your family and your friends.... More info on World Mosquito Day - https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/world-mosquito-day/
07.01.2022 It's definitely RID outdoors weather in our home base of Townsville today! What's it like in your neck of the woods? #RIDgydidge
06.01.2022 Lets spread some love - its catching! Shout out your #RIDgydidge Aussie Hero. From drought to floods, cyclones and economic downturn the Aussie spirit has shone through time and time again. Now, were facing an unprecedented global challenge and we know we can pull together and make it through. At a time like this its important to remember there are so many great people doing amazing things in our community every day.... https://contest.app.do/ridgydidge-aussie-hero
05.01.2022 Pick your RID Aside from our highly popular aerosol we also have RID roll-on, pump spray and lotion. #RIDgydidge
05.01.2022 Thank you everyone for purchasing our products during these uncertain times. Now, more than ever, its vitally important to support our Aussie-made products. We're proud to be wholly Australian made and owned and be able to display the iconic green logo. If you're not sure which products to support you can do a search for what you're after on the Australian Made website. https://www.australianmade.com.au/
04.01.2022 Did you know that RID Australia manufactures more than personal insect repellent and sunscreen? We also have our Terminator range of crawling and flying insect killers. You can find our 250g Odourless Multi Insect Killer available nationally at Chemist Warehouse stores. Look for the signature magenta coloured can.
04.01.2022 Prevention is better than cure - but if you do get caught out without your RID we have you covered. Our unique formula is able to relieve the itching and stinging of bites while at the same time, killing any nasty bacteria that could cause an infection. #RIDgydidge
04.01.2022 Hands up who's craving a camping trip right now! We hope you are your family and friends are all safe and well and coping with the social distancing restrictions. #RIDgydidge
04.01.2022 At RID Australia we wear the Australian Made and Owned badge with pride up against some pretty big multinational competition! Here is a little peek inside our manufacturing plant located in Brisbane where our signature magenta products come to life. #RIDgydidge
03.01.2022 Its definitely RID outdoors weather in our home base of Townsville today! Whats it like in your neck of the woods? #RIDgydidge
03.01.2022 We love it when our staff send us pics... but Tim is just rubbing it in now! He's enjoying his well-earned long service leave just drifting down the Coomera River, and as always there's always room for his RID. Live it up while you can mate! #RIDgydidge
03.01.2022 What do you think of the new Australian Made Campaign advert? We think its great and such an important issue particularly post COVID-19. At RID we wear the green and gold kangaroo with pride! #RIDgydidge... https://www.facebook.com/AustralianMadeAustralianGrownLogo/videos/255040759043682/
03.01.2022 Spring has sprung!
02.01.2022 We're #RIDgydidge
02.01.2022 Fishing and RID - what an Aussie combo! The team from the NQ Fishing Show picked up some nice Barra off Townsville over the weekend with no mozzie bites or sunburn to report #RIDgydidge
01.01.2022 We think theres plenty of Queenslanders getting excited for the restrictions to ease at midday tomorrow. What will you and your family get up to this weekend? Please stay safe and remember the social distancing rule and the RID #RIDgydidge
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