Ridgy-Didgeridoos | Product/service
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28.04.2022 Plenty new stock on the way! Come get you some!
25.03.2022 A few new ones for the shop! Gonna try covering all the price ranges here.
12.03.2022 Couple new ones there
04.03.2022 Mad day with Jamo from Emph n Treats! We might need a second one of these no?! When i heard this frother was coming around i was so keen but it turned out way better than i expected! See the Owl has always represented wisdom to me and for him to pick a didge made of owls was like Cool! This is exactly where I'm at personally and what i needed! Entering maturation can feel like being a kid again, shaking off harmful habbits etc.. once some of them are on their way out it allow...s for more free expression and playfullness! THAT is precisesy why we appear to be just dicking around in those photos and didnt do a better job of capturing the actual didge lol! But truly one of the most magical Yidaggi have ever made! Makes me think WHY ARENT I JUST KEEPING THESE but then i see the look on Jamos face and it ALL MAKES SENSE!! Hes got his own yarn about Gnyala from the Goreng Goreng mob which I'll post up once he gets the chance to tell it to me again! But yeah super special moment for both of us accepting maturity, which like i said comes with having a BIT OF FUN! I've got a personal yarn i relate to from Mel Brown to tell. Not sure exactly how far it goes back but im sure a long time.. FROGMOUTH OWL (dreamtime story retold by Mel Brown)- "He's a wise animal and had a great repuatation for forecasting the weather. He warned all the other animals that the big rains were coming and they should all look for higher ground for the next few months. A lizard who was sick of everyone listening to the Owl decided to ignore him. When the water came he found himself slowly beginning to drown. In his desperation he realised he was able to swim. When the next wet season came he was able to teach the other lizards how to swim and they began to live in both water and land. All the other animals were in awe of the lizards and thought they had the courage of the dragons from many years ago, and thus named them the water dragons". DREAMTIME MESSAGE: As i interpret it is SHAKE YOUR DAMN PRIDE OFF SOMETIMES and listen to those experienced around you. Your stubbornness may be getting in the way of learning new things, so it takes litening to the owl to take on the strength of the dragon! Letting your ego die once in a while can bring about radical tranformations! I find that very powerful and Jamo was vibing on a similar level so it was kinda a fun playful day with random peices of deep wisdom mixxed in from the both of us. Amazing! Deadly! So grateful! Having the buyer there for the whole process was so good too. BIG LOVE
22.02.2022 Michael May from Tai Chi Acupuncture! I'll probably always say that "this client is the most special that I've ever had" or something along those lines (and thats probably because everyone offers their own unique gifts), but selling an Ironbark to an Acupuncturist/Sound Healer? Grand. To know that my work is being passed on to someone with the true intention to heal others is a clear affirmation of my own purpose. Check out his page by the way, fantastic practitioner ive heard
15.02.2022 10th Didgeridoo camp out at Didgeridoo festivals, place that got it all going for me. Don't miss out, there are some special stand outs coming along, there will be good yarns by the campfire and some of the dealiest players there to guide folk along. Jams every night and a didgeridoo making workshop to go along with it!
06.02.2022 Check out some of the magic brother Craig at Birraymari Aboriginal Arts, Crafts and Entertainment brought back with him! Absolutely off the rails some of these! THERES A DOUBLE DIDGE IN THERE!! Again... A DOUBLE DIDGE?!
29.01.2022 Miguel Sanchez over today doing a workshop
24.01.2022 Plenty new stock on the way! Come get you some!
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