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Riding for the Disabled Oakbank in Oakbank, South Australia | Horse riding centre

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Riding for the Disabled Oakbank

Locality: Oakbank, South Australia

Address: Shillabeer Rd Oakbank, SA, Australia


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23.01.2022 Our little Lucy is a beloved member of the RDA Oakbank team She stands at just 12hh (about 122cm) and is a Welsh Mountain pony. We were so lucky to have her donated to the centre in 2013 by the Woodside Country Women's Association, who nicknamed her 'Cupcake'!

22.01.2022 We have a great team of volunteers at Oakbank. Yesterday we thought we might be short of volunteers so Karen (usually a Saturday Volunteer) stepped in to join us. When one of Wally’s riders called in sick she had a chance to take him on a nice relaxed trail ride with the group which they both enjoyed!

21.01.2022 We're excited to be able to run lessons again today. We are taking a few extra precuatious to ensure the safety of our volunteers and clients. However our pony Wally has a reminder of our most important rule: Please try to keep at least 1.5m apart (or one "Wally's Width") whenever possible. This is in place for riding the horses in the arena as well as our people on the ground!

21.01.2022 Welcome back to all our riders, families and volunteers for Term 2! Our Saturday group was especially lucky with the weather today and had a fantastic first day

20.01.2022 Happy Halloween! Wishing everyone a fun and spooky night, we love seeing all the creative costumes out and about - check out these horses getting into the spirit of things too!

19.01.2022 Today we remember and honour the Australian Light Horse Brigade and the Waler horses of World War One. Artwork by Jacqueline Hurley: 'For the Light Horse and Walers, the Poppies Grow'

17.01.2022 Yesterday we enjoyed our first day back of lessons for term 4. It was a lovely warm day and it was nice to still have plenty of the light at the end of lessons thanks to daylight savings!

16.01.2022 Whilst we can't run lessons our horses are still 'producing' . Thanks to our volunteers who came out yesterday for our socially distanced poo pick. Although the horses show some interest in the equipment... we are yet to convince them to help clean up after themselves!

13.01.2022 Yesterday our volunteers did *stacks* of work bringing in over 400 bales of hay from our paddocks. Can you guess which photos are from the start of day (around 8:30am) compared to the end of the day (nearing 5pm)? Thanks to everyone who came and assisted us with a big thanks to Marie for housing the extra hay we couldn't fit in our own shed on site.

09.01.2022 Come see us at Bunnings Mt Barker this coming Sunday (22nd November) and grab a snag to support Riding for the Disabled Oakbank. Feel free to share this post to encourage your friends to come down too!

09.01.2022 Welcome back to our Saturday riders! Yesterday was another milestone for Maddie and Sophia as they led their horses out of the arena for the first time - a little bit of groundwork to finish off their lesson!

09.01.2022 October 1st marks the beginning of ADHD Awareness Month! The key features of this neurodevelopmental disorder are inattention, distractibility, impulsivity and (sometimes) hyperactivity. People with ADHD can also have difficulty regulating attention and emotions, recalling information, planning and problem solving, and perceiving time. Behavioural therapy and medication are common treatments, but you might not be surprised that horse riding can be hugely therapeutic too! benefits include: - Improved focus and ability to stay on task - Decreased aggressive and impulsive behaviours - Increased confidence and self esteem - Improved social, communication and motor skills - Improved mood (calmness and positivity) Click on the images for a bit more info about ADHD!

07.01.2022 Unfortunately the weather wasn't good for lessons today as we have no covered riding area. However as you can see Wally has been enjoying the weather and his new shelter today. *not so secretly* glad I didn't have to get Wally in lesson ready condition today!

07.01.2022 We're excited to celebrate our neurodiverse riders this April for Autism Acceptance Month! Acceptance is about more than just awareness, as it encompasses a more active effort to understand, include and connect with autistic people. We take direction from the autistic community, as it's so important to listen to and respect how actual autistic people (not people speaking for them!) want to be treated, supported and represented. We've consulted with Allie, an autistic adult, ...on putting together this post - we would like to thank her for her guidance and the fantastic graphics and resources she's shared with us RDA supports our autistic riders in many different ways, including (but not limited to!): - Building supportive networks and relationships - Learning and practising communication skills - Developing grip and gross motor skills - Learning left and right directionality - Improving concentration and memory Click through the images to learn a bit more about autism and the autism community!

06.01.2022 Our horses have been enjoying a short break over the school holidays, but are excited to be going back to lessons on Tuesday! What did you get up to over the holidays? ?

06.01.2022 Our last lesson for Term 3 was a particularly special day for Norman who went on his first trail ride ever! All our riders have worked really hard over the term, and we're so proud of their achievements. We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday

06.01.2022 Unfortunately our Bunnings BBQ fundraiser tomorrow is POSTPONED due to strong winds. We’re rescheduling for November and will post an update when we have a new date! Wishing everyone a great long weekend and looking forward to better weather!

04.01.2022 Do you remember that construction work we had going on whilst the horses were away? We would like to share with you our lovely new large horse shelter for our dear ageing pony Wally.

02.01.2022 This Sunday (4th October) we are pleased to be operating the BBQ at Mt. Barker Bunnings. How great to have this Aussie icon back up and running again! Pencil it in your diary or set an alarm on your phone and make sure you come down to support our great cause.

01.01.2022 Behind the Scenes - we have a dedicated committee working to keep our program running and improvng. Unfortunately we only have a small garden shed as our office onsite with no power which isn't suitable for our meetings. We'd love a proper facility to run meetings, training and workshops in the future, but for now we have to make do at the Lobethal Bakery. At least that means we all get good coffee and maybe some other tasty treats.

01.01.2022 Two of our level 1 coaches (Stef & Frances) have been practicing their lunging skills this term working towards their ‘lunge the horse RDA certification’. We’re always working on diversifying our skills and having a well-rounded team of volunteers!

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