Right Actions Advocacy, Coaching and Counselling Service | Medical and health
Right Actions Advocacy, Coaching and Counselling Service
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24.01.2022 https://rightactionscoaching.weebly.com/
22.01.2022 Finding Yourself ": The Journey from Lost to Found How Rediscovering where you fit into your life and finding you again. The Key to Achieving Success and Creating the Life You Want where you will explore some very powerful perspectives, tools, and strategies for developing more self-discipline in your life to achieve your goals and create the success you desire.
22.01.2022 What is Happiness? Can it Be Defined? Happiness is one of the most commonly used words. ... We all say - the children look so happy. I am very happy today. You don't look happy. Any reason? How to make a happy world? How to avoid sad feelings and feel happy? Which pill can help us? The discussion about happiness is endless. Does science give a common definition of happiness? General answers are available that say that happiness is a state when one feels good, elated , contented, good etc. Is happiness a life long gift or an emotion experienced for a short time. If I win a lottery, Will I become happy. As I spend all the money, I become unhappy again. When you call me a good person, I feel happy and when you curse me, I feel very unhappy. If I look at the dead body of my old friend, I feel unhappy and when I look at laughing faces of children I feel happy. We have no control. Outside forces and events control our emotions. We are all toys. That has no free will. This is difficult to believe but true. Let us find out what is not happiness. Low self esteem, feelings of despondency, sadness, guilt, helplessness, frustration, low interest, uncertainty, and all such negative emotions are not happy emotions. They rather make us unhappy. Now let us talk of what is happiness? Feeling good, cheerful outlook, positive thoughts, winning attitudes, satisfied living, enjoyment, and all such emotions that make us feel good are happy feelings Is happiness same for all of us? If I give a certain amount to few people, some may become very happy and some may become angry and some will not care either way. Am I making myself clear? So happiness is not something that we feel in equal measure. I may be very happy when I watch the star lit night, but you may enjoy only the bright sunshine. So each one of us has his/her own happiness. Some of us are happy when we get a large amount of money, some when they can do lot of creative work, some when they can make others feel good and so on. All of us have our unique set of values and desires. We ourselves many times do not know about them. It become difficult therefore to know how to keep others happy and this ignorance causes most of inter personal problems. But these differences in our emotional reactions make us human beings; otherwise we are no different than animals.
20.01.2022 7 Surprisingly Quick And Easy Ways To Feel Happier All of us have days when we're out of sorts. You just wish you were in a better mood. You've had days like that, haven't you? ...Continue reading
19.01.2022 Caring for someone with suicidal thoughts If you are caring for someone who has suicidal thoughts we have some tips to help you talk to them about how they are feeling and to look after yourself. Ask the person you are caring for about the thoughts they are having?...Continue reading
18.01.2022 Simple Happiness If you aren't happy, why aren't you?... Chances are it is because you want something which you do not have, objects or conditions. This is probably not a good enough reason and a review of your situation and perceptions may be in order. You may have seen video of children in very poor countries laughing and playing, unconcerned that they should have more to be happy about. They are happy because they are playing, because they have their friends and family, and some food to eat that day. Everyone has the right to be happy, and if they can be in their situation, shouldn't you? "Happiness consists more in small conveniences of pleasures that occur every day, than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom to a man in the course of his life." - Ben Franklin (1706-1790) Happiness is inside us, in our minds, in our thinking. It is not external material things or experiences, but the enjoyment of our thoughts and feelings. This is good because our thoughts, and therefore our happiness, are up to us. Start by reviewing the things that you have to be happy about and dwell on these. Don't overlook the little or basic things that you take for granted. Make a habit of substituting unhappy thoughts with happy thoughts. Whenever an unfavorable picture enters your mind, eject it and replace it with a pleasant one. We all have some nice experiences to recollect and there are usually little pleasures around us most of the time. You can even imagine enjoyable experiences, and it will have a similar positive effect. "Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you." - Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) Establish good principles and conduct yourself according to these principles. Love, or at least be tolerant of, your fellow humans. Don't strive too hard for that which, in the end, will not make you happier.
15.01.2022 The Real Power of Gratitude You have probably heard by now the power that gratitude has over your life, but you may not fully understand it yet. What does it really mean to be grateful? ... What is the power behind it? Before you try to grasp the absolute power of gratitude and what it is, its important to understand what its not. What Gratitude Isnt? If you think that false gratitude is the way to getting what you want, you couldnt be further away from the truth. False gratitude does not manifest your dreams, it confuses them. What does it mean to have false gratitude? False gratitude happens when you walk around pretending to be grateful when your underlying subconscious mind is seething, bitter or still angry. A perfect example is feigning happiness for an ex who is getting remarried or for a co-worker who got the promotion you were wishing for. Rather than take out your frustrations and send negative energy anyones elses way, take a moment to recreate the negative vibe. When you recreate the negative vibe, you attract more positivity toward you. Its perfectly fine to be disappointed, remorseful and even a little jealous, but dont stay there with those negative emotions too long. Where Does Gratitude Show Up? When you are pretending to be grateful without recreating the negative emotion underneath it, your body wont be fooled. Your body will store those negative emotions and have them show up in disease. If you are holding back from expressing yourself, it could show up as a sore throat. If you are bitter, it could show up in stomach issues. How to Use the Power of Gratitude! When you learn to practice gratitude on a genuine level, thats when the magic of manifesting really shows up. The key word is genuine. Get in touch with something you are grateful for. It could be an incident from many years ago, it could be the rain. Whatever it is, find your true, authentic feelings of gratitude. Focus on those feelings. Close your eyes and visualize why you are grateful. If you are grateful for the rain, why are you grateful? Picture the grass grower greener, visualize the flowers blooming. Picture drinking water on a hot and humid day. Once you begin to focus on why you are grateful and expand that feeling, you will notice that you are more aware of what you are grateful for in other experiences, as well. It takes some practice. You are starting a new habit and new habits take time to form and practice Next, try to find gratitude in a situation that is seemingly negative. For example, if you have a parent who asks too many questions, could you recreate that into being grateful for a parent who really does care about you very much. While the behavior might be annoying the underlying message is one of unconditional love. Once you open yourself up to the power of gratitude, you create endless possibilities.
11.01.2022 From a World of Worry - Breaking those chains that's holding you back!... Heres a Quick Way to Quit Worrying so much Are you a worrywart? How about a Negative Nellie or Chicken Little?... If you feel you sometimes have an anxious approach to life, are pre-occupied by what ifs, or let your negative thoughts run away with you, then you are dramatically impacting your happiness, relationships, peace of mind, and even your health! You probably have a million reasons why its okay to worry, and a few real-life examples of how worry has helped you. I get it. Sometimes it IS okay to worry! But heres some important information you need to know. Excessive, habitual worry is the #1 contributor to stress-related illnesses, anxiety, depression, and worse. Its been linked to heart attacks, mental illness, and perhaps worst of all Habitual worry robs you of the ability to actually solve the problems that youre worried about. Fortunately, the worry habit is actually pretty easy to break, and I want to help you. This training is a deep-dive into the patterns that drive your anxiety, PLUS time-tested techniques and strategies to help you break the cycle and regain your strength, so that you can live a happy, healthy life of joy, connection, and exhilarating self-control. Here are just a few of the things you will discover in this life-changing masterclass: The difference between toxic and healthy worrythis piece may surprise you 9 destructive thought patterns commonly caused by excessive worry The absolute WORST way to handle worry (you see this done ALL the time) The 7 rules of worry-free peopleand how to apply them to your life A fool-proof strategy for catching, challenging and changing your worrisome thoughts 4 specific tools to use to address a problem and find a solution, so you can put your worries to rest And much, much more Chronic, pathological worry affects a MASSIVE percentage of the global population. It can seize control of anyone, and unless you ACTIVELY do something about it, it could upturn your health, relationships, finances and more. Fortunately, this training will give you everything you need to understand your worry habit and stop it in its tracks. https://app.ruzuku.com/courses/41604/enroll
09.01.2022 Embracing and Thriving in the Midst of Change If you want to ease the resistance, stress, uncertainty, worry and feelings of dread that change can bring, then this training is for you. In this eye-opening training you'll discover... How to reshape your perspectives to better handle change Secret tricks to transform internal chaos into motivational inspiration How to embrace new changes and challenges, and use them to your advantage Winning strategies to STOP RESISTING change and flow with grace and ease How to INSTANTLY adopt new perspectives that give you the upper-hand in any situation And much, much more And thats not all. '' Here are just a few of the topics that will be discussed during the session: Your Reaction to Change We will explore how you commonly react to change in your life. The Importance of Change Realize why change is so necessary to your life. Seeing Change Differently Even though the experience of change can be quite difficult, the results of change are often extremely positive. Accepting Change Change has the power to show us just how possible it is for you to have a richer, vastly more fulfilling lifeif you can accept it. Change can be stressful, but you dont have to let it wreak havoc on your life. The sooner you embrace the inevitable changes that occur in life, the sooner you can start seeing the opportunities held within change, and begin thriving on EVERY level. https://app.ruzuku.com/courses/40006/enroll
09.01.2022 You are strong, You are okay You will get thru this
08.01.2022 The Path to Happiness Happiness is something that so many people strive for each day and yet many times it eludes them. Often, they feel that happiness can be theirs if only their situations were different. ... Have you ever felt like that? So often we get caught up in what I call the "if onlys". If only my husband were nicer to me. If only I had a better job. If only the children were grown and out of the house. The list can go on and on. We can waste so much of our precious time dreaming of the "if onlys" So many people fall into this trap and end up miserable most of their lives. The problem is that they are looking for happiness to come to them somehow. As if it were something that could be possessed. When happiness does happen to come it seems so fleeting that it quickly passes away. People erroneously think that happiness is just a feeling like some passing fancy. I am here to tell you that happiness is not a feeling, it can be a way of life. Happiness can be yours on a daily basis if you will only follow some basic principles. First, you must live in the NOW. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised to us so you need to be present in the now. Secondly, you must control your thinking and the thoughts that pass through your mind. Happiness can be called a state of mind and the way to happiness is bringing your mind into its proper state. If I live in Perth and I want to be in Tasmania I need to change states. In order for me to be in that State I need to make some changes. In this analogy we will decide to take a train. The train must be going in the proper direction and we will arrive at our destination. We must know which train we are on, or we may end up where we dont want to be. Think of this train as your thoughts. Thats right, your train of thought. If you dont want to stay in Tasmania you have to get on the right train. If you let any train of thought into your mind then you will be taken to and fro and never arrive at the destination you want. The question then is how do we get on the right train? The ticket to getting on the right train is called gratitude. Gratitude is an attitude and as we look to all that we have to be thankful for instead of dwelling on what our problems are we will find that we too can be whisked away to the state that we wish to be in. There is a path to happiness and that path is gratitude.
08.01.2022 "Identifying a child’s emotional and behavioral reactions to stress is crucial, experts say, especially when anxieties are high." https://www.nytimes.com//kids-anxiety-stress-coping-pandem
07.01.2022 https://rightactionsadvocacyandcounselling.weebly.com//AWA
07.01.2022 Tomorrow's Happiness Begins Today If you want to be happy tomorrow you need to begin working at it today. Some people spend their lives waiting for happiness to arrive on its own and it never comes. ... Others work hard at creating wealth but still arent happy, discovering that money only brings a whole different set of problems. Happiness is a state of mind and not the size of your bank account. Happiness is emotional and not physical. Each individual needs to work at creating their own happiness. I like how Richard Bach, the author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, put it when he said, If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem. To find happiness you first have to understand where happiness comes from. Memories are to the mind what a mirror is to the eyes - a reflection. The mirror reflects the physical while our memories reflect the emotional. When you look in the mirror it reflects what you look like; when you look in your mind it reflects who you are. One big difference between the two is that you can change what you see in the mirror but you cant change the memories reflected in your mind. We tend to spend a lot of time trying to improve what we see in the mirror, but little or no effort trying to improve our thoughts. Every action creates a memory. Do you really think that the person who is bitter and angry today was happy and cheerful yesterday? If a person says or does something which angers or upsets us, we can either add to the painful memory with our own negative actions or we can replace them with positive actions and create positive memories. If you want to be happy tomorrow you must choose carefully what you do today, because todays actions will be reflected in tomorrows memories and you can not make them go away. Everything you do today will be in tomorrows reflection. The next time a person angers you, instead of lashing out, try imagining that you are holding up a mirror that bounces the reflection back at them, knowing that there actions or words are a reflection of them and not of you. We all want to like what we see in the mirror. To be truly happy we also have to like what we see reflected in our minds. What the mirror reflects is not nearly as powerful as what the mind reflects, for it reflects our words and actions. What will your reflections be filled with? Will your reflections/memories be filled with goodness and joy or with bitterness and anger? What have you done today that will bring you happiness tomorrow?
03.01.2022 https://rightactionsadvocacyandcounselling.weebly.com//Rel
03.01.2022 Are you tired of having chains of worries, holding you back?? Do you want to : Learn to break free from a life of worry. ... Do you want to Learn how to let go and find peace in the face of life's uncertainties. If you have said yes, Then feel free to enrol in my online facebook group. If you enrol now until 31st August 2020 you can access this online course for just $29.00 (usually $49.00)
01.01.2022 Finding Yourself ": The Journey from Lost to Found- How Rediscovering where you fit into your life and finding you again is the Key to Achieving Success and Creating the Life You Want where you will explore some very powerful perspectives, tools, and strategies for developing more self-discipline in your life to achieve your goals and create the success you desire. If you enrol now until 31st August 2020 you can access this online course for just $29.00 (usually $49.00)... Please send me a pm https://www.facebook.com/groups/3358676987530515/?ref=share
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