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25.01.2022 The meaning of strong for me has changed over the’s grown, it’s enlarged I suppose...the definition has expanded to involve a lot more things than just physicality.. - Matt This Sunday at 7pm Right Mate launches our contribution to The Festival of Strong. Keep an eye on this page for a piece that will have you defining and refining strong and encourage a conversation that is well overdue.... Cheers Chris

25.01.2022 Cheers to the legends at Forte Magazine for the love

24.01.2022 One of the most common things we hear is "I just don't know what to say or do" when it comes to engaging in a Mental Health conversation. It is to be honest, a fair comment when you consider we're raised in a society of "you can't see it, so you don't talk about it." But here's a different perspective for you to consider. What if we told you that you didn't "need" to say anything, or that you didn't "need" to do anything? What if we told you that your presence alone and your ...ability to provide a safe space for someone to feel comfortable talking about what is going on inside of them is, a lot of the time, more than enough. You see, if someone feels comfortable enough in your presence to disclose their demons, your one and only role is to allow them the space to talk with gravity until they are done. There's nothing you need to "say" or "do", other than thank them for trusting you and then asking them what else they need. You can, if you feel confident enough suggest they may want to speak to their GP who can then give them options of what support is available to them....but you don't have to if you're not comfortable doing so. Reassure them that they have spoken to you in complete confidence and that you are there for them if they need to talk again. Feeling heard is something that someone with a Mental Health problem has in a lot of cases, convinced themselves will never happen but by doing so, you've helped them take that first step in breaking their thought pattern, which a lot of the time, is the first step on a much clearer path.

24.01.2022 Strong - The word automatically conjures up a range of images, feelings....perceptions. As part of The Festival of Strong, the team at Right Mate has sought out to challenge a stereotype that has no place in today's world and refine what it is to be strong, as well as how you find your strong. We invite you to find a comfortable space and invest in yourself for the next 35 minutes as six amazing men open themelves up and tell us not only what strong means to them, but how the...y have found their strong. We hope this video inspires you whilst watching it, just as much as it did us putting it together. #mentalheatlh #humanfactors Cheers, Chris & Luke Co-Founders

23.01.2022 G’day all, An update on both of our Man Walks to ensure we remain complaint to government protocols. Cheers

22.01.2022 Hey Melbourne, We’re proud of bloody proud of you. The light at the end of what has been a ridiculously long and dark tunnel is now shining oh so bright and you have every right to celebrate and bask in what you have achieved. But hey....we just want to make sure you’re right mate because...well, we know that the isolation, the restriction, the lack of physical human connection...we know it’s taken it’s toll on you and we also know that reintegration into society can... be a f&@$ing scary thing. So whilst we have no doubt you’re bloody itching to get back out there, here’s a couple of tips to make sure your headspace stays clear and you can manage the wave of emotions that are currently and will, hit you over the next few days/weeks. BREATHE - pretty simple hey but trust us when we tell you that this can do wonders for your heart rate and the noise in your head. 4 deep breaths...that’s all you need to shift the focus from what is filling your head and replace it with clarity. The key here is to stop, focus on your breathe..the noise, how it feels and allow yourself to block out anything else. 5,4,3,2,1 - no we’re not counting backwards but when you start feeling anxious/overwhelmed, take a step away and do the following - Acknowledge 5 things you can SEE, 4 things you can TOUCH, 3 things you can HEAR, 2 things you can SMELL and 1 thing you can TASTE. Focus on these things and these things only and again, your heart rate will calm and you will feel clearer. Stay safe, stay well, stay alive. We’re proud of you Melbourne. Cheers Chris & Luke Co-Founders

21.01.2022 Masculinity The language we use when it comes to the perception of masculinity is key to the success we want in changing the narrative around Mental Health in men and it all starts with our youth. As a young boy, society instills in you the belief that you need to be "strong", that "boys don't show emotion" and that you just need to "suck it up."... We then wonder why youth suicide and Mental Health conditions amongst our youth are so high... But what if we changed the language we used and started the change from a young age? What if we encouraged emotion, encouraged conversation and made our young boys and men comfortable and confident in their skin when it came to expressing how they feel? We would, we believe, see a generation come through more in tune with themselves, with the world around them and importantly, with their mates and those that they care about. A generation that would look out for themselves and each other, one where talking about the uncomfortable actually becomes comfortable and dare we say it....."normal." Right Mate has developed workshops that can be tailored to schools, sporting clubs and community that can assist with the above, so we encourage you to click the link to our website and get in touch with us to see how we can potentially help guide you down this path and help instill a change for the better in our future generations. Imagine being able to make talking about the uncomfortable, suddenly comfortable and how empowered the community would be and how much more positive the conversation around Mental Health would be..... Just Imagine...

20.01.2022 You're all welcome to join us this Saturday for the "Everybody Welcome" edition of the Man Walk - Geelong. THIS SATURDAY sees the first Man Walk Geelong of 2021 take place, meeting at our amazing local, Orchid&co at 8am. We’d like to start the New Year off by saying THANK YOU to all of those that support our amazing men behind the scenes, so would like to extend an invitation to partners, carers, kids, animals, mates... basically anyone who has anything to do with our men!... Come join us for a coffee, a walk and a chat and start the New Year off on a massively positive step. Cheers, Chris & Luke

20.01.2022 EFFECTIVE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT Cap INCREASES to 50 Outdoors Masks MUST be on you BUT not necessarily worn as long as we continue to socially distance.... Our walk details are in the image below, so get on board legends and join either of our bloody amazong crews for a walk and a chat! Cheers Chris & Luke

18.01.2022 7pm tonight.. Tune in

17.01.2022 G’day all, The AWA Do Good Awards are now open for nominations and close on October 30. The team at Right Mate would greatly appreciate it if you had a spare 5 minutes to put a nomination in for us under one of the 3 banners as the funds on offer would allow us the opportunity to run a few of our workshops to the broader community. Link below and thanks in advance for considering to nominate us!...

17.01.2022 Join us this Sunday at 7pm as we launch our contribution to The Festival of Strong. Strong - Defining and Refining is a video that will challenge the definintion of strong, challenge the ways you find your strong, insipre and encourage a conversation. This is an event not to be missed so block out an hour on Sunday, click the link below to register your attendance and share across your network.... Cheers, Chris & Luke Co-Founders

12.01.2022 The 2019 statistics on suicide in Australia have been released by the ABS. 2019 saw 3318 suicides in Australia. Of those, 2,502 (75.4%) were males. 971 of these were males aged 35-54 & 815 were males aged 15-34.... There has been a 40% increase in male suicide since 2009 and a 7.3% increase from 2018. 2019 saw more males die by suicide than EVER before in our nations history. On average, 7 of the 9 suicides a day in Australia are males. When do we say enough? When do we realise that what we’ve been doing so far...whilst it’s been ok, still isn’t working and realise that we need a new approach that empowers our communities with the knowledge and confidence to help each other, to become comfortable having THAT conversation and in addition arms them with the insights on what non verbal queues look like because asking for help can so often be a silent call..... Did you know that even though we have a National Suicide Strategy, there actually isn’t a dedicated strategy on preventing male suicide?? I could go on but instead I’ll ask this if you. Lobby your local councillors, lobby your local MP, make so much god damn noise it becomes impossible for them to ignore you and make them listen to you...the community. Make them understand you don’t want to be told what to do but instead, you want them to understand what you need, as a community, to battle this insatiable beast and change the way we approach something that we cannot see but know is there and give it the same platform that physical health has had for so long. Cheers Chris

09.01.2022 Mental Health Week 2020 Each day over the next week we'll be posting tips on ways to promote positive mental health. DAY 3 - NUTRITION... We'll keep this one short, sharp and to the point because we could literally write pages about the importance of good nutrition. Good nutrition is key to your overall health, both physical and mental. As much as possible, try and stick to a healthy diet despite changes to routine and environment. Your body and your mind will thank you. See more

08.01.2022 Today is International Men's Day 2020 and thanks to the team AMHF, here are a few man facts and tips to benefit your overall mental and physical health - 5 SLAP YOU IN THE FACE FACTS 1. Men die on average, 6 years younger than women 2. 4 in 5 heart deaths under 65 are men... 3. 1 in 3 men die of cancer 4. 3 in 4 suicides are men 5. 93% of workplace deaths are men 5 THINGS NOT TO DO 1. Don't Smoke - the health risks are well known, so just don't do it fellas. 2. Don't drink too much - the more you drink, the greater risk. Limit yourself to no more than TWO standard drinks a day to reduce the lifetime risks to your health. 3. Don't eat SH*T - Don't each too much crap; 2 fruit, 3 veg a day...that's the target. 4. Don't sit around too much - The less you move, the younger you die...FACT. A minimum of 5 x 30 minutes of moderate exercise or 5 x 15 minutes of vigorous exercise per week is recommended to give you the best chance of turning into an old but fit bloke. 5. Don't be overweight - easy to say...not so easy to achieve but there is a wealth of factual, helpful resources out there..start with your GP, they're legends. 5 THINGS YOU REALLY SHOULD GET ON BOARD WITH 1. Relax - chill out, watch a movie, listen to a podcast/music, read, hang out with friends...whatever gets you chilled but make the time. If you're constantly stressed, ask yourself what you need to do to change & ask for help if you need ain't weak to do so. 2. Be Social - Being socially isolated can be as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Good friends & good relationships keep you healthy and social connection and integration makes the good stuff inside your head explode with...well good stuff. 3. Help Others - doing good is good for your physical and mental health. Whether its volunteering, helping out a mate, doing a good deed for a doesn't matter as it all benefits you're overall wellbeing. 4.Be Active - walking 30 minutes a day if your generally inactive could add 3 years to your life. 5. Do what you love - or are good at or that have meaning or purpose. The benefits are literally life saving. Cheers, Chris & Luke Co-Founders

05.01.2022 Mental Heatlh Week 2020. Each day over the next week we'll be posting tips on ways to promote positive mental health. Today is the last of our posts and we hope they've provided you with some guidance on how to proactively manage your own mental health.... DAY 7 - SEEK HELP The late, great Danny Frawley said it best when he said "Manning up in the past was to suffer in silence, manning up now is to put your hand up." Fellas, it’s OK to be in pain, it’s OK to hurt, it’s OK to be sad, but it’s no longer OK to suffer in silence. It’s time for a new narrative. Whether it's a trusted mate, a family member or a GP...these are all great starting points to help get you the help you need. If you're not comfortable reaching out to any of the above, below is a list of some great services that you can also access. It honestly doesn't matter who you reach out to...just make sure you do because are NOT alone and it takes MORE strength to reach out than it does to sit in silence. Lifeline - 13 11 14 Beyondblue - 1300 224 636 Kids Helpline - 1800 551 800 Headspace - 1800 650 890 SANE Australia - 1800 187 263 See more

05.01.2022 Community, it’s at the heart of everything we do here at Right Mate and that extends through to partnering with organisations who align with our core values. The team at Geelong Insurance Brokers are one such organisation and after a recent meeting with them, they have generously agreed to come on board and sponsor the relevant insurance we need as an incorporated association. Having our insurance covered means we can go out with greater confidence into the community, engage... with more groups and deliver the workshops we have curated to provide knowledge and confidence to the broader community when it comes to Mental Health. For this alone, we can’t thank them enough and it goes without saying that we highly recommend talking with the team at GIB for your insurance needs they take the time to understand you, ask the right questions to ensure they have a clear understanding and then provide options that are tailored to your individual needs. Finally, watch this space for more about this key partnership with Right Mate as work towards some key events throughout the year as we strive to reach more people than ever before.

02.01.2022 Have you checked out Geelong City Yoga yet? If not, you really should. Tonight, Luke and I took part in a Men’s Yoga session and it was amazing. Yoga has so many benefits to your overall well-being and Tim guides you through a session that is achievable for anybody. We’re planning some pretty cool stuff with Tim this year, so stay tuned

01.01.2022 Have you checked out our website lately? We’ve updated our resources tab, so feel free to check it out as there’s some really great stuff to help support positive Mental Health. Cheers Chris & Luke...

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