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RisingWarrior Yoga in Adelaide, South Australia | Medical and health

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RisingWarrior Yoga

Locality: Adelaide, South Australia

Phone: +61 401 023 616

Address: Old railway station railway terrace 5172 Adelaide, SA, Australia


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24.01.2022 Sorry everyone I have been held up. No class tonight. Appologies for any inconvenience. Nameste'

22.01.2022 A great session with students after such a long break. After so long we haven't been able to train because of the closure. But they are still getting good posture. Their feet is lifting up off the floor for their three point head stand. This takes a considerable amount of strength. Im so proud of them all. I just had to pull out my phone and grab some snap shots of them. Its a shame that I missed some of the best full extensions of their three point. But that could be stage f...right Either way words can't describe how amazing it is too see them progress. And after months of no class to see them this far ahead made my day. You see its not just coming to tonights class! They didnt just get this first shot. They got it because they have been coming to class for sometime now. Their muscle memory and pervious training came back to them. This takes mindfulness, dedication, determination and physical strength. Now some of these student laughted when I showed them crow and said they will be doing it. Now they can stand on their head. Words can't describe how proud I am. We are a good group. Fun and we do like to laught sometimes during class. We are modivating, supportive and encouraging. And we would like you to join our yoga class if you are ready to join us! Nameste' Emma Unger #yoga #threepointheadstand #mindfulness #dedication #strength #martialarts #willungacommunity #muaythai

20.01.2022 Hard efforts get rewarded. Its the time spent investing in working towards your goal in which you reap the rewards. Use your time wisley. Awarded a stripe of honour for investing time into helping others development. Also made me a better martial artist #martialarts #yoga #disipline #investing

19.01.2022 Don't forget diet is an important limb of yoga. Hydrationnis extremely important in the heat. On average a person should consume an average amount of x 2 liters a day. If your job is physical and you train you will need to drink more. Did you know sculling water to try catch up isnt really working. Your body will just send it straight out to the toilet. Have small regular sips throughout the day. When its super hot and you sweat alot we might need a back up if electrolytes.... I like to make my own ice tea in this weather. Avoid the excessive sugars and try just natural if you can. Brew tea in a large pot. My tea pot down there is x 2 liters with basked in-built around $8 max from ikea. Get a glass bottle $3 from ikea. Aovid plastic they can leach the bad stuff. Brew the tea until it is cool. I like it strongish so i can leave the tea leaf in for quite some time or untill cool. Sometimes I bre it at night before bed. Then its cold by the morning. Check the colour of the tea to and work out who strong or weak you might like it. Once the tea is cool put it in the glass water bottle then in the fridge. Enjoy it at work. Try and have these during the day as some can have low caffine levels. I finish mine by 3pm and and have a bottle of water as well. Tips Stick to herbal teas like jasmine and green ( boosts immunity and slow release caffine) Avoid sugars in your tea(if you start with sugar slowly reduce the amounts you use to train your palate off it) You can make your own fruit teas for added flavour. ( boost of vitamins nad minerals) Citrus are great for electrolytes and vit C

19.01.2022 Dear all students Appologies for the delayed notice...... NO YOGA TOMORROW ... I will be off to say goodbuy to one of the most beloved ladies that played the most influential roles in my life. My grandmother Mavis Unger. The lady in which I got many of my inherited traits from. She taught me much of the indian philosophy. About ayurvedic medicine, kama, healing foods, crystals and ahimsa. To this day I now pass on the knowledge in which I had been given. Yoga will resume as normal April 26th 7pm at The Firm Willunga Kickboxing club

19.01.2022 Remember that healthy looking bodybisnt just about how hard you train its about the quality food too. Eat for your health Let food be the medicine

16.01.2022 Thank you to to all my past teachers, current teachers , current students, past students and loyal student whom have supported my yoga journey along the way

15.01.2022 Thats right what comsumes your mind controls your life. What do you do with your time? What could you do to be more productive with your time. Can you make use of your time better? Thats right you can cant you!! We all have the same hours in a day. Saying you dont have the time is making excuses or not holding yourself as a priority. What are the things you have wanted to accomplish? Why are you not accomplishing them? Are you allocating time for them or wasting it infornt ...of the tv and /or spending time with toxic comapany work or home? Key point make time. You may see some things as a chore. Training for some can be. But with it comes a discipline that can help you get your life in check. An important quality held by every entrepreneur. I found it hard finding the time for my tugra shan training for the last grading. But here we are. I was there for pretty much every class and lut in extra time when I could. I focused on what I can do so that I could become. This has shown me consistant efforts over time = results. What might you be able to accomplish if you became more discipline in with you time and activities. Thats right let that sink in and see what you might be able to do. Feels good dosnt it!. So why not go for it! Need tips or help. PM me Nameste' Emma

14.01.2022 One of the important limbs of yoga is to have good quality and adequate rest. Rest is important as it helps heal the body and rebuild cells. It also helps release stress and tension. If too much tension builds up it can be stored within the muscles and cause muscular tension / tightness. This often leads to the stress and tension within the muscles that often leads too soreness, stiffness, reduced mobility that often causes injury. Over exersion can also lead to an thyroid gland in some extreme cases this can lead to auto immune disease. This is a good reason why we rest for a few breaths after exertion of power and strength postures. So take that into your off the mat practises to make adequate time for rest. Set the atmosphere to encourage good rest. If you are one that struggles to rest at night try setting the scene. I love using lavender essential oil in an oil burner or defuser. For headaches, depression, anxiety or period pain add 6 drops to 30 mls of almond oil or a base oils. Apply to temples , lower back and pelvis. Lavender is also a muscle relaxant, anti depressant and offers a nice aroma. It is also an oil often referred to those who suffer with deppression, anxiety or insomnia. It eases stressed and tense muscles. Thats why its my favourite essential oil and I use it in my massage oil with a coconut oil base. So if you suffer from any of the above or want a bit more of a more restful atmosphere give it a go.

14.01.2022 This just made my day. I used to have soo much pain and I was greatfull to find yoga. I was lucky to find an amazing teacher that helped me. I remember walking in and feeling the pain. I couldnt do much at all compared to the other students. But my instinct told me to keep going. I had to overcome my pain and my mind. Now I am probably capable of more then before the injury. I will keep going. Now I leveled up and become a teacher. And now a student came in that reminded me ...of me. I can now share my secerets and share the healing. I turned my curse into a blessing. You can too! Learn the lessons or swallow the venom. -Emma Unger RisingWarrion Yoga

14.01.2022 I have had a massive week at work. I am tender from training. Despite working 45 + hours this week. I still managed to teach a yoga class , meal prep food , kick my sales targets and make time for Tagra Shan training, catch up out of class times to work on my syllabus before grading with a fellow ally. Today I hear : You look a bit tired. Me: I said YES. However I have a grading coming up. Its important to know your limitations. However sometimes challenging your limits ar...e essential. Know your limits when you reach them raise them higher for next time. If your limits stay the same you stay the same and there will be no progression. You see its like working up to that challenging Asana. If you never do the ground work to build the foundations to build the discipline and strenght you wont be able to attempt it. Raise your bar of your limits each time and you will get it one day. If you dont you wont. When a battle comes up the more you sweat the less you bleed in battle. Hard effots can be the result of a later reward. Simple tasks remain simple until there are soo many task to manage. However nothing worth having dosnt come easy. Sometimes if you stay focus and step up to the mission you will reap the benifits. Keep those simple tasks and amplify them. Consistant efforts over time = results. I feel a little vunerable sharing this as its not great but I thought I would show you my vulnerable side and despite not having the energy I managed to make it through.

13.01.2022 Too all the teachers out there. Hope you had a good day.

12.01.2022 IMPORTANT STUDENT NOTIFICATION : next monday closed for public holiday See you the week afterIMPORTANT STUDENT NOTIFICATION : next monday closed for public holiday See you the week after

12.01.2022 We have now been given the ok to open tomorrow. So come on down for yoga tomorrow. Come on in and unwind for a soothing calming rehabilitating sesion from 7pm Monday night at the firm kickboxing club. Hope to see you then. Please bring your own clean mat, clean towl or shawl/ scarf to help assist deep streatching. Its also best if you can get your own yoga block. Remember Saucha cleanliness and hygiene is an important part of yoga practice and culture. Especially with every...thing that has been goin on. Please maintain your gear and personal hygiene practices. Thanks for your understanding Nameste' Emma

12.01.2022 Bit of proud girl power sister love. So proud of the efforts of these amazing souls. X 3 of my yoga students smashing 3 point headstand. They will be doing crow to 3 point head stand in no time. Unfortunately couldnt get photos of all of them up. So proud regardless Also proud to ve apart of Tania achieving her black belt. Assisting with her grading certainly helped me with my breakfalls , chokes, strength and endurence. Also greatfull for Sarah's help we couldnt have got t...hrough grading without you. You helped me so much with my syllabus Investing time into others that are modivated is like watering a plant that gives you fruit ......... Nourishing and meaningful Be wise with your resources ...."time" is of the essence

12.01.2022 Back tomorrow for yoga. Monday The Willunga Kickboxing Club The Firm 710pm start. Remember if you are looking for balance and alignment it comes with practise and discipline. Commitment comes first. Those who rock up get the results. The more younfeel like your not good at something the more you need it! Well done Chris on point.

11.01.2022 Did you know that one of the 5 principles of yoga is REST! Rest is important. Learn to know when you're body is repairing and rebuilding itself. When it dosnt get adequate rest injuries will happen. Sometimes we try somethings and want it soo bad we try too hard. Sometimes we get so distracted we push too hard. Sometimes we dont always get the outcome we want. ... When thats the case. Rest dont quit! Because you may not today but you can tomorrow. Somethings take gradual steps tender love and care #yoga #union #mindfulness

11.01.2022 Hi All, I have just been informed no training on public holidays. See you all on the mat next week Try do some stretching at home

10.01.2022 Balance be a virtue Why not be strong, fierce conected and zen. Loved this one below.

09.01.2022 If you want something you have not had before you will need to develop / harness qualities you havent had before! So change what needs to be changed. Change yourself and your habbits. Sucess= change... Change you Things you will need to learn. 1. Committment =deciding not to quit. So decide not to quit. 2. Learning how to win = Important lessons. Be open to learning and go in open minded. Attend the sessions that will help modivate and guide you. 3. Keep your discipline... discipline! Stay focus. Rock up and show up. Success = consistant effort over time... Consistency is a thing!! These 3 steps are keys for success in anything you want in life. Need help. Come on in and start a yoga lesson. Choose to use the discipline to give you the fundamental skills for sucsess in life. Kids are welcome. $7 per session. At The Firm Willunga Kickboxing Club Old Railway Terrace Willunga

09.01.2022 Create your own reality instead of accepting and following others. To create your reality you must design what attributes you would like to have. You wont obtain anything just by thinking about it. Turn steps into actions. Actions lead to success. It is the belts below which will form the belts above. The hard work building up that leads you to greatness. ... Bit of a metaphor for life. Also if you want to create the future spend time with those whom are from your future. Not of your past. Law of attraction. Positive modivated driven peers increase your energy and improve your success. So draw them into your life. Achieve your goals and become that better person you want to be. A special thanks to those whom have supported me throughout my health and fittness journey. Some of those include Anna Davis for always pushing me to do better techniques on pads and taking me for walkies even when I felt like staying in bed. To Sarah and Tania for helping me with grading and assisting me with developing better techniques within our yellow belt syllabus. Plus the bonus black belt stuff assisting Tania with her grading. And of course lets not forget Kyoshi John Alfred for all your extra time prepping us. Blessed the presence of your guest visitors Not to forget You! To those whom are attending classes supporting Rising Warrior Yoga. So proud of all my students. Its with your continued dedication and focus on becoming better yogis students modivate me to become a better student. I like to push myself. So I may have more to teach and become better as a yoga teacher, martial artist, friend and / or person in general. Looking forward to Orange belt.

07.01.2022 Spending time working on whatever it is you want to accomplish is key to acomplishing your goals. Most people never start because they never make the time. We all have the same amount of hours in the day. There will be times where you may feel short for time and will need to delegate and use your time constrctively. Choose wisley with whom you spend your hour with and how you spend your time. Time can be worth more than money its your mind and with that comes your health. #filmingcredits to Nadil Sund Thank you my friend

03.01.2022 COVID safe plan rules for all members entering gym.. STUDENTS PLEASE GET YOUR OWN YOGA MAT IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY. Remember shaucha practise. Purity and cleanliness. Gets you off the floors good for hygiene. Remember to maintain your mat! 1. Only allowed entry to participate in training session you are attending.. You cannot enter gym without coach permission. ... 2. Only parents who are assisting coaches during classes are permitted to stay whilst class in session 3. Once your class is finished you need to leave gym promptly and follow coach instructions regarding which exit to leave.. Parents collecting must wait outside to collect child and not permitted to enter to do so. 3. If adults from adult class want to attend early and enter. Can only do so with coach permission and only on basis of volunteering to assist with the class that is in progress. 4. All persons entering club must put their details on the contact tracing forms at the front desk. Anyone who doesn't will not be permitted to attend class. We must minimise unnecessary social contact as best as we can.. If waiting outside to collect child or waiting for permission to enter.. Please adhere to social distancing rules. Staying 2sq metres away from others.. Unless with own family members.. Any issues speak to coaches

02.01.2022 Reminder Students No class tonight as we have the AGM meeting. See you next week Reminder Students No class tonight as we have the AGM meeting. See you next week

02.01.2022 Hello everyone. Today is a cold day. Rug up for training tonight. Wear layers that way you stay warm. It can be cold in the gym there. If you wear layers its better. That way you can take layers off as you warm up. But stay warm and comfortable during the low intensity and meditations. It keep the muscels warm helping flexability and can prevent injuries. Going out into the cold cause muscle to become tense so always wear warm clothes for after training getting back into the... car. Its not worth undoing all your hard work Cheers Emma

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