Australian Security Academy in Gold Coast, Queensland | Private investigator
Australian Security Academy
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 1800 236 455
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25.01.2022 Are you spy curious? Just what does a Surveillance Agent do? Three Workers Compensation Accident Investigations from our case files you will not believe. Get a speed glimpse of what the Allianz Panel Licensed Private Investigation Agencies are studying - this week - CTP Liability and General Insurance Un-Occupancy! Investigator job vacancies, our investigator movie of the week. And two local government environmental investigations, one resolved which Mike Evans is linked to, and the other ongoing, in the place where Investigator Mike Evans learned a big lesson about taking statements and Witness Observations! the great thing about Investigations is you learn 3 new things everyday. This week we have Ten new things for the Spy Curious!
25.01.2022 Are you spy curious? It's Livestream 23 of our Weekly investigation News! Fast looming up to be our; "Whats in a name episode?" Featuring Police Constable HARDMAN, Transparency International's Aus CEO, LILLYWHITE, and a Licensed Private Investigator named GAMBLE who brought down a Sports Betting Fraud Scammer! it does not get more interesting than that in the weekly news program for Investigators. Find out what Lillywhite, Hardman and Gamble did to make our news this Friday at 2.00PM. Do you have an occupational appropriate name? All we need is a Detective Richard to make this "Name Appropriate" Live Stream complete!
23.01.2022 Peter Mulhall, special guest investigator. See the replay of Australian Investigator Weekly News Friday August 14th at this Youtube link
23.01.2022 Australian Risk & Regulatory Compliance. What has happened this week in Australian Regulatory Compliance? Risk Management guidance and tips. What is the Diploma of Security Risk Management about? What is the Universal Number #1 Risk? Employment vacancies. Who should you contact if you have non-compliances that need addressing? How do auditors zero in on non-compliance? Jason Fullerton and Mike Evans answer all those questions and more every Tuesday November 10th 3.00 PM AEDST, 2.00PM Qld Time Live.
22.01.2022 Thirty Investigations you will be paid to conduct as a Licensed Australian Private Investigator. See the source of your future investigation work as it happened in real time. No police experience required, these are all civil investigations.
22.01.2022 Are you spy curious? Find out what happened in Australian Civil Investigation, Government and Corporate Fraud Control in the last week. A blitzing opportunity to join the assessment team at the Australian Security Academy. Our PI Movie of the week, and three under cover professionals identities exposed right here today at 2.00PM. What does a government Investigator actually do and more!
21.01.2022 Are you spy curious? Power, Sex, Money consistently driving the TSCM Industry in Australia.Are you being watched or listened too? Is there a tracker on your vehicle? Find out how the professionals conduct Technical Surveillance Counter Measures. What equipment is used, what problems are encountered? What is the big market for Bug Sweepers in 2020? is the Industry growing or drying up? Will your spy shop detector cut it, in todays RF rich environment? can you make it work? find out in Australias only. Licensed Private Investigator weekly news this Friday at 2.00PM.
21.01.2022 Great work Australian Investigator Ken Gamble
21.01.2022 Why is this Investigator in the Australian Outback? Are you spy curious? NSW failed I-care exposed as Public Servant Gravy Train. What is the crooked Public Servants most common mistake found by Government Investigators during corruption investigations? If I tell you, will they stop doing it? No they wont! Its so simple you will kick yourself! Workers Compensation in Australia worth 60 Billion Dollars annually! Meet the Investigator, Movie of the Week, Employment Vacancies and much more, all from the week ending July 31 2020
20.01.2022 If you are a current Australian Security Academy student you are invited to join this live in class event. 60 minutes duration Monday June 29th. This program is for those studying Certificate III in investigative Services, Certificate IV in Government Investigation & Fraud Control, Diploma of Loss Adjusting and Diploma of General Insurance. You must read the Power Point "give evidence" in your resources prior to attending, they will be either : PSPREG011 Give evidence CPPSEC...3124 - Prepare and present evidence in court That Power Point in your resources is the blended learning, flipped classroom foundation of this highly educational learning event. Take advantage of this valuable learning event tom move your study forward and progress the completion of your qualification.
20.01.2022 Are you spy curious? Do you want to work covertly and undercover plus get paid to do it? We have the career for you! This week two WHS accident examples of farmers with ripped off arms. Positions vacant in abundance. Is there such a thing as life after Workers Compensation Investigation? More fraud stuff, whats happening in Industry Associations? And more in the 33rd episode of Australia's only Private Investigator Livestream. 2.00PM Qeensland time. 3.00PM AEDT.
20.01.2022 This Friday in Australian Private Investigator News 18th September meet the Licensed Surveillance Professional
20.01.2022 Are you Spy Curious? Whats happening in Private Investigation in Australia this week? Private Investigator Movie of the week, the must watch movie for under cover professionals. What do Loss Adjusters actually do? Amazing career opportunities and more.
19.01.2022 Live - This week In Australian Investigation News. Popular PI, Terri wins a Secret Service Agent of the Year Coffee Mug! Whats new in Polygraphs! In Positions Vacant of the week - Get a compliance role minimising the Covid19 impact! Can a fake Facebook profile get you in trouble as a Licensed PI? Explosive news this week on a Licensed Private Investigator. What precisely disqualifies you from supplying services to Federal Government as a Licensed Investigator? ... From our case files! - I will think of something! In our Investigator movie of the week: The best Australian Movie you have never heard of starring Hugo Weaving? - we go behind the scenes with Gordon Davie - this is unmissable Investigation learning for Private and Government investigators. Made possible through the Australian Security Academy CPP30619 Certificate III in Investigative Services and AIRLAP. See more
19.01.2022 Information on a a career as an Australian Investigator
19.01.2022 Are you spy curious? Its Livestream 23 of our Weekly investigation News! Fast looming up to be our; "Whats in a name episode?" Featuring Police Constable HARDMAN, Transparency Internationals Aus CEO, LILLYWHITE, and a Licensed Private Investigator named GAMBLE who brought down a Sports Betting Fraud Scammer! it does not get more interesting than that in the weekly news program for Investigators. Find out what Lillywhite, Hardman and Gamble did to make our news this Friday at 2.00PM. Do you have an occupational appropriate name? All we need is a Detective Richard to make this "Name Appropriate" Live Stream complete!
18.01.2022 What has happened this week in the dynamic, exciting world of Australian Civil Investigations and Government investigation. Who has ripped off who? Our Investigators must watch Movie of the week. Meet the Private Investigator - probably the most popular one to ever carry a PI License! Catch up with reality of the every day working Licensed Investigator and the industry s/he works in.
17.01.2022 Congratulations to the three Graduates of The Australian Security Academy who attained their valuable Nationally Recognised Qualification FNS51415 - Diploma of Loss Adjusting Qualification today! Well done Julie, Hannah and Scott!
16.01.2022 Are you spy curious? Need to know what happened in Australian Corporate, Private, Government Investigations and Loss Adjusting this week in Australia? See Three Industry Associations that got it right and the ANZIIF and AICLA who got it wrong! A new relevant twist on our Investigator Movie of the week! How many Investigators enrolled in Private Investigations this week! Want PI work in NSW you had better check in. Plus much more!
16.01.2022 When you arrive at your observation point in the dark in Winter after a 2 hour drive, you wont be undercover anymore at dawn!
15.01.2022 NSW Icare in trouble. Massive executive wages! Questionable procurement practices with conflicts of interest!ICAC Investigating.
15.01.2022 PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR - What happened in the Australian Civil Investigation Industry this week? What is new in PI Licensing Regulation? What have the Investigation industry Associations been doing? Find out this Friday in Mike Evans weekly Australian PI news and reviews.
14.01.2022 Australias three largest Insurers through the Insurance council of Australia are enforcing the Hayne Royal Commission requirements for transparency in Insurance Claims including the professional development, qualifications and application of policy, process and procedure for identifying, communicating with and interviewing vulnerable people making Insurance Claims. One Insurer has a clear plan. the other two have a vague and ambiguous starry eyed misconception that onl one organisation can guide them through the quagmire of relevant professional development.
14.01.2022 Are you Spy curious? Episode 35 Government, Private and Corporate Investigations News. Job Vacancies. Events. What has happened during this week in Australian Investigations. Licensing, Industry Associations, Trending Developments, Positions Vacant, Bush and Rural Surveillance and more. 35 sustained weeks of true and valuable, verifiable Australian Investigation Career information. Brought to you by The Australian Security Academy RTO 30547 - Est 2001 - celebrating 20 years of investigation, compliance, governance, fraud control and risk management professional development in 2021.
13.01.2022 Are you Spy Curious? This week Sweeping for Electronic Listening Devices in Australia! How does that work? PI Movie of the week! PI Job Vacancies, PI Industry News and a Private Investigator Competition with a really great PI prize. Australian Residents only - WIN this Years must have K9 Fashion Accessory, no Private Investigators loyal best friend can be without! Yes thats right, win the one who is always pleased to see you a stylish Summer Surveillance Fashion Garment! Simply Like this Post and Type in the Comments your K9s Name and size (Large, Medium or Small). 18 prizes available to Win 6 large / 6 Medium and 6 Small! Plus a bonus matching PI gift for you too!
13.01.2022 Are you Spy Curious? This week we interview Licensed Private investigator ROBERT MORETON of the Moreton Group! Rob is the low profile, unassuming, High Energy Private Investigator who just keeps adding diverse new business lines to his empire. Unafraid of competition of any size, revolutionary Rob has disrupted five established industries Australia wide and has no plans to stop soon. Quietly spoken, confident and with a story worth listening to, this Friday here at 3.00PM AEST. Plus the WORST TOP SECRET SPY MOVIE ever made - our Movie of the Week. And we Road Test the DUMBEST Spy Product available on the Global Spy Market. PI Positions Vacant, Licensing in Queensland. A missing federal court judge, and Honours for a Search and Rescue Legend. All this in 30 minutes Friday afternoon!
13.01.2022 Plausible deniability occurs when some one in command at the top has trouble admitting to unpleasant things (deny knowledge of, or responsibility for) even when the evidence is right in front of them.
13.01.2022 What happened in Investigations in the week ending July 24th 2020 in Australia. News on Investigation Industry Associations, Positions Vacant, Movie of the week, Opportunities and changes. Plus last week Mike Evans exposed AICLA and the ANZiiF as non- compliant in their Nationally Recognised Loss Adjusting Training. Following legal advice Mike as ASA CEO as the responsible person, has been forced to apologise to the Industry for being misleading, inappropriate and insensitive, in part of last weeks Live Stream. Dont miss that apology 2.00PM this Friday it is the Humble Pie Eating Episode of Australian Investigation and Loss Adjusting News July 24th 2020. Live from Sanctuary Cove.
12.01.2022 Are you spy curious? Do you need paid work as a Licensed Private Investigator? PI Positions Vacant : See six Australian Investigation Firms seeking staff this week! PI Movie of the week. Task Force Morpheus raided OMCGs this week. How to come up with cool names for your Investigation Operation! How do they do that? Win a Hugo and Co Bandanna for your K9 PI Best Friend! Which Ghillie Suit should you use on Bush and Rural Surveillance - no surprises here? Are all Licensing Regulators on board with CPP30619 yet? All this and more in Australia's most dynamic, informative, sensational and sustainable Investigation Livestream from the Australian Security Academy! 2.00PM Queensland Time 3.00PM AEDT NSW and Vic.
08.01.2022 Are you spy curious? Bun fight in Workers Compensation Fatality Case in Tasmania, find out why? Just what does a Surveillance Agent do? Three Workers Compensation Accident Investigations from our case files you will not believe. Get a speed glimpse of what the Allianz Panel Licensed Private Investigation Agencies are studying - this week - CTP Liability and General Insurance Un-Occupancy! Investigator job vacancies, our investigator movie of the week. And two local government environmental investigations, one resolved which Mike Evans is linked to, and the other ongoing, in the place where Investigator Mike Evans learned a big lesson about taking statements and Witness Observations! The great thing about Investigations is you learn 3 new things everyday. This week we have Ten new things for the Spy Curious!
07.01.2022 Jason Fullerton and Mike Evans - Know Risk! Episode 4 Australian Security Risk Analysis / Management Weekly News . Proceeds of Crime Recovery, snapshots from this weeks Bush and Rural Surveillance in Tasmania. International Risk Management opportunity and other vacancies. Plus more.
07.01.2022 This week 100PM Friday 12th June We start our support service for Licensing Regulators - When a Licensed Private Investigator goes Rouge - All the Investigation Industry Association News - a must see Australian anti Investigation movie - Australias best Private Investigator Search Data Base. From the Australian Security Academy and AIRLAP the most active Australian Industry Association.
07.01.2022 Are you Spy curious? Episode 36 Government, Private and Corporate Investigations News. Job Vacancies. Events. What has happened during this week in Australian Investigations. Licensing, Industry Associations, Trending Developments, Positions Vacant, Victoria Police LRD. Around the Courts. Everything Investigation. 36 sustained weeks of true and valuable, verifiable Australian Investigation Career information. Brought to you by The Australian Security Academy RTO 30547 - Est 2001 - celebrating 20 years of investigation, compliance, governance, fraud control and risk management professional development in 2021.
07.01.2022 Are you Spy Curious? Government, Private and Corporate Investigations News. Job Vacancies. Events. What has happened during this week in investigations.
04.01.2022 Are you spy curious? What happened in the Australian Private Investigation Industry this week? Buffalo attack in suburban Melbourne! Truck rollover in Brisbane. What is IDR? This week we Road Test the $79.50 Jaycar covert Pencam. Licensed Private Investigator positions vacant. What is Tunnel vision? Why do you need to know, and how does knowing that make you a better investigator? Learn from the best! Our PI Movie of the week. PI Domain Name License for sale! And more today at 2.00PM.
02.01.2022 The new CPP41519 - Certificate IV in Security Risk Analysis Nationally Recognised Qualification is now available.
02.01.2022 Jason Fullerton and Mike Evans present the only Australian Security Risk Management and Corporate Governance Live Stream. This week NAB bomb threat, more AML, and positions vacant.
01.01.2022 Are you spy curious? What happened in Australia in Private, Government and Corporate Investigations this week. Workers compensation fraud, non compliance with aged care, licensing duck shoves, corruption in icare and more! What has Chris Hemsworth got to do with our Private Investigator Movie of the week from 1986. Unbelievable but true! How does that link form a nexus with our Licensed Private Investigator Tip of the Week? A powerful new force in civil investigations is eme...rging to elevate the status of Investigation Profession in Australia. And it has nothing to do with the Australian Security Academy or Licensed Private Investigator Mike Evans! That cant be true? There is no room for two visible individuals in Australia to raise up the Investigation profession. Im exhausted just thinking about all this and dont know how I will fit it in 30 minutes! See you Friday! See more
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