RiverCity East Campus in Howrah, Tasmania, Australia | Religious centre
RiverCity East Campus
Locality: Howrah, Tasmania, Australia
Phone: +61 3 6234 7635
Address: 30 Holland Court 7018 Howrah, TAS, Australia
Website: http://www.rivercitycc.com.au
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25.01.2022 God is in the revival and restoration business. He promises to restore your spirit if it is crushed and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts. His strength is perfect when ours is gone, He is the maker of all things and the renewer of all things.
25.01.2022 Join us for a live conversation with Pastor Nico Smit from Rivercity Church in Tasmania hosted by Pat Steele from Hope Movement at 8pm Saturday the 22nd of Augu...st. We'll be hearing Nicos #HopeStory and a creative and practical way that his church is caring for their community and sharing hope as we build momentum towards the Global Day of Hope. #HopeStory #90DaysOfHope #ReleaseTheSoundOfHope #GO2020
24.01.2022 We are so excited to have some Love Hampers ready for distribution to those in need of a helping hand. The last few months have been hard for many people & families so we are trusting that this will bring some relief to those doing it tough due to the many struggles Covid has cause in society. Should you know of anyone that may need assistance, please register your interest with us!
24.01.2022 Stack the Stage is almost here! Did you know that YOU can put joy back into the Christmas of your neighbours? Every year, the week before Christmas, RiverCity d...istributes substantial food hampers all over the greater Hobart area to families in need. Many don't realise how tough it is for some families to get through the Christmas week with a bare pantry & there are fewer & fewer places for families to turn to for real help. We have different sized hampers to suit different sized families, including mums with small babies. This outreach cannot be done by one or two but by many people like yourselves who lovingly share some of what they have in the hope that they can bring some joy to another family, maybe even a stranger this Christmas! Are you willing to partner with us? Your contribution can make this vision into a reality for so many this Christmas season. There are 2 more weeks left to contribute with the last day to bring your items in on Sunday, December 13th (Central, East & South Campuses). If you are unable to go shopping but would like to be part of this ministry we will include bank details below and one of our staff will purchase the items for you. Every little bit helps and your gift of any size will help us to meet these needs! Thank you Financial Support: Bank deposit - RiverCity Missions BSB 067028 Acc 1014 7158 Ref: Christmas Hampers Online - www.rivercitycc.com.au See more
23.01.2022 The ups and downs of life can be unpredictable, especially as we are all recovering from the challenging worldwide pandemic. If you're doing it tough or struggl...ing to provide, we urge you to send us a private message with your details and let us love on you and your family! Your details and circumstances will be kept confidential. We all go through trials, so please don't let the pride of life stand in the way of receiving help! Send us your details (including family size) and we'll drop off your Love Hampers!
23.01.2022 All RiverCity members are invited to attend our AGM on Sunday 31st January, 12 o'clock @ the Central Campus.
23.01.2022 This is happening tomorrow & you are invited!!! Free entry, heaps of activities for the kids & even cuppas, sausage sizzle & family fun for the adults. We would love you to join us for our Family Fun Day ... face painting, jumping castles, fairy floss, games & lots lots more! Why not pop in & say hi while the children/grandchildren have a play We would love to see you there
22.01.2022 Pride, it comes before a fall as the Bible teaches us. It also has the power to seprate us from God, it makes us unteachable and it lends towards disaster. Prides enemy is humbleness...it is a far better ally.
22.01.2022 ' ! Calling all our mighty men! November 14th - 8am we're having a mens breakfast, this will be a great time of fellowship and food! To RSVP pl...ease message our main page to book in your spot! $16pp payable before the day, online with your name in the description or in person at one of our services, have a chat to one of our leaders! Black Buffalo Hotel November 14th - 8am RSVP before Nov 10th
22.01.2022 Dont forget to join us, wherever you are as we pray for our families, church, leaders & communities.
21.01.2022 Winter months are especially difficult for those living on our streets! It can feel extremely hopeless when every day is a struggle to make it through the night..... We at RiverCity are doing all we can to reach every homeless person in Tasmania this winter with one of our . These bags have been cleverly put together after consulting with those who would actually use them. Our teams of volunteers dont just hand out bags which could seem like an empty gesture No wherever possible we spend time talking to recipients listening to their stories and bring as much encouragement as we can. Your help can make a precious difference in this cause! Every $50.00 we receive helps us get another HOPE bag into the hands of somebody who needs it. Please help us today! Donations can be made @ https://www.rivercitycc.com.au/hopebags/ Should you wish to distribute it yourself you can! Should you want to purchase a HOPE bag to keep in your car you can! Contact us for more info on how this can happen.
20.01.2022 - Join us February 19-21 for a weekend of pressing in deeper to the presence of God with our dear friend Kat...herine Ruonala. It's going to be a powerful weekend! : rivercitycc.com.au/propheticweekend : eventbrite.com.au/e/speak-life-with-katherine-ruonala-ticke See more
20.01.2022 Prayer changes the spiritual atmosphere, it's our direct line to bringing heaven to earth and it's through prayer that we see miracles happen. Have you set your alarm for 7pm prayer? Join us as we petition heaven to see the Lord's kingdom come & His will to be done here, as it is in heaven. Amen
18.01.2022 Join us tonight @7pm, wherever you are, as we bend our knees before the Lord and petition heaven for breakthrough revival fire to fill our hearts, our families, our churches, our communities, our state & our nation. This world needs Jesus more than ever, lets stand in the gap and intercede for those that don't yet know the love of God in their hearts and lives. #PowerInPrayer #TouchingHeavenTouchingEarth #WhenTwoOrThreeGatherInMyName
17.01.2022 Join us for a fellowship & a meal after our 4pm service tomorrow afternoon. We would love you to join us!
17.01.2022 Today we have had the privilege to celebrate & honour all the Father figures we have in our lives, whether they are biological, step, adopted, spiritual or grand fathers. Men that have raised us, guided us, sacrificed for us, prayed for us, encouraged us and loved us through the good bad and the ugly. For some of us, we have had wonderful father figures in our lives and for others of us, we may not have known the love of an earthly father but no matter what type of experien...ce we may have had, we can be reassured that the love & compassion of our Heavenly Father supersedes any human experience we could ever have. He is full of grace & mercy, long suffering, slow to anger and abounding in love. His love for you is so deep that He bankrupted heaven to restore you to himself... this is love in action to show you just how loved you are! He is the ultimate example of a father's sacrifice. To all our men that raise, mentor & encourage the next generation & others to be the best version of who God has created them to be we say Happy Father's Day. May the blessings of heaven be your portion as you champion those God has placed in your care. We are blessed by you
17.01.2022 & This Thursday 6.30pm Our last prayer and power night was incredible, and we've seen so much breakthrough already and can't wait to see t...he fruit of this Thursday! All are welcome...come with expectation! It's going to be a beautiful time with the Lord --- September 17th - 6.30pm 5 Lefroy St, North Hobart See more
16.01.2022 We would love our church family to join us for a Campus wide family day in Margate on Australia Day! Let us know if you can join us & dont forget to bring a chair or picnic blanket!!!
14.01.2022 & are back! This Thursday 6.30pm Prayer is the engine room of every church, and can be the key to your breakthroughs and deliverance! Come... with expectation! And let's see some walls fall down and chains break! all are welcome - it's going to be a beautiful time with the Lord --- August 20th - 6.30pm 5 Lefroy St, North Hobart See more
14.01.2022 This week is Homelessness Week & we are so encouraged by the amazing work the RiverCity street ministry teams are doing in Hobart with the Hope Bags ... showing God's love, sharing His hope! Our teams go out onto the streets of Hobart each week to love on, encourage & share the hope of Christ to those experiencing homelessness & living on the streets. We would love more people to join this ministry being the hands & feet of Jesus & this can be done by going out with one of ou...r teams, by purchasing a Hope Bag to keep in your car & give to someone you meet that is living on the street or by sponsoring a bag that will be given to a homeless person. Each bag costs $50 & is filled with items & food that someone living rough would be able to use. If you would like to be part of this ministry opportunity, please contact us, we would love to hear from you!! See more
14.01.2022 "It's the most wonderful time of the year!" We get to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. But we also get to share the love of Jesus with our community and bring joy to those who need it most. Our collection for the Christmas Hampers has started and this is a perfect opportunity for everyone to get involved in the Great Commission which God has called us to. We will have a collection basket available from this Sunday for all donations. Collection poin...ts: East Campus Sundays 3:30-6pm Central Campus Tue, Wed, Fri 10-2pm Sundays 10am
13.01.2022 For those that may have missed this morning's service. Be blessed!
13.01.2022 The ups and downs of life can be unpredictable, especially during this challenging and unknown COVID season. If you're doing it tough or strug...gling to provide, we URGE you to send us a private message with your details and let us LOVE on you and your family! Your details and circumstances will be kept confidential. We all go through trials, so please don't let the pride of life stand in the way of receiving help! Send us your details (including family size) and we'll drop off your Love Hampers!
12.01.2022 If you missed this morning's message, take a listen, it will challenge & encourage you to go deeper & draw nearer to the Father. May you be blessed!
12.01.2022 Join us tomorrow night on the RiverCity Social Group for Midweek Live. We are trusting for the fire to fall
12.01.2022 Do you know someone in the community that is doing it tough at the moment and needs a bit of a helping hand to get back on their feet? We are here to help and can assist with a food hamper for individuals or families that are struggling. Please contact us or one of our leaders so we can arrange a care package for those in need.
12.01.2022 God invites us to be in His presence, will you accept that invitation this morning?
11.01.2022 REMINDER All night prayer tonight at the Rokeby Open House & Community Centre. 7pm-7am 84 Tollard Dr, Rokeby... Join us for an hour or the whole night Everyone is welcome! https://www.facebook.com/groups/637245553506207/permalink/735772290320199/
10.01.2022 Hey church family Ps. Pete here. We have been called to pray for our city, our communities, our leaders and so that God will move in our nation. Join us on Mondays at 7pm by setting an alarm on your mobile phone or write it in your diary to pray together. We may not be able to always be together in the same building but we can still pray together wherever we are at the same time. Set an alarm for Mondays at 7pm, stop what you are doing at that time (even for a few moments), and pray for our land. 2nd Chronicles 7:14 #ifmypeoplepray
10.01.2022 FB Live will be on shortly, we are just having some technical difficulties connecting atm.FB Live will be on shortly, we are just having some technical difficulties connecting atm.
09.01.2022 Keep going, keep going, KEEP GOING and when you feel tired/fatigued and distant from God....keep going.
09.01.2022 Your heart is Jesus address, or at least His desired address...will you let Him in and surrender?
09.01.2022 We have been so encouraged to see how our Emergency Love Hampers have been bringing hope & joy to families that are doing it tough at the moment & their smiles & gratitude is so rewarding to everyone that has been helping us to distribute these food items! We still have hampers available & are taking details of people that would like to register their interest in receiving a hamper if they are currently in need of a helping hand. Please contact us via messenger or email if we can help you or someone you know that needs & could benefit from our emergency relief assistance.
09.01.2022 East Campus was blessed to have Ps Nico sharing the word today. This Mighty Man of God has an incredible ministry and we are so proud to have him join us. Ps Nico snapped this awesome video during the service today of our very own Dan rapping during worship. Dan is such a gift to our worship team!
07.01.2022 Join us for Midweek Live on the RiverCity Social Group @ 7pm tonight. We would love you to join us.
07.01.2022 Pastor Pete with a minute in prayer.
07.01.2022 Hey there East Campus, hope you will join us live this afternoon at 4pm for our last (finally) Home Livestream where Ps. Pete will share on "The Blessed Life"... Looking forward to it!!
07.01.2022 Hi family, don't forget to log on & join us tonight at 7pm, last night was absolutely AMAZING the presence of God was so strong, even in our homes while worshipping together. We are expectant that tonight will be another evening of people encountering the Lord just as they did at Pentecost in Acts. Join us as we come into His presence where it is filled with joy, peace, restoration, love, healing, forgiveness, acceptance and so, so much more because every good & perfect gift proceeds from the throne of the Father DON'T MISS OUT! See you @ 7pm on the Social Group page.
04.01.2022 Family & friends, church is almost back and we are so excited to see you all again!!! We will be re-opening for church services from SUNDAY 14th JUNE at 4pm. Due to there still being limited numbers allowed, please book your seat by giving us your names so we can adhere to the current guidelines. While we prepare everything for face to face services next week, tomorrow we will be on FaceBook live at 4pm and hope you will join us! Have a blessed week everyone & we look forward to seeing you soon!!!
04.01.2022 We were blessed today to have Ps Innocent Mudzingwa preaching at East Campus - he shared a fantastic message titled From victim to survivor. We are so blessed to have such fantastic pastors sharing with us at East Campus!
02.01.2022 Don't forget to join us @7pm this evening, wherever you may be take some time to pray. #corporateprayerdifferentlocations
02.01.2022 It's that time of year again! If you're a member of RiverCity (ALL CAMPUSES INCLUDED), please join us for our Annual General Meeting, to find out what's... happening in the life of the church and where we are hoping to head into this next year! --- 12pm (after the 10am service) 5 Lefroy Street North Hobart See more
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