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Riverlinks Child Care & Community Centre in Australind, Western Australia | Childcare service

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Riverlinks Child Care & Community Centre

Locality: Australind, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9796 0040

Address: 1 Leisure Drive 6233 Australind, WA, Australia


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14.05.2022 A rainy Thursday does little to dampen the learning in the dolphin room. Our friends have been excited about the rain. They took a moment to immerse themselves in some 'cause and affect' learning in the puddles. So much splashy fun together. Later, your artists created masterpieces and your engineers built car spaces. In between that we sung, danced, sorted marbles, read books and explored a new room mascot. #australind #childcare #childcare #childdevelopment

04.05.2022 For the past two weeks the Dolphins children have enjoyed the cooler weather by taking a morning stroll exploring our surrounding environment. We have marched through the tall grass, walked around and through the swaying trees. Our friends have also been extremely lucky to spot a group of kangaroos jumping through the tracks and even having a lay down in the grass. #australind #childcare #Riverlinks #freedominnature

14.04.2022 Do you know anyone who has a certificate 111 in Childcare or above or working towards a qualification? We are looking for casual staff to add to our relief list. If you are interested or know someone who is please email the centre [email protected] we'd love to hear from you!

11.04.2022 Feeding our hungry monster (tennis balls), shells and buttons has engaged our dolphin friends. Over the last week, the challenge to squeeze the monster mouth open and coordinate little fingers to feed it has been an emerging skill. Offered daily, it is an opportunity to strengthen muscles slowly. This will eventually support their self-help and life skills, with more dexterity. #Australind #Riverlinks #Childcare #finemotorskills

02.04.2022 B4 Kindy Creative Expression #riverlinks #childcare #australind #creativeexpression

27.03.2022 Wow what a week it has been in the Dolphins room! Your children have been big sensory seekers this week! We have made some adventure jars with shells, feathers, dried lentils, different fabric and woodchips. Teresa made some coloured foam with the children too (you may have come home with a mini hulk or little smurf yesterday...) and the children loved mixing the colours, smelling the soap used and feeling the foam dissolve and move under their hands. We have also done some ...texture painting together using sand and shaving foam in paint. Even fitness balls were used to add a spatial element to the learning. All these experiences encourage your children to broaden their understanding of the world around them and to become confident in themselves and their capabilities. #Riverlinks #Childcare #Australind

11.03.2022 What are your weekend plans? Our dolphin room friends started their weekend with a lovely Friday drive, a huge fry-up in the mud kitchen, followed by some crabbing on their boat. These child-led escapades foster an emerging sense of agency within themselves and wonderment in their world around them. #riverlinks #australind #ChildCare #belonging

19.02.2022 Our dolphin room friends continue to practice their emerging hygiene skills. Through guidance and role modelling, they are learning to care for their health. Washing the toys together today extended on this care for themselves and their resources. Lots of wet fun, cooled down the group on a beautiful summers day. Great work my friends #australind #riverlinks #childcare #selfcare

05.02.2022 We would like to introduce and welcome the latest editions to our Riverlinks family. Ginger and Roger #riverlinks #childcare #australind #fishfriends

24.01.2022 This week in the Penguins Room, the children have been very busy building on their gross motor skills participating in increasingly complex activities. Tuesday: The children were very helpful while they helped the Educators fold some washing. They also loved playing in the Red Spinning Tops and Blue Barrel Tunnels, even some Educators joined in with the fun. Wednesday: The children loved getting their feet wet with water play and frozen sea animals. Many of the children were... splashing around and jumping in the puddles of water. Thursday: The children had a lovely picnic and ate their morning tea on the oval. The weather was beautiful and all of the children enjoyed playing with the balls and running around on the oval. Friday: The children loved getting dirty in a mud play activity. At first, the children were unsure of the mud but they were soon very comfortable with getting their hands and feet dirty. Some even had mud on their faces! #childcare #australind #riverlinks #children #education #learning #grossmotorskills

24.01.2022 Its day three of Early Childhood Educators Week and its Wacky Hat Wednesday! It was difficult to chose the winner of the hat competition as so many had put in a lot of effort. In the end Catherine Groom won the individual prize and the Penguins Room took out the team award. Morning Tea was a feast of homemade biscuits and slices. #earlychildhoodeducatorsday #LoveMyECE #australind #riverlinks #childcare

22.01.2022 This week in the Penguins room, we have been continuing on with our nature theme and the children have been loving it! On Monday the children went for a little walk outside of the centre to collect beautiful yellow flowers that they later used to create bright and wonderful collages. On Tuesday the children made graceful butterfly paintings using brilliant reds and exciting yellow colours. The children had a blast doing this and loved the butterfly that appeared when the was folded and the rubbed revealing the butterfly image when it was opened up again. On Wednesday the children painted amazing spring trees using the bottles of plastic bottles to create budding flowers on the trees. Later we put some special eggs in water to see what was hiding inside! We had to wait until the next day when it was revealed that a crocodile, llama and flamingo was hiding inside. The children even helped to water the flowers we planted with the watering cans. On Thursday some of the children excavated bugs out of salt dough using spoons at first and then using their hands as the bugs got harder to find. On Friday we went on a spontaneous walk down into the bush to collect leaves, sticks, flowers and honky nuts to use in our new nature home corner. Throughout the week all the children have loved watching our new pet silkworms grow and munch on the mulberry leaves...they are so fascinating to just sit and watch! The children have also been enjoying listening to our birdie visitor Leo who loved to sing and play in his cage! I wonder what other wonderful nature based activities could we get up to next week? #Riverlinks #Childcare #natureplay #spring #silkworms

22.01.2022 Out with the old and in with the new for 2022! Exciting changes have taken place in our front playground & the children have been keen to watch the workman as they cut/dig/design our new play space. A huge thank you to Shaun & his team from Australind Landscaping Designs, who have worked so hard in the intense heat ! We hope you like the transformation. We are now working on purchasing some sustainable play equipment to fill the new space.

22.01.2022 No longer satisfied with frequent visits to the bush. The Seal room children want to help the bush thrive as custodians of the natural space behind our centre. To support this, the children collected some rubbish on our last visit. After washing our hands on returning, we all sat down to look at the mass of waste we had collected. #Australind #Riverlinks #childcare #ecowarriors

21.01.2022 We love incorporating Aboriginal culture into the programme in the Seals Room. We also love being creative, so we put the two together and came up with the idea to create a landscape painting of our Bush School, inspired by Aboriginal artist. The educators and children looked at different landscape art peices created by Indigenous artist and spoke about the colours in the background really standing out and how the trees and objects closer to the front are quite darker. Once w...e had our photographe of the Bush School, we started to paint. This project was completed over a few weeks so more children could be involved. Each step involved a different painting technique and the children were all very keen to be apart of this experience. It took some time but the final product looks amazing! We definitely have some artists in the making in our room!

19.01.2022 A big thank you to all our wonderful families and staff members who donated to our Salvation Army Food and Gift collection. All the donations have been delivered to the Salvation Army to be distributed to those in need. Thanks for spreading the christmas cheer this year.

19.01.2022 Our first week in Vacation Care is proving to be a busy one, with lots of excitement and plenty of activities to keep everyone engaged. The highlight of the week has to be our trip to Aristos for lunch. With much excitement and lots of chatter we enjoyed a lunch of fish and chips sat overlooking the water. After lunch we had a short walk along the sea wall watching and observing what we could see in the water. We saw lots of small crabs sat on the rocks enjoying the suns...hine and tiny fish swimming close to the edge of the rocks. Our ride back to the centre was a slightly more sedate journey, our tummies were full and we were looking forward to chilling and watching our lunchtime movie. There's still lots and lots more excitement to come. #riverlinks #childcare #australind #vacationcare #excitingtimesahead . See more

19.01.2022 ‘Tucker the turtle’ came to visit the Seal room this week. Tucker demonstrated some alternative options for when big feelings overwhelm you. Tuck down, breath deeply and make good choices instead of lashing out or screaming. Ruth will be implementing this positive strategies over the next few weeks. #Australind #childcare #Riverlinks #emotionalintellegence

19.01.2022 Lambs came to visit the Seal and Baby room today, thanks to our teacher Ruth. Lots of cuddles, feeding and questions were asked as each child delighted in their company. #australind #riverlinks #childcare #lifeonthefarm

18.01.2022 Nature is an integral part of our Seal room learning program. With Riverlinks positioned close to bushland, we incorporate it into our outdoor experiences. Last week a caterpillar was discovered. We spoke about caterpillars & explored the creature from various angles whilst he munched away on a leaf. This led to excited discussions, life cycle charts, art & craft, reading of books plus role modelling our practice of respect for nature & living things. #Australind #Riverlinks #Childcare #Scaffold

17.01.2022 A perfect day for a play at the beach. The children in Vacation Care went to Binningup Pirate Park and beach today. We had such a special time. Building sandcastles, finding shells, having a shallow paddle in the beautiful clear water and finally a picnic. The photos speak for themselves.

16.01.2022 ‘Curious creatures and wild minds’ are the theme for this year’s book week. Our kindy teacher Ruth, planned and implemented a visit with some delightful pet rats for our Seal room friends. Fascination followed as each child patted or held these creatures. After handwashing, Ruth read some cherished books from children’s homes. One friend even contributed with a Venus fly trap creature (plant) to provoke wonderment. Thank you to all families for family input. #Riverlins #Australind #childcare #bookweek2020

16.01.2022 The Children in the Dolphin's room are loving dinosaurs at the moment. For an extension on this we thought we would give them a nice bubble bath. The Children watched as we mixed water, soap and food colouring together with the electric beaters. They were all amazed with how much bubbles it made and couldn't wait to get their hands in. The dinosaurs had such a good time having a bath and the Children absolutely loved this experience. ... I wonder what we could do next time? #Riverlinks #Childcare #Australind #Dinosaurs #Bubblebath

16.01.2022 A friendly reminder to families that your Early Learning Service is following the advice of the Health Department. If your child shows signs of being unwell whi...lst attending their Service you may be asked to collect them. Let's all work together to reduce infection and make this the healthiest winter in child care. #thepodsw #wereallinthistogether

16.01.2022 Your capable children have been baking in their Seal room this week. Cracking eggs, adding water, adding oil, blending, scooping, buttering and sprinkling to their hearts desires. What do they prepare for their families at home? #Riverlinks #Childcare #Australind #bakingwithlove

15.01.2022 The Dolphins Children and Educators took full advantage of the lovely spring weather today and went for a walk to the oval. The children loved kicking the soccer balls around and laughed as the wind blew the ball in all different directions. Some children found a tree and spend their time climbing and building different creations with the bark on the ground around the tree. I wonder what other fun activities we could try at the oval? #riverlinks #childcare #australind #spring

15.01.2022 Over the last few weeks in the Penguins room, we have been creating a new outdoor space for the children to explore and enjoy. We added a fresh coat of paint to our cubby, planted some beatiful flowers with the children and added in some fun ornaments as well. The children have been loving our fairy play space so far and often help to water the flowers when it isnt raining. Together we have been working on teaching the children to enjoy and appreciate nature, enjoying... to flowers on the plants, rather than picking them. If you get the opportunity to come and see our beautiful fairy garden, be sure to keep an eye out for the cheeky little fairies hiding amongst the flowers. #riverlinkschildcare #fairygarden #flowers #nature

15.01.2022 Day five of Early Childhood Educators Week and it's Free Dress Friday! Congratulations Chantelle, Jess, Aidan and Karen for embracing the day. Morning Tea continued to be a feast of goodies. #earlychildhoodeducatorsday #LoveMyECE #australind #riverlinks #childcare

14.01.2022 Outdoors is where your children prefer to learn. Last week the Seal room explored jumping from up high on their playground. We also redecorated recycled boxes together. In our community we walked through the bush and to the pavilion playground. What do you enjoy the most in the Winter sunshine? #riverlinks #childcare #outdoorlearning #wonderment

13.01.2022 Who recalls the refreshing gratification of a sprinkler on a summers day? These childhood memories are a reality for the Seal room children today. Lots of great listening and cooperation took place amongst the group. This helped to maximise inclusivity of everyone during this morning 'cool off'. Some children were happy to just relax and observe their friends joy. All of our friends participated in a positive way. Jumping, splashing, running, leaping, sharing and cleaning off those tippy toes afterwards. #Riverlinks #Australind #Childcare #simplepleasures

13.01.2022 Today in the Penguins room, the children helped water the plants. The weather is heating up and it is time to take care of our plants. The children used watering cans and the hose to splash water on the flowers to help them grow. The children were able to get their hands wet and use their skills to tip the watering cans onto the flowers. On Wednesday, Teresa did bath bomb and Epson salt experiences with our Penguin children. They were given the opportunity to engage in a science experiment and the chance to see the effects of the bubbling and fizzing of the water. The children also discovered all the hidden sea creatures inside after watching them bubble away. The Penguins were in awe of the feel of the fizzing water and our hidden friends inside. #riverlinks #science #experiments #australind #ChildCare #learning

12.01.2022 We decided that just one day to celebrate Early Childhood Educator Day was not enough. We have a week of fun and special treats planned for our amazing Educators. Today they enjoyed some tasty cheese platters and created their own ice-cream sundaes. Congratulation to Teresa Herring who won our Silly Sock competition. Teresa embraced the Everyday Hero theme with a cape and then super hero socks. Look out for tomorrow as we have Tutu Tuesday. I wonder what delights will be the staff room tomorrow? #EarlyChildhoodEducatorsDay #LoveMyECE #riverlinks #childcare #australind

10.01.2022 It's day four of Early Childhood Educators Week and its Necktie Thursday! Congratulations Tash on your dinosaur necktie, the children love it. Morning Tea was a feast of scones with jam and cream.A big thank you to the families who have given chocolates and biscuits for the staff room. #earlychildhoodeducatorsday #LoveMyECE #australind #riverlinks #childcare

10.01.2022 Child led adventures in the Seal room has energised us all. "To the skate park" your children declared. So we physically challenged ourselves with some risk taking. "Cuddle the baby chicks" your children asked. Lots of learning about gentle hands & hand washing followed. "Pretty flowers" your children requested. So we potted some new blooms for our meal time table decoration. Thank you for the fun times dear friends #Riverlinks #childcare #Australind #childpassions

10.01.2022 To celebrate Children's Week we had Messy Play Monday! The children from the centre had such a great time! We used flour, cocoa power, jelly, rice noodles, spaghetti and rice. The children covered themselves from head to toe, laughing with their educators as they engaged in the fun. Many children told their educators that "it was the best day EVER!" Tomorrow is Treasure Hunt Tuesday! #riverlinks #childcare #australind #messyplay #childrensweek

10.01.2022 Over the last week in the Dolphins Room we have been celebrating Science Week. We have used Science Week as a way to extend on the children's ever growing interest in Dinosaurs. Through the week we have hatched dinosaur eggs, used tools and water to try and dissolve some clay to get our dinosaurs out of a rock, we even froze dinosaurs and talked about the different things we could do to get the dinosaurs out. We have also created rainbows, mixed colours with milk, used magnets, made bubbles with oil and made vinegar and bi-carb soda fix up. I wonder what experiments we could try next? #science #riverlinks #australind #childcare

10.01.2022 With all the rainy days we have had this month, the Penguins have be focusing on the Winter Season. The children have created stormy clouds, raindrops, colourful rainbows and sensory snow made out of shaving foam. The children have been very busy cooking and making lots of cups of tea in the home corner. Using their imagination and role playing they have spent time feeding the baby dolls their bottles wrapping them in blankets and patting them to sleep. Indoor and outdoor obs...tacles courses have been a huge hit. With the children building their gross motor skills and risk taking. Climbing up the rope wall, crawling under and over the ladder and balancing on beams. Educators and children loved spending the day in their pyjamas and all joining together for a Teddy Bear Picnic filled with yummy food and social interactions. What will next month bring us? #riverlinks #childcare #education #children #play

09.01.2022 The Dolphins Children have been loving playing with the dinosaurs and the monster trucks in the room. As a result of this many of our experiences have been adapted to include these interests. We've added new dinosaur toys to the room using our imaginations to role play with our friends, we've used our fine motor skills to paint pictures of dinosaurs, we've painted a new monster truck track and we've even built homes for our dinosaurs using some of our lego trees. I wonder what dinosaur or monster truck experiences we could do next? #australind #riverlinks #childcare #dinosaurs #monstertrucks

09.01.2022 Today is International Picnic Day. In the penguins room we decided that we would make the most of the very nice weather and have our pizza for lunch outside on the picnic mat. The children were really excited for this and had huge smiles on their faces as they sat together in a circle and ate. ... Some of the children enjoyed watching the birds and pointing them out to their educators and peers. I think they wanted some of our pizza as well. #riverlinkschildcare #interntionalpicnicday #pizza

09.01.2022 This month in the Penguins Room, the children have been very busy learning and exploring new things. Being Science Week this week, the children have been involved in many interesting activities. On Monday we made an eruptive volcano, all the children were fascinated with watching the red lava spill out the top. Erupting themselves in shrieking and giggles. On Tuesday we loved making rain. Using Shaving foam to act as clouds and blue food dye as rain, the children experience...d how rain trickles through the clouds and watched as it swirled about in the in the water below. It was so captivating. On Wednesday, educators provided a trial and error experiment for children to see which familiar items can sink and which can float. This experience was very popular as it allowed children to initiate their own ideas and be independent in their play. Lastly on Friday, the children were provided with the opportunity to plant their own seeds allowing engagement in a range of senses and motor skills development. I wonder what our seeds will grow into? Throughout this week children were able to enhance both their cognitive development as well as problem solving skills, and curiosity, helping them to acquire new ways of both learning and understanding their surroundings. #riverlinks #childcare #scienceweek #science #learning

09.01.2022 Dental hygiene was an extension for our Seal room friends after their dolls bubble bath. Your children were each encouraged to brush their dolls teeth and practice on our large teeth/brush set to reinforce the imporance of this act. 'My Body - Why Do I Brush My Teeth?' and 'Caterpillar Toothpaste' were some books we all enjoyed together during our language mat sessions. #Australind #Riverlinks #Childcare #HygieneMatters

09.01.2022 This week at Riverlinks the children and educators have been celebrating and acknowledging NAIDOC Week by participating in many Aboriginal experiences. We have been being doing fun activities in the Penguins room. On Monday the children loved painting Landscape Paintings (Noongar Art). Using earthy colours, they created beautiful artwork. They all pointed out and recognised the two Yongkas (kangaroos) in the landscape painting. On Tuesday they helped Bella make some yummy D...amper. The children helped mix the ingredients together and watched Bella roll the dough. They were so excited to eat it for afternoon tea, they all loved it! On Wednesday the children had a very special visit from Ryley and Julz from the Bunbury Parks and Wild Life, who had brought along many nature items such as animal skin and native plants to show the children. On Thursday they enjoyed playing a traditional Aboriginal game called Apwerte (a version of Skittles/bowling). We used honkey nuts to roll at the recycled bottles to knock them over. On Friday the children absolutely loved making their own tapping sticks, painting them with Aboriginal colours. After they dry we plan on using them to make lots of loud noises while listening to aboriginal music.

08.01.2022 Day two of Early Childhood Educators Week and its Tutu Tuesday. Congratulations to Tina Diment for her wonderful costume. Today's treat was a morning tea feast of donuts. #LoveMyECE #earlychildhoodeducatorsday #riverlinks #childcare #australind

08.01.2022 The wet and windy weather didn't spoil our fun in Vacation Care today. Plenty of messy play and running around kept us warm. So don't forget to bring a jacket or jumper whilst attending Vacation Care, we still like to play outside during the cooler weather. #riverlinks #australind #childcare #vacationcare #messyplay.

06.01.2022 Over the last couple of weeks the B4 Kindy children have enjoyed all the outdoor fun of visiting the local swamp pond. Amazing how much joy a little water, some gumboots and unrestricted fun can bring to lives of children and their educators. #riverlinks #childcare #australind #natureplay

05.01.2022 This week in the Penguins room we have has a fabulous time celebrating Educator Appreciation week by doing many fun activities including; wearing tutus and making hand print tutu artwork. We made beautiful spring flower hats for crazy hat day and decorated some rainbow ties for crazy neck tie day. On top of all these fun celebrations we spent a lot of time outside having a splendid time in nature. On Monday all the children went on an adventure to the bush school. This was much fun! To start with we ran all the way down the very steep slope and then attempted to run all the way back up again. Many of the children stumbled and tripped a lot, but they never stopped and just kept on going, having way too much fun to be worried about falling over. On our way back to centre the children stopped at a large open area where there were lots of flowers growing and spent time picking the flowers and sharing them with each other. Later that day we had a bug hunt in our playground and found many strange and wonderful critters including; snails, ants, slaters, slugs, spiders and worms. Do you like bugs as much as the Penguin children? On Thursday the children helped to plant and water some beautiful flowers in our garden beds and pots. Some of the flowers were yellow, white and there were even purple and white ones. We even planted some mystery flowers.I wonder what wonderful colours they will be? #riverlinks #childcare #educatorappreciationweek #natureplay

04.01.2022 Children's choice for today was to do some cooking. We had a discussion on what we could make and by the end we had settled on cookies. The Children gathered around the table, reading the recipe, measuring the ingredients and watched as it all got mixed together. One by one they took turns in rolling out the dough and cutting out the stars, before placing them on a tray to give to Corinne, so she could cook them in her oven for us. The Children are also learning their colo...urs at the moment, so we also had a discussion on what colour they would like their stars to be. The final answer was red! #Riverlinks #Childcare #Australind #Cookies #Baking #Colours See more

04.01.2022 Children in OSHC are really enjoying the first signs of spring. Our mornings have been cool and sunny but that hasn't stopped us from enjoying the morning sunshine before school. Extending on a couple of past activities (making perfume with rose petals and investigating herbs, using our sense of smell to guess the different varieties of herbs), we talked with the children about growing our own herbs. After consulting with the children, coriander and basil seemed to be the favourites to grow. So last Friday Annmarie assisted the children in planting some seeds. I wonder how long they will take to grow? Keep watching as we extend our knowledge and interests further. #riverlinks #australind #childcare #spring

03.01.2022 Some of the children in OSHC have had a Pupil Free Day, so it's been a day of fun. After morning tea we had the chance to paint our own terracotta clay pots. A lot of thought, effort and attention to detail went in to decorating them. During the morning we made our way over to the oval. One of the children had suggested that they wanted to do some jousting.... using pool noodles as a safe option to use for jousting, they were able to keep their imaginative play safe. We a...lso took foam gliders and a rocket launcher over to the oval. Because it was so windy it made a perfect day for launching both rockets and planes. The wind carried them quite a distance much to the children's amusement. After asking the children what sort of day they had they said that they had a fun and interesting day and that the best part was flying the gliders and jousting. Well, I (Jennifer) have had an amazing, fun day. #pupilfreeday #riverlinks #australind #childcare #toomuchfun #jousting See more

03.01.2022 Hi everyone, we currently have vacancies in our babies room (0-2years). If you are interested or know someone who may be, please give the centre a call for more information 97960040 or alternatively email the centre [email protected]. #riverlinks #childcare #australind #babies

03.01.2022 Whether it's winter sunshine or a break in the rainfall; your children in the Seal room will seek out time in our outdoor environments. Hunting for strawberries, splashing in the puddles, chasing bubbles or watching how the rain runs off into drain; are some of the learning we have all engaged in together this week. #Australind #childcare #Riverlinks #followthechildren

02.01.2022 Happy Halloween Everyone, We had lots of fun dressing up today!! #riverlinks #childcare #australind #halloween

02.01.2022 Pupil Free Day today in OSHC. Having fun with the gliders.

02.01.2022 More fun photos of Vacation Care. #fun #riverlinks #australind #childcare #vacationcare

02.01.2022 #riverlinks #childcare #australind #triplep

01.01.2022 Last night we used our monthly Team meeting as an opportunity to celebrate the amazing group of Educators we have at Riverlinks. This year has been tough, but each of them came to work with a smile on their face and gave their all to the children we care for. We are so proud of our team and feel very lucky to have them! Sonya, Robyn and Plaxy. #LoveMyECE #earlychildhoodeducatorsday #childcare #riverlinks #australind

01.01.2022 Over the past few weeks we have been providing the children with various textiles that they can experiment with for craft. Some natural and some man made. Encouraging and exploring the children's creative mind. Art and craft opportunities help develop children's holistic capabilities and supports cognitive development and helps with problem solving. #australind #riverlinkschildcare #artsandcraft #exploring

01.01.2022 Vegetable & fruit stamping with matching paint tones to the food was a huge success today. Our Seal friends quickly recovered from their confusion to get their creative juices flowing. This abstract experience extends on their passion whilst also provoked discussion about healthy foods & favrourite foods. #Riverlinks #Childcare #Australind #vegetableart

22.12.2021 We currently have a vacancy in the Tuesday B4 Kindy program. If you are interested or know someone who may be, please give the centre a ring for more information 97960040 and ask to speak with Sonya #riverlinks #childcare #australind #b4kindy

05.12.2021 2022 has brought in some new faces amongst the familiar faces in the dolphin room. Already friendships have been established by following the children's interests. Dinosaur and free hand painting, block construction, ingredient mixing, physical gross motor challenges and water play. All these shared experiences underpin a sense of belonging and nurture wonderment in their world. #riverlinks #childcare #Australind #childledlearning #buildingrelationships

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