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Riverside Worship in Sydney, Australia | Religious organisation

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Riverside Worship

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Address: 2 Station Street. Westryde 2114 Sydney, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 # # # #praise #worship #Jesus

23.01.2022 Join us tonight #riversidemonthlies #november search for Riverside Worship on Youtube or find the link in our bio 11 7.30pm . . #riversideworship ##ovemberworship # # # #11 # # #mourningintodancing #hereiamtoworship #luke7 #hiswordisallweneed

21.01.2022 9 ... September Monthlies will broadcast tonight at 7:30pm

19.01.2022 Join us NOW for August Monthlies

18.01.2022 #tuesdaypractice #riversideworship #augustmonthlies # # # # #alleluia

18.01.2022 When tempted, no one should say, God is tempting me. For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; James 1:13 NIV # # #Jesus #bible #temptation #james #NIV

18.01.2022 On this last day of June, we are preparing for a very special July Riverside Monthlies It will be another online gathering We can't wait to share the moment with you . . # #7 7.30PM 7 14... LINK TO BE UPDATED . . #riversidemonthlies #riversideworship #psalm23 #waymaker # #hereforyou # # # See more

17.01.2022 Here For You - Riverside

17.01.2022 - [Isaiah 50:4, NLT] The Sovereign LORD has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will. [50:4]

15.01.2022 - [2 Corinthians 4:6, NLT] For God, who said, "Let there be light in the darkness," has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. [4:6]

15.01.2022 We invite you to our Special December Monthlies Join us at Gsus4 Hall @jbrewers_specialtycoffee on 12th December starting at 7pm . . Everyone needs to QR code check-in and observe COVIDsafe social distancing guidelines .... Please wear a facemask . Facemasks and hand sanitisers will be available . No mingling/snacks at the back at the end this time . Hope to see you there See more

13.01.2022 SONGLIST DECEMBER MONTHLIES . . Join us this Saturday 7pm Gsus4 Hall @jbrewers_specialtycoffee... . . #riversidemonthlies #decembermonthlies #riversideworship # # # # # # #gloriousday #injesusname # # #iwillexalt #greatareyoulord See more

13.01.2022 Hello everyone There were technical issues in tonight's Riverside August Monthlies Premier, which meant that the live feed could not go out in time and we had to revert to just uploading the content as a regular youtube post. We do greatly apologise for any inconveniences that would have been caused by this. ... We do appreciate your understanding and prayers as we continue to seek to gather together and worship God through the online platform. If you missed it here is the link to tonight's online gathering: . 8 . . . 8 : !

12.01.2022 JOIN US TONIGHT 7.30PM 7 30 9 . . Link in bio, or search 'Riverside Worship' on Youtube... . . #riversidetheband #riversideworship #riversidemonthlies # # #9 # # # # # #forever See more

08.01.2022 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11 . , . 2:11 . .... #merrychristmas #jesusisborn #luke2 #saviourking #jesuschrist #christmas #allforlove #jesuscame See more

07.01.2022 Due to easing of COVID19 restrictions, the max. number of people that can attend our December Monthlies gathering has been increased to 100 people. For those who are planning to attend, please remember to keep to the COVIDSAFE guidelines. COVID19 100 . COVID guideline . See you all this Saturday!

06.01.2022 - [Isaiah 50:4, NLT] The Soveriegn LORD has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will. [50:4] ... #bible #pray #riversideworship #praisethelord #jesus #isaiah50


05.01.2022 RIVERSIDE OCTOBER MONTHLIES TONIGHT AT 7.30PM . . . #riversideworship #riversidemonthlies #octoberworship # # # # #10 #lionandtheblamb #yourloveneverfails # #goodgoodfather

05.01.2022 JOIN US TONIGHT AUGUST MONTHLIES 8 . .... Sorry for the delay! We will be starting at 8.15pm today We apologise for the delay having some technical difficulties Link will be updated soon 8 15 . . # #8 #sydneyriverside #riversidemonthlies #riversideworship See more

04.01.2022 November monthly online in case you missed it. 11 . 8 , . We thank the Lord for 8 months of online gatherings, and we pray that God has used them to encourage and inspire his people to seek the Lord with everything we have.... . ! From December we are back to offline gatherings. Stay tuned for details!

02.01.2022 TONIGHT 7.30PM 7 ! JULY MONTHLIES LINK BELOW .... . Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker _ Psalm 95:6 . . #riversideworship #riversidemonthlies #julyworship # # # # #hereforyou # # #waymaker #psalm23

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