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Riverton RSL Club in Willetton, Western Australia | Bar

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Riverton RSL Club

Locality: Willetton, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9354 2197

Address: 153 High Rd Willetton 6155 6155 Willetton, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 If you are unable to make it to a service today or would like to stream the Remembrance Day service at home,in your workplace or wherever you may be, please either tune your TV to ABC or alternatively you can rewatch the Australian War Memorial Remembrance Day service. Lest we forget.

25.01.2022 DISCUSSION OF THE WEEK: Please leave your written and photographic tributes to those 17,000 Australian sailors, soldiers, airmen and nurses who served to defend... Korea on this, Korean Armistice Day. To the 340 who lost their lives during the war, another 18 who died post-armistice and the 43 listed as missing in action .... we will remember them! #PuttingVeteransFIrst #TeamVeteran Defence Australia See more

25.01.2022 Riverton RSL Sub-branch News June 2020 We opened for normal trading last Thursday evening and welcomed back to the Sub-branch around forty members and supporters. It was great to see the on-going support from our Mayor and councillors. Friday night, Members Night, was also a success with around forty patrons and members. We are so glad that you have been able to weather the storm and come back to the Sub-branch hale and hearty and we really do thank you for your support. A ...Continue reading

23.01.2022 Mark Byrne Funeral Notice The funeral service has been booked for an approximate start time of 10:15am on Saturday the 14th November 2020 at the Nedlands Yacht Club, The Esplanade, Nedlands. The Wake will be held at the same venue following the service.... Parking will be available up to 6:00pm. I will pass on more details when I am updated.

21.01.2022 A sneak peak at our Vietnam veterans dinner that happened on the weekend. Thank you to everyone who attended, and to all the volunteers who made it happen! Our annual Vietnam Dinner is hosted so we can not only commemorate the efforts and sacrifices of our Army, Navy and Air Force during the war, but also commemorate the efforts and sacrifices of made by our comrades in arms and allies a very warm welcome this evening to our guests from the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces ...Association. Please let me acknowledge our distinguished guests - Mr Thanh Van Nguyen Thanh is the President of the RVN Armed Forces Association in WA and his lovely wife Our Guest Speaker for the evening LCDR Joe Francis RAN and his lovely wife Jitka Our Patron, Dr Mike Nahan MLA Mr and Mrs Richard Williams, Richard is the President of the VVAAWA Deputy Mayor City of Canning Mr Jesse Jacobs Councillor Amanda Spencer-Teo Mr Anthony Spagnolo and his partner Abigale Service members, members and guests. The Pipers and Drummers who played you into dinner will provide some entertainment throughout the evening, under the baton of CAPT (AAC) Peter Jones OAM. Your table stewards tonight are young people who are currently serving in (but not representing this evening) the Australian Army Cadets from 509 ACU at Lynwood.

21.01.2022 Father's Day Raffle Update - From the President: The father’s day raffle was won by Harry Buckman with ticket number 010. Harry is now the proud owner of a wheelbarrow full of garden necessities, thanks to Bunnings Willetton. Thanks to all those who supported the raffle we managed to sell most of the tickets and make a handsome profit for the Sub-branch, Thanks again to all who supported us without your commitment we couldn’t survive.

21.01.2022 Some photos from our small Remembrance Day Service last week. Thank you for those that attended. Lest we forget.

20.01.2022 New ANZAC Club visit - Your Committee and guests were given the opportunity to visit the new ANZAC Club at ANZAC House Veteran Central this week. RSLWA extended invitations to Sub-branches for their members and guests to have a special price luncheon as part of an introduction to the new building. Bill and Leonie Collidge, Ron and Anne Brown, Vance Bond and Patricia Woodrow, Fran and Jan Ward, Ian Raymond and our special guests Amanda Spencer-Teo and husband Wayne were guest...s for lunch on Thursday. Amanda is one of our keenest supporters on the local Council. The meal was delightful, well presented and tasty. The staff were outstanding and the company was terrific. The new ANZAC house will officially open on 12 November and the ANZAC Club will be open for business immediately after. If you are in the city and looking for an excellent lunch-time experience, you won't beat ANZAC House. Bill Collidge - President

18.01.2022 Please don’t forget to grab your poppy for Remembrance Day which is this Wednesday, 11 Nov 2020. Our wonderful Riverton RSL club members are collecting donations at Stockland on the corner of High Road and Willeri Drive, Riverton. Please pop down and have a chat with them. How are you remembering those who have served our country? We would love to see your photos this week. Please don’t forget to tag Riverton RSL Club in your photos.

17.01.2022 Riverton RSL Sub-branch will resume normal trading on Thursday 11 June 2020. Harry will open the doors at 1700 hrs and all are welcome. Chace-the-Ace will resume with the draw being held at 1930 hrs. Numbers cards will be on sale and tickets for the Great 2020 Father’s Day Garden Raffle will be available.... All patrons are required to sign the Visitors Book on entry to assist with tracking/tracing in the event that somebody comes down with the virus. There will be cleaning stations set up near both the front door and the back door and we ask that you use the hand-sanitiser on entry to the Sub-branch. All patrons are required to be seated at a table in order for us to conform with the social distancing requirements. Your committee has been working behind the scenes since we closed to make sure we paid the bills, kept up with our communications and commitments and generated some income to help us through the hard times hopefully we can now get down to normal operations and see you all back at the bar. Take care and stay safe, See more

16.01.2022 A big welcome back to our members and guests tonight! The venue is looking fantastic. The carpets have been steam cleaned, our walls have been repainted and we are open for 2021! An excellent attendance tonight, such a warm and inviting atmosphere! I am sure there are many more to be had at the Riverton RSL this year! ... Be sure to pop in for a visit!

15.01.2022 RIVERTON RSL - COMMUNICARE CORPORATE CLAUS 2020 VETERANS AND FIRST RESPONDERS TOY CAVALCADE ___________________________________________________________________ Riverton RSL Sub-branch is again joining with Communicare in 2020 as part of their annual Christmas Appeal to collect toys as Christmas presents for kids who are less well off.... This year we want to host a Toy Cavalcade involving First Responders Police, SES, Fire and Emergency Services and St John Ambulance along with veterans and members of the Sub-branch and the Military Brotherhood MMC. You are invited to take part in this event. Our plan is to establish a series of collection points where donated toys can be held until they are collected on the morning of Saturday 19 December. Donated toys should be for children aged between 5 and 16 years, the toys should be new, not used or second-hand, they should be unwrapped and valued at no more than $25. At present, collection points have been identified at Mike Nahan’s office at Stocklands Riverton, Ben Morton’s office at Willetton, Sue Ellery’s office at Southlands, Pat Hall’s office at City of Canning and Riverton RSL Sub-branch at Willetton. Participating first responders may wish to establish collection points at their offices so their members can contribute if they wish to. Riverton RSL Sub-branch will provide collection sacks for all collection points. Last year we did pretty well but I am sure that this year will be outstanding if you would like to support our Toy Cavalcade, please place your donations into the Santa Sack on the wall near the dartboards. The Sub-branch thanks you very much in anticipation of your support to the very worthy cause. On Saturday 19 December, a convoy of vehicles made up of two historic military vehicles, a fire engine, ambulance, police car and SES vehicle all escorted by members of the Military Brotherhood MMC. The forming up point will be the car park adjacent to Lynwood Senior High School. The convoy will depart at 1000 hrs and move to Mike Nahan’s office at Stocklands Riverton and pick up toys then proceed to Ben Morton’s office and pick up toys, then to Southlands and pick up toys from Sue Ellery’s office, the convoy will then pick up toys from Mayor Pat Hall’s office. On completion, back to Riverton RSL Sub-branch at 153 High Rd Willetton where all the donated toys will be loaded into one of the military vehicles ready for delivery to Communicare. All participants are invited to free beer and a sausage sizzle at the Sub-branch. This project is aimed at giving kids who are less well off the chance to have a better Christmas than they would normally experience. Bill Collidge President Riverton RSL Sub-branch 17 September 2020

14.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who contributed this years Riverton RSL - Communicate Corporate Claus. Please keep adding your posts. We appreciate the positive response and support from our community!

14.01.2022 Some photos from our Remembrance Dinner held on Saturday, 7th Nov 2020 at the Riverton RSL Club.

13.01.2022 Recently received a veteran card and wanting to start using the benefits available to you? Why not start with an Annual Veteran Health Check with your GP we’l...l cover one visit per year for the first five years after your transition from 1 July 2019! To learn more, visit:

13.01.2022 Sub-branch Social Scene RWAR Cocktail evening On Saturday 31 October the Sub-branch hosted a cocktail party for the Royal Western Australia Regiment Association. Dress for the ladies was after-five wear or anything that made them feel good about themselves and for the men bow tie any colour shape or size.... Thirty guests enjoyed a range of cocktails put together by Harry and Gary and some fine finger food provided by Citrons Catering. Great night, great food and great company.

13.01.2022 The winner of our ANZAC Raffle for 2020 was Mrs Norma Archibald Mrs Archibald took delivery of her prize yesterday and has very kindly donated the brand new Sherlock wheelbarrow back to the Sub-branch in order for us to fill it with gardening needs such as tools, hoses and fittings, bulbs, soil conditioner, lawn supplements, gloves and the like for our up-coming Father’s Day Garden Raffle for 2020. Keep your eye on our Facebook page for the advertising of tickets in the nea...r future, Thanks Norma for your support and community spirit. Take care and regards Bill Collidge President Riverton RSL

10.01.2022 WILLETTON BRIDGE CLUB (INC) LEARN TO PLAY BRIDGE FREE LESSONS IT’S A GREAT WAY TO KEEP MENTALLY FIT MAKE NEW FRIENDS- ENJOY PLAYING CARDS... Bridge is the most popular card game of all time. It’s a trick taking game descended from Whist, a bit like Euchre and 500. If you love to play cards, and even if you don’t. Bridge is the ultimate card game. Bridge is played socially and competitively by people of all ages. It’s not expensive. You will learn via modern methods. You will be looked after by caring people. BRIDGE LESSONS WEDNESDAY 14TH OCTOBER 2020: MECHANICS OF BRIDGE PLAY WEDNESDAY 21ST OCTOBER 2020: NO TRUMP OPENING WEDNESDAY 28TH OCTOBER 2020: MAJOR SUIT OPENING BIDS WEDNESDAY 4TH NOVEMBER 2020: MINOR SUIT OPENING BIDS TIME: 6.30 PM TO 8.30 PM Please book early to confirm your attendance. RSL BUILDING 153 HIGH ROAD-WILLETTON WA 6155 PLEASE CONTACT NOEL : 0418910255 EMAIL: [email protected] Website: See more

10.01.2022 President report July 2020 The Sub-branch appears to be well supported with around 25 to 30 patrons on a Thursday and Friday evening. It would be lovely to see a few more in the bar Chase the Ace is still unclaimed at this stage and will cap off at $2,000 so if you want a chance to win some money come down on any Thursday for the draw at 1930. You will remember the large glass jar on the bar with a picture of an injured koala bear on it and a sign asking for change to b...Continue reading

08.01.2022 It is with great sadness that I have to announce the passing of one of our Service Members On the afternoon of Sunday 25 October 2020, LT (AAC) Mark Byrne was killed in a traffic accident. Mark was a former Regular Soldier , a career fire fighter and an extremely accomplished welder.... He was an Officer of Cadets posted at 509 ACU Lynwood where he had a significant impact on hundreds of young people over the years. He was instrumental in building resilience and strength of character amongst them to such a degree that many went on to join the Australian Defence Force in many roles some are still serving today all as a result of Mark’s leadership, mentoring and commitment to the task. He will be sorely missed. The Australian National Flag at the Sub-branch will be flown at half-mast until the end of the day of Mark’s funeral. Thanks for your service mate, it was a real pleasure to work with you. Bill Collidge Riverton RSL

08.01.2022 From the President - 10 Nov 2020 Chase the-Ace was won last week by Anna Harle. Anna scooped two thousand dollars for the second time in a couple of years well done Anna. The board has been re-set and we start again on Thursday night at $150. Come along and enjoy some great company and help support our Sub-branch.... Birthday boys Biscuits and Ron both celebrated their birthdays on Saturday night at our annual Remembrance Day Dinner Happy Birthday gents and well done on looking so spry after all these years. Poppy Day we collected at both Southlands Shopping Centre and Stocklands Riverton Vance, Suzie, Biscuits Joe and Yvonne manned the stand at Southlands while Bill, Ron, Eddie and Wrinkley manned the stand at Riverton. Our Patron, Mike Nahan and Councillor Ben Kunze visited the stand and helped out for a while. Both venues went well due to the real generosity of our community we may have suffered some hard times with the pandemic, but people still wanted to donate I suppose that is just the Australian way helping mates. Bill Collidge Riverton RSL

07.01.2022 From the President: REMEMBRANCE DAY DINNER - 07 Nov 2020 Riverton RSL Sub-branch will host our annual Remembrance Day Dinner on the evening of Saturday 7 November 2020.... The evening presents members and their guests with the opportunity to take part in a commemorative event along with fine dining, great wines and outstanding fellowship. In order to secure your seats for the event please advise soonest at [email protected] Or book through Harry at the bar. The price is $60 a head and includes a five-course dinner, some table wines and port. An invitation is attached and we look forward to seeing you on the night.

05.01.2022 75th Anniversary of the end of the Second World War - From the President: Acknowledging the significance of the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs has produced a Commemorative Medallion and Certificate of Commemoration. The medallion and certificate will be made available to every living veteran of the Second World War. While Australia can never repay the debt we owe almost one million Australians who served, this medallio...n and certificate are a small but meaningful way we can thank living veterans of the largest global conflict of the 20th century. The obverse design will feature the Commonwealth Coat of Arms, wording of appreciation and identify by name theatres of war that saw the significant involvement of Australian Armed Forces. The medallion reverse design utilises the poppy as the central symbol surrounded by the wording of ‘Australia Remembers’ and the beginning and end years of the Second World War. The medallion will be presented in a display case and will include a card that explains the design and contains a brief expression of thanks. The theatres of war detailed on the medallion are based on locations identified within the Commemorative Courtyard of the Australian War Memorial (AWM). The design of the commemorative certificate will complement the medallion. The design includes the Commonwealth Coat of Arms, ‘Australia Remembers’ wording and the beginning and end year of 75 years of the anniversary: 1945-2020. The certificate will be contained within its own folder that will allow for independent display, framing and mounting. Riverton Sub-branch Warden and RSL Life Member, Ian Leith Raymond, proudly displays his medallion and certificate last night at the Sub-branch Well done mate.

05.01.2022 Sub-branch Sports Update 05 Nov 2020 In 2016, the Sub-branch was challenged by the Jarrahdale Sporting Shooters Association (JSSA) to a competition shoot commemorating Remembrance Day each year. Since its inception the competition has been shot four times, with both teams winning twice each.... This year saw Riverton RSL Sub-branch field a team of twelve shooters to compete against a team from JSSA. The shoot consists of two practices .22 Lithgow single shot bolt action rifle over two distances and .22 Barretta Semi-automatic pistol over three distances Each shooter fired fifty rounds for a highest possible score of 500. Riverton had some very impressive shooting with a final aggregate score of 4,399 beating JSSA by more than 100 points. The trophy has been handed back to Riverton and planning has already commenced for the next shoot in November 2021.

05.01.2022 New Look Certificates of Appreciation The Honourable Ben Morton MP, Federal Liberal Member for Tagney, has written to the Sub-branch outlining new look Certificates of Appreciation that are available under the Saluting Their Service Commemoration Program. The program is a way of expressing our nation’s gratitude to those who served overseas in Australia’s Defence Forces from WWII on, or on the home front during WWII. Service with Australia’s logistic support in Vietnam, du...ring the specified dates, also qualify for Certificates. The guidelines on eligibility are available at Members can apply for a certificate if you are a Veteran who served overseas in wars, conflicts, peace keeping operations for which certificates are available, or served on the home front during WWII; or Family member on behalf of a deceased eligible person. These certificates are designed to highlight the service and sacrifice of Australia’s servicemen and women in wars, conflicts and peace operations, and promote appreciation and understanding of the role of those who served have played in shaping our nation. Ben has invited eligible constituents of Tagney to submit applications to him for processing. Guidelines and the application for are available on the Commemoration page of the DVA website at If you have any questions about the program, please contact the Commemorative Grants Team at DVA be e-mail at [email protected] or on free call 1800 555 254. You can also contact Ben’s office staff for assistance.

02.01.2022 R U OK?Day was yesterday, Thursday 10 September 2020. It's our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, "Are you OK?" if someone in your world is struggling with life's ups and downs. Thank you to our committed RSL advocate, Dr Tony Thatcher and City of Canning for reminding the community to support each other and the importance of speaking out and asking for help. Please reach out to someone today, or any other day, if you haven't... heard from them in a while and check in to see how they are going. #ruokday2020

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