Road to Body Positive | Website
Road to Body Positive
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03.05.2022 The amount of times people told me it’s ok that I’ve put on weight because I was pregnant is crazy. Or when family members felt entitled to comment on my body and the size of the bump. The good old are you sure you aren’t having twins? comes to mind I’m here to say it’s no one’s business if you have put on weight or lost weight and if it happened because of pregnancy or otherwise.... If you find yourself commenting someone on their appearance, please stop and consider how these comments may be affecting the person they are directed to. If you have received unwanted comments about your body, I see you and I send you lots of compassion and love.
29.04.2022 My new pet peeve.. Being a person that eats doesn’t make you qualified to tell other people how to eat. When someone is asking for advice on weight loss online, please don’t be a dickhead and instead suggest they see a HAES (Health at Every Size) approved dietitian.
21.01.2022 I am feeling an incredible amount of resistance when it comes to posting this photo. So I am leaning into it and asking myself, what’s stopping me? What’s the block that’s on my way? Is it the fear that once its done, people won’t respond the way I had hoped? Or that I’m not good enough? Is it a subconscious worry that things will change once I’ve posted it?... In many cases we either consciously or subconsciously resist things because we’re trying to avoid something that we’re totally not comfortable with. The negative feeling outcomes usually only spur from places of our safety being threatened- if we feel like doing this will make us vulnerable, at risk of judgement, or that it will change something important in our life (like relationships). So if you too have been feeing resistance in some areas of your life, think about if that feeling aligns with your ultimate vision of life. Completing things we’ve been resisting often makes us feel empowered, accomplished, capable, brave, confident, and the list of positive outcomes goes on. So when we take a moment to really plug into those feelings, it’s kind of a no-brainer to just do the damn thing. Why wouldn’t we want to feel great? See more
18.01.2022 How much of what you know of you is true? Its often said we wander through life without ever connecting to our true self. Floating through fleeting moments of self-awareness, it’s only in our deepest ponderings or darkest moments that we are laid bare and brought to life. Until we delve deeper and rewrite our script, we are martyrs to a core belief, a comforting narrative we cling to, a piece of fiction about ourselves that we picked up in childhood; cumbersome and stifling, ...we have carried it ever since. What is the story you have subscribed so far? As humans, we tend to operate with a negativity bias, finding a caveat to counteract compliments, instinctively searching for the flaws, the risk, the too-good-to-be-true. This story we tell - an omnipresent force - becomes crippling to the point of disconnection. We doubt ourselves, question our knowledge and creativity; our dreams and hopes stymied. In subscribing to these tales, a steadfast divide further forms between you and true. So shed the story, shower yourself in compassion, and untie yourself from the tales you tell. Envision a life unlimited. Unbound by the shackles of a polarising storyline, you’re free to bask in the boundless beauty of you. When you unveil the tale, there you are.
17.01.2022 In the last couple of months when I have drawn a card, it has always been the same - The World. Pulling this particular card is very significant for me. To encounter The World in my cards is to encounter a great unity and wholeness.... The meaning of The World card is fulfillment, achievement, and completion. This shows that all the efforts that I have been putting in place are starting to pay off. It reflects that I have completed a major milestone in my life and that I have built the resilience to withstand challenges. The World card shows that I have a desire to give back to the community in various ways. I have a commitment to make the world a better place because I understand that everything is connected. To honor this, I have decided to start training for facilitating breathwork sessions and hope to start running sessions early next year. My community needs it and I am rising to the occasion. How are you giving back to your community? See more
16.01.2022 I feel fat. How many times have you heard someone close to you say that or maybe you have engaged in it yourself? I am here to tell you, that fat is not a feeling. Fat is a natural part of our bodies.... When a person states that they feel fat, they are saying they are uncomfortable with their body. Once you come to terms with the concept, you will free yourself from this socialised stigma that comes with the word fat. Each and every one of your feelings and emotions is valid. Once you identify your actual feelings, not your fat feelings, you will be on your way towards a healthier body image. So are you feeing vulnerable or powerless? Or insecure and ignored? Is it shame or judgement? What ever it is, identifying it is the first step. So repeat after me: fat is not a feeling!
14.01.2022 Here are a few boundaries that will help you assess whether the people in your life respect you and deserve you. Do you feel that you’re able to say ‘no’ to them? ‘No’ is the most definable, clear and commutative boundary, yet we often find ourselves feeling guilty for saying ‘no’ to people.... If the other person is punishing you for saying no by getting you to do things for them in the future, becomes passive-aggressive with silent treatment or cutting off communication and making you feel guilty - then its time to exit this relationship as soon as you can. How does this person make you feel after seeing them? If you are left feeling drained and depleted of energy, if their company brings out a bad side of you or makes you agree to things you don’t want to do, then they are waving a big old red flag right in your face. Does this person value your time? Time is another important boundary and a real eye-opener when it comes to how people value their relationship with you. If they always show up late, cancel last minute, and only drop in your life when they need you, they don’t respect your time. This is not a reciprocal relationship, you are being used for energy. Don’t give your time to people who don’t have time for you. You don’t owe anyone an explanation if you decide to distance yourself from someone because they have violated your boundaries. What other boundaries are you exercising? See more
14.01.2022 I have been showering in self love all day today before my first cacao ceremony tonight with @jessica_maybury I have been working on something really special for you and I cant wait to share what it is really soon. My heart is doing back flips, about to burst open with love and compassion and positive, healing energy.... My hope for you is that you too love yourself unconditionally and what I am working on will be a great tool for that! Sending love and gratitude from my heart to yours. See more
14.01.2022 Anything that anyone ever says to you is based on a projection of how they feel about themselves and their assumptions of you. These assumptions will be based on a whole host of biases, from racism, transphobia, homophobia etc and also their own insecurities. This is not to excuse people’s shitty behaviour, but if you can master the art of not internalising other people’s insecurities (aka not giving a shit what people think or say about you), you’ll live a much more pe...aceful, authentic life. It can be hard to fully accept that what people are saying to you is not a reflection of you, but them. But we need to get out of the habit of internalising other people’s insecurities and society’s harmful messaging. Leave a if you agree! See more
10.01.2022 This. Happens. Every. Day. To people with chronic pain.
09.01.2022 You are the love of your own life. One of the most radical acts under capitalism is to simply love yourself. Especially if the love you have cultivated for yourself is enough to fill you, without the need for romantic love to feel validated. Most of the time self love and self care are sold in a way that further perpetuates the need for women to be constantly desirable and palatable.... ‘Treat yourself! Buy this face mask! Pamper this! Pamper that! Shave your legs! Moisture them! We aren’t trying to sell you anything - this is about you! It’s self care!’ These messages about how woman’s bodies should look like takes us straight back to square one - valuing ourselves based on the desirability of our face and body. I don’t know about you, but I havent learned to love myself through a spa treatment, body wax or facial. Have you? See more
07.01.2022 Sometimes on our journey of self-development, to cope with the realisation that we have perpetuated toxic behaviours and tendencies, we find ourselves taking it out on other people to assuage the guilt we feel about our newly discovered shortcomings. Everyone should be held accountable for their actions, but we still need to extend the same forgiveness and room to grow that was afforded to us when we were still learning. Which, by the way, we still are. Every one of us ...- every day. We are never done learning. When you decide to stop supporting someone for making a mistake or calling them out to make yourself feel better, it isn’t an act of holding someone accountable, it’s an act of self-righteousness. It’s also ineffective and counterproductive, because no one learns anything and the problem doesn’t actually get solved. It just makes you feel better about yourself and your own shortcomings. So instead aim to educate - not everyone has the capacity, time and resources available to seek out diverse perspectives. It’s important to share these resources when we have access to them. Speak up. Say something. Your words have the power to change the fucking world. See more
06.01.2022 Judging other women is usually a quick way of dealing with the things we dislike about ourselves. We seek comfort in other women’s perceived ‘flaws’ in an attempt to avoid addressing our own insecurities. The things that have been planted in our minds keep us competing with each other, preventing us from growing and discovering our innate divine power.... If we can learn to view other women as opportunities for inspiration and empowerment in our own lives and realise that there is enough room for us all to be happy, the relationships and bonds we form together will be unstoppable. So every time you catch yourself critiquing a woman on the choices she makes - who she sleeps with, how she dresses - sit in it. Reflect. What is it about her that makes you feel so uncomfortable? Perhaps she actually just reminds you of yourself, or the parts of yourself that you are ashamed of. Or perhaps she’s the very person you want to be. Ask yourself why you think this way, instead of just accepting it. The girl you’re jealous and hateful of isn’t a bitch, your internalised misogynist is. See more
05.01.2022 Have you heard the news? I have designed a body positive affirmation deck and you can print it out for FREE! These are all the affirmations I use on the daily and so instead of having them scribbled on my vision board, journal or scattered around my altar - I decided to make them into a deck of cards!... I would love to share these beautiful messages with you, so until I get them printed, you can access them for free - just print at home! Have a look at the 52 designes in my story highlights. Some of the affirmations include: I am worthy of having a voice I am safe in my body I trust the decisions I make I accept myself the way I am right now I won’t let my mind bully my body And many more.. So jump on it, the link to download is in my bio! If you are already in my mailing list, then you should have them in your mailbox. I hope you like these! Do let me know what you think!
04.01.2022 Shoutout to all the girls working on their body image. Its hard work and I am proud of you! Here is a list of habits that have helped me on my journey: 1. Appreciate all that your body can do. Every day your body carries you closer to your dreams. Celebrate all of the amazing things your body does for yourunning, dancing, breathing, laughing, dreaming, etc.... 2. Keep a top-ten list of things you like about yourselfthings that aren’t related to how much you weigh or what you look like. Read your list often. 3. Remind yourself that true beauty is not simply skin-deep. When you feel good about yourself and who you are, you carry yourself with a sense of confidence, self-acceptance, and openness that makes you beautiful. Beauty is a state of mind, not a state of your body. 4. Look at yourself as a whole person. When you see yourself in a mirror or in your mind, choose not to focus on specific body parts. See yourself as you want others to see you as a whole person. 5. Surround yourself with positive people. It is easier to feel good about yourself and your body when you are around others who are supportive and who recognize the importance of liking yourself just as you naturally are. 6. Shut down those voices in your head that tell you your body is not right or that you are a bad person. The next time you start to tear yourself down, build yourself back up with a few quick affirmations that work for you. 7. Wear clothes that are comfortable and that make you feel good about your body. Work with your body, not against it. 8. Become a critical viewer of social and media messages. Pay attention to images, slogans, or attitudes that make you feel bad about yourself or your body. Protest these messages: write a letter to the advertiser or talk back to the image or message. 9. Do something nice for yourself something that lets your body know you appreciate it. Take a bubble bath, make time for a nap, or find a peaceful place outside to relax. 10. Use the time and energy that you might have spent worrying about food, calories, and your weight to do something to help others. See more
02.01.2022 Can plus-size clothes just not? Don't miss the Season 5 premiere of Baroness von Sketch Show October 6th on CBC (Canada) & October 14th on IFC (US).