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Roaring for the Kingdom Connect Group

Phone: +61 455 794 698


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16.01.2022 The Standing in the Gap Challenge Part Two Will you have the courage to be honest and take up the challenge to start changing our world for the Lord, by first changing your apathy and indifference. We can either start stretching towards God in faith; or sit back in disobedience.... The choice is yours. But either choice will have consequences you cannot change, either for the good, or for the bad. Will you take a 10-15 minute challenge each day to live for, seek for and fight for the Lord? Can you repent on behalf of your community and nation? Will you spend just a few minutes asking for the lives and salvation of your loved ones and nation? Will you ask the Lord to help you know and love Him and His word more? Will you put to the test your claim of being a follower of Jesus? Sorry friends, it’s time we were honest about our personal faith. Remember the Bible is the story of many who claimed to follow God, but really didn’t, they had an appearance of obeying God, but in reality, it was all an act. Those who were real, were real behind the scenes, in private as well as in public. The following is a simple 10-15 minute challenge and encouragement to you, to seek the Lord as He instructs, for just 10-15 minutes every day to build a pattern and to bring your prayers before the throne, that together all of us may disarm the demonic principalities and darkness, by our prayers and worship of the living God! 1. Praise 2. Personal repentance 3. Repent and ask mercy for unsaved loved ones and friends 4. Repent and ask for mercy for our community and nation 5. Ask the Lord to help you know Him intimately and fall in love with Him 6. Ask the Lord to teach you to love the word of God. 7. Pray your church will be a vessel of God’s love and mercy and truth. 8. Pray also for the salvation of Israel and the Messiah’s return to His people. 9. Consider at least one day a week to fast at least one meal a week and use that time for prayer to the Lord. Joel 2:12; Isaiah 58:6; Matthew 6:16-18. 10. End in thanks and praise e.g. Psalm 134.

13.01.2022 A good night at connect group, looking at the besic command by God to build the Tabernacle, and God's command of what the priest should wear who serves the Lord. We looked at the bottom of the priest's rober where pomegranates and golden bells were sown on. The Lord shows an incredible picture hidden in this about serving Him. Our service should be gentle, humble and to the Lord, not blowing a trupmet, showing off, saying "Look at me", not boasting about ourselves, but doing what is required, even if others cannot see. Are you serving the Lord this way?

10.01.2022 The Standing in the Gap Challenge Part One God called each one of us to be world changers for Him. How’s your impact so far? Are you struggling with prayer finding it lacking excitement or satisfaction?... Has your daily Bible reading become boring and mundane? Do you start your day knowing God is with you, or do you feel alone? Have your prayers been heartfelt and focused for the mercy and salvation of your loved ones, your community and your nation? Or is prayer empty for you? Are your personal life, words and actions powerful, positive and have a loving impact and encouragement on your church? Are you shocked at the darkness in the world today and do you want to see it changed for good not for evil? Do your claims of being a follower of Jesus, really match your heart and actions in the privacy of your home? Are you really living the Discipleship life; or just living a lie? Do you think it’s time to revamp your Christian life? Will you want to consider a life changing challenge that may take only 10-15 minutes a day devoted to the LORD? You know, the LORD has been showing you, it is time for a spiritual tune up and service. Today, if you choose to hear God’s voice, then now is the hour for you to make a real choice, to change your spiritual life and change your world, or to sit in the zone of impotence and delusional promises of: I’m going to but you never do.

04.01.2022 This is the picture I have on my bedroom door which is at the end of my hallway. It reminds me so much of a street in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem. The light at the end of the staircase also reminds me of the light of God that we can experience when we seek to climb the steps to have a personal relationship with the Lord. It's also a picture to me of Zechariah 2:5 where the Lord says: I will be a wall of fire around Jerusalem, and the glory in her midst. Friends, let the peace of God surround you as you pray and proclaim this Scripture for not only Jerusalem, but your home and family, and church family.

02.01.2022 Dear Fellow People Believers and Followers of the LIGHT This morning I felt the Lord ask me to challenge all of us to a commitment to pray a simple method of prayer and repentance that using the small pattern I will show you, will only take 10 minutes or for some up to fifteen minutes a day, but it will change and revolutionize your personal spiritual life, as well as adding to change our families, community, nation and make our world a better place. I feel the Lord wanted me to send out this challenge and start an avalanche of believers, praying in unity around the globe in repentance, forgiveness and revival. Please read carefully the following to see if you think it is from the LORD and if He is speaking to you.

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