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to load big map

Rob Mancini Art

Phone: +61 448 244 288


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to load big map

22.01.2022 Another NZ bird. This time the cheeky Kea. A charismatic and bold parrot that has built a reputation of dismantling cars parked at popular tourist spots. Again the medium here is scraperboard, a technique I often now emulate digitally although I really like using the beautiful old English scraperboard material and scraping tools. . . . .... . . . #scraperboard #scratchboardart #scratchboardartist #scraperboardillustration @birdlife_insta #kea #keaparrot #newzealandnature #newzealandbirds @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

22.01.2022 A Cedar Waxwing featured on the cover of the North American birding book that I did most of the US bird studies for. Must keep them coming as there are quite a few in the archives still unposted. . . . .... . . . #naturalhistory #naturalhistorybooks #birdbooks @audubonsociety #audubonsociety #audubon #usbirds #birdsofamerica #northamericanbirds #waxwings #cedarwaxwings #naturalhistoryart #naturalhistoryillustration @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

21.01.2022 As we can’t travel to semi tropical climes, and the northerners have ‘stolen’ our beloved AFL Grand Final (seriously don’t care) here’s a glimpse of some of the good things to be found up north and around the beach habitats. . . . .... . . . . #australianbeaches #pelicans #posterart #posterartist #northernaustralia #natureaustralia #wildaustralia #gouache #watercolour #watercolor See more

20.01.2022 While not blessed with a huge number of bird species New Zealand boasts some seriously interesting oddities. The number of flightless birds there were particularly vulnerable to introduced mammal predators, such as stoats, weasels, mink and rats, amazingly no foxes. The Tui however fortunately was not one of them. . . .... . . . . #newzealand #newzealandbirds #tui #vulnerablebirds @birdlife_insta @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

19.01.2022 Our iso, within 5km afternoon walk took us through the industrial zone of Spotswood/Newport. Even though I love my wild places I know I am not alone in having a certain fondness for the industrial character of the west of Melbourne. I in my early design study years spent a lot of time photographing the industrial and maritime landscape that I grew up in and was fascinated by. There is always something different to see and a new angle. . . . .... . . . . . @hobsonsbaycc #hobsonsbay #experiencehobsonsbay #westofmelbourne #industriallandscape #westisbest #newport #spotswood #industrialphotography See more

19.01.2022 Finally back to some newies. In my newish digital painting style. Shown here an Orange Chat a bird of the dry interior. Another Aussie bird that I haven’t actually seen. In actual fact on my only ‘real’ outback adventure to Alice Springs taking in the Finke River, Palm Valley and Standley Chasm there was a distinct lack of bird species which I found surprising and disappointing. . . . .... . . . . . #outback #outbackbirds #chats #orangechat #birdsoftheoutback #drycountrybirds #aridcountry @birdlife_insta @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

18.01.2022 This work of the widespread, stunning little Red-capped Robin was one that I spent the most time on, on a single painting. Painted in watercolour on board without much traditional wet on wet, hence the sharp edges and enabling fine detail. It was as much a study of the undergrowth as much as anything else. Working long focussed hours on the complex, tangled bark at the base of the gum took me to a place where time didn’t seem to exist anymore, it was semi meditational. I have... limited edition prints of this one available... just saying.... . . . . . . . #watercolor #watercolour #watercolourpainting #robin #robins #robinsofinstagram #australianrobins #redcappedrobin #redrobin @birdlife_insta @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

17.01.2022 The pretty and delicate Barn Swallow is the most widespread of the swallow species. I love watching these guys hawking over water for insects. This image is another scraperboard illustration (or scratchboard for our US friends).

17.01.2022 While in Australia the male Ruff is a fairly nondescript mid size wader. However after it has migrated to it’s breeding grounds above the Arctic Circle it morphs into an insanely ornate ‘Louis the 16th court’ type character. There is an amazing range of plumage colour variation of the ‘ruff of feathers’ and the rest of their feathering and they gather at display areas in boggy marshlands called ‘Leks’. Here they partake in flamboyant battles and displays to attempt to impress... a female into possibly choosing them as a breeding mate. I was fortunate to see this amazing event of nature in Finland many years back. . . . . . . . #shorebirds #shorebird #birdsoffinland #finnishbirds #lintu #shorebirdsofinstagram #waders #wadersofinstagram #ruffs #arcticbirds @birdlife_insta @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

15.01.2022 Unlike the Great Egret that hunts by slow and measured stealth the Little Egret often does so in quite a manic and erratic way. I often see them hunt by flushing prey which they often direct and shepherd with outstretched wings. . . . .... . . . #egrets #egret #egretsofinstagram #littleegret #wadingbirds #naturalhistory #naturalhistoryart #naturalhistoryillustration @birdlife_insta @birdlifemelbourne @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

14.01.2022 I recently did an online bird and wetland workshop for the @hbwetlandscentre which featured mostly some of the the common coastal birds we encounter here. Included in that presentation were the common cormorants we see. I have a little trick I mentioned to the attendees for ID’ing them. If it’s big and black it’s a Great, if it’s big and pied (b&w) it’s a Pied, if it’s small and pied it’s a Little Pied if it’s little and black it’s a Little Black... This one is big and pied....... so what is it....? . . . . . . #cormorant #cormorants #cormorantsofinstagram #greatpiedcormorant #coatalbirds #birdsofthecoast #wetlands #wetlandsconservation #wetlandbirds @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

14.01.2022 More of the same.... The wildly quaffed Crested Tern. Watching these guys hunt for fish with their bullet like plunge into the ocean is quite spectacular. . . . .... . . . ##tern #terns #ternsofinstagram #shorebird #shorebirds #shorebirdsofinstagram @birdlife_insta @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

13.01.2022 Again the Pied/Black-winged Stilt... you choose. As you have read all my previous posts on this bird there is nothing new to say here... . . . .... . . . . #stilts #piedstilt #blackwingedstilt #shorebirds #shorebird #naturalhistory #birdsketch #pencildrawing #pencildrawings #naturalhistoryillustration #naturalhistoryart #shorebirdsofinstagram #waders #wader #wadersofinstagram @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

13.01.2022 It’ll be no surprise that feathers are the secret to a bird’s flight. Wing (flight) feathers were the original inspiration for plane wings. The leading edge is shorter than the trailing edge and under pressure form a shape profile that is curved more sharply towards the front and tapered towards the back. This makes the top edge a longer distance for air to pass over than the flatter underside (which takes a flatter line). This change in pressure is how lift is created. Birds... are also incredibly light with hollow reinforced structured bones to keep weight down. Also did you know that feathers were also the inspiration for velcro. The fine parts of the feather that grow from the central stalk (rachis) have barbs and barbules which hook into each other. When hooked together they create a relatively air tight seal however they can unhook from each other which is why birds spend so much time preening. . . . . . . . #flight #birdflight #feathers #amazingfeathers @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

09.01.2022 Keeping those interp signage images coming. Great Egret in flight... stay tuned for Great Egret standing... If anyone is wondering about the ‘not particularly exciting’ pale blue background on some of these. It’s purely to provide a backdrop to enable pale edges to be visible on the illustrations (when I was working on them) and I was too lazy to remove or change them all for posting. It doesn’t appear in the final signs. . . .... . . . #egret #egretsofinstagram #egrets #naturalhistory #naturalhistoryillustration #naturalhistoryart @birdlife_insta #interpretation #interpretationsignage @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

09.01.2022 Flying close to Plover territory again. This pretty little guy is a Black-fronted Dotterel. They are fairly wary and can be surprisingly hard to see, well camouflaged on a sandy spit or creek bed. Often the first you see of them is when they burst into flight with an erratic zig-zaggy flight usually accompanied by a sharp 2 note call. . . .... . . #plovers #plover #ploversofinstagram #dotterel #dotterelsofinstagram #birdconservation #interpretationsignage #naturalhistoryillustration #naturalhistoryart #naturalhistoryartist @birdlife_insta @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

06.01.2022 The prettily plumaged and fine Eastern Spinebill is probably the closest we have in Australia to a hummingbird (the northern Sunbird aside). They are often seen ‘hovering’ with a blur of wings from flower to flower while feeding on nectar. . . . .... . . . . #spinebill #honeyeaters #australianhoneyeater #birdphotography #birdphotographer @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

06.01.2022 Here is an illo done for a French book on Whales and dolphins done some time back. Shown here is a Blue whale against other things to give a visual size comparison. It blows me away to think that the largest animal to have ever existed is still alive and around with us today. Growing to a length of almost 30 metres and weighing around 150 tonnes it deserves its place as the world most impressive mega-animal. Additionally amazing is the fact that they feed on some of the smal...lest organisms, namely krill and plankton. Once an incredibly abundant whale species it was almost hunted to extinction in the 19th century until a ban on hunting them was introduced only in 1967. It is estimated that the current world population of Blue Whales is around 10-25,000, estimated to be 3-10% of the estimated population in 1911. If we cannot save the biggest and critically important creature in the world’s ocean ecosystem then we are in serious trouble. We have seen bounce backs in cases such as with the Humpback Whales however we need to insure that the creatures and the oceans they live in are protected and remain healthy, dynamic and richly diverse. Fyi image created with airbrush, paint and colour pencils. Sorry about the dodgy image stitch. . . . . . . . #whales #bluewhale #oceans #oceanconservation #whaleconservation @marinemammalfoundation #marineconservation #naturalhistory #naturalhistoryillustration #naturalhistoryart See more

06.01.2022 Another one of the recent custom print order. This dramatically vibrant Eastern Rosella is a special gift for a significant occasion. So pleased with the print quality of these, check out that acid green/yellow. . . . .... . . . . #birdposters #graphicposters #birdgraphics #rosella #rosellasofinstagram #rosellas #easternrosella #parrotsofinstagram #parrots #australianparrots #midcenturystyle #midcenturydecor @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdartist See more

05.01.2022 A b&w study done a ‘looonnng’ time back for Birdlife Australia’s (then the RAOU) Atlas, which was a comprehensive publication with all the up to date stats on species numbers and distribution. I’ll hazard things have changed considerably and sadly not for the better. This is a Grey Plover one of our migratory plover species, shown here in breeding plumage (dark blackish face patch and belly). These guys will be currently on their way back from the Arctic tundra breeding groun...ds and may be sporting remnants of these features. . . . . . . . #plover #plovers #ploversofinstagram #shorebirds #shorebird #shorebirdsofinstagram #greyplover #greyplovers @birdlife_insta @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

05.01.2022 Taken on a pretty dull overcast day at Pt Lonsdale at the heads of Port Phillip Bay. This (possibly?) juvenile male Nankeen Kestrel was relatively easy to approach once I had climbed the rock formation it was sitting on. It was a little cold and wet and it’s posture and demeanour clearly reflect that. They can often be seen in these coastal environments hovering in that amazing fixed anti-gravity way above the dunes. . . . .... . . #raptors #raptor #australianbirds #australianbirdphotography #raptorsofinstagram #kestrel #nankeenkestrel #birdsofprey #birdofprey #birdsofpreyofinstagram @birdlife_insta @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

04.01.2022 I thought I’d continue with the different elements of the King Island Shorebird project. These were temporary signs put up during the breeding season. There were different signs for the different species and sites, Pied and Sooty Oystercatchers, Red- capped and Hooded Plovers and Little and Fairy Terns. . . . .... . . . #kingisland #bassstrait #bassstraitislands #interpretation #interpretationsignage #shorebirds #shorebird #shorebirdsofinstagram #oystercatchers #plovers @birdlife_insta @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

03.01.2022 I have 2 things to say here, don’t put of till tomorrow that which you can do today and don’t believe everything you read.... I have to admit I was curious if this book was as ‘good’ as the blurb claimed. With our first few fab days away recently we ended up in a place that had the most densely packed antiques (well old stuff at least) and collectibles collection I have ever encountered. There was room upon room of heavily filled glass cabinets and displays with virtually no...t enough room to squeeze through making navigating through the spaces stressful and a challenge.There was a modest collection of old books that most probably would never unfortunately be taken home by anyone. . . . . . . . #collectibles #oldstuff #oldbooks #bookgraveyard See more

03.01.2022 Another part of the King Island Shorebird signage project (from a few posts back) was the design of ‘gate signs’. A lot of the important coastal sites were accessed via private property. These signs were intended to make it easy to know what common species you may possibly find at specific sites. As with all cases on this project the bird images were treated in a simple graphic way to assist identification. . . .... . . . #interpretation #interpretationsignage #kingisland #bassstraitislands #bassstrait @birdlife_insta #shorebirds #shorebird #shorebird @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart See more

01.01.2022 Here is a panel of fab Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos. This one was done as a commission and will be outputted onto canvass, 1.5 metres wide, should be pretty dramatic up at that size. This image could be printed at any size if required. This one is unashamedly heavily influenced by mid century art and design. I may have mentioned in a previous post that we have had a mob of these guys around our area recently and while they have been seen in the metro area before I have neve...r seen them here in the west. While it’s nice to see them here the reasons are a bit concerning. Loss of habitat through logging and the disastrous fires of last summer have seen birds move further afield in a desperate search of food. . . . . . . . #cockatoos #cockatoo #cockatoosofinstagram #blackcockatoo #yellowtailedblackcockatoo #australiancockatoo @birdlife_insta @birdlife_insta #birdsofaustralia #birdsconnectourworld #beautifulbirds #birdsoninstagram #birdsofaustralia #birdlifeoz #birdart #birdillustration #birdsofinstagram #birdlifeaustralia #australianbirdart #midcentury #midcenturyart See more

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