Robertson Burrawang Rovers Soccer Club | Businesses
Robertson Burrawang Rovers Soccer Club
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25.01.2022 AAW PL Gold 2020 awards: Most Improved: Bernice Crawford Best and Fairest: Olivia Blanch Player's Player: Bernice Crawford Congratulations!
25.01.2022 Our 2020 Junior Presentations
25.01.2022 Restrictions update:
24.01.2022 One week of the 2020 season to go! Draw pending. End of season events TBA.One week of the 2020 season to go! Draw pending. End of season events TBA.
23.01.2022 Junior matches for Saturday 12 September: AWAY: 9:30am U 7 Mittagong Green v Robertson at Ironmines 11:00am U 15 Mittagong v Robertson at Ironmines... HOME: 8:00am U 6 Robertson Maroon v Mittagong Green 8:00am U 6 Robertson Gold v Mittagong Yellow 8:30am U 13 Robertson v Moss Vale Black 9:00am U 9 Robertson v Oxley College 9:00am U 11 Robertson Gold v Oxley College 10:15am U 11 Robertson Maroon v Bowral Wanderers 11:30am U 10 Robertson v Bowral Rangers Go Robbo!
23.01.2022 Last round for 2020 this Saturday 26 September Please return your team shirts to your coach after your match.Last round for 2020 this Saturday 26 September Please return your team shirts to your coach after your match.
22.01.2022 USUALLY we would be mid-finals and planning presentations. Not in 2020! We're 'waiting and seeing' and will update you ASAP. USUALLY we would be mid-finals and planning presentations. Not in 2020! We're 'waiting and seeing' and will update you ASAP.
22.01.2022 Rug 'em up parents! Frozen kids = unhappy kids. Lots of layers, beanie and gloves. Rug 'em up parents! Frozen kids = unhappy kids. Lots of layers, beanie and gloves.
22.01.2022 Our under 9 team was looking sharp this morning in their home match with Oxley college
21.01.2022 Junior away matches for Saturday 26 September: 8:30am U 6 Moss Vale Black v Robertson Gold at Church Road 8:30am U 11 Exeter v Robertson Maroon at Exeter 11:00am U 15 Mittagong v Robertson at Ironmines... Go Robbo!
21.01.2022 Do you have a perpetual trophy from 2019? It's time to hand them back! Please bring to the canteen on Saturday if you can. Do you have a perpetual trophy from 2019? It's time to hand them back! Please bring to the canteen on Saturday if you can.
20.01.2022 Please remember all water bottles must be clearly labelled with the owner's name.Please remember all water bottles must be clearly labelled with the owner's name.
20.01.2022 Junior matches for Saturday 19 September: 8:00am U 10 Yerrinbool v Robertson at Joe Smith 8:30am U 11 Hill Top v Robertson Gold at Boronia Park 8:45am U 7 Bowral Wanderers v Robertson at Stephens Park... 9:15am U 11 Robertson Maroon v Oxley College at Joe Smith 9:30am U 6 Bowral Bandicoots v Robertson Gold at Stephens Park 9:30am U 6 Yerrinbool Green v Robertson Maroon at Joe Smith 10:00am U 9 Gib Gate v Robertson at Gib Gate 11:00am U 15 Yerrinbool Green v Robertson at Joe Smith U13s have the bye. Go Robbo!
19.01.2022 Congratulations Neve Wallace! Hit a cracker in her ladies debut. Welcome to AAW PL.Congratulations Neve Wallace! Hit a cracker in her ladies debut. Welcome to AAW PL.
19.01.2022 Junior home matches for Saturday 26 September: 8:00am U 6 Robertson Maroon v Bowral Wanderers 8:00am U 7 Robertson v Hill Top Green 8:30am U 9 Robertson v Bowral Rangers... 8:30am U 13 Robertson v Moss Vale White 9:00am U 11 Robertson Gold v Bowral Wanderers 10:15am U 10 Robertson v Bowral Bandicoots Go Robbo!
19.01.2022 What's next? The committee remain busy in the 'off season'. We'll be calling for player nominations around Feb 2021 followed by a call for coaches. Enjoy the break!What's next? The committee remain busy in the 'off season'. We'll be calling for player nominations around Feb 2021 followed by a call for coaches. Enjoy the break!
19.01.2022 2020 Club Awards: Female Junior Player of the Year: Neve Wallace Male Junior Player of the Year: Joe Quilty Ladies Under 25 Player of the Year: Sophie Bourke: Men’s Under 25 Player of the Year: Nick Neilsen... Goalkeeper of the Year: Gabriel Stanley Club Player of the Year: Lizzie Green Club Person of the Year: Grant Neilsen President’s Award: Adam Furniss Rob Berman Medal: Kurt Crawford Congratulations! See more
19.01.2022 Tonight at the bowlo..... Robertson Soccer Club JOKER JACKPOT is back. The jackpot is at a massive $9800. 20+ prizes also up for grabs including; *** 14 meat ...trays from the Robertson village butcher *** 2 fruit & veg vouchers from the Robo fruit shop *** 2 Bistro vouchers from Three Spuds Bistro *** 2 Bar vouchers from the Robertson Bowlo. *** 5 special xmas prizes Tickets go on sale from 6:30pm with the draw at 8pm See you at the bowlo See more
18.01.2022 Today I had the pleasure of running our u10s team. It is SO rewarding to see their support for each other and especially so when a bit of passion might have turned things sour but instead brought more support. Today I had the pleasure of running our u10s team. It is SO rewarding to see their support for each other and especially so when a bit of passion might have turned things sour but instead brought more support.
18.01.2022 AAM HL Maroon 2020 awards: Most Improved: James Taylor Best and Fairest: Kurt Crawford Player's Player: Nick Neilsen Congratulations!
17.01.2022 Great 3rd grade mens game this evening, congratulations to the young guys for getting the win over the old blokes 1-0 #robbopride
17.01.2022 New restrictions mean only one spectator per player and only if required.New restrictions mean only one spectator per player and only if required.
16.01.2022 AAM PL2 2020 awards: Most Improved: Mason King Best and Fairest: Mitchell Page Player's Player: Nick Neilsen Congratulations!
15.01.2022 Junior matches for Saturday 22 August are away: 8:15 am U 11 Robertson Maroon v Mittagong at Joe Smith 8:30 am U 6 Bowral Opals v Robertson Maroon at Stephens Park 8:30 am U 6 Bowral Rangers v Robertson Gold at Stephens Park... 8:30 am U 7 Gib Gate White v Robertson at Gib Gate 9:45 am U 9 Bowral Bandicoots v Robertson at Stephens Park 10:30 am U 10 Moss Vale v Robertson at Stephens Park 10:45 am U 11 Robertson Gold v Exeter at Joe Smith 11:00 am U 13 Hill Top v Robertson at Boronia Park U 15s have the bye. Go Robbo!
15.01.2022 A-League Sydney FC v Wellington on ABC now.A-League Sydney FC v Wellington on ABC now.
14.01.2022 Senior matches for Saturday 19 September at home: 1:00 PM AAW PL Robertson Maroon v Robertson Gold 1:00 PM AAM HL Robertson Gold v Exeter 3:00 PM AAM HL Robertson Maroon v Bowral Rangers... 3:00 PM AAM PL Robertson (PL2) v Yerrinbool Green (PL2) Go Robbo!
14.01.2022 From our team to yours we wish you all the very best at Christmas and for the new year. May it be happy and healthy.
13.01.2022 2021 season information: Team nominations due 26 February Senior kick off 10 April Junior kick off 17 April... Fees etc. to be advised ASAP. Teams can only be nominated based on registered players. Expressions of interest for coaches and managers will be called for once teams are known. Go Robbo!
12.01.2022 Happy new year Rovers! May it bring a 'normal' season. We're now back to work and hope to provide pre-season training info soon.Happy new year Rovers! May it bring a 'normal' season. We're now back to work and hope to provide pre-season training info soon.
12.01.2022 A League grand final - ignore your newsfeed and catch it on delay on ABCMe starting at 8.25pm.A League grand final - ignore your newsfeed and catch it on delay on ABCMe starting at 8.25pm.
12.01.2022 Senior matches for Saturday 12 September: HOME: 1:00pm AAM - HL Robertson Maroon v Yerrinbool 3:00pm AAM - HL Robertson Gold v Hill Top... AWAY: 1:00pm AAM - PL Hill Top Green (PL2) v Robertson (PL2) at David Wood 3:00pm AAW - PL Mittagong v Robertson Maroon at Ironmines 3:00pm AAW - PL Yerrinbool v Robertson Gold at Joe Smith Go Robbo!
12.01.2022 Confirmed: 2 rounds to go on 19 and 26 September. Go Robbo!Confirmed: 2 rounds to go on 19 and 26 September. Go Robbo!
10.01.2022 Still got an active kids voucher? Redeem them before 31 Dec to put towards 2021 fees.Still got an active kids voucher? Redeem them before 31 Dec to put towards 2021 fees.
10.01.2022 2021 player registrations are OPEN! Head to to register now. For juniors make sure you have your active kids voucher handy to get the discount. You can register now and pay later. Early bird rates end on 7th March. This years fees are less than previous years so it's a FANTASTIC year to have a kick with us. The littlies can start if they turn 5 in 2021. We have teams right through the junior age groups and for mum and dad. Family discounts apply manually so contact Kate to arrange your discount. Come have a kick with us!
10.01.2022 Support local. Support Rovers.
09.01.2022 Very proud of my Club today, first grade men were short and put out the call for help, many hands went up to help and the 6 legends that filled in did an awesome job, they didnt get the result we wanted but they played admirably Very proud of my Club today, first grade men were short and put out the call for help, many hands went up to help and the 6 legends that filled in did an awesome job, they didnt get the result we wanted but they played admirably
09.01.2022 W-League fixtures: free to air in red.
09.01.2022 A-League fixtures: free to air Saturday's at 5pm (we think).
09.01.2022 Don't forget to get your active kids vouchers!
08.01.2022 Junior matches for 29 August: Away: 9:00 am U6 Exeter v Robertson Gold at Exeter 10:45 am U9 Mittagong Yellow v Robertson at Ironmines... Home: 8:00 am U 6 Robertson Maroon v Tudor House Red 8:00 am U 7 Robertson v Moss Vale Red 8:30 am U 13 Robertson v Mittagong Yellow 8:30 am U 15 Robertson v Moss Vale 9:00 am U 10 Robertson v Bowral All Stars 10:15 am U 11 Robertson Gold v Yerrinbool 11:30 am U 11 Robertson Maroon Bowral Rangers Go Robbo!
08.01.2022 Junior matches for Saturday 5 September: 9:15am U 10 Bowral Legends v Robertson at Stephens Park 9:30am U 6 Yerrinbool Green v Robertson Gold at Joe Smith 9:30am U 13 Bowral Bandicoots v Robertson at Stephens Park... 9:30am U 15 Yerrinbool Black v Robertson at Joe Smith 9.30am U 11 Robertson Maroon v Robertson Gold at Hampden Park 10:00am U 6 Moss Vale White v Robertson Maroon at Stephens Park 10:30am U 7 Mittagong Yellow v Robertson at Stephens Park U9 have the bye. Go Robbo!
08.01.2022 Senior matches for Saturday 26 September: At home: 1:00pm AAW PL Robertson Maroon v MBK United at Hampden Park... The Ladies and Men's Gold teams have a bye. Go Robbo!
08.01.2022 Senior matches for Saturday 5 September: 1:00pm AAWPL Hill Top v Robertson Gold at Boronia Park 1:00pm AAMHL Bowral Rangers v Robertson Gold at Stephens Park 1:00pm AAMPL Mittagong (PL2) v Robertson (PL2) at Ironmines... 3:00pm AAWPL MBK United v Robertson Maroon at Cookbundoon 3:00pm AAMHL Bowral Wanderers v Robertson Maroon at Stephens Park Go Robbo!
08.01.2022 Joker Jackpot has jackpotted! $10k will be won on Xmas Eve! Drawn 8pm at the Bowlo.Joker Jackpot has jackpotted! $10k will be won on Xmas Eve! Drawn 8pm at the Bowlo.
07.01.2022 The Joker Jackpot is one of our two major fundraisers that allow us to subsidise our fees. It had to be canned for Covid. Getting a crowd on Thursday night means our whole soccer family benefits. So be there AND share!
07.01.2022 AAM HL Gold 2020 awards: Most Improved: Mick Curran Best and Fairest: Jefferson Valencia Player's Player: Patrick Irvine Congratulations!
07.01.2022 Senior matches for 29 August: 1:00 pm AAMHL Robertson Gold v Robertson Maroon at Hampden Park 1:00 pm AAMPL Yerrinbool Green v Robertson at Joe Smith 3:00 pm AAWPL Stags v Robertson Maroon at Cookbundoon... Ladies Gold have the bye. Go Robbo!
07.01.2022 Senior GRAND FINALS for Saturday 26 September: 12:00pm AAM PL Yerrinbool Green (PL2) v Robertson (PL2) at Joe Smith 3:00pm AAM HL Robertson Maroon v Bowral Wanderers at Joe Smith... Go Robbo!
06.01.2022 Just in time for the last round!
05.01.2022 Big thanks to the Gold ladies for making our goalie look good! Most goalies only get an opportunity to save enemy fire but we give a bit of friendly fire to show off her skills. Big thanks to the Gold ladies for making our goalie look good! Most goalies only get an opportunity to save enemy fire but we give a bit of friendly fire to show off her skills.
04.01.2022 AAW PL Maroon 2020 awards: Most Improved: Tannah Warner Best and Fairest: Sophie Bourke Player's Player: Jemma Coulter Congratulations!
04.01.2022 Make some noise Rovers!
03.01.2022 $10,000 WILL BE WON CHRISTMAS EVE!!!! $10,000 WILL BE WON CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!
03.01.2022 Senior matches for Saturday 22 August are mainly at home except for the AAM PL: 1:00 pm AAW PL Robertson Gold v Robertson Maroon 1:00 pm AAM HL Robertson Gold v Bowral Wanderers 3:00 pm AAM HL Robertson Maroon v Hill Top... 3:00 pm AAM PL Hill Top White v Robertson at Boronia Park Go Robbo!
02.01.2022 NEW HOODIES now in stock in all standard sizes. Contact Kate if you want one put aside or visit the canteen on Saturday.NEW HOODIES now in stock in all standard sizes. Contact Kate if you want one put aside or visit the canteen on Saturday.
02.01.2022 If you're having a clean out remember our boot box. We can also rehome outgrown club gear.If you're having a clean out remember our boot box. We can also rehome outgrown club gear.
02.01.2022 We ask our soccer family to make every effort to comply with the new restrictions to ensure we can finish the season. Junior players are asked to have only 1 parent attend their match and only if supervision is required. Spectators at senior matches are discouraged. All player restrictions continue. Please do not arrive for your match more than 15 minutes before kick off.
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