Robyn Bauer Studio | Public figure
Robyn Bauer Studio
Phone: +61 404 016 573
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25.01.2022 The funniest are the ones with animals. Some people have very compliant pets!
25.01.2022 I must say Ive enjoyed painting this one the most so far of the whole series. Painting the Rubens book set me thinking about so many aspects of his life that I find inspiring. Rubens has always been my favourite painter but in so many ways he was the ultimate "Renaissance man" (didnt live then though) and he embodied so many of the humanist ideals. He was a collector, diplomat, scholar and architect. He was multilingual, speaking Italian, Flemish, Latin, French and Englis...h. The pic in my rose frame is a postcard of his work that I bought many years ago in Tours France. The books and box refer to his collecting and learning. Inside the box (second pic) is my collection of Art Museum ephemera from my last trip to Amsterdam and The Hague. The Russian nesting dolls were a delight to paint and the flowers are for colour. There is duck in there too from Brisbane Botanic Gardens! See more
23.01.2022 Homage to Botticelli or harmony in blue and orange. Flowers include the iris, tulip (on the book) and what look like camellias floating in the Botticelli. Umbrella tree, oranges, pearls and an owl for good measure. The ceramic sculpture on the left is called Family tree and is one I made years ago in my La Perouse series. I just sold it yesterday to a collector of ceramics. This painting hasnt quite stopped talking to me, which means it isnt finished yet.
23.01.2022 Number twelve in my still life series. Arrangement with blue and yellow. Still full of ideas and finding forgotten treasures in cupboards and sideboards.
22.01.2022 You know things are getting serious when you start bringing out your blue and white porcelain collection. Beginning a new one. I just acquired the red bird tray from the local Salvos as a foil. I love it and it will be well used!
22.01.2022 Finished painting plus a progress shot which shows my working method of working all over the canvas and building up gradually. This one is a complicated composition featuring John William Waterhouse painting behind my violin which hasnt been played in years. The books are Dickens, Stendhal and Hughes chosen more for their colour than content. Its rum in the decanter. Mother of pearl and pearls to provide some bling. Enjoyed it immensely. Hope you do too!
22.01.2022 Today is the birthday of Belgian artist James Ensor. 1860-1949 His subject matter was quite bizarre and included carnivals with masks and skulls. He was a big influence on the Surrealists and Expressionists. His colour is dynamic though somewhat garish sometimes.
21.01.2022 Happy to report that this ones been sold. Its heartening in these bleak times for the Arts that there are still art lovers and collectors out there prepared to continue to support artists.
21.01.2022 Look closely at my new subject and youll see how I will be testing willpower over the next few days! #donteatthemyet
20.01.2022 High Tea anyone? This one has taken the longest so far. About four days. The first one of the hat stand only took one morning. I know not to get too fiddly but it must be polished enough to look finished. The aqua coloured bag at back left contained one of my Mothers day gifts. I love it! The box with the bird contained one of my Xmas gifts. The aqua, yellow and pink are such uplifting colours in combination. Brave? Certainly fun. I cant stop painting.
20.01.2022 Really enjoying this blue and white theme. The pink flowers are from the trees currently flowering all along Latrobe Terrace Paddington. One of my Botanic Gardens paintings is behind the drapery in this one. The porcelain balls were bought from the Paddington Antique Centre. They have a trove of blue and white. Barney close by but disinterested. Ready for a catnap, - both of us!
19.01.2022 Finished my Tiger Lily painting. I set myself quite a challenge with this one putting the vase in front of the window. The light from outside was brighter than the inside light but I still wanted the flowers to be dominant. The little blue and white porcelain container was a recent Op shop purchase. I so miss Op shopping! I have a birdcage (empty) collection on the back deck. I may feature them in a future painting. Painting flowers is harder than it looks! Hats off to the Dutch Masters.
17.01.2022 I must say I've enjoyed painting this one the most so far of the whole series. Painting the Rubens book set me thinking about so many aspects of his life that I find inspiring. Rubens has always been my favourite painter but in so many ways he was the ultimate "Renaissance man" (didn't live then though) and he embodied so many of the humanist ideals. He was a collector, diplomat, scholar and architect. He was multilingual, speaking Italian, Flemish, Latin, French and Englis...h. The pic in my rose frame is a postcard of his work that I bought many years ago in Tours France. The books and box refer to his collecting and learning. Inside the box (second pic) is my collection of Art Museum ephemera from my last trip to Amsterdam and The Hague. The Russian nesting dolls were a delight to paint and the flowers are for colour. There is duck in there too from Brisbane Botanic Gardens! See more
16.01.2022 A few progress shots. I seem to choose my clothes to match my current painting. Not sure what that says about me...
16.01.2022 Started another still life painting. This pink flamingo lives on the downstairs coffee table near the TV. Every night he asks when his turn will be. Same goes for the stork and the swan. I have enough cool secondhand loot to go on forever!
15.01.2022 Something shiny this time. My studio reflected in the silverware. Only one chocolate left.
14.01.2022 New still life started plus lousy attempt at a selfie!
13.01.2022 Some of my produce is starting to go off! Its a bit of a race to get started each day before everything droops beyond acceptable. I have been wondering why I have avoided this type of subject matter all my life. I guess I thought it was a bit "old hat". But guess what, - its really not. By working on a square canvas which is to me more modern, and making the compositions as varied as possible with foreground/ background ambiguity, I am finding it a very creative and rewarding outlet. One of these days Ill tackle a larger one but not finished with this very pleasing size as yet. 4040cm. Second pic is a progress shot.
13.01.2022 Can't resist a little photo essay of the studio and gallery today. Planning on a complete re-hang before I reopen to showcase my recent work. These are the "before" photos.
13.01.2022 Ive been made redundant... Barney Bauer thinks he can do a better job. #catswithjobs
12.01.2022 Daily dose of Art History.
12.01.2022 Look closely at my new subject and you'll see how I will be testing willpower over the next few days! #donteatthemyet
11.01.2022 Finished the flamingo. I painted these guys with real affection as they have been part of our household for such a long time. I keep all sorts of goodies inside for TV watching. This really is an essay in pink on pink. It certainly challenged my colour mixing to get the variations and reflections. The swan and the stork have different coloured glazes which adds some variety. The plant and the vase of flowers grow into the background cloth which I bought at a fabulous fabric market in Singapore when I was there for the Urban Sketchers Symposium a few years ago.
11.01.2022 Almost finished. This composition is based on the rabbit ear shape. It is echoed by the plant and the hat detail, also some of the hills. I have always had a yearning to put strange animals and things in my landscapes both urban and rural. This setting up a still life approach allows me to do that. The rabbit has a grassy texture and the plant feels furry. Go figure! The kangaroos are plastic. Glasshouse Mountains behind. Lemons were required for yellow. Second pic is a progress shot from a few days ago.
10.01.2022 Happy Easter from my house to yours. Kangaroo substituting as rabbit, bunny tales, Julie Shepherd porcelain egg, rooster cloth and featuring my mother, artist Joan Bauers "One-eared Rabbit" etching. #familyaffair #happyeaster
10.01.2022 My husband bought me these flowers because he thought Id like the colours. He bought three sets because he couldnt decide which pinky red I would prefer. Its uncanny how the three colours are exactly the hue of the rose photo frame which I made and painted over 20 years ago! It had been downstairs brightening up a spare bedroom with the Russian nesting dolls. Everything in the house is gradually getting a turn...
10.01.2022 Everything taken down from the walls. All ready for a re-hang. #watchthisspace
07.01.2022 Just for a bit of fun I have painted this "Willow Pattern" inspired large painting. I have been doing a bit of gradual redecorating during lockdown and one of the downstairs bedrooms is going to be blue and white.
07.01.2022 At it again! Spot the selfie.
07.01.2022 Time for a coffee. Progress shot. A bit of a blue theme today. First coolish day in the studio.
07.01.2022 Cant resist a little photo essay of the studio and gallery today. Planning on a complete re-hang before I reopen to showcase my recent work. These are the "before" photos.
06.01.2022 Putting the finishing touches to this still life of strelitzias. My ultramarine blue shawl is hanging behind because its all about orange and blue. Also known as bird of paradise plant so I put the porcelain bird in for good measure. I grew the orchids myself. The little tea set plays around with the numbers one, two and three. A dark background for a change.
05.01.2022 I have set up a new arrangement. This one will have a more earthy palette after all those pinks. Quoting my own painting of Mt Tibrogargen. Rabbit, plastic kangaroos and pine cones. Draw your own conclusions about symbolism. They are just objects to me at this point. Lemons and limes provide the acid pop of colour.
05.01.2022 Its these first few compositional lines that are the vitally important ones. Its something thats always there in the old masters but it is the modern masters that really teach us to look out for the big geometric shapes and directional lines. A handy hint is turn your work upside down at this point to check that the composition is working. A teatime inspired arrangement. Luckily these are not my favourite things or they wouldnt last long... The lemon cake is tempting though...
05.01.2022 Today we say Happy birthday to Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519. Italian polymath, expert in so many disciplines including painting, architecture, music, science and inventing. He epitomised the Renaissance humanist ideal. Happy birthday Leo!
03.01.2022 Such beautiful light coming into the gallery this afternoon. Continuing with my latest still life painting of afternoon tea goodies. They are far too stale to eat now!
03.01.2022 I guess I had to move onto fruit and vegetables eventually...
02.01.2022 Another arrangement on the go. Strelitzias looking a bit scrappy. This is their last hurrah.
02.01.2022 Remember what I said about my clothes matching? I swear this pink and black combo wasnt deliberate! I didnt realise until I put my feet up for a coffee break! Barney helping - not.
02.01.2022 Happy to report that this one's been sold. It's heartening in these bleak times for the Arts that there are still art lovers and collectors out there prepared to continue to support artists.
02.01.2022 I managed to acquire some tiger lilies when I ran the gauntlet at the supermarket, and have scoured our Autumn garden for the remaining orchids and bougainvillea. The hat is about 20 years old from my days drawing portraits at the Riverside markets! #beginnings