Rotary Club of Rockhampton Sunrise Inc. | Community
Rotary Club of Rockhampton Sunrise Inc.
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24.01.2022 It's Friday again and another week has gone by. The President was missing for not only the meeting but also the AGM. You know what happens if you miss an AGM? If you don't, miss one and find out what job awaits you. Anyway have a good weekend and enjoy the Bulletin from this week.
24.01.2022 This week at the Northside Plaza Meat Raffle come and buy your ticket from David and Paul on Saturday from 8.30am to 12.30pm and support the Rotary Club of Rockhampton Sunrise in their fundraising efforts.
23.01.2022 This week's Bulletin with news on what's happening tonight with the President and with yesterday being RUOK day information about a forthcoming 'Lift the Lid' walk for mental health at the end of the month and how to get involved. Have a great weekend.
23.01.2022 A week ago the President invited members to have drinks with him at The Rockhampton Leagues Club. A few photos from the night of members and friends enjoying themselves.
23.01.2022 2020/21 Club Treasurer Paul Shelton, President David Thomas and Secretary David Taylor
22.01.2022 We hope your week is going great for you. Our weekly Bulletin for 2 September is attached.
21.01.2022 Each week we conclude our meeting with the Rotary Four Way Test. The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The test has been translated into more than 100 languages, and Rotarians recite it at club meetings: Of the things we think, say or do... Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Our next Post will expand on the Four Way Test with a step by step process and a process to achieve desired outcomes. So keep an eye out for the next post on Tuesday morning 10 November.
21.01.2022 Thanks to the easing of restrictions and our hosts David & Lesley McSherry ensuring we met all Covid 19 guidelines, we had our first physical meeting last Wednesday since the Covid -19 lock down. Since the lock down the Club has met fortnightly over Zoom. Thanks to Glenn for setting up the Zoom meetings for us. Members were pleased to meet in person rather than over technology which proved a challenge for one or two. This week we once again meet at Glenmore Palms Motel at 7a...m. (Note: Members and guests will need to sign the contact register at Glenmore Palms.) Breakfast fees will be now taken using credit card facilities now that our Square account has been approved. To help the introduction of the new system it would be appreciated if members could be at the meeting by 6.45 am Serjeant’s fines will still be by cash. This week we also have a guest speaker - BOB BLAIR founder of Dreamtime Centre
20.01.2022 It's a task most of us do every week and that is the grocery shopping. This Saturday head to the Northside Plaza Rockhampton and you'll find Lindsay Hill and Maddi Cullen doing the meat raffle from 8.30am to 12.30pm for the Club. See you on Saturday morning.
20.01.2022 This Wednesday morning at 7 will see the visit of DG Adele Hughes and we'll also be joined by about 15 members of the Rotary Club of Rockhampton. Here's a bit about our DG. DISTRICT GOVERNOR -ADELE HUGHES (WADE) Born in the lovely little north Queensland town of Ingham, Adele’s family transferred around, until at the age of 13, Gladstone became the family’s first permanent home. Adele worked as a receptionist at a Doctor’s surgery, and in administration at the Gladstone Hospi...tal. She met and married a dashing young hockey player, Wade Hughes. They have 4 children, 4 children-in-law and 10 grandchildren, who are the delight of their lives. In 1978 they established their first business -a printing firm, which has run successfully for the past 40 years, and in 1997 they also established a Funeral Home, which Adele manages. Wade became a Rotarian in the RC of Gladstone in 1993, and Adele subsequently joined the RC of Gladstone Midday in 1999. Both have been President and Director over the years, with Adele also doing stints as Secretary. In 2012 Adele and Wade attended the International Convention in Bangkok, and then also attended the Convention in Sydney in 2014. Adele undertook a trip to Kenya to peruse a potential RAWCS project in 2014. This was followed by another in 2015; a Polio Vaccination trip to India, where they also built a dam (by hand) in 2016. They then took part in a Helping Hands project in Laos in 2017 where one of the prosthetic hands she fitted had been assembled by her grand-daughter in Gladstone. Over the years Adele and Wade have hosted many YEP students, including Jessie from America, Teeranun from Bangkok, Tina from Germany, and Elise from Belgium. A lifestyle change saw Adele and Wade spending more and more time at the idyllic little haven of Agnes Water, and having a desire to bring Rotary to the Discovery Coast. Adele and Wade were instrumental in forming a satellite club of the RC of Gladstone there, Adele subsequently becoming a charter member of the RC of Discovery Coast, in 2016. Adele recently had the honour of organizing the 2017/18 District Conference held at Agnes Water. Adele was also a founding member of the Inner Wheel Club of Port Curtis in 1999, and has served as President, Secretary and Director. See more
19.01.2022 This Saturday is ANZAC Day and will celebrated differently to what has happened in the past but will still be celebrated. RSL Queensland is running a Light Up The Dawn campaign in both the traditional and social media which encourages people to hold a private ANZAC Day service in their driveways, on their balconies, or in their backyards at 6am. To complement this program, the District has been able to arrange the following: Rockhampton... A short radio commemorative service will run on 4RO in Rockhampton at 5.45am on ANZAC Day morning. The service will include an introduction song, an address by Barry, the reciting of the Ode, the Playing of the Last Post, a moment’s silence, the playing of Reveille, and the National Anthem See more
19.01.2022 Today is RU OK day. Have you asked somebody RU ok? Did you take time to really listen to their response? What do you do if they say no they are not OK? Need more information? Check out the RUOK website
17.01.2022 Did you realise Thursday 19 November was International Men's Day? Not a lot of mention about it. Thanks to ABC Capricornia for reminding us all about it and devoting the hour between 10am and 11am to some great interviews and men's music. If we go back one day it was Wednesday 18 and a great day for Queensland with the worst side in some 40 years playing State of Origin and winning the series. It was also our Club's weekly meeting. Our newest member Eamon was inducted (held over from the previous week due to the President's absence) and you can read all about the happenings in the Bulletin.
17.01.2022 It's Saturday morning once again (where has the week gone) and time to do your weekly grocery shopping. This week why not go and do it at the Northside Plaza and while there support the Rotary Club of Rockhampton Sunrise and buy a ticket in their meat raffle. Last fortnight Alan & Alister had a good time as can be seen from the photo with Bernard Molloy from Rockhampton North Club dropping by. Paul and David are there from 8.30 to 12.30. You never know you might win and save a few dollars on your meat bill this week and support Rotary at the same time. Have a great weekend.
16.01.2022 Congratulations to member Alister Cullen on being awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship during Drinks with the President on Friday 11 September 2020. It was reported that no blood was drawn when President David pinned the Paul Harris Fellowship badge on Alister.
11.01.2022 Some of you might remember Sam Cook or even Cat Stevens who made the song 'Another Saturday Night' a number 1 hit back in the 70's. If you remember the song you'll remember these words from the chorus "Another Saturday night And I ain't got nobody I got some money 'cause I just got paid Now, how I wish I had someone to talk to I'm in an awful way... Let me tell you 'bout it, lookie here" Last Saturday night the President was out saving the State and was back in the chair on Wednesday morning. As it's now another Saturday night and if you have no one to talk to then sit back and read our Bulletin from Wednesday 4 November.
11.01.2022 It's Saturday morning and you know what that means don't you? It's time to check the shopping list. Oh you have just realised that you have left something off the list haven't you and you can't quite remember what it is. Let me help you with a gentle reminder. Shopping this morning at the Northside Plaza and you are going to stop and say hello to Lindsay & Maddi and purchase your tickets in the Rotary Club of Rockhampton Sunrise meat raffle. They are there from 8.30am to 12.30pm. They look foreword to seeing you later today.
08.01.2022 Although with Covid 19 lock-down, our Rotary Club still meets via Zoom meetings. 8 of us on the meeting this morning. A couple misread the meeting invite and came in late. We won't embarrass the late comers by naming them.
07.01.2022 From the Rotary Club of Rockhampton some information about some famous Rotarians from around the world. John F. Kennedy (U.S. President) Franklin D. Roosevelt (U.S. President) Konrad Adenauer (former German Chancellor)... Neil Armstrong (American astronaut) Angela Merkel (German Chancellor) Nicolas Sarkozy (French President) Margaret Thatcher (former British Prime Minister) Walt Disney (American film producer) Bill Gates (American software entrepreneur) Ronald Reagan (former U.S. President) George W. Bush (former U.S. President) Richard Nixon (former U.S. President) Rainier III. (Prince of Monaco) Hassan II (King of Morocco) Asif Ali Zardari (Pakistan's head of state) The following are just two examples of world famous people who did their bit as Rotarians, or had inspired Rotary clubs in their name. The Rotary Club of JFK International Airport was chartered in December 1970. It has become one of JFK Airport’s leading local service organizations. Margaret Thatcher developed what would become a lifelong appreciation of the sense of duty, good neighborliness and civic pride which characterized the best of life in her area. She particularly admired the solidarity and generosity which marked out organizations such as Rotary, of which her father was a leading member. *~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~* You don't have to be famous to join Rotary. All you need is a desire to make a difference in your community. If that sounds like you, join like minded people and get in touch with us and we'll invite you along to one of our breakfast meetings on a Wednesday morning at the Glenmore Palms Motel.
07.01.2022 It's Tuesday morning and here's what was promised in Monday's post. The Rotary Four-Way Test process and process to achieve desired outcomes. If the Rotary Four-Way Test was applied to every part of our lives we believe that the world would be a better place for all.
05.01.2022 Did you realsie that Thursday 19 November was International Men's Day? Not much publicity about it except on ABC Capricornia. If we go back one more day to Wednesday and that was our regular Club meeting with the induction of Eamon (held over from the previous week due to the absence of the President) into Rotary and the day concluded in celebration for Queensland with the worst team in 40 years to play State of Origin bringing home the series. Read all about the Club's Wednesday meeting in the Bulletin and don't forget to support the meat raffle at the Northside Plaza this Saturday from 8.30 to 12.30pm.
04.01.2022 Another week - another Bulletin to sit back and read. Have a great weekend.
04.01.2022 From the DG's September Newsletter. On August 25, the WHO African region officially certified Nigeria free of wild poliovirus. ALAN TITMAN AUG 31, 2020... This certification came four years after Nigeria the last polio-endemic country in Africa recorded its final case of wild polio. This milestone will be an incredible public health achievement for Rotary members, the African region, millions of health workers, and our Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) partners, and a huge step forward on the road to global polio eradication. Rotary members have played an invaluable role in the effort to rid the African region of wild polio. We should be proud of all the hard work that we’ve done to eliminate the wild poliovirus in nearly every country in the world. There are Rotary clubs in all 47 countries in the African region, and the region is home to almost 32,000 Rotary members in nearly 1400 Rotary clubs. Rotary and its members have contributed nearly US$890 million to eliminate polio in the African region. To overcome the remaining hurdles to eradication, it is critical that Rotary members remain committed to polio eradication and continue raising $50 million a year so we can keep children protected in Africa and eliminate the wild poliovirus in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
03.01.2022 Join us this Wednesday morning 22 July at 7am at Glenmore Palms Motel as guest speaker Bob Blair will be speaking about The Dreamtime Cultural center and how it was established.PP
02.01.2022 Hello, it was good to have Alan back after his trip away to Melbourne and then enforced 14 days quarantine. Our regular Serjeant was relaxing at Hamilton Island and Alister ensured no one escaped a fine. Hope you enjoy the Bulletin
02.01.2022 Our Club was successful in round 105 in our application to the Queensland Gambling Community Benefit Fund to purchase a marquee and cooking equipment. This will be of great benefit to the Club to continue our fundraising efforts to support other organizations in our area. Like many other organizations our fundraising efforts have taken a bit of a hit with the restrictions imposed because of Covid 19 but we look forward to commencing them again as soon as we are allowed. The R...otary Club of Rockhampton Sunrise Inc is very grateful to the Gambling Community Benefit Fund in their support of not only our Club but also all other successful organizations in this round of grants. If you are a not for profit organization and wanting to update or improve your equipment consider applying in round 107 which is now open. Gambling Community Benefit Fund round 107 is now open and will close at 11.59pm on 31 October 2020. Round 108 will open mid-January 2021 will close at 11.59pm on 28 February 2021.for the next round. Follow the link for further information and eligibility requirements.
02.01.2022 A lot happens in a week and this week it was 20 years ago since the best Olympic Games ever were held in Sydney. President Dave brought along some memorabilia. Read in this week's Bulletin about what he brought along. Have a great weekend.
01.01.2022 Last week DG Adele visited the Club and members from the Rockhampton Club also joined us. You can read information on the DGs visit in the attached Club Bulletin.
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