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Rockingham Uniting Church in Rockingham, Western Australia | Religious organisation

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Rockingham Uniting Church

Locality: Rockingham, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9527 1014

Address: 4 Erindoon Way 6169 Rockingham, WA, Australia


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24.01.2022 1 John 3:17-18 (NLT) ‘If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassionhow can God’s love be in that person? Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.’

23.01.2022 The Men's Group will start this Thursday, February 11 at 10 am. Topic: Christian Secrets. Don't forget to wear your mask!The Men's Group will start this Thursday, February 11 at 10 am. Topic: Christian Secrets. Don't forget to wear your mask!

23.01.2022 Women Bible Study will start this Friday at 6.30 pm in the church. Please bring a plate to share as we will start with dinner Look forward to starting the journey with you all!Women Bible Study will start this Friday at 6.30 pm in the church. Please bring a plate to share as we will start with dinner Look forward to starting the journey with you all!

21.01.2022 Steadfast love is all around us.

19.01.2022 Read: Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Before he died, Moses was allowed to see the whole land of Canaan. But, by that time, he was over 100 years old already. So, this was God’s doing. God caused Moses to see the Promised Land from a distance. In other words, God was allowing Moses to see the big picture: to see what God would do after him. Yes, there was unfinished business. But Moses was to surrender all to God. It was God’s project any way. Moses was only taking a part of that projec...t. Friends, life is brief, but we are to cast our vision to eternity. We are to learn to see our life as a part of God’s work in eternity. All of our unfinished business is only a part of God’s ongoing work. Yes, we all have been given a certain amount time in life. According to the theory of relativity, time is only another dimension in space. As such, time can be bent by gravity or speed. Some even suggest that, according to this theory, our death has already happened in the future. So, theoretically, if we want to, we can travel to the future to witness our own death! Now, we do not need the complex theory of relativity to tell us that we have a limited time here on earth. But, with whatever time we have left, we are to be thankful for what God has allowed us to do. Friends, we do not know for sure what Moses felt before he died. Maybe he died regretting that he still had plenty of unfinished businesses. Maybe he died peacefully, knowing that God would take care of things. So, perhaps, we will be more accepting of death not by looking at the tiny details of life. Perhaps, we will be more accepting of death by looking at the big picture; by acknowledging what God has done in our life and what God will do after we die. May we too, like Moses, come to the same peaceful acceptance when it is our time to leave this life. Amen.

19.01.2022 The Women Bible Study group this year will meet for the last time tomorrow’s night at 6.30 pm. Don’t forget to bring a plate to share if you would like to join.

18.01.2022 We are to learn to trust God with our future.

17.01.2022 Christian virtues are like muscles that need to be trained and nurtured.

16.01.2022 We thank Fiona and Graham from Compassion Australia who this morning shared with us their work with children living in poverty overseas.

11.01.2022 Christ is the head of all things on earth and in heaven.

11.01.2022 Don’t forget Bible Study for Women on Friday at 6.30 pm. Please bring a plate to share as we’re going to start with dinner. There is even a butler who will serve your meal!

10.01.2022 Read: Mark 1:29-39 In ancient time, a fever was a serious illness. It was also very debilitating. So, it affected not only one’s physical body, but one’s social life too. And that social aspect could be more devastating than the illness itself. That was what happened to Simon’s mother-in-law. Her fever was so debilitating that she was bound to her bed. Her fever had taken away her role and status in the community. No wonder that, immediately after Jesus healed her, she began serve Jesus and the disciples. So Jesus did not only heal her illness; he restored her role in her community. But Mark, the author of the Gospel of Mark, does not say that Jesus healed her. He says that Jesus raised her up. The Greek word for to raise up is egeiro. One commentary says that the word, egeiro, suggests that new strength is imparted to those laid low by illness, unclean spirits, or even death, so that they may again rise up to take their place in the world. (1) Friends, we are the body of Christ. We are the ones who continue Jesus’ ministry of healing in the world today. The Church has to become the place where people are ‘raised up’, freed from their bondage so they could reach their true potential. Christ still works today to bring healing especially thorough the community of believers. And it does not take much to be the channel of God’s healing power. Often, all that we have to do is to be present in a time of crisis; to give someone a listening and sympathetic ear, to give someone our undivided and loving attention and presence. Never underestimate this because God works through our presence. And when God is present, even the most powerful chains could be broken. ___________________ (1) Commentary on Mark 1-29-39 - Working Preacher from Luther Seminary 2012

08.01.2022 Death is God's saying, "No," to us.

05.01.2022 Read: Psalm 107 At the heart of Psalm 107 is the Hebrew word: 'hesed'. It is translated into English not simply as love, but steadfast love. 'Hesed' is a love that is given to us even when we are not worthy of that love. 'Hesed' is a love that is still available to us even when we have ignored or even betrayed that love. It is a love of a wife who still accepts her husband even after he cheats on her. This kind of love is not situational. This kind of love is unconditional. I...t does not depend on what we do or have done. It is a love that persists no matter what. Even more, it is a love the pursues us even as we are running away from it. It is relentless. This love does not have an end. Even when we fail not once or twice, but many times, this love will still be with us, calling us to return home to find healing and acceptance. There is a saying in Indonesian: A child’s love is as tall as the ladder, but a mother’s love is as long as the road. In other words, according to this saying, a mother’s love has no end. That is God’s love for us. It has no end. Even when it seems that it has ended, it never does. And we are surrounded by the manifestations of this love, 'hesed', in our life, if only we train our eyes, our ears, and our hearts to recognise them. So, the challenge for you today, friends, is to think about one event in your life, this week/month, that reminds you of God’s relentless love. Talk about it. Share it with other people. Share the joy that it brings. And see what happens to your life when you do so. Amen.

05.01.2022 Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 In crucial moments, elite sportswomen and men focus on nothing else, but their training. Indeed, what they do is the same with what elite soldiers do. Training for elite soldiers is based on the belief that, in crisis, most people do not rise to the challenge; but people will fall back to the level of their training. That is why they train so hard so that, in times of danger, their survival skills will become second nature to them. That was why, i...n his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul used a soldier as an image for the spiritual life that believers should have. For Paul, there should be elements of discipline and self-control in the spiritual life of believers. In the letter, Paul saw faith, love, and hope as armour. By using this image, he reminded his readers that these things were not simply feelings or desires. We cannot control what we feel. But faith, love, and hope, in Paul’s mind, were skills that believers must learn to use, nurture, and sharpen all the time. Friends, we must learn to see Christian virtues as muscles that we need to train. Thomas Edison once said, Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. The same can be said of Christian values in our life. To be good at them, we must work hard. But we are to train our spiritual muscles in a community not individually. The best way to ‘train’ our faith, love, and hope ‘muscles’ is together with other believers. We are to build and cheer one another up to do good. Friends, there is a difference between being planned and being prepared. We cannot plan everything in life. There are too many things that are beyond our control. But we can prepare ourselves for whatever will happen in our life. May we learn not to plan our life, but to prepare it for the in-breaking of God’s reign into the world. And let us do it not individually, but together with all people in the family of God’s believers. Amen.

04.01.2022 There weren’t many leftovers during the young adult gathering tonight!

01.01.2022 We are called not to hate the world, but to love the world.

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