Rockley Brahmans in Moura, Queensland | Agricultural service
Rockley Brahmans
Locality: Moura, Queensland
Phone: +61 408 780 810
Address: Dawson Hwy 4718 Moura, QLD, Australia
Likes: 3613
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25.01.2022 A flash back to 2016. This is Rockley Miss Trinity (P) who we displayed at The World Brahman Congress in Rockhampton. She has grown out in to magnificent cow and we’ve just weaned a fabulous bull of her’s by Elmo Picasso, who has tested homozygous polled #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahmans #photocreditkbward #australianredbrahman #genomics #breedplan #ungarra #backincalf #mightkeepherson
25.01.2022 Especially looking forward to marketing these light pigmented bulls next year! Thanks for taking the time to look around our cattle Georgie Connor and for the spectacular photos!!
24.01.2022 A son of Elmo Picasso (PP) out of a Doonside C Eagle cow. #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahmans #ungarra #australianbrahmans #elmopicasso #beef2021 #breedplan #genomics
24.01.2022 We are excited to launch our new Rockley Elite Brahmans Website in collaboration with Studstock Marketing Services. Click on the news article below to gain our latest industry insights and be sure to check out one of our Elite Red Brahman Donor Females- "Rockley Datababe". Tell us what you think of the website and Datababe in the comments below.
24.01.2022 A sneak peak at our Elmo Picasso (PP) calves are in the link below.
22.01.2022 Thanks for the shout out Winvic Pastoral! This little fella looks a ripper. A son of Rockley LP Etheridge (P), who is a light pigmented/pink nosed sire. We love to see our genetics used widely, especially in a well run commercial operation who value Breedplan.
22.01.2022 An interesting read below, a polled progress report and an insight into our future for polled genetics. #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahmans #ungarra #redbrahmans #australianbrahmans #breedplan #genomics
20.01.2022 Tremendous red Brahman breeders and great people! Please "like" the new Samari Brahmans page.
19.01.2022 Our main sire Picasso . Always looks a picture this bloke, a tremendous natural doer in the paddock. #elmopicasso #polledredbrahmans #homozygouspolled #mainsire #looksgoodinblackandwhite #breedplan #genomics #lowbirthweights #brahmanfertility
17.01.2022 Kirk kids are having their hay burgers with the weaner’s this morning #arniekirk #rosekirk #ungarra #rockleybrahmans #theloveofhay #quietcattle
17.01.2022 Made the trip down to Ced Wise AB centre today to drop polled donor cows and calves off to flush. Below is a video of the polled heifers down there already. They will be joined to our new sire - Brahrock Raydar (P).#rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahmans #cedwiseabservices #glenaplin #thefutureisbright
16.01.2022 Today’s catch, weigh and release. A solid, little 37kg bull calf by Elmo Picasso (PP), out of a lovely first calf heifer by Lancefield D Bazuka (PS). #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahmans #lovingtheuddersonthebazukas #breedplan #genomics #birthweights #ungarra
16.01.2022 How do you measurement temperament? Do you take the breeders word for it, when purchasing a bull? This is the first year we have recorded "flight times" To read about what they are and how they may benefit our clients, please click on the link below.
16.01.2022 Morning bottle feeding the new additions, Bunny and and Coco. #minigoats #arnie&rosekirk #ungarra #prettycute #goodpets
16.01.2022 An impressive light pigmented, clean polled son of Rockley LP Etheridge. Cattle are really putting on the weight now the grass is haying off and the buffalo fly are gone.
15.01.2022 Our little Family are back home now after 10 days away. Arnie was a little trooper and got his tonsils and adenoids out. We had one false start and elective surgery was cancelled for a awhile. We were lucky enough to spend his recovery time at Rockley and Yeppoon so we could be close to Rocky. #arniekirk #rosekirk #rockleybrahmans #materhospital #cooeebay #gladtheyareout #nomoretonsilitus #familytimeaway
14.01.2022 Exciting time of the year! Our first calf born for the year. We love our Elmo Picasso babies, low birthweight and get up and go. Picasso is in the top 1% for Gestation Length EBV’s, which means earlier calves, less calving difficulties and more time on the ground to put on kilos of beef. This girl was 35kg. #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahmans #ungarra #birthweights #redbrahman #breedplan #genomics #brahmanbabies #beef
14.01.2022 A nice day out at the Moura Bull Sale. It’s was exciting to see that the top priced bull was by Rockley Tyrion (P). He was lot 58, a polled bull who sold for $20,500.
14.01.2022 Always looking forward to breeding more cattle! #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahmans #georgieconnorphotography #ungarra #elmopicasso #genomics #breedplan #redbrahmans #homozygouspolled #sirepower
13.01.2022 Maiden heifers are just starting to spring up. Can’t wait for the new babies to arrive! #calvingsoon #littleudders #rockleybrahmans #ungarra #redbrahman #australianbrahman #calvingease #nccessexdaughter
12.01.2022 We may have a little cowgirl in the making! Rose loves helping Dad check the weaner’s. #rosekirk #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahmans #ungarra #redbrahman #breedplan #genomics #cloudyday #cattleandkids
12.01.2022 A new baby weighed and recorded #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahmans #redbrahmans #redbrahman #firstcalfheifer #homozygouspolled #bazukadaughter #9/10udderscore #picassobull #breedplan #genomics #birthweight #33kg
10.01.2022 We had the registered herd in the yards today to scan and weigh our heifers for their 600 day data collection. This information will then be sent to Breedplan. A little polled bull calf caught my eye and I thought I’d share a video of him. He is sired by Elmo Picasso (PP) and out of a polled Yoman 77/0 cow.
10.01.2022 Bidding action that took place yesterday to secure Brahrock Radar (P) for $90,000. His next stop is Rocky Repro, for semen collection.
09.01.2022 Congratulations to both parties on the sale of this exciting young sire! It was very pleasing to see the dam was sired by Rockley 2391, a bull we sold for $60,000 in 2008. We look forward to seeing the progeny!
09.01.2022 Weaning time at Rockley Brahmans! Day 2 and these guys seem pretty chilled. #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahmans #ungarra #moura #didflighttimesthisyear #redbrahmans #breedplan #200dayweights #maturecowweights #genomics #dna #weaners
08.01.2022 Busy day in the yards today. We had our young bulls in to record their 400 day weights and scrotal circumferences. This is the first year we have done our scrotal size at 400 days (normally 600) and we were very pleased with the results. The bulls were the first sons of Elmo Picasso (PP) and Palmal Pattenson (P). Thanks Esteban, our Columbian vet and scrotal measuring star. #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahmans #redbrahman #breedplan #400dayweights #scrotalsize #genomics #indentifyingearlypuberty #ungarra #genomics
07.01.2022 Our latest discovery this morning. A nice boofy headed bull. #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahman #redbrahman #picassobaby #34kg #calfnumber6 #alreadyhadasuck #broadheadandmuzzle #newbabybrahman #breedplan #breedplanrecorded #genomics #birthweights
07.01.2022 BEEF IS ON! What exciting news! We’ll be starting to scope the paddocks out for some potential prospects to display in May next year. I have just spent 3 fabulous days in Brisbane, as part of the Graeme Acton Beef Connections Mentoring Program. I was very fortunate to be selected for the life changing program in 2015 as a mentor partner and am now privileged to come on board as a mentor in this program at Beef 2021. I have just met some amazing, passionate people involved in our industry and look forward to our journey together over the next 12 months and beyond.
07.01.2022 Ivf calves are really taking shape now after the flush in the season! Elmo Picasso (PP) progeny are all peas in a pod. #rockleybrahmans #ontrack #polledredbrahmans #ivfcalves #elmopicasso #breedplan #genomics #redbrahman
07.01.2022 This handsome little bull is taking shape. Sired by Elmo Picasso, out of a Lancefield D Bazuka female. Both his parents are homozygous polled. #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahmans #redbrahman #breedplan #genomics #ungarra
06.01.2022 Strong homozygous polled head on this weaner bull, who is sired by Elmo Picasso (PP) #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahman #redbrahman #australianbrahmanbreedersassociation #weanerbull #lovethebigears #outofkenrolhjraydaughter #breedplan #genomics
05.01.2022 Another new addition to the herd! #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahmans #ungarra #birthweights #elmopicasso #lowbirthweight #shortgestationperiod#breedplan #genomics #ungarra #redbrahman #australianbrahmans #agriculture
03.01.2022 Weaner bulls that were sent from Rockley to Ungarra. #rockleybrahmans #redbrahman #herdbulls #rockley #quietboys #coastalbred #ontoleucaena #curtiscarryingcompany
02.01.2022 Nice day for cutting some Leucaena at Ungarra! This paddock of leucaena is about 10 years old and we chopped every second row out, about 2 years ago. We might be able get some fresh growth, if we can get the forecast of an above average rainfall for winter.#ungarra #leucaena #morekilosofbeef #improvingproductivity #reducingcattlemethaneemissions
02.01.2022 Bull chat, three generations #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahmans #australianbrahmans #redbrahmansforsale #weaningtime #farmlife #sallykirkphotocredit
02.01.2022 Boys got some back! #rockleybrahmans #redbrahman #polledredbrahman #elmopicassoson #ungarra #breedplan #genomics #australianredbrahman
01.01.2022 I had the sire paddock in today and decided to weigh Elmo Picasso (PP) for interest. He was 1045kg OFF GRASS. He’s a real beef machine and a gentleman to handle. #rockleybrahmans #polledredbrahmans #elmopicasso #sirepower #lengthandwidthweighs #weightinamoderateframe #freemoving #breedplan #genomics #repronomics #bullsoutinamonth #ungarra #grassfedbeef
01.01.2022 Brahrock Raydar 6163 (IVF) (PS) Our $90,000 2020 Brahman Week selection. What an exciting prospect!... He’s a super soft son of the ‘Register Of Renown’ and household name, Kenrol Mr HJ Ray 0366 (ET) (PS). Blessed with a beautiful temperament and disposition. Crammed full of global genetics from here, the US and Africa. Terrific skin, hindquarter, balance, width, style and underline in a very complete package. His dam is a powerhouse female. Five sons at Brahman Week averaged $45,900 while two daughters averaged $16,000 earlier in the year. 220 good quality straws were collected in his first attempt at Rocky Repro. Raydar is now at home enjoying some females. Pictured is Raydar and his sire and dam. Kent B Ward 2020 All Rights Reserved
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