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Rockmybaby Hunter & Central Coast Regions

Phone: +61 2 4009 1771


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25.01.2022 A musical planatarium performance from Ernie, @katemillerheidke and Keir Nuttall's son. Tears of hilarity - Watch til the end! #repost . . #bumjokes... #ausnannylife #inhomecare #parentsupport #parentsnightout #nannies #babysitters #Nanny #Babysitter #nannylifeisthebestlife #nannylife #networkingnannies #Nannysupport #regionalnanniesrock #nannyeducators #infantcare #sleepandsettle #babywontsleep #sleepymama #huntervalleymums #merewethermums #newycafemums #adamstown #newcastlensw #newcastlebeaches #lakemaquariensw #centralcoastparents #nannyeducators #nanniesofaustralia #newcastlensw See more

25.01.2022 #thistooshallpass #rockmybabyvic #rockmybabyhcc #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle... #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw See more

25.01.2022 Last weekend our family went on our first camping trip of the season. We all had THE BEST TIME and it got me thinking about rituals and how important they are for memories. I used to go camping as a child and I can still smell the old canvas tent and remember the fun and exhaustion after a day of exploring, swimming, and just generally going free-range, away from the city. . I really hope that our camping adventures spur our children to want to give their children similar outdoor, active experiences, so that the cycle continues, especially as our world changes, as tech draws people indoors and away from nature. It is so important to seek out balance and connect with nature, and one another. Im working on a list, please shout out if you have a favourite camping spot that you go to. Id love to expand or explorations! xL

24.01.2022 The sun is out! Enjoy YOUR day! . A favourite of ours @drseuss . .... . . #drseussquotes #ohtheplacesyoullgo #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw See more

24.01.2022 Feedback like this just warms our hearts. We strive to have a wonderful relationship with our nannies and the families that use our services. It is what sets Rockmybaby apart. We know our nannies so well and many of them have been with us from the start - almost 9 years. We know that they are dedicated educators and carers and that they know their role well, respect family boundaries and are actively engaged with the children in their care. #regionalnanniesrock

24.01.2022 Sweet, sweet passionfruit is even sweeter when its heart shaped. Happy Friyay to you . . . .... #happyfriday #loveheartfruit #ausnannylife #inhomecare #parentsupport #parentsnightout #nannies #babysitters #Nanny #Babysitter #nannylifeisthebestlife #nannylife #networkingnannies #Nannysupport #regionalnanniesrock #nannyeducators #mumstobe #infantcare #sleepandsettle #centralcoastnsw #coasties #huntervalleymums #merewethermums #newycafemums #adamstown #newcastlensw #newcastlebeaches #lakemaquariensw #centralcoastparents #nannyeducators #nanniesofaustralia See more

24.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone . . . .... . . #springiscoming #ausnannylife #inhomecare #parentsupport #parentsnightout #nannies #babysitters #Nanny #Babysitter #nannylifeisthebestlife #nannylife #networkingnannies #Nannysupport #regionalnanniesrock #nannyeducators #mumstobe #infantcare #sleepandsettle #babywontsleep #sleepymama #huntervalleymums #merewethermums #newycafemums #adamstown #newcastlensw #newcastlebeaches #lakemaquariensw #centralcoastparents #nannyeducators #nanniesofaustralia See more

21.01.2022 YOU are your babies favourite toy . . .@ohmybaby_official .... . #interactionislearning #playbasedlearning #rainydaysareforplay #whoneedsapulltoywhenyouhavemummashair #ouch #sweetsmiles #babyjoy #nannyeducators #newcastlensw #centralcoastnsw #huntervalleynsw #regionalnanniesrock #rockmybabyhcc See more

20.01.2022 Tuesday Tip Book your sitter for the weekend NOW. If you leave it too late we will book out and we really don't like disappointing our beautiful families. . Book over the phone or via our website. .... . . . #babysittingbooking #christmasrushison #ausnannylife #rockmybabyhcc #inhomecare #babysittingservices #parentsupport #parentsnightout #nannies #babysitters #Nanny #Babysitter #nannylifeisthebestlife #nannylife #networkingnannies #Nannysupport #regionalnanniesrock #nannyeducators #mumstobe #infantcare #sleepymama #huntervalleymums #merewethermums #newycafemums #adamstown #newcastlensw #newcastlebeaches #lakemaquariensw #centralcoastparents #nannyeducators See more

20.01.2022 There are many different views around Tummy Time, if infants need tummy time to build their strength or if they will roll on their own. Pikler, a famous leader in early childhood education believes a child will roll, and enjoy tummy time when their bodies have the strength and when they are ready to. Your infant is continuously building their strength through stretching, reaching, grabbing, kicking, rocking and swaying. They are preparing their bodies for this rolling stage,... sometimes they might roll onto their tummy but struggle with rolling back. When you view this stage from the childs perspective, imagine laying on your tummy, hands by your sides or shifted in front of you but not having the strength to keep your neck lifted or push up with your arms Your infant might love tummy time and rocking about, or they might become a little frustrated with the strain on their necks and backs, not able to see what is happening in the world around them. ***Remember, there are always many answers to one question. There is an abundance of research around child development. ***Our answers will be based upon our Teams early childhood studies, experience and professional development. ***If you are really concerned about your childs learning and development, we will always recommend you have a child development professional observe your childs behaviours and play to support you. #rockmybabyhcc #rockmybabyQandA #questionsandanswers #childdevelopment #childslearning #childrenlearning #alwaysgrowing #learninganddevelopment #earlychildhood #0to5 #teaching #earlychildhoodeducation #eceteachers #passionateaboutteaching #childrenarethefuture #parenting #mychildlearning #supportingparents #parentquestions #tummytime #infantsmovement #infants #piklerapproach #respectfulpractice #throughtheeyesofachild #newcastlensw #mumsandbubsofnewcastle #centralcoastnsw #nannies #regionalnanniesrock

19.01.2022 #alwayswasalwayswillbe . . . #naidoc2020 #naidocweek2020... #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw See more

19.01.2022 Sweet, sweet passionfruit is even sweeter when it's heart shaped. Happy Friyay to you . . . .... #happyfriday #loveheartfruit #ausnannylife #inhomecare #parentsupport #parentsnightout #nannies #babysitters #Nanny #Babysitter #nannylifeisthebestlife #nannylife #networkingnannies #Nannysupport #regionalnanniesrock #nannyeducators #mumstobe #infantcare #sleepandsettle #centralcoastnsw #coasties #huntervalleymums #merewethermums #newycafemums #adamstown #newcastlensw #newcastlebeaches #lakemaquariensw #centralcoastparents #nannyeducators #nanniesofaustralia See more

19.01.2022 #Gentlehands . Happy Sunshiney Sunday Friends xx @kidsthemostbeatiful . #sweetbaby #cheepcheep #babybird #babylove #sweetconnection #nannies #regionalnanniesrock #rockmybabyhcc #newcastlensw #centralcoastnsw #huntervalleynsw... #nannylife See more

19.01.2022 RockmybabyHCC is still here to support you! Whether its a night out, a work commitment, or the need to get a job done, without the children in tow. . Before every casual booking or in-person interview we ask screening questions relating to contact, travel, and symptoms - yep, you know the ones! . You can make your booking online via our website or give our office a call on ... 0401 803 948 . . . . . . #pandemicprecautions #safetyfirstalways #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw #rockmybabyhcc See more

19.01.2022 Have a #supersunday everyone! . . . .... #familytime #funinthesunshine #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw See more

18.01.2022 Guilty . . . .... #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw See more

18.01.2022 Beautiful leaf art from @lito_leafart So intricate Happy first day of Spring! . . .... . #leafart #ausnannylife #inhomecare #parentsupport #parentsnightout #nannies #babysitters #Nanny #Babysitter #nannylifeisthebestlife #nannylife #networkingnannies #Nannysupport #regionalnanniesrock #nannyeducators #mumstobe #infantcare #sleepandsettle #babywontsleep #sleepymama #huntervalleymums #merewethermums #newycafemums #adamstown #newcastlensw #newcastlebeaches #lakemaquariensw #centralcoastparents #nannyeducators #nanniesofaustralia See more

17.01.2022 We noticed during shut down that lots of parents were asking about resources for teaching little ones. There is no rush! Play should be the basis of all learning for under 6s . Check out @nathandwallis and his @youtube channel for more insight as to why. . . . #letthechildrenplay #learningthroughplay #reggioemiliaapproach #inhomeeducators #nannies #educators #support #childdevelopment #interestbasedlearning #parentsofnewcastle #australianparents #newcastlensw #regionalnanniesrock #centralcoastnsw #huntervalleynsw #maitlandnsw

17.01.2022 In the first six months of an infants life, they are building their brain stem through the development of a secure attachment. Infants are in survival mode and use attachment as their form of survival . Our body kicks into using the brain stem when we experience stressful, traumatic events. It puts us into a state of fight, flight or freeze. It is connected to our basic survival functions such as heart rate, blood flow, temperature and our breathing . Infants between 0-6 mon...ths form a secure attachment with one parent (a dyadic relationship), then two. Infants will gradually introduce further secure attachments over a length of time. . Building your infants attachment: . Make eye contact during all intimate routines such as feeding, changing, putting down to sleep. Talk and sing to your infant, let them hear your voice, all the time throughout the day it doesnt matter what you talk or sing about. Just as long as they can hear you and see you and know that you are there #thefirst1000days See more

15.01.2022 Its so important to get that first impression right!

15.01.2022 Oh yeah! I remember those days too . Tell me, do you have food battles at your house? . .... . . . #foodbattles #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw See more

15.01.2022 Is it WEDNESDAY ALREADY?! . What have you done for yourself this week? . .... . . . . #selfcare #fillthatcup #schooolholidays2020 #support #parentsofaustralia #regionalnanniesrock #nannylife #nannycare #nannies #educators #carersofaustralia #newcastlensw #centralcoastnsw #huntervalleynsw See more

15.01.2022 Wishing you a wonderful Monday

15.01.2022 Yes, you can book online but we are also available on the phone. We absolutely love chatting with parents, answering their questions and helping them to feel at ease. . . . #newcastlelocalbusiness #huntervalleymums #rockmybabyhcc #noquestionistoosilly #parentsofnewcastlensw... #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newycafemums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw See more

14.01.2022 Well, Hello there! . . . .... . . Fredrik Ivansso . . #babyspam #beautifulsmile #rockmybabyhcc #newcastlelocalbusiness #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newycafemums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw See more

14.01.2022 Ah the mischief! . When you can, (because we know that it is not always going to be possible), let your children use everyday routines as a play opportunity. . .... #playislife #rockmybabyhcc #regionalnanniesrock See more

14.01.2022 "Play is no a break from learning. It is endless, delightful, deep, engaging practical learning. Its the doorway into the childs heart" -Vince Gowman . . . .... . . #learnthroughplay #ausnannylife #fortheloveofchildren #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw See more

13.01.2022 The first week of school is done! Who can relate? . . . .... #travelinglunchbox #rockmybabyhcc See more

13.01.2022 There is #strength in #teamwork and #collaboration . . . .... . . . #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw See more

13.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the male role models who support us. Have a wonderful day . . . .... . #happyfathersday2020 #dadsrock #ausnannylife #inhomecare #parentsupport #parentsnightout #nannies #babysitters #Nanny #Babysitter #nannylifeisthebestlife #nannylife #networkingnannies #Nannysupport #regionalnanniesrock #nannyeducators #mumstobe #infantcare #sleepandsettle #babywontsleep #sleepymama #huntervalleymums #merewethermums #newycafemums #adamstown #newcastlensw #newcastlebeaches #lakemaquariensw #centralcoastparents #nannyeducators #nanniesofaustralia #newcastlensw See more

13.01.2022 T_R_U_T_H . . . .... . . . #jerryseinfield #toddlertruth #springsunshine #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw

13.01.2022 Available nanny jobs! . LINK IN BIO for more information and details on how to apply! . Please no DM/PMs. . . #nannyjobs #workingparents #ausnannylife #inhomecare #parentsupport #parentsnightout #nannies #babysitters #Nanny #Babysitter #nannylifeisthebestlife #nannylife #networkingnannies #Nannysupport #regionalnanniesrock #nannyeducators #mumstobe #infantcare #sleepandsettle #babywontsleep #sleepymama #huntervalleymums #merewethermums #newycafemums #adamstown #newcastlensw #newcastlebeaches #lakemaquariensw #centralcoastparents #nannyeducators See more

12.01.2022 This is a cute idea for spring. Its all over quickly but the fun is also in the making and exploration right?...and they really do look like wriggly worms. . . . Thanks @7daysofplay... #springiscoming #playbasedlearning #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw

12.01.2022 RockmybabyHCC is still here to support you! Whether it's a night out, a work commitment, or the need to get a job done, without the children in tow. . Before every casual booking or in-person interview we ask screening questions relating to contact, travel, and symptoms - yep, you know the ones! . You can make your booking online via our website or give our office a call on ... 0401 803 948 . . . . . . #pandemicprecautions #safetyfirstalways #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw #rockmybabyhcc See more

12.01.2022 Unlocking that treasureOne Educator at a time . . . .... @emmagoldman #unlockingthetreasures #sympathy #kindness #generosity #centralcoastmumskids #localbusiness #huntervalleymums #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newycafemums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw See more

09.01.2022 From around 6 months to 2 years of age, your infants and toddlers will be building their Cerebellum; directly related to movement! This is where your infant continues to build their strength, balance and co-ordination to start rolling, crawling, walking through to running and climbing. It is important to note, infants and toddlers will all develop at their own pace, what they need is plenty of free movement opportunities to continue building their strength, their movement. ...Earlier is not better. Observe more, do less. Do less, enjoy more Supporting your infant and toddlers movement: - Free movement opportunities, in their most comfortable position. If your infant is not yet rolling, allow them plenty of time to lay on their backs to build their core strength. - Lots of support, guidance and encouragement. Allow them the time to try things for themselves. If you do things for them, you snatch the chance of them learning how to do it. - For your toddlers lots of free play outside where they can freely walk, run, climb to their hearts content.

09.01.2022 Have you started your Christmas shopping? . . . .... . #toddlergifts #christmas2020 #ausnannylife #inhomecare #parentsupport #parentsnightout #nannies #babysitters #Nanny #Babysitter #nannylifeisthebestlife #nannylife #networkingnannies #Nannysupport #regionalnanniesrock #nannyeducators #mumstobe #infantcare #sleepandsettle #babywontsleep #sleepymama #huntervalleymums #merewethermums #newycafemums #adamstown #newcastlensw #newcastlebeaches #lakemaquariensw #centralcoastparents #nannyeducators #nanniesofaustralia #newcastlensw See more

08.01.2022 It's so important to get that first impression right!

08.01.2022 Every child learns and develops at different ages, whats important is that you allow your child plenty of free play and free movement opportunities to learn and explore at their own pace. Do you have questions about your childs learning and development? No question is a silly question, chances are, many others are wondering the same thing! We are here to help. Our Teaching team is passionate about recognising and responding to child learning and development.... Post your questions in the comments below and we will ensure to include your question in our Q&A series! ***Remember, there are always many answers to one question. There is an abundance of research around child development. ***Our answers will be based upon our Teaching Teams early childhood studies, experience and professional development. ***If you are really concerned about your childs learning and development, we will always recommend you have a child development professional observe your childs behaviours and play to support you. #rockmybabyhcc #rockmybabychildcare #rockmybabyQandA #questionsandanswers #childdevelopment #childslearning #childrenlearning #alwaysgrowing #learninganddevelopment #earlychildhood #0to5 #passionateaboutteaching #childrenarethefuture #parenting #mychildlearning #supportchildren #supportingparents #parentquestions #tummytime #infantsmovement #infants #piklerapproach #respectfulpractice #throughtheeyesofachild #newcastlensw #parentsofnewcastle #centralcoastnsw #nannies #regionalnanniesrock

08.01.2022 Hand on heart I am so proud to say that in 8 years of service, we can't recall ever having a permanent nanny placement not work out, for any of our Families. But #3 is there for your reassurance. . We know what we are doing! We listen, we make that fit and some Rockmybaby nannies are in the same role today that we placed them in 2, 4, 6 years ago. . #qualitycare #regionalnanniesrock #weareyourvillage #educators #nannies #joinourfamily #continuityofcare #careernannies #letsworktogether #nannies #support #localbusiness #workingparents #newparents #familiesofnewcastle #babiesofnewcastle #maternityleavelife #rockmybabyhcc #newcastlenswaustralia #newcastlensw #newcastlebeach #newcastlebusiness #supportlocalbusiness

07.01.2022 Wishing you all a magical Wednesday #repost @awilderchild . .... . . . . #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw See more

07.01.2022 Happy Father's Day to all the male role models who support us. Have a wonderful day . . . .... . #happyfathersday2020 #dadsrock #ausnannylife #inhomecare #parentsupport #parentsnightout #nannies #babysitters #Nanny #Babysitter #nannylifeisthebestlife #nannylife #networkingnannies #Nannysupport #regionalnanniesrock #nannyeducators #mumstobe #infantcare #sleepandsettle #babywontsleep #sleepymama #huntervalleymums #merewethermums #newycafemums #adamstown #newcastlensw #newcastlebeaches #lakemaquariensw #centralcoastparents #nannyeducators #nanniesofaustralia #newcastlensw See more

06.01.2022 Please! Just five more minutes . Good morning Monday! .... . . #manicmondays #wishitwassunday #catsofinstagram #newcastlelocalbusiness #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newycafemums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw See more

06.01.2022 Nathan Wallis is famous for his brain research and has many videos online you can watch about your childs learning development and what might hinder or enhance their learning. He reminds us how first born children will always have 50,000 words spoken to them in their first year of life, vs. subsequent children who will hear 30,000. That undivided, one on one quality time and attention has positive outcomes in your childs learning progress. Do you have questions about your c...hilds learning and development? No question is a silly question, chances are, many others are wondering the same thing! We are here to help. Our Teaching team is passionate about recognising and responding to child learning and development. Post your questions in the comments below and we will ensure to include your question in our Q&A series! ***Remember, there are always many answers to one question. There is an abundance of research around child development. ***Our answers will be based upon our Teaching Teams early childhood studies, experience and professional development. ***If you are really concerned about your childs learning and development, we will always recommend you have a child development professional observe your childs behaviours and play to support you. #rockmybabyhcc #rockmybabychildcare #rockmybabyQandA #questionsandanswers #childdevelopment #childslearning #childrenlearning #alwaysgrowing #learninganddevelopment #earlychildhood #0to5 #passionateaboutteaching #childrenarethefuture #parentsofnewcastle #mychildlearning #supportchildren #supportingparents #parentquestions #tummytime #infantsmovement #infants #piklerapproach #respectfulpractice #throughtheeyesofachild #newcastlensw #centralcoastnsw

06.01.2022 Ta-dah! Introducing the brand spanking new 2021 @newcastle_baby magazine. . Isn't it pretty? . Newcastle's very own premium FREE mag for new and expectant parents. Chock full of wonderful, local antenatal and family support services and articles - - such as ours on Getting Back to Work after Baby!... . Find it online or at your local family focused business. . . . #backtoworkafterbaby #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw See more

06.01.2022 Happy #internationalfriendshipday2020 . . . .... #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw See more

05.01.2022 This is a cute idea for spring. It's all over quickly but the fun is also in the making and exploration right?...and they really do look like wriggly worms. . . . Thanks @7daysofplay... #springiscoming #playbasedlearning #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw #newycafemums #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw

04.01.2022 JOB ALERT! . Before and after school nanny required for family with 4 school aged children. Monday to Friday 15 hours a week. Nanny car available. $25-$30 per hour, depending on experience. START ASAP. .... Visit For more information on the position and how to apply See more

04.01.2022 Its raining again! Have you seen the surf lately? Here are some incredible pics from @daviddiehmphotography . . . #wildweather #surfsup #staysafeoutthere #thegreatoutdoors #australianwinter #australianeastcoast #newcastlebeaches #newcastleoceanbaths #newcastlensw #regionalnanniesrock @ Newcastle, New South Wales

03.01.2022 Just look at that face! Toilet training is one of those milestones that us parents psyc ourselves up for - lets face it, it can be a very messy time! But we need to remember that it isnt something that we decide to start, it needs to be child lead. . Save yourselves the stress and wait until your child is interested in using the toilet, wearing undies, telling you when they are going in their nappy, when they make that body/mind connection. . Will your child be interested in toilet training as the weather warms up? Have you got any strategies or tips to share?

03.01.2022 You have to be passionate and love what you do. But you also have to surround yourself with like-minded souls who also love what they do and wear that love, everywhere they go. I am always so grateful to our wonderful Team who keep CARE & SUPPORT at the centre of their role . #lovewhatyoudo #ittakesavillage #clientfeedback #nannyfeedback #rockmybabyhcc

02.01.2022 Do you have questions about your childs learning and development? No question is a silly question, chances are, many others are wondering the same thing! We are here to help. Our Team is passionate about recognising and responding to child learning and development. Post your questions in the comments below and we will ensure to include your question in our Q&A series!... ***Remember, there are always many answers to one question. There is an abundance of research around child development. ***Our answers will be based upon our Teams early childhood studies, experience and professional development. ***If you are really concerned about your childs learning and development, we will always recommend you have a child development professional observe your childs behaviours and play to support you. #rockmybabyhcc #rockmybabychildcare #rockmybabyQandA #questionsandanswers #childdevelopment #childslearning #childrenlearning #alwaysgrowing #learninganddevelopment #earlychildhood #0to5 #teaching #earlychildhoodeducation #nanniesaseducators #nannies #passionateaboutteaching #childrenarethefuture #parenting #mychildlearning #supportchildren #supportingparents #parentquestions

02.01.2022 Look out for our July promotion, coming your way next week. Stay tuned for more info! . . . .... #julypromotion #staytuned #tellyourfriends #HBDmonth #rockmybabyhcc #discountcode #newcastlensw #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw #babysittingservices #newcastlelocalbusiness #huntervalleymums #centralcoastmums #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newycafemums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock See more

02.01.2022 Chloe is a very experienced nanny, interested in a part-time role offering 30-35 hours a week. Please get in touch if you would like Rockmybaby to organise an introduction . . . .... #newcastlelocalbusiness #passionateaboutqualitychildcare #huntervalleymums #mumstobe #ausnannylife #nannylifeisthebestlife #newcastlebaby #newcastlebabies #centralcoastmumskids #weareyourvillage #centralcoastparents #mumsandbubsnewcastle #mumsandbubscentralcoast #parentsupport #lakemacq #newcastlensw #newcastleaustralia #huntervalleynsw #centralcoastnsw #newcastlelifestyle #newcastlechildcare #mynewcastle #newcastlebeach #newykids #newymums #newycafemums #newydads #regionalnanniesrock #nanniesofaustralia #nanniesofnewcastlensw See more

02.01.2022 Its a crazy world that we are living in at the moment - Reach out to a friend . One of the most important things you can do on this Earth, is let people know that they are not alone - Shannon L Adler . .... . . . #reachout #support #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle See more

02.01.2022 _Oh to be 6 again!_ . . . .... . . #6yearolds #rockmybabyhcc #ausnannylife #inhomecare #parentsupport #parentsnightout #nannies #babysitters #Nanny #Babysitter #nannylifeisthebestlife #nannylife #networkingnannies #Nannysupport #regionalnanniesrock #nannyeducators #mumstobe #infantcare #sleepandsettle #babywontsleep #sleepymama #huntervalleymums #merewethermums #newycafemums #adamstown #newcastlensw #newcastlebeaches #lakemaquariensw #centralcoastparents #nannyeducators #nanniesofaustralia See more

01.01.2022 It's raining again! Have you seen the surf lately? Here are some incredible pics from @daviddiehmphotography . . . #wildweather #surfsup #staysafeoutthere #thegreatoutdoors #australianwinter #australianeastcoast #newcastlebeaches #newcastleoceanbaths #newcastlensw #regionalnanniesrock @ Newcastle, New South Wales

01.01.2022 Hand on heart I am so proud to say that in 8 years of service, we cant recall ever having a permanent nanny placement not work out, for any of our Families. But #3 is there for your reassurance. . We know what we are doing! We listen, we make that fit and some Rockmybaby nannies are in the same role today that we placed them in 2, 4, 6 years ago. . #qualitycare #regionalnanniesrock #weareyourvillage #educators #nannies #joinourfamily #continuityofcare #careernannies #letsworktogether #nannies #support #localbusiness #workingparents #newparents #familiesofnewcastle #babiesofnewcastle #maternityleavelife #rockmybabyhcc #newcastlenswaustralia #newcastlensw #newcastlebeach #newcastlebusiness #supportlocalbusiness

01.01.2022 A musical planatarium performance from Ernie, @katemillerheidke and Keir Nuttalls son. Tears of hilarity - Watch til the end! #repost . . #bumjokes... #ausnannylife #inhomecare #parentsupport #parentsnightout #nannies #babysitters #Nanny #Babysitter #nannylifeisthebestlife #nannylife #networkingnannies #Nannysupport #regionalnanniesrock #nannyeducators #infantcare #sleepandsettle #babywontsleep #sleepymama #huntervalleymums #merewethermums #newycafemums #adamstown #newcastlensw #newcastlebeaches #lakemaquariensw #centralcoastparents #nannyeducators #nanniesofaustralia #newcastlensw See more

01.01.2022 It's a crazy world that we are living in at the moment - Reach out to a friend . One of the most important things you can do on this Earth, is let people know that they are not alone - Shannon L Adler . .... . . . #reachout #support #newcastlelocalbusiness #newcastlelifestyle See more

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