Rocky outrigger canoe club in Rockhampton, Queensland | Sports
Rocky outrigger canoe club
Locality: Rockhampton, Queensland
Phone: +61 438 968 885
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25.01.2022 Results from Oc1 Women’s OC2/V1 Men’s this afternoon
25.01.2022 Great effort guys and gals
25.01.2022 All 3 CAPROC teams had an amazing Sydney Harbour Challenge 2020. With Line Honours and 1st and 3rd in Master Mixed and 4th in the Senior Master Mixed we want to also acknowledge Cronulla Outrigger Canoe Club for loaning us 2 canoes this year. Cronulla have been supporting Rocky for a few years and we sincerely appreciate this support. We would also like to thank Robyn Saultry for writing our program to assist our two clubs Rocky And Cap Coast in the blending process and to achieve these fantastic results.
24.01.2022 Congrats to Kathy Barsby! Third in V1 500m Sprint at Aocra National Sprints.
23.01.2022 Obviously these two Pigeons didn’t read the memo about social distancing #LoveBirds
22.01.2022 Yatchbot Link for Today’s Marlin Coast challenge. Best of luck to all the competitors and a huge thank you to Port Douglas Occ for running this race every year and often giving up the opportunity to paddle yourselves. Small clubs often sacrifice themselves for the benefit of all. Thank you from all us paddlers!
22.01.2022 Congratulations to all our paddlers today. Amazing effort.
21.01.2022 Just a reminder that Cap Coast are hosting this Waipuhi training run this Sunday which we will adapt our Sunday training to and for our Rocky members to rsvp on Rocky Team app.
21.01.2022 What a difference two days can make on the ocean. Friday was picture perfect and crystal clear but today the wind was up! You could feel the excitement in the air in preparation for the Downwinder training today. A couple of our members will be disappointed they will miss
19.01.2022 Racing in the Cook Islands
18.01.2022 Hello AOCRA Paddling Family, A valued member of Club Outrigger Whitsunday based in North Queensland, is undergoing extensive cancer treatment. A 'Go Fune Me' has been set up, in order to assist Gina and NIck during this time. As quoted by author Chris, Nick and G are incredibly generous with their time in their community. We can repay that generosity in this scary time by telling them "You are not alone. We love you and we have your back." Thank you for your support. Every little bit helps.
18.01.2022 For our friends and family wanting to follow Yatchbots for our Mixed Teams tomorrow at Sydney Harbour Challenge 2020 at the same time as Live-streaming follow the link below. CAPROC 1 Master Mix 641 CAPROC 2 Master Mix 588 CAPROC 1 Senior Master Mix 412... #CAPROC #SHC2020 Capricorn Coast Outrigger Canoe Club
17.01.2022 Rocky Outrigger club is a registered Activity provider for Fair Play Vouchers. Contact us to Come and try Outrigging. We are located off Harman Street on the Fitzroy River Rockhampton.
17.01.2022 New Qld border Rules.!We have taken off late fees for any paddlers from NSW who are able and wanting to attend this event.
17.01.2022 No more paddling in silt! Yippee
17.01.2022 Dear Zones, Clubs, Members and Stakeholders Australian Canoe and Racing Association Ltd (AOCRA) is monitoring daily the current situation in relation to Coronav...irus and is receiving regular updates from; Sport Australia, International Va’a Federation (IVF), the AIS, the Australian Department of Health and the World Health Organisation (WHO). There is a link on the Australian Department of Health website and also a link on the AIS website under Health & Wellbeing which is updated daily with information in relation to sporting activity and also general information that is relevant to all members of the public and certainly would be of use to our wider outrigger paddling community. The current situation with the coronavirus throughout the world presents challenges to everyone. It is important that as leaders of our sport, we provide the latest information based on facts and share that information to encourage people to stay informed and take action on advice from reputable sources who are at the forefront of this virus in Australia. Today, the Government announced it will adopt the medical advice and ban non-essential organised gatherings of more than 500 people from this Monday 16 March as a precautionary measure. AOCRA fully support this directive and will provide a separate communication on the upcoming National OC6 Marathon Titles and Aussie AITO scheduled to be held this May 2020. People who are unwell should not attend public gatherings. AOCRA considers the safety and wellbeing of its members and supporters of paramount importance and as such will be monitoring the advice provided by Federal and State government and agencies. If necessary, further appropriate action to minimise risk to members and supporters will be taken based on advice of those agencies. AOCRA advocates the following guidelines set out by the World Health Organisation (WHO) authorities: Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand sanitizers or soap and water; When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or a tissue throw the tissue away immediately and wash your hands; Avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever and cough; If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing seek medical care early and share previous travel history with your health care provider. AOCRA respects all clubs and their members on how they may choose to participate in our outrigger paddling community as we are presented with an ever changing situation with the impact of the COVID-19 virus. We encourage all clubs and members to stay informed on the basic protective measures the public can take, such as the ones listed by the WHO. AOCRA position on Club Outrigger Training and Community Activities AOCRA recommends all Clubs and Members (athletes, coaches, managers, referees, officials and spectators) of the Association implement (at a minimum) the below set of actions for upcoming regattas of less than 500 people in a non-essential mass gathering and training sessions: Replace handshaking at the start and conclusion of games with (for example) fist pumps or thumbs up. Use labelled water bottles. These must be strictly single person use. Avoid use of communal water bottles. Take care with food handling at games; for example, fruit, snacks or lollies. Use tongs to serve or reconsider shared food. Continue to cover nose and mouth with tissue or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing. Keep 1.5m distance from anyone that is coughing or sneezing. Use alcohol-based hand wash available at the club facilities, officials tables, team benches and seat stands outside the change room. All athletes, coaches, managers and officials should wash their hands with soap and water and dry with paper towel prior to training and outrigger regatta events. Gloves should be worn when attending to athletes with injuries especially against blood exposure. Associations and Clubs should keep track of attendance at training and competitions to facilitate contacting at risk people if a case is detected with one of their team members or opponents. Any Member with flu-like symptoms should self-exclude from playing, coaching, training and spectating at the first sign of the symptoms and seek medical advice. Further advice on the Coronavirus COVID-19 can be found from the following recommended sources: Australian Government Department of Health ( or for general advice regarding COVID-19, call the Australian Government's Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080 World Health Organisation Link: All members of the outrigger paddling community should note that this is a rapidly changing situation and advice could change at any time. AOCRA will update the outrigger paddling community next week on the upcoming National OC6 Marathon Titles & Aussie AITO may 2020. Further, we will continue to communicate new advice and recommendations as advised by the respective Federal and State Government agencies. Yours in paddling Katherine Cole President, AOCRA Ltd
16.01.2022 Training Methodology: Paddle Faster for Longer We often hear that paddlers want more information on how to train. Mick Di Betta with Just Paddle is here to prov...ide that. Do you know the difference between low and high-intensity training? In his newest blog, Mick Di Betta explains in depth the difference between the two and the purpose for both in the competitive athlete's training program. It all begins with knowing your goal. What is your season goal? Comment below. Be sure to read Mick's blog post as you prepare for your OC1 training. #mykaiwaalife #trainefficiently #justpaddle #knowyourgoals @belikeliquid
16.01.2022 Tonight Rocky Outriggers hosted a thank you dinner for our volunteers and supporters who all helped Rocky co-host National Marathons one month ago. We had a tremendous turn out from our Local Coast Guard and volunteers even though the weather was a bit wet. Lucky draw prizes courtesy of Hand Kev and Tracey - KRT Australia were drawn with prizes going to Harley Edwards, Sonya Robinson, @Allan Barsby, Peter English, Darren Keily. Congratulations to these lucky volunteers and thank you. We hope you will be available again at our Waipuhi on Saturday 30th October.
16.01.2022 The effects of the drought are devastating. Today we received news that the boat ramp near our club house is now closed due to low water levels. At this stage the club can continue to launch its vessels from the front of the club house. Training continues... #PrayForRain
16.01.2022 Dear Zones, Clubs, Members and Stakeholders Over the weekend, the Board in consultation with the Zones agreed the best way forward is to align with the social ...distancing strategy being espoused by many health experts. That means any activity that requires travel, events or meet ups being held over the next 30 days will be postponed or where necessary cancelled. Today the Government directed that non-essential gatherings over 500 people are banned from Monday 16th March. The AOCRA Board have agreed at the AOCRA National level, all events scheduled during the next 30 days will be postponed. Each Zone have their own risk management plan and will announce how they will manage their scheduled events during the next 30 days. The Zones are working with Clubs on next steps and will communicate directly to all members within their region. With this being an ever changing situation day by day, the Zones will continue to update members in their region as required. Our national sub committees are currently working on strategies to ensure we continue the momentum in certain areas of the sport where face to face contact is not required. This includes using virtual meeting tools where possible. Our goal is to continue to monitor the situation, follow expert advice and take the appropriate action. This is a complex undertaking and we thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience. While we will certainly have challenges, we will look to each of you to help us navigate them. Please continue to be in direct contact with your Zone regarding next steps in your region and keep an eye out for further AOCRA announcements via email and Facebook. We recommend everyone follow the health experts’ advice to limit your exposure and practice social distancing for all non-essential activities and hygiene guidelines. Finally, maintaining open communication is critical to all at this time as the situation is changing day to day. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Yours in paddling Katherine Cole President, AOCRA
15.01.2022 Here's the latest info on COVID-19 for anyone going #ISOMAD
15.01.2022 Good morning Paddlers Today is your LAST CHANCE to buy tickets to our upcoming Gala Night in Townsville on 16th November !! Remember to jump online today ...and buy a ticket to our pinnacle event for the year All ticket prices include a 3 hr beverage pack ( non alcoholic for the juniors, of course ) So c’mon NQ Zone, lets get behind this amazing night and help us GIVE BACK to you, our members
14.01.2022 Cap Coast and Rocky getting ready for a mad down winder from Emu Park to Farnborough. Don’t let the calm conditions of the bay (pictured) fool you.
13.01.2022 A few photos of our amazing CAPROC teams from medal presentations for Sydney Challenge 2020 yesterday. Line honours, Gold and Bronze in Master mixed and 4th in ...Senior master mixed. Thank you Capricorn Coast and Rocky Occ for your support of our joint padding initiative. Thank you also to all our family friends and padding supporters. We really appreciate all the positive energy and hope we made you all proud. See more
12.01.2022 Come and grab a sausage at Bunnings.
12.01.2022 Huge thanks to Paddle Life Tv/ Millen family for continuing to support our NQ Events.
12.01.2022 Keep positive guys
11.01.2022 Nomination closing has been extended till Friday 23rd October.
11.01.2022 Great photo from our neighbours
10.01.2022 Thanks to Ocean Paddler TV for putting together this great highlight reel from the mixed race at the 2020 Sydney Harbour Challenge
10.01.2022 In case you’re wondering why all copies of The Morning Bulletin has sold out today, here’s the reason.
10.01.2022 PADDLING DURING COVID-19 If you don't have any friends, this information does not apply you. Unlike NSW and Victoria, Queensland does not have "essential service" legislation. Instead our Public Health Act contains provisions that give special powers to the Chief Health Officer to issue "public health directions". These directions bind all persons in Queensland regardless of residential address. You can view all the directions here: The Queensland Government is now working with multiple agencies, including the Queensland Police Service to enforce several public health directions such as the home confinement direction. [1] On the 30th March 2020, Maritime Safety Queensland issued an update relating to COVID-19 which applies to all maritime users including non motorised watercraft. You can view all the maritime Safety updates here: Important things to remember. Paddle only with one other person and maintain social distancing. Use only single person craft. Organise a paddle roster with your club so you don’t end up getting fined for having a mass gathering. Send the page admin of this Facebook page Easter Eggs. If you ignore the above and are in trouble you may want to consider the following defences*. 1. I’m attending a funeral. 2. We are part of the bridal party. * not intended as legal advice. If you’re stupid enough to ignore the above you deserve to be fined. [1]
09.01.2022 We hope everyone had a great Christmas. With the new year and decade just around the corner, Rocky club continues to train in preparation for 2020 events. Thanks to everyone who trained early this morning.
09.01.2022 Training this morning ensured the rules of social distancing were incorporated. Unfortunately the mosquitoes didn’t get the memo and motivated us to increase our cadence .
09.01.2022 For our Rocky and Cap Coast paddlers attending Sydney Harbour Challenge this weekend.
09.01.2022 Results from Event 3 Short Course all divisions, the first race of the weekend. It was a hard paddle out but I am sure most enjoyed then benefit for the homeward leg. Rest up ready for Event 1, next at 1pm The Oc1 Women’s V1 And OC2 Men’s It
09.01.2022 OFFICAL RESULT - GOLD Congratulations to Rocky outrigger canoe club and Capricorn Coast Outrigger Canoe Club for winning GOLD at this years Sydney Harbour Challenge. The team that won the event by a margin of 20 seconds, consisted of Emma, Kyelee, Darren, Adam, Kathy, Mick. We also received 1st and 3rd in the masters event and 4th in senior masters.... AOCRA event commentators summed it up as "It was an amazing battle up front, locked neck and neck the whole way! with CAPROC - a mix of Capricorn Coast and Rocky from North Queensland - finishing just a few boat lengths in front from Northern Beaches." AOCRA
08.01.2022 Something to think about. For those training MAF, You are already looking after yourself.
08.01.2022 We are super proud to have Kathy Barsby as a life member of the Rocky Club. Last night Kathy won the sportsperson of the year award, one of the most prestigious titles in any sport. When we asked Kathy about this recent achievement she said I am so honoured to receive the Nq zone Sportsperson of the year for 2019. I truly believe the more you put into the sport the more you get back. I have been extremely lucky in 2019 to have the journey and results with some awesome teams and I have made some truly amazing friends.
08.01.2022 Some great action footage at our 2019 Rocky Waipuhi thanks again to Paddle Life TV and the Joe Millen and Mel Melissa Millen!
08.01.2022 Maybe our next training session will involve running on the river?
07.01.2022 $500 reward for locating the person who stole the role of hand towel paper. #SuspectHasBigBum
07.01.2022 A guide for paddlers and Social Distancing: If you can reach someone with your paddle you're a bit too close. Help protect the vulnerable within the community and slow the spread of Covid-19 but definitely get out and keep paddling on your single crafts with your paddling family
07.01.2022 Wild conditions at this years Canoe Point Regatta #DownHillStart
06.01.2022 In this Volunteer Week, Rocky Outriggers would like to give a huge shoutout to all those who volunteer to make things a little easier or burdens a little lighter. Over the years there have been many of the same faces and new ones are always welcome. Your time and effort has been sincerely appreciated. Thank you!
06.01.2022 Message from Canoe point for regatta this weekend.
06.01.2022 We will be holding medal presentations at 11.30am tomorrow morning after the mixed/ski event and during registration for the men’s Oc1 women’s v1/OC2 event. Paddlers in the final event will need to ensure their transport is sorted prior to this prrsentations. The medals presentations and line honours for the last event will be held straight after on the beach.
05.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone
05.01.2022 Has anyone else been enjoying paddling on their own in the darkness of mother nature?
05.01.2022 That's all we saw of our 1st team ,there backs
04.01.2022 Better late than never... #WaitForIt
04.01.2022 Thanks for the coverage ABC Capricornia
04.01.2022 Unconfirmed reports of Rocky outrigger canoe club and Capricorn Coast Outrigger Canoe Club winning GOLD in the Mixed Division at the Sydney Harbour Challenge 2020. Standby for official announcement.
04.01.2022 The AOCRA Sydney Harbour Challenge is now open for registrations! The program has been sent to all current members and also available on #ilovesydney #aocrasydneyharbourchallenge
03.01.2022 Our 2nd team in action
03.01.2022 Looks like Mother Nature has setup some new obstacles.
03.01.2022 It was a pleasure to host Race 1. Best of luck to all for Race 2.
03.01.2022 What a way to end the day!
03.01.2022 A great day in Port Douglas for the Marlin Coast Outrigger Challenge. Thanks to Port Douglas Outrigger Canoe Club for hosting.
03.01.2022 Nice pic of our golden masters
03.01.2022 These little Joey V1’s are on their way to Mission Beach Occ in FNQ. On behalf of Rocky Occ and our juniors over the past few years we would like to Thank AOCRA Junior Development for the use of them and their contribution to our Juniors V1 development. Happy Paddling juniors with Mission Beach Occ.
03.01.2022 Best of luck to our Rocky members paddling at Marlin Coast tomorrow.Best of luck to our Rocky members paddling at Marlin Coast tomorrow.
03.01.2022 Three hour delay but we are finally about to depart Rockhampton and the Capricorn Coast for Sydney Harbour Challenge. #CAPROC #SHC2020 Capricorn Coast Outrigger Canoe Club
03.01.2022 This is a great cause. Rocky Outriggers lets get behind this cause again.
03.01.2022 Less than 10 days to go till the AOCRA OC1-OC2-V1 Championships. Preparations are well on their way with Batches of CHOCOLATE SLICE, Unique Medals, Safety Boats and Start Lists being prepared. We may not have been able to host Nationals with paddlers from all over Australia but there has been a great response with National and International Champions registering for our events. Men's divisions include Matt Abbot, Peter Dorries, Thomas Lunn, Jeff Renvoye, Flynn Rowe, Shon Si...emonek, Darrell Thoroughgood, and Danny Topfer. Women's divisions include Angela Cooper (GMW), Christine Den Elzen, Clare James, Tania Moohin, Robyn Saultry, Lisa Ward and Flea White. So whilst we are all waiting with excitement to see who will WIN Line Honours in 2020, the 2020 AOCRA Championships have all divisions covered from U16 (Saige and Roy) to Platinum Men (Alan), International Champions to locals Outrigger and Ski who know the course, and we even have a couple who have challenged each other and themselves to paddle V1 (isn’t that right Trudy and Kathy?). Rumour even has it secret squirrel training has already commenced on the course in preparation for the championships for some Golden Masters from Bundy who arrived early to holiday on the Capricorn Coast.... Late fees have been temporarily removed so if you want to nominate get in quick before they go back on and if the borders open before the Championships we will welcome paddlers from other states. If nothing else this great footage from PaddleLife Tv should inspire you to come. Its well worth the trip.
02.01.2022 Sunday Morning set up Rocky Outriggers - Fitzroy River Rockhampton. There is nothing like an early morning paddling session to start your Sunday.
02.01.2022 Some great photos by Marty Strecker at Canoe Point regatta. Thanks Marty
01.01.2022 ** SAFETY TIP OVER HOLIDAYS ** Whether you're going for a paddle or just looking for the right beach near you, Surf Life Saving Australia's Beachsafe app includes the location, weather, surf conditions and hazards plus the local facilities for all Australian beaches. Beachsafe also provides expert advice about rip currents, flags and signs, waves, marine creatures, surf skills and more.... The Beachsafe app is available on Apple and Android devices.
01.01.2022 Dear Members, Clubs, Zones and Stakeholders, RE:Current position on COVID-19 Update Clubs continuing to Manage Risk and Paddler Welfare 1. Background... 1.1. As you are all aware, the attempts to limit the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia and globally mean we are living in unprecedented times. 1.2. Our priority is the health of our paddling community and minimising the risk of members contracting COVID-19. We also seek to ensure that the practices of Australian Canoe and Racing Association (AOCRA), our affiliated Zones and Clubs do nothing to increase the likelihood of the spread of COVID-19 amongst the broader Australian community and those more vulnerable members in particular. 1.3. The Australian Government issued COVID-19 Community Sport Guidelines to National Sporting Organisations. We ask our Zones and affiliated Outrigger Canoe Clubs (Clubs) to make themselves familiar with these guidelines. This communication has been written consistent with them. 1.4. AOCRA has liaised with Paddle Australia and reviewing the announcements from Sport Australia (SA), the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) and Paralympics Australia daily as well as engagement with other National Sports Organisations (NSOs) to ensure a coordinated approach to the current risks. 2. Advice from AOCRA 2.1. We have had several requests from our Clubs and other water sport disciplines seeking urgent guidance in relation to the decisions that they are making as to what activities can take place and what extra precautions should be considered to minimise the risk of the spread of COVID-19. AOCRA stresses that decisions need to be made by each Club taking into account the different circumstances in which they operate. 2.2. The guidance below is provided based on the best information available as at 18th March 2020. Further updates will be provided as new advice on the control of the spread of COVID-19 becomes available. 2.3. As our community well knows, exercise and participation in paddling is an important part of maintaining physical and mental health. With the current uncertainty, AOCRA seek to ensure that the very real benefits of paddling can continue to be enjoyed, albeit in a more limited way than normal. This will require all paddlers to assume an even greater level of personal responsibility than usual. 2.4. Zones and Clubs should always act in accordance with the general advice available from the Department of Health and any Federal or State recommendations or requirements that are applicable. AOCRA offers the following information and advice: 3. Outrigging Activities 3.1. The activity of paddling outdoors generally meets the requirements of ‘social distancing’, with paddlers normally more than the required 1.5 metres apart, even during competition. ‘Social distancing’ should be a consideration when afloat, particularly when paddling for recreation. 3.2. Club activities generally involve limited numbers of paddlers that paddle together regularly. Zone regattas, Club Corporate Days and inter-club trainings can create greater risks and involve additional travel. AOCRA’s advice is that club activities and events should be limited to club members only until further notice. 3.3. The use of team boats, including OC2, V3 & V6 outrigger canoes, often involves paddlers being closer than 1.5 metres apart. In certain circumstances protocols may be able to be put in place that address the requirements for social distancing. However, very regrettably AOCRA’s general advice is that team boat activity at Clubs should not take place until further notice. 3.4. The training of new participants is an important activity for many Clubs. Clubs may consider continuing this activity assuming all the advice contained in this note can be followed and that social distancing requirements can be adhered to, other than to ensure the safety of new participants. 4. Gatherings 4.1. The Australian Government has advised that organised, non-essential gatherings outside should be limited to 500 people and 100 people at indoor venues. This restriction impacts very few paddling activities and events. Clearly non-essential social gatherings, particularly those that involve larger numbers, should not take place. 4.2. Even with fewer participants, briefings and face to face meetings, especially when held indoors, often mean that ‘social distancing’ can be difficult. AOCRA’s advice is that such briefings and meetings should be avoided, with information provided in writing, online and or virtual meetings. 4.3. Where a club has changing facilities, these can often become crowded, again making ‘social distancing’ difficult. During this period, paddlers should be encouraged to make other arrangements if practical and to take showers at home. Clubs should consider more frequent cleaning of all common areas, and especially toilets and changing rooms. Where practical, changing rooms should be closed. 5. Health and Hygiene Practices 5.1. Paddlers that are unwell or symptomatic, or that have returned to Australia within the last 14 days, or that have been exposed to anyone that has COVID- 19 within the last 14 days should not attend events or club premises. 5.2. Paddlers with pre-existing conditions that are known to be impacted by COVID- 19 should not attend events or club premises until further notice. 5.3. Hand hygiene remains the single best action individuals can take to reduce their risk of acquiring or spreading any respiratory or gastrointestinal tract infection. Hands should be washed frequently with soap and water. 5.4. Hand sanitisers should be freely accessible at your venue. Strategic placement may include at the entry/exit, and other high throughput areas. 5.5. Those coughing and sneezing should do so away from other people and into a tissue, their elbow or hands. Tissues should be disposed of immediately and hands washed thoroughly. 5.6. Drink bottles should not be shared. Individuals should label their drink bottle and clean it in soap and water after each session. 5.7. All communal or shared sporting equipment should be thoroughly cleaned after each use. This should include paddles in particular. 5.8. Clubs should print and place signage throughout your facility to remind people of the recommended infection control practices. These resources can be found here campaign 6. COVID-19 cases at your Club 6.1. If a case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in a member of your Club or a confirmed case has attended your activity or event, please contact your state health authority immediately to get further advice on what steps need to be followed. Clubs can assist the state public health authorities to provide prompt advice by: 6.1.1. Keeping a record of who has attended an activity or an event and what day and time the activity or the event took place; and 6.1.2. Providing the contact details of those who have attended the event or activity. 6.2. Advise AOCRA. 7. Insurance and Risk Management 7.1. All aspects of our current insurance program with our insurance provider; Arthur J Gallagher remain in force in relation to all sanctioned Club trainings, Club and Zone regattas and AOCRA events. 7.2. All Zones and Clubs should review their risk management plans and update to current to clarify all paddling activities and events where the risks can be appropriately managed can continue. The exact wording of all AOCRA’s policies can be found 20v1_14.pdf. 8. General We are in uncharted waters. Many of us are encountering issues we have not seen before. Now, more than ever, be supportive of your fellow paddlers. If you feel at any time that you are not coping, ask for help. If you need clarification on any of the advice above, please let us know. We won’t have thought of everything and we will provide more information as when we can. We will provide a further directive on future events shortly. Yours in paddling, Katherine Cole President, AOCRA Ltd