Roebourne Deadly YOUTH | Youth organisation
Roebourne Deadly YOUTH
Phone: +61 400 914 308
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25.01.2022 So thankful, our page has reached 800 likes and that is a milestone. I havn't posted up for a while so now I am going get moving and flood this page with up and coming information and opportunities. Community matters and so do you.
25.01.2022 Good morning Roebourne I thought that you would appreciate this...Always take a thought and think about your actions. A simple smile, hello and help you give someone you could be saving that person's life. Stay true!
25.01.2022 This message is for all of us...this message is for you. Have you ever thought of how you could change the world...Start with making your bed. Stay blessed Roebourne.
25.01.2022 Good morning Youth and Elders. May this week ahead be a fantastic one despite having experienced Sorry Business for many of our families. What makes this community unique is a praying community and encouragement from our elders who has your best interest at heart and pray for unity, success and healing. Have respect and know that you can pull through any challange if you choose to. Be blessed and be a blessing. PEACE!!
24.01.2022 Take note families
24.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS TO PCYC and the great mentoring you do with our Youth and kids in the community. What a tremendous milestone. Well done! Community get behind this organisation.
23.01.2022 ALTERNATIVE TO MILK.....Hi Roebourne deadly Youth and Families. This young man really inspired me last year, learning is knowledge, knowledge is power. An alternative to milk is in his recipe. Going back to the land and healing ourselves, our mind, our bodies. Truly amazing.
23.01.2022 Happy Thursday Roebourne Youth and Community. Have an amazing day living the fullest of your potential and always be respectful of others around. Have a Jesus Day. Peace!!
23.01.2022 WAT WAT Roebourne Youth....Karla Hart is coming to town. She will be hosting Aboriginal Strong Beautiful Women's Gathering on the 29th September, 2016. This is going to be a stella evening for all the Ladies.
22.01.2022 Happy Monday Ya'll well Christmas is just around the corner and there is definitely some fun times ahead so its time to get celebrating but remember this is your last week of school before you break for the season so continue to be good and kind and respectful. Peace!
22.01.2022 Hi all my Roebourne Families, friends and family everywhere. I really wanted to share this with you all because it targets 1 man's journey to wellness. Take heed..I really want to encourage not only our young people and mothers but more so our FATHERS...Power up with love and a better tomorrow. You are our LEADERS today for our children's right to stand TOMORROW. peace!
21.01.2022 Good morning family, Here is an amazing opportunity for one of our locals to apply for a part time role or if you know anyone else living in Hedland. Please share this to your networks.
21.01.2022 Hey Roebourne tune in for some inspiration music and encouragement through the word tomorrow with Aunty Mitsy. Have a great weekend.
21.01.2022 How is this for Deadly Roebourne Roebourne Deadly YOUTH
20.01.2022 Good morning Roebourne. Anyone own this little three legged wonder dog. Spotted near Ngaarda Media and like the flash took off before you knew it he or she ended up near the post office. Last spotted up near the hospital. See now that's fast alright.
20.01.2022 A must to attend
20.01.2022 Here's a little something from our talented young people back home. Interested in making sweet melodies like this then hook me up with your name below
19.01.2022 Well look at what we have here Roebourne Youth. Yep you guessed it. It is nearly that time when preparation is on hand to celebrate the reason for the season. CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN FROM DECEMBER GUYS
19.01.2022 Its up to you Roebourne Youth to carry on the culture and stories of our ancestors. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. My acknowledgements to Roebourne Community and all those working tirelessly to ensure that culture is alive and well. Happy Thursday Roebourne Youth
19.01.2022 Well, I just want to share just how proud I am of this young woman for all the contribution she has given to the Yaandina Youth Service. She never waived from daily tasks and she demonstrated true commitment. Five years on and she is finally saying 'See you Later' to pursue her passion in the arts. It has been an incredible journey and experience I'm sure she will never forget. I am so proud of you ma baby sis for going the extra mile and even though it wasn't quite your ...cuppa tea you definitely put your heart and soul into each day. Your relationship with the young and old was that of respect and applied confidence. You were faced with some challenges and you dealt with them in a way that only a true professional would, with integrity and complete confidentiality. You never complained about your wages and you quietly gave of yourself to each child a personal side that made each one feel valuable and loved. I am so proud of you Moko and thank you for stepping in and stepping up. Time for you to 'Welcome new Opportunities into your Horizon'. Roebourne thank you for looking after my sister and may you all enjoy your journey with your new Youth Workers. God Bless Roebourne See more
18.01.2022 An amazing event coming up guys.
18.01.2022 Firstly, massive congratulations to Karratha City Youth Service, RYCN, PCYC, Yaandina Youth Centre and all the services who contributed to Youth Week. Final celebration was awesome. Week 1 of the School Holiday done and dusted. Happy easter Roebourne Youth....Stay safe over the weekend and see you all at Week 2 of the School Holiday Programme. Bless you all and your families x
17.01.2022 Good morning Roebourne Youth, well I havn't been here for a while but nethertheless we havn't forgotten you. Thank you to Big Hart for putting together this amazing event and cause to bringing awareness and understanding to the needs of our community - Crisis Shelters in Communities. You ain't seen it yet, then your about to. Go to the website and show your support. This features our very own young people from our community and something to be proud for because we are about making change one person at a time. Have a fabulous November family. Peace x
17.01.2022 I love Tuesday it tells me I made it through the start of the week. Well what is happening around the place well there is definitely plenty to do. It was pumping at the Youth Centre last night and thank you to the Youth team for putting on dinner.....Spag bowl on toast. Tonight I believe its curried sausages....yummy. So, if you can keep a prayer in your heart for someone who is going through some stuff and finding it hard to express how they feel. Keep encouraging that... person and let them know everything is going to be alright. You all stay safe and warm and remember 'RESPECT' goes a long way. Peace out Roebourne Youth. Photos of kids typical activities that happen at the Youth Centre: Day trips and Cooking to name a few
17.01.2022 Hey Roebourne come on down to the Aboriginal Christian Church tonight to hear the testimonies of locals taking a stand for good health. 6.30pm TONIGHT
16.01.2022 Roebourne Youth Concert back in 2013....lead up from the School Holiday Program. This concert featured a few of our Volunteer Youth Mentors Hemi Hinaki (recently celebrated his 21st), Star Star Livè Lemalu (Amanda Livè, Willie), Anahera Mohi, Mauake Watson, Joshua Marsters, Leah Moko Ratana, Mahalia Hinaki, James Hollands, Niggy James and many more amazing youth mentors who I will forever be so grateful for, Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts and strength for keeping all the Roebourne Kids safe and pumped throughout this Youth Holiday Program. Not the same without you lovelies. Love all these kids.
15.01.2022 Hi Roebourne Youth....Week 2 of the School Holiday Program and there is lots of fun activities happening in and around town. So if your feeling bored then get out to the various organisations that are holding fun activities. PEACE!
15.01.2022 One of my favs....Michael Jackson. Have a Hallowing time youth as we draw closer to celebrate this event right here at the Youth Centre next Monday.
15.01.2022 Make a Joyful Noise Roeboure. Tune in to 96.1FM this weekend for a jam-packed gospel show with your girl Mitsy. Featuring our guest Simon Harrison who will be sharing about his faith and love for evangelism in the Pilbara.
14.01.2022 Awesome to be hanging with ma mob ROEBOURNE Deadly Youth for Life
13.01.2022 Hanging with the kids at the Youth Centre
12.01.2022 Happy Monday Roebourne Youth. I found this today and it was taken of one of our young people back home. A lesson of love for the elderly. It doesn't take much to show respect and love for one another. An encouragement for the day. Word for the Day....RESPECT!
11.01.2022 There is something to be said when you've had the opportunity to be in the presence of Nick and Miranda. Nick you blitz straight into the Community, added some sugar and spice to Yaandina, trail blazed in all aspects of Community, Boards and smiled that beamed as bright as sunlight every time your darling entered the room. With little time spent, memories made, peace at last after all the pain. The love you leave behind is now our sweetheart to care for as you take your bow to this life. Good night Oh Prince and forever Rest in love Nick Your friend
11.01.2022 Great workshops online....get on it today
11.01.2022 Have a blessed day Roebourne Youth and make a difference today
10.01.2022 Happy Wednesday Roebourne Youth and Parents. It's been a while since my last post however I wanted to share this post to shed some light on some of the conflicting issues that our indigenous are experiencing back home. This is definitely not something that only they are going through there but is a discussion to be had everywhere. I hope this brings some awareness to your thoughts. Have a blessed day.
09.01.2022 Oh my Lord March is nearly upon us and I hadn't even spent any time flooding our page with news and views from around the Community. Holla at ya girl if you have anything to share otherwise I will raise some community information for ya'll once I've completed my gathering. Peace Ya'll and have a Marvellous Monday being your unique self x
09.01.2022 ROEBOURNE EVENT - You have to be here. Come on down and support the amazing stories shared through local artists. See you all there
09.01.2022 Happy Wednesday Roebourne Youth....Law and Culture is upon us and now families have gathered out at Woodbrook. There are still many left in town so if you don't have anything to do then get yourselves down to the Yaandina Youth Service, PCYC for fun and games or a sit and Yarn with the your friendly Youth Team. A big congratulations to all men who are going through Law. Peace Ya'll x
08.01.2022 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 ROEBOURNE YOUTH. There is so much happening in and around town this year so I hope that you are ready to invite in new opportunities. School Holiday Programs are well and truly under way in Roebourne. So, check out the Yaandina Youth Centre and PCYC for dates and activities. They will be hosting activities this month of January. Have a blessed month.
08.01.2022 Happy Monday Roebourne Youth, Well I hope you all had an amazing weekend as I have. This week in the community it's looking pretty busy so don't forget to get around and do something interesting. Here is a list of what's happening around town: 2.30 - 8 pm Yaandina Youth Center After school activities and a movie night with your friendly Youth team... 3.00 - 4.00 pm Youth Practice with Patrick Churnside Ngurin Center 5 pm Mum's Monday at the Gurlu Gurlu Maya Center So, there is no excuses why there isn't anything to do...... Have a wonderful day ahead and remember stay fresh and respectful
07.01.2022 Inspirational Mentor for young indigenous
07.01.2022 Happy Wednesday Young people. Listen if you are not doing anything this weekend. Then get a ride out to Cossack and enjoy some wonderful music from talented singer who was on The Voice. Keep cool till after school young ones and remember 'look after one another its not cool being a bully'. Peace!
05.01.2022 Could one friend please copy and re-post? We are trying to demonstrate that someone is always listening. #SuicideAwareness Just one person Thanks
05.01.2022 Saturday Morning is never the same when you tune into Get Your Praise On with Mitsy. Come and celebrate Jesus with an hour of power and only on Ngaarda Media 96.1FM
05.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 6 ABORIGINAL MEDICAL STUDENTS WHO ARE CELEBRATING THIS WEEKEND OF ACHIEVEMENTS. NOW, let's see if they will send any of these wonderful doctors and nurses our way.....HAPPY FRIDAY YA'LL
04.01.2022 Just putting it out there to our Roebourne Community. Are there any bands in town available to perform at the Pannawonica Naidoc Celebrations. Please holla
02.01.2022 Planning on travelling in the next couple of weeks, months or ready to travel now. PM me for savings value today. Save to travel on flights, cruises, hotels with iBuumerang today. Let's see the WORLD with the 14th fastest growing Co.
02.01.2022 What are you waiting for. Now is the time to seize your employment opportunity. And if you want assistance with your resume I will post up links and services for you to reach out to for help.
01.01.2022 Good morning Roebourne Youth Community. It certainly has been a long time since I've posted last so I wanted to start off with this small post that I found of the World Sevens Rugby Competition. This reminds me of the importance of where we place children. High above as demonstrated here by the Fijian team. I reflected on this and saw that it wasn't just one man that held this baby high above but it was many. A beautiful reminder of how we should be in life. It takes a village to raise a strong child, it takes many to raise a warrior, it takes us all to grow and teach a child to stand strong within family, school, work, community. It takes a Child to show the world what he or she is truly made of. Be blessed everyone and have a happy Sunday
01.01.2022 Have a blessed day Roebourne
01.01.2022 We are so fortunate today to be living in a place where we can get dropped off at school or catch the bus...unlike the old days where our grandparents would walk for miles on end just to get anywhere. Well things havn't changed much. Be grateful for what you have in other countries kids are still walking 2.5 hours to get to school. Because when all is said and done and you have a achieved your great heights in life you can turn around....take a deep breath and say 'I DID IT'!! Be grateful and allow yourself to transend beyond your own capabilities because you have the ability to do great things. Bless Roebourne kids
01.01.2022 Join me this morning on 96.1FM with more Praise and Worship to uplift your day. Happy Sabbath and God bless the Pilbara
01.01.2022 Happy Tuesday Roebourne...well if your wondering where Youth Worker Moko is then here she is. Moko previously worked for Yaandina Youth Service in Roebourne. Moko travels between New Zealand and Karratha completing projects and on this occassion she attended the funeral of our Music Teacher and Mentor Rick Witoko. Here she is featured on the final night performance in Memory of one of our greatest musicians ever.
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