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Rokeby Twilight Trail Run | Other

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Rokeby Twilight Trail Run

Phone: +61 424 333 576


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24.01.2022 Thank you to all that took part in our virtual run! Provided you inboxed or emailed proof that you ran on our virtual run, you’ll be getting one of these very soon! #rokebytwilighttrailrun #rokeby

24.01.2022 Thanks to all of those that have signed up this afternoon and taken advantage of our special! If you’re sitting on the fence, jump onboard as this offer expires at 11:59 tonight! See you all on February 27th!!

24.01.2022 If you’re local to the Rokeby area, make sure you head on out to the reserve and support this great little local business Franklin and the Bean - they’re serving all of your coffee, tea and hot jam donuts needs! Great reward after venturing out along the rail trail! #rokeby #franklinandthebean #rokebyrailtrail #lovegippsland

23.01.2022 The Rokeby Twilight Trail Run team wish you a very Merry Christmas! Stay tuned for our Christmas present to those looking for an entry to our 2021 event! #rokeby #rokebytwilighttrailrun #loverokeby #lovegippsland #lovebawbaw #trailrunning #RTTR

22.01.2022 The champions at The Yarragon Bakery have kindly donated us Hot Cross Buns for the Good Friday Run.. These will be cooked in Pellegrino Pizza pizza oven. You won’t be able to resist that smell will you? % of purchase going straight to the @yarragon_good_friday_appeal.... There will also be a Hot Cross Bun eating challenge....... Who can eat the most Buns in 60secs??? $5 to enter with the winner receiving a free entry to either The Hallora Marathon or our own event the Rokeby Twilight Trail Run #bawbawrunners #goodfriday #goodfridayappeal #yarragongoodfridayappeal #hotcrossbuns #hcb See more

21.01.2022 Happy Monday followers Feel free to come along this Saturday and experience some of the Rokeby trails we use for the Twilight Trail Run. We'll be respecting social distancing rules of groups with a max limit of 20 and split into smaller multiple groups if the need requires. ... Cheers The Rokeby Twilight Trail Run Team

20.01.2022 If you’re heading to the Rokeby Market this weekend be sure to head over to Crossover and check out Kerrie Warren Art

20.01.2022 RTTR EVENT UPDATE: We are saddened to announce the 2020 ROKEBY TWILIGHT TRAIL RUN wont be going ahead on November 28th. Working alongside local authorities, as a team we have decided that we’d like to allow the new COVID safe rules to settle before hosting the event, allowing all entrants and team behind the scenes time to ensure everybody can stay safe while enjoying the sweet trails we love to run on! ... In saying this the team has decided we have a better chance of achieving more by postponing until February 27th 2021. We’ll keep working towards creating a great event where you’ll be able to enjoy the beauty of the Rokeby trails! In the mean time, stay positive and keep running! We look forward to seeing you on Feb 27th at Rokeby!! We thank each and everybody for your support of this event, with some luck we’ll be able to make it happen!!

20.01.2022 Thank you to Parks Victoria for their ongoing support of the Rokeby Crossover Friends Group and our mission to help protect the Crossover Regional Park from illegal activities like illegal vegetation removal. Unfortunately this continues to happen and we ask everybody for support by reporting any incidents through to Victoria Police #rcfg #crossoverregionalpark

19.01.2022 Shout out to the Warragul Osteopathic Clinic who are open for business during stage 3 restrictions, they’ll take care of you and your body while you’re taking care of those around you!

16.01.2022 **** SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT CYBER MONDAY SPECIAL ***** Happy Monday Everybody - Due to the overwhelming support of our Black Friday sign up special, we’re holding a Cyber Monday sign-up special; details below!! Anybody that signs up for the Rokeby Twilight Trail Run today - until 11:59pm this evening, will get one of these special edition buffs! ... Simply follow the link below to sign up: And don't worry - if you've already signed up for the event, you'll be getting one of these too! See you all on the RTTR start-line February 27th 2021!

14.01.2022 It’s all happening down on Burke street this evening! Wood fired pizzas being served up by the @pellegrinopizzatrailer and some sweet tunes being blasted across the park by @djnige_ If you’re close by - swing past and support this great local setup! #lovewarragul #lovegippsland #pellegrinopizza #djnige

14.01.2022 OVER $2500 RAISED from our event and OVER $30,000 RAISED BY THE @yarragon_good_friday_appeal We would like to send out a huge THANK YOU to everyone that made this first @bbr_good_friday_run possible. It started only a short time ago when the @yarragon_good_friday_appeal made contact with the @bawbawrunners inviting us to join forces and help raise money for the Appeal. With plenty of crazy ideas being thrown around we decided that a run from Rokeby to Neerim South would work... perfect being a public holiday and no other runs being held. With Veenstra83 & @sallytheobald onboard as event organisers this was set to run smoothly. The hard work we put in made everything fall into place. We need to thank all donations that were made: all registered runners whose entry free was donated, and any extra contribution including the money tin and merch sales @pellegrinopizzatrailer for their amazing pizzas and cooking the hot cross buns The @yarragonbakery for the 200 hot cross buns, which were a huge hit @gippslandjersey for the much needed butter. Drouin Signs for the amazing looking bibs and stickers. @design_with_zach who designed the best looking logo for us. Rokeby Friends Group for the use of the reserve and trails. @yarragon_good_friday_appeal for backing us all the way and helping to promote the event. And of course the @bawbawrunners, @rokebytwilighttrailrun & The @halloramarathon for jumping on board. We are overwhelmed by the generosity by people to make this day happen. With today being a success we are please to announce that this will be happening again in 2022. #rttr2022

13.01.2022 Given the Rokeby Twilight Trail Run has experienced weather of polar opposites - imagine running on the trails with snow! This was taken yesterday just up the road from the Rokeby trails! #RTTR #rokebytwilighttrailrun #Rokeby #lovegippsland

13.01.2022 The weather certainly is turning it on today! Franklin is out at the Rokeby Reserve helping you celebrate Father’s Day! Come on out and treat your dad to a delicious ham and cheese toastie, or a sweet treat and coffee. To make the most of coming out, be sure to explore the Rail Trail or some of the most gorgeous bush tracks in Gippsland. ... #lovegippsland #rokeby #rokebyrailtrail #fathersday #sundayfunday #toasties #alimentos #swigcoffee #bushwalk

12.01.2022 A massive Thanks to Damien and Dale for repairing the picnic area in the Rokeby flora and fauna reserve today after it was damaged by a fallen tree. Looking much better now! Great work by the Rokeby Crossover Friends Group! #lovegippsland #rokeby #rokebyfloraandfaunareserve #lovebawbaw

12.01.2022 Back by popular demand - the Rokeby Twilight Trail Run Buff! Brighten up even the dullest day!! Pricing includes postage.

11.01.2022 With illegal removal of firewood sadly regularly occurring in the Crossover regional park - we request that anybody who witnesses this activity to report the occurrence but only when safe. Thank you for your ongoing support.

10.01.2022 32 keen trail runners made an appearance at Rokeby this morning for a taste tester of the @rokebytwilighttrailrun . Numbers were outstanding with teams made up of locals, crews from Melbourne and even Traralgon & Latrobe Valley. We hit the trails in 3 groups, with @paulpratt20 , Chris & Craig leading the front pack, @winterton_michael giving the 2nd crew the low down on the area & @chris_buckingham sweeping so no one went missing, appreciate the help lads. For some it was first taste of trail running and others were back to experience Rokeby once more. Huge thanks to everyone for making the effort to come along and from all reports it seems you all enjoyed it. The revised date for the @rokebytwilighttrailrun is the 28th November. Get on board #bawbawrunners #rokebytwilighttrailrun #rokeby #melbourneinstarunners #traralgonharriers #trailrunning #visitbawbaw #discovergippsland #trailrunningaustralia #run @ Rokeby, Victoria, Australia See more

10.01.2022 Lately we’ve been working very closely with the teams of Parks Victoria and DELWP Gippsland in their joint venture Operation Hollows. Operation Hollows aims to help stamp out illegal firewood removal from Victoria’s Forests, Parks and Reserves. This image was captured earlier today, where a person was captured in the act of falling vegetation illegally. ... If you see anybody acting suspiciously and conducting this activity please report it by calling 136 186. Together we can make a difference and protect the trails we all love. #rokeby #parksvic #delwp See more

09.01.2022 Hands up if you’re free tomorrow night for a Twilight Trails Session at Rokeby Where: Rokeby Recreation Reserve (top car park) When: Wednesday 16th December Time: 6pm Start Distance: 14km of sweet trails at a cruisey pace, all abilities welcome. ... Get your trail shoes on and come run the Rokeby Twilight trail run 14km course for yourself, with a good crew of @bawbawrunners and a good vibe happening

08.01.2022 Our good friends at are open up until Thursday night and then Easter Saturday - so if you’re looking to hit the trails over the school holidays be sure to head on in and let the team get you trail ready!

07.01.2022 Happy Tuesday followers. In relation to the events taking place along the Rokeby rail trail over the weekend, We have been working closely with the Victoria Police, Parks Victoria, DELWP, The BawBaw Shire and the Rokeby Crossover friends group to ensure that we all remain safe while out on the trails in the Crossover reserve. ... As alarming as the incident was, Victoria Police and Parks Victoria have assured us the device was not intended to hurt humans in anyway, but in saying that we all need to be alert and aware while being out on the trails. If you see any suspicious behaviour, please report it to Warragul Police Regards Rokeby Twilight Trail Run Team

05.01.2022 Shout out to Corey from @flyaddictionflyfishing for supporting Franklin and the Bean and the Rokeby Crossover friends group with his generous donation! These proceeds will go towards the upkeep of the Crossover Regional Park. #lovegippsland #rokeby #rokebyreserve #crossover #rokebytwilighttrailrun #franklinandthebean #bawbawrunners

05.01.2022 Looking for the perfect way to get your day started? Well why not pop into the Franklin & The Bean pop up coffee caravan at the Rokeby Reserve!

02.01.2022 **** SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL ***** Happy Friday Everybody - Check out our sign-up special below!! Anybody that signs up for the Rokeby Twilight Trail Run today - until 11:59pm this evening, will get one of these special edition buffs! Simply follow the link below to sign up: And don't worry - if you've already signed up for the event, you'll be getting one of these too!

02.01.2022 With stage 3 restrictions now back in force across the Baw Baw Shire Council, we request that if you’re visiting the Rokeby rail Trail to please park up in the top car park (Where the Rokeby Market is based). This allows for greater social distancing and helps keep us all safe.

01.01.2022 A great crew of 18 hit the trails on the Rokeby 14k twilight trail course after work. Good to see some new faces, and a few faces that haven't been around for a while. Tag yourselves, everyone. Hope you all enjoyed the run. Cheers @pborwall ... #rokebytwilighttrailrun #rokebyrailtrail #rokebycrossoverrailtrail #gippsland #lovegippsland #bawbaw #bawbawshire #bawbawrunners #rcfg

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