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24.01.2022 My offering to this Aquarius Full Moon illuminating the desire for freedom & Change Saturn & Jupiter are visible close by in the night sky asking us to look within commit, dedicate time to go within and expose any self limiting beliefs, sifting out what holds us back in so we can heal,grow,expand and prosper as intended with Love...
24.01.2022 As new borns we come into Life taking on the world around us or more so we take in everything in our surroundings Downloading Everything through all our senses! Unfiltered till around the age of 7yrs. All this Imput becomes our conditioning, our Automated responses, our beliefs... Our unconscious patterns continue to contract or expand us depending the Experiences we have as our life moves forward. So much of operating system inherited from others Family System School system Religious Systems Cultural Systems. Through Rapid Core Healing we release what is not serving our highest Purpose. The impact of abuse physical & verbal Childhood Trauma and also. Generational Family System Trauma such as the impact of Wars, Migration, that flows through our Family lines. RCH allows new thoughts beliefs based on what we Personally align to make our own choices Thrive instead of survive. Full Recovery not just a survivor. Living our own life fully to our own choosing Creating new choices The flow on effect heals Self esteem Health issues physical illnesses for many dissolve & huge improvements occur, Money beliefs too can be changed
23.01.2022 Updated Link To Earth Connection Nature Meditation. Connecting Fixed Earth Taurus Energies with its Planet Ruler Venus Love plus Earth... Love of The Earth
22.01.2022 Today is New Moon in Gemini. Powerful day to be setting your intentions for what you wish to create for your inner & outer worlds.... "Being the creator of your own reality, consciously " There is no one reality . each of us individually has formed our own reality based on the unconscious conditioning we have taken in from the environment we where born into. Raised in & aquiring beliefs patterns of behaviour from many places! Our Family system, School System, Religious teachings. Cultural beliefs So much conditioning enters into us during our first 7 years of life, we take on the world around us! If you have children or observed young children you may have witnessed how sponge like every detail encountered is absorbed, Non filtered .through the senses, Feeling, Seeing, Hearing Tasting From which our reaction, responses, habits, patterns take place entering into our daily interactions with others & the world around us. Many other life experiences then come forward to influence our unconscious view of the world. Around us Advertising, Media bombard our thoughts Our Desire to Fit in be accepted In our search for Love & Connection we can restrict, hold ourself back often based on what others have told us, in times now past. We each have the power now to consciously take stock of what is beneficial to us what is healthy for what is growing us. Are Material objects truly bringing inner peace & happiness into my life? Our thoughts. beliefs patterns are they serving us in a Healthy way? Do they allow expansion? Are they supporting me in my interactions with others. Question your beliefs. How many of them are your own . Where & when were they Formed With this New Moon take sometime to yourself and with introspection. Consciously bring forward more of how you truly would like to Live your life from this moment on! Release old out dated ways of being. Create new Rapid Core Healing Reveals, Shifts, exposes the source of deep seated beliefs, traumatic events shifts, removes allows full recovery to take place. "Healing at the Core finding the Cause" So your own new healthy patterns can establish in place of old. Live your Life Fully as you Desire. Creating your own New Reality. With Love Rossco
22.01.2022 The power of our words has been well known for 3+ millennia . Many ancient cultures used chanting mantras to connect deeply to a higher source. Its believed the Gayatri Mantra or Great mantra is one of the oldest! & still the most used mantra to this day Said to translate as ... We meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe - may they enlighten our minds Aum Blur bhuvah swaha Tat saviour varenyum Bhargo devasya dhimahi Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat Brahma the manifestation of spiritual energy, Destroyer of suffering, embodiment of happiness; Bright like sun; destroyer of sins, Devine; lntellect who may inspire!
20.01.2022 0ur Deepening Connection, across the Ocean's, across the Sea's. Reflections of Nature Our Anzac Connections in Nature... Anchored Rooted since time immortal Our every Deepening Layers of Connection in these times of Great change We Are Indeed all in this together. Always have been, Always will be.!! ALL as ONE
19.01.2022 On this Sat 31st in Collaboration with Penny from Alchemy Creations Rossco from Root Cores Taurus Full Moon... Uranus path its closest to Earth Connection to the Field for Collective Healing. Crystalline Meditation. Healing Sounds. and much more Celebration shared supper after bring some to share Under the Energies of this Full Moon in Taurus. We honour the Directions the Elements Guided by the Ancient Phenomena of the Field in to collective & individual Healing A Blue Moon that refers to it being the 2nd Full Moon this Month of October and indeed the 2nd ruled by Venus Libra now Taurus both have Venus ruler
18.01.2022 Bad stories cast spells Good stories break them... Our lives are guided and shaped by stories,... the stories we're told become the stories we tell the more we hear them the more we believe them, when used as a tool for good, they help us better understand who we are, where we came from and where we're going, when used as a weapon they can be deadly. One of the most dangerous stories we've been told goes something like this... humanity is bad, evil, a failed experiment, we are parasites is a myth that permeates our music, movies, our media and our minds, repeat a lie often enough and it becomes true. Fear shuts down the part of the brain designed to solve problems without that ability we look for others to guide and save us in doing so we lose touch with our primal nature, we forget that we are an extension of the most brilliant and resilient eco-system in the universe. We stopped eating food grown from the earth and begin consuming products processed from machines, we trade medicines that heal for medicines that harm, we abandon love and liberty for debt and dependency the good news is... our story is not over, the climax has yet to come. - Author unknown
16.01.2022 Hello to you all in these times of what may feel to some like Turbulence, Chaos, confusion, uprooted this may assist in returning to your centre, catching your breath, with Love Rossco of... rootcores Rapid Core Healings for Trauma Healing of Personal History & Family Lineage Master Practitioner See more
16.01.2022 "Natures prime directive is to create movement & change. Balance will give way to Chaos in search of a higher order of Balance"!
15.01.2022 Rapid Core Healing Increase the energetic flow of our body but getting to the root cause of our physical and mental traumas to release frozen emotional energy of past traumas. What is Trauma? Trauma is the response to any deeply stressful and disturbing events... That overwhelms an individual's ability to cope, causes feelings of helplessness Diminishing the sense of self and the ability to feel the full range of emotions and experiences. Types of Trauma Acute trauma results from a single stressful or dangerous event Chronic trauma results from repeated and prolonged exposure two highly stressful events examples childhood abuse, bullying, domestic violence, sexual abuse. Complex trauma (PTSD) results from exposure to multiple traumatic events there are also Hidden traumas that come through family lines generation after generation
14.01.2022 This meditation is intended as a guide to re- balance your nervous system. to find peace within , re- attune with your inner wisdom, re- align your inner world. to assist you to navigate the chaos and changes of the outer world in these confusing times ! Written affirmations to self can be repeated as you listen or simply relax, be still, listen. these words will absorb through you. ... Please use at anytime, either as a visual and audio, or audio only. Daily, weekly, monthly or as the need draws you. In Joy. Please share among your communities if it resonates with your heart.
14.01.2022 With Deep thanks & Gratitude to All for Attending last nights Shamanic Healing Service at Salisbury centre
14.01.2022 Through Rapid Core Healing. Childhood Trauma is one of many Traumas that we can go beyond survivor to Full Recovery! Reclaim your Wholeness!
14.01.2022 Why is so that some folks place shame or weakness on crying . Just this last week several persons close to me have apologised for their tears . I encourage them to continue letting their tears flow, knowing my self, full well the great healing power of tears, wether they be tears of sadness Joy or other . Often my tears are of unknown reason or origin... they just arrive unexpectedly yet welcomed! Tears are connected to the Heart The body has an such innate wisdom our tears are a natural mechanism of releasing stuck emotional energies ,a cleansing ,a purging . Our natural release valve. They show our Authenticity .That you can feel !! it takes some courage and strength to be authentic . There is no need to feel shame for releasing your waters in the form of tears, I encourage you to Let your waters flow
12.01.2022 Look for Full Movie version . Uncle Bob Randell on Kanyini. As I rewatched this powerful message I... was drawn to reflect on the majority of the Planets population over several millenia has lost it Kanyini to the Ruling Powers of a small few, who sort to control us disconnecting us from our connection to the Earth & All within it. Manipulating the masses with skewed versions of religious text In modern times via advertising & consumerism. Dividing & conquering In the beginning we All regardless of Skin colour had deep connection many fortunately at their core still do the Love of camping, Travelling spending time in the Beauty & Reverance of the natural world would to me indicate that to be so. Fear & Hatred used to manipulate separate the masses, These times we now are in , the forced stopping & opportunity of self reflection, to sit & ponder deep questions of what is Truly important ? How to I really want to live this precious life? Are all the material items accumulated giving me true happiness ? What am I really missing? is it Connection I'm really craving ? I sense we are all being asked to reconnect to Kanyini on a Global scale. Find a quiet moment to watch & Listen, Feel Uncle Bobs Wisdom His Love his Forgiveness
10.01.2022 Sounds Familiar Paragraph from Charles Dickens' Tale of Two Cities: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,... it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. Which will you Choose??
10.01.2022 The Wisdom of the Kalama Sutta as important to consider now in each & every moment
10.01.2022 Connection Song All Related
10.01.2022 Tommorow is the Thursday 7th. Full Moon I shall send out a Full Moon Ceremony with a Meditation Pre record video for you ... Prepare your own Quiet space allow 1 to 1 1/2hrs To Immerse Release & set new intentions Use 7 Directions prior if you feel drawn create your own quite space where come Thurs / Fri you can sit quietly & press play when your settled relax into Ceremony & Meditation on the Scorpio Full Moon Hope you can give yourself the nurturing time to join in With Love Rossco With Love Rossco Dunc
10.01.2022 The Effects of Childhood Trauma , Facing the Big Picture of our Past to Healing Trauma
08.01.2022 Remembrance Today we remember ANZAC Day, all those loved ones connected to us. Our two southern lands, located under the stars of the Southern Cross,... the waters of the Pacific Ocean and Tasman Sea touching the shores of countries both. May we reflect this day, not only on the people who have served both our nations. May we also consider the many (mostly) young lives lost in All countries across the planet, to the futility of war, the senseless loss of lives not just for those of us here in Australia or New Zealand. Consider too the flow on effects of war trauma permeating through families for many generations thereafter. Soldiers returning from the horrors of war broken physically and more so mentally, often unable to cope back in civilian life turning to alcohol or drugs to ease their pain, their mental images of war carried within. Violence, abuse both physical and verbal, can be inflicted on the very people who love them. More innocent people affected by the war mongering of the few! May we remember the futility of war! May we drop our prejudices and judgements of others. Drop our clinging to borders. To ownership. To segregation Remember we are merely Guardians, Kaitiaki for the yet to be born. May we remember the populations of both nations are hosts and now the new homes to many people escaping war torn countries, uprooted, forced relocation many of you reading may have ancestors who relocated seeking better life for their family . Remember our multiculturalism, the gathering of many nations, makes a rich tapestry of cultures available to us all! Just yesterday two people in my day, one a former refugee of Rwanda wars, another an Australian Army veteran, who spoke of now being quite mentally broken struggling with this Anzac Day reminder. The result of times in combat now his everyday internal conflict, a daily battle. Another today who shared his family origin as Slovakia told of his father escaping invasion by swimming across a wide river. So Many stories. The collective trauma of futile wars. Some may argue of the economic growth after wars. Can the loss of life and the cumulative effect on the many be justified?? How fully could we grow? How much more advanced would we now be without wars? Everyone is affected by war ! How much greater would life be if everyone was affected by love instead? This is a question to ask ourselves in these current times of lock downs, isolation, social distancing, spreading of fear and suspicion. How powerful will it be, if the majority cultivate love, kindness, compassion, caring for one another? Starting from within each of us as cultivation of self-love. My observation is the majority of planet Earths population are good decent, kind and caring humans. May we the majority, All Unify in Love, in so no more innocent lives are lost nor affected by the futility of war. Make LOVE Your Goal! Stand United in LOVE. Sent with LOVE with Kindness Rossco Fbook: rootcores Rossco Dunc
07.01.2022 "Our task is not to seek Love But to seek & find all the Barriers within that you have built against Love" Rumi
07.01.2022 Speaks to me of allowing ones self to be Vulnerable to share, release opening up, letting go Support one another Compassion. Kindness. Love Know your not alone !!... In Joy Hothouse Flowers Give it up
07.01.2022 Rapid Core Healing . Going to the core & cause Via the Sub conscious . Releasing the energies Traumatic experiences of past events... That limit the fullness of our present moment, our inner peace. Wether Childhood traumas, or traumas taken on through our Family ancestral lineage. Rapid Core Healing gets to the original cause
07.01.2022 Dear Friends here is Link To Full Moon Ceremony/ Deep Immersion Meditation to view when you have prepared your quiet Space settle in & Join me for Connection My wish is you allow your self this hour of self nurturing in Reverance to All that You are!... With Love Rossco
06.01.2022 In Remembrance to my Mum Anne past over Dec 1998 Her entry was this day June 7th In Reverance to You Mum,... to the Unconditional Love You always show me See more
05.01.2022 RCH. Free yourself of what you are subconsciously carrying for your relatives. Also Release the weight of any Trauma's you have encountered in your, younger formative years. All effecting your current day life
05.01.2022 THE PROPHECY OF THE QEROS, THE NATIVE WISDOM KEEPERS OF THE ANDES (Translated, Spanish in comments) "When enough seeds are awake, freed from fear and other neg...ative aspects of the third and fourth level of consciousness, the seeds of the fifth level will be able to sprout within humanity and form a whole". The Qeros... Sought refuge in the mountains at more than 4,200 meters high, away from the invaders. There they stayed for 500 years... they have guarded the original knowledge and sacred prophecy about a great change, THE PACHAKUTEK, waiting for the moment this world would take a turn, returning harmony and ending the time of chaos and disorder. The Qeros have lived in their territories high in the Andes, practically isolated. During the celebration of the annual festival of the "Return of the Pleiades" (QOYLLUR RIT'I) the people gathered there were amazed to see the Qeros appear, dressed in the Inca emblem of the Sun, announcing that the time of the prophecies had arrived. "We've been waiting for you for 500 years." The ancient prophecy mentions that, this is the time of the great encounter, called Mastay and it is time for the integration of the peoples of the four cardinal points. It is they who are now offering their teachings to the West, in preparation for the day when the North Eagle and the South Condor fly together again. They also tell us that, love and compassion, will be the forces that guide the union of peoples. "The new guardians of the Earth will come from the West and, those who have caused a greater impact on Mother Earth, now have a responsibility to remake the relationship with her, after remaking themselves". Prophecy holds that North America will provide physical strength, Europe will bring the mental aspect. And heart, will be given by South America. By this, prophecies are encouraging, they refer to the end of a time as we have known it so far, it is the end of a way of thinking, a way of being, a way to relate to nature and between beings. The Incas expect the emergence of a new golden age, although they also mention tumultuous changes on Earth and in the psyche of people to re-define relationships and spirituality. The Great Change has already begun and brings the promise of a new human being. Chaos and confusion will last 4 years. Qeros talk about a "tear" in the fabric of time. They say that, we must die before old models of spirituality, to open ourselves up to self-renewal, becoming midwives of a new way of thinking and acting. We need to re-learn to honour and respect Mother Earth, Father Sun, Star Sisters, discover and respect everything and all and so, be able to make a quantum leap towards what we are becoming, all together. Qeros say the doors between worlds are opening again, holes form in the time we can go through to explore our capabilities and regain our bright nature. The prophecies say that we are finishing the time of the transition and the fifth level of consciousness will begin to manifest, after this change the sixth level of consciousness will appear and, the golden age of humanity, will begin little by step by step. The golden era will announce the beginning of the sixth sun, that will be the time of the "children of light" who will be fully awake. Prophecy announces that when the fifth level of consciousness is reached, this will be done collectively and simultaneously. "When enough seeds are awake, freed from fear and other negative aspects of the third and fourth level of consciousness, the seeds of the fifth level will be able to sprout within humanity and form a whole". "Follow your own footprints. Learn from rivers, trees, rocks. Honour your brothers, honour Mother Earth, honour the Great Spirit. Honour yourself and all Creation. Look with the eyes of your soul and commit to the essentials." ---------------- Update: The prophecy in full was held by Don Andres Espinoza of Qeros and Don Benito Qoriwaman of Wasao it was recovered by Juan Nuñez Del Prado. The prophecy says: when the Qero see the signs in the mountains of receding snows the PACHACUTI (reversal of world order) will begin. This happened in January of 1990. The Prophecy is participatory and energetic so it is changed by how we change. When enough people (like a critical mass) arrive to the 4th level this will create the energetic womb for the fifth level initiates to emerge. Fifth level initiates can heal every illness every time with one touch. 12 of the will emerge and join together to perform the Mosoq Qarpay (New Initiation) to bring about the sixth level initiates, enlightened leaders who literally shine with their own light. The enlightened Couple will restore the world of humanity to harmony with Nature. The Return of the Sapa Inka and Sapa Qoya. Now what does it mean to arrive to the 4th level? It means we choose Love over Fear every time. We take responsibility for our lives ~ no more victims. We own our shadow and no longer project it onto others. It means we stabilise the resonant field of our bubble with the entire planetary field. We are inclusive, we reject no one, we can eat every Hoocha and fear none. Examples of humans fully arrived to 4th level are few. The 4th level refers to an initiation in which you release your human mom and dad and receive Pachamama and Inti Tayta as your mother and father and all humans become your literal brothers and sisters. That would be full attainment of the 4th level. Some who knew Don Benito say he told them that a fifth level initiate could simply walk into a room (for example the United Nations) and conflicts would find resolution just by the impact of her field. At the fourth level we can walk into any church, synagogue, mosque, temple and feel the same devotion because we directly connect with the living energy of the divine, no matter the form. There are no more religious wars at the fourth level....The Fourth Level Initiate creates connection and harmony. New solutions appear at the fourth level that were not available to the thinking of the 3rd level. The Fourth Level is the Inka measure of an adult.
03.01.2022 Hi This is a link to 7 Directions honouring Filmed in Nature space of Botannical Garden In presence of Kauri pine tree Moreton bay Fig tree & tree from South America ... Link for me connection to NZ ,Aust, Peru Can be used Daily as a Connecting , a way to Feel Grounded, become much more Anchored & Present, Connected to Nature Connects into the Energies of 4 Cardinal Directions East, North, West, the Earth below to which I ground, The Sky above to which I reach. Bringing their Energies into you at the very Centre, drawing all into your Heart. building a Merkaba around your self! Can be used at your Liesure. In Joy With Love Rossco Dunc
01.01.2022 My latest Meditation. Birthed from the Genesis of the New Moon in Gemini (May 2020) comes this meditation with written affirmations to self. It can be used at anytime, either as a visual and audio, or audio only. Daily, weekly, monthly or as the need draws you. In Joy.... Please share among your communities if it resonates with your heart. Music by "Om, Music for Divine Meditation" Image Source: Unknown