Rose Society of South Australia inc. | Non-profit organisation
Rose Society of South Australia inc.
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25.01.2022 The new 2020 rose plants have been mulched with Whoflungdung thanks to our garden maintenance volunteers. Thanks to Neutrog for being a great sponsor of the National Rose Trial Garden in the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide and supplying the bales of Whoflungdung. #Neutrog
24.01.2022 ROSE SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA ROSE OF THE MONTH OCTOBER 2020 PRINCESS ALEXANDRA OF KENT English Shrub Rose... (Ausmerchant) 'Princess Alexandra of Kent' was introduced in 2007 by David Austin Roses in the UK. The large, bright pink flowers are full-petalled (about 130 petals) and deeply cupped. The flowers are produced in clusters of 3 or 4 per stem, on a well-shaped vigorous bush. There is a delightful intense fresh Tea fragrance, which changes to a lemon scent as the flower ages. The bush grows well, usually reaching 1.25m x 1.25m, with mid-green, healthy foliage and good repeat flowering. It is suitable for garden beds, containers and hedges and is often used in mixed borders to create a ‘cottage garden’ effect. A good vase life makes this rose perfect for cutting. David C.H. Austin OBE (1926-2018) will be remembered for his lifetime of dedicated and imaginative rose breeding. David Austin English Shrub Roses combine the delicate flowers and rich scent of Old-World Roses with the repeat-flowering, disease resistance and wide colour range of Modern Roses. Since being introduced into Australia in the 1980s, these roses have thrived and demonstrated that they are reliable, hardy and well suited to our climate. The collection now has over 200 cultivars, with many achieving international acclaim. Named for Princess Alexandra of Kent a keen gardener and great lover of roses. The Princess and Queen Elizabeth II are first cousins. Available from Wagner's Rose Nursery, Newmans Nursery, Treloar Roses, and Rose Sales Online. AWARDS: TROPHY Best Fragrance Award Glasgow 2009 TROPHY Most Fragrant Award California USA Text and photos: Melanie Trimper
21.01.2022 A follower of the RSSA Facebook page would like this rose identified. The rose is about 50 years old and stands about 1.50 metres tall.
21.01.2022 CULTURAL NOTES FOR SEPTEMBER by Gavin Woods, RSSA Immediate Past President and Life Member. The experts assure us that a wetter than usual spring is still possible, however rainfall thus far on Yorke Peninsula has been disappointing. With days warming our roses have well and truly sprung into growth and before we know it there will be flowers everywhere! The red growth that roses tend to produce when coming out of dormancy adds colour to the garden in its own right. Parrots s...Continue reading
20.01.2022 ROSE SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA ROSE OF THE MONTH NOVEMBER 2020 ... GOVERNOR MACQUARIE Hybrid Tea ‘Governor Macquarie’ is a free flowering, strong Australian Hybrid Tea rose bred by the late Trevor Grant and introduced in 2004. It is named after Governor Macquarie, the fifth Governor of New South Wales, from 1810 to 1821, who oversaw the transition of the Penal Colony to a thriving free settlement. The beautiful, large, pale pink flowers are classic in shape with a lovely rich perfume and excellent for cutting, as they have a long vase life. This rose is tall and vigorous, comfortably achieving 2 metres in height. It is very pest and disease tolerant with glossy foliage. Remove spent blooms to expedite the next flush of roses. This rose performs well in all seasons from spring to autumn. Trevor Grant also bred ‘Let’s Celebrate’, the Australian rose selected to commemorate the Rose Society of South Australia’s Centenary in 2008. Governor Macquarie is available from Eumundi Roses, Queensland and Swane's Nurseries - grow, create, inspire in New South Wales. Text: Kelvin Trimper Photos: Melanie Trimper
18.01.2022 Plant Sale at Flagstaff Hill Saturday 24 & Sunday 25 October At 7 Bluebell Court, Flagstaff Hill from 10am to 4pm Proceeds of these plant sales will go to the Rose Society of S.A. fundraising efforts for the 2022 World Federation of Rose Societies Conference in Adelaide.
18.01.2022 All welcome to come for a quiet stroll around our luscious spring garden at Gillentown Roses blooming at their best Bring a picnicor bring a friend... Coffee and tea available
18.01.2022 COUNTDOWN TO 2020 AWARDS 4 DAYS TO GO WATCH THE 2020 AWARDS ON 19 OCTOBER The National Rose Trial Garden of Australia independently assesses roses in the T...rials over a two-year period. All roses entered are evaluated by a panel of Assessors every 4 weeks. For roses newly planted in July, assessment commences in December and concludes in May. Roses in their second year are judged every month from October to May. Our panel of 12 independent Assessors do not know who entered or bred the roses in the Trial. The anonymous rose plants are only recognised by a bed number, and not identified during the trial. These Assessors are also eagerly awaiting the Trial Garden results, to be announced by ZOOM on Monday 19 October. Meanwhile, continuing with our celebration of past winners, today we feature THE GOLDEN CHILD winner of the Gold Medal in 2013 and ‘Australia’s Rose of the Year’. This popular rose is now well known for its bright, long-lasting canary yellow colour and big, fragrant clusters of flowers (approx. 35 petals). This is an outstanding healthy bush rose with glossy foliage and vastly improved resistance to mildew and black spot. It will repeat flower and grow into a neat bush 1.2m tall. See more
18.01.2022 Spring Virtual Rose Show 2020 Floral Art Results
17.01.2022 COUNTDOWN TO 2020 AWARDS 3 DAYS TO GO WATCH THE 2020 AWARDS ON 19 OCTOBER As we celebrate past winners, today we feature the BACK TO BACK GOLD MEDALS FOR R...OSE BREEDER CHRIS WARNER AND HIS FASHIONABLE ‘EYE’ ROSES. In 2015, a Gold Medal was awarded to a pink Shrub Rose (code CHEWsumsigns) bred by Chris Warner in the UK, subsequently released in Australia and named ‘BRIGHT AS A BUTTON’. This rose was one of the new group of roses with an ‘eye’ in the centre, fragrant and free-flowering. Representing a generational change in roses, their development resulted from 40 years of work and good judgment to produce a wonderful new rose plant. This winning rose is one of a series of roses using the plant genus known as Hulthemia Persica (syn. Rosa Persica) resulting in a dark spot at the base of each petal, reminiscent of oriental poppies and tree peonies. This new Persica line has become an international sensation. In 2016, the top prize, the ‘Marion de Boehme Award’ for the Best Rose of the Trial and Gerald Meylan Perpetual Trophy for Best Groundcover and a Gold Medal was awarded to ‘EYE SHADOW’ (Code CHEWsumstar), also bred by Chris Warner. EYE SHADOW is a low maintenance Groundcover rose with colour, scent, prolific flowering and tough, healthy foliage and vigorous growth. After 30 years of selective breeding, Chris Warner has earned a global reputation for his breeding program and collection of beautiful roses. See more
16.01.2022 Spring Virtual Rose Show 2020 B Grade Results
14.01.2022 The Rose Society of South Australia inc gave a presentation to a Probus Group on Monday 9th November.
11.01.2022 After good rains, Kay and Walter Duncan welcome you to share in the spring blossom and the promise of the new roses to bloom later. Crab-apple blossom, quinces in bloom and more. It is so rewarding after the winter to see the changes emerging. Coffee and tea available
09.01.2022 STAY WITH US AND WATCH THE 2020 AWARDS ON 19 OCTOBER Next MONDAY, 19 OCTOBER, the National Rose Trial Garden of Australia will announce its 2020 Award winners. ...However, due to COVID-19, this will be done by ZOOM and streamed live on this our Facebook page. The awards will commence at 6.30 pm South Australia Central Summertime. Who will the winners be? Will Australia’s Rose of the Year be a Hybrid Tea, Floribunda, Miniature, Shrub or Climber? To get us all in the mood, we will celebrate some of the past winners over the coming week. The first winner to receive the coveted Australia’s Rose of the Year award presented in 2001 was PERFUME PERFECTION (JACshok), a lovely Floribunda rose with good repeat flowering, growth 1m x 1m, producing clusters of flowers with a wonderful fragrance. In 2005 a great Gold Medal winner was FIRE AND ICE (MEIsponge) a stunning bi-colour rose. Importantly, it has the ability to withstand very hot climates and very cold climates. Combine this with excellent disease resistance, especially to Powdery Mildew, and you have a very successful modern rose that has received awards in trials around the world. The classic shaped blooms have good form, with a light sweet floral fragrance. Compact bush 1m x 0.80m and quick to repeat flower in flushes. Reminder to Fertilise If you are in Australia, and you haven’t fertilized your roses yet, its not too late to apply Neutrog SUDDEN IMPACT FOR ROSES as a liquid or pellets, recommended by each State Rose Society and the National Rose Trial Garden.
09.01.2022 Spring Virtual Rose Show 2020 A Grade Results
08.01.2022 The Rose Society of South Australia - out and about in the Community on Sunday 8th November attended Cummins House Rose Event to celebrate the "Mermaid Rose" planted in the garden over 100 years ago.
07.01.2022 COUNTDOWN TO 2020 AWARDS 5 DAYS TO GO WATCH THE 2020 AWARDS ON 19 OCTOBER After 24 years, the National Rose Trial Garden of Australia has certainly ‘come of... age’ and cemented its place among the top trial grounds in the world. The GOLD MEDAL winners are all great all-round performers in all seasons, being hardy with continuous flowering and excellent disease and pest tolerance. In 2005, ‘KNOCK OUT’ (RADrazz) earned a Gold Medal and was the first release of a new group of hardy, bullet proof low maintenance roses, bred by Will Radler in the USA, which have become very popular around the world. Vibrant deep pink in colour, this rose makes a spectacular display in parks and gardens. It is extremely hardy and disease resistant - particularly to Black Spot. It has a naturally compact and upright growth (90cm 120cm) with lightly fragrant, clusters of flowers blooming almost continuously from Spring to Autumn. This rose requires little maintenance and will drop spent flowers and bloom again without dead-heading the bush. PERFUME PASSION (KORpauvio) was the Gold Medal winner for 2012 and celebrated as Australia’s Rose of the Year. Bred by Kordes in Germany, it also received the Award for Most Fragrant Rose in the Trial. As its name suggests, this rose has seductive floral scent and classic, well-shaped rich pink flowers on a strong Hybrid Tea bush reaching 1.5m.
07.01.2022 Spring Virtual Rose Show 2020 Open Class Results
05.01.2022 Miss Hatch's 'Lady Hillingdon' and the Barossa Old Rose Repository - again
04.01.2022 Open SUNDAY PLANT SALE FOR GARDEN LOVERS WIDE RANGE OF PLANTS AT GREAT PRICES 27 Downers Road OAKBANK Saturday 14 NOVEMBER between 10am and 4 pm... Sunday 15 NOVEMBER between 10am and 4 pm Proceeds will support the 19th World Federation of Rose Societies Convention scheduled to be staged in Adelaide in October 2022 AND the Spring Head Lutheran Church, Onkaparinga Lutheran Parish Adelaide Hills
01.01.2022 Congratulations Jim on being awarded the TA Stewart Memorial Award. All the best
01.01.2022 RSSA Inc. Spring 2020 Virtual Rose Show Rules Entries: Entries will be received from Australian growers during the week commencing Monday October 19th at 12.00 midday and will close on Saturday Oct 24th at 12.00 midday. Entries to be emailed to: [email protected]... 1 entry per class permitted. Staging: Cut Flowers: All exhibits to be staged in bottles or vases as if prepared for a rose show. Any vase can be used and the use of 'Oasis' is optional. Floral Arrangement: Any queries can be answered by Joy Johnson Phone: 0418 895 438 Photos: Cut Flowers: 2 photos per stem/cut will be required, demonstrating both a frontal view and a top view of the exhibit. Entries should be date identified and the name of the variety stated. If the variety is unknown, please indicate Floral Arrangement : 1 photo which shows the complete design. Judging: Entries will be judged by SA’s premier judges. Publication of Results: Published on the RSSA Facebook page after judging has been completed. Winning photographs may be published in the RSSA quarterly Bulletin. Spring 2020 Show Schedule Cut Flowers A Grade 1. A - Exhibition Rose - 1 Stem. 2. A - Decorative Rose - 1 Stem. 3. A - Full Bloom Rose - 1 Stem. 4. A - Floribunda Rose - 1 Stem or Cut. 5. A - Shrub Rose - 1 Stem or Cut. 6. A - Miniature or Miniflora Rose - 1 Stem or Cut. 7. A - Any Other Type of Rose - Includes Polyantha, Old Garden, Species. 8. A - Multi Stem Exhibit - 3 Stems and / or Cuts. B Grade 9. B - Exhibition or Decorative Rose - 1 Stem or Cut. 10 B - Floribunda or Shrub Rose - 1 Stem or Cut. 11. B - Full Bloom Rose - 1 Stem. 12. B - Miniature or Miniflora Rose - 1 Stem or Cut. 13. B - Any Other Type of Rose - 1 Stem or Cut. Includes Polyantha, Old Garden, Species. 14. B - Multi Stem Exhibit - 3 Stems and / or Cuts. C - Novice Grade 15. C - Novice - Hybrid Tea Rose - 1 Stem or Cut. 16. C - Novice - Floribunda Rose - 1 Cut. 17. C - Novice - Any Red Rose - 1 Stem or Cut. 18. C - Novice - Any Yellow Rose - 1 Stem or Cut. 19. C - Novice - Multi Stem Exhibit - 3 Stems and / or Cuts. Open Grade 20. Open - A Bunch of Roses - 4 or more Stems and / or Cuts. Floral Arrangement A Grade 21. A - Tapestry - Arrangement must include at least one rose. B Grade 22. B - Tapestry - Arrangement must include at least one rose. C - Novice Grade 23. C - Novice - Pavé - Arrangement must include at least on See more
01.01.2022 Spring Virtual Rose Show 2020 C Grade Results
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