Rostrum Club 33 in Port Adelaide, South Australia | Community organisation
Rostrum Club 33
Locality: Port Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 401 107 287
Address: 13 North Parade 5015 Port Adelaide, SA, Australia
Likes: 14
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25.01.2022 Rostrum SA/NT has 84 years of assisting people in SA to develop confidence and skills in public speaking and meeting management. Why not join us at the Port Adelaide Rostrum Club. We are meeting face to face again at the British Hotel and also have a Zoom option available. Contact Membership Manager Bob Pearce for more details: [email protected] (email)
25.01.2022 What a fantastic meeting Port Adelaide Rostrum held on Tuesday 9th July 2019. After some great speeches and readings, Coach Neil awarded the Best Speaker of the Day (The Port Award) to Kerry Harris. Kerry delivered an outstanding reading with poise and confidence. A great effort for Kerrys first time on her feet in front of the group. Well done Kerry - onwards and upwards from here.
24.01.2022 Action aplenty at the Port Adelaide Rostrum Clubs last two meetings. Gus Nwosu won the Port Award for an outstanding speech about finding his voice as part of his PhD studies. Well done Gus - we want to hear more great speeches from you! We were treated to two experienced Rostrum presentations from Richard Geyer on "Finding Your Voice" and Dennis Walsh on "Negotiation". Great presentations and valuable information that all members took away and will use in their upcomin...g speeches and presentations. Neil Murray continues to provide excellent feedback as our resident coach - great job Neil. We welcomed three new members to the Club through inductions superbly delivered by Helen Bowen. Welcome Gus, John and Sharon. And finally we were exposed to the "Bob Pearce Butterfly Show". Bob indulged in experimenting with PowerPoint, having been inspired by a previous presentation delivered at the Club by Ron Johnson. Bobs presentation confirmed to all that he is no Olympian Cant wait for the next exciting meeting ....... See more
23.01.2022 Woo-hoo.... Port Adelaide Rostrum has received its first Application for Membership from Kerry Harris. Fantastic news Kerry and everyone was over the moon to hear that you have decided to join the Club. Its only onwards and upwards from here. You will be able to build on your already impressive presentations to date. You will gain confidence through practising your speeches and at some stage even venture into managing the meeting. No hurry, no pressure. As with all our members, they need take things at their own pace, and take on new tasks when they feel they are ready to do so. We all look forward to Kerrys induction into the club and future contributions. Again, well done Kerry for being our first new member for 2019
22.01.2022 The mighty Port Adelaide Rostrum Club was superbly represented at the recent Rostrum Club 26 Christmas Breakfast meeting on 7th December 2019, by Kerry Harris and John Rudloff. It was great to see Kerry and John turn up to what turned out to be a very entertaining and enjoyable celebration. Thank you Kerry and John for making the time to represent Port Adelaide Rostrum and we look forward to your ongoing involvement and contribution to the Port Adelaide Rostrum Club in 2020. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
22.01.2022 Port Adelaide Rostrum committee members hard at work planning for future successes - and meeting via Zoom. There are many skills to be developed when you join addition to developing techniques for speaking with confidence and making meetings more effective, you can also develop leadership many more tools useful in paid or volunteer work.
21.01.2022 Great meeting last night! Some of our members at our first online meeting. In light of the unprecedented global health and social situation, Port Adelaide Rostrum has decided to continue developing skills by moving to online meetings. We will improve our presentation skills as well as skills in using technology for meetings and communicating. Join us! Contact [email protected] for more information.
19.01.2022 What a Coach! Fantastic feedback provided by Port Adelaide Rostrums resident coach, Neil Murray. Neil always provides meeting participants with valuable information about their speech delivery, their chairing performances and offers hints and tips on how to improve. Great effort Neil and we look forward to your feedback at the next meeting.
19.01.2022 Ian Drummond and Margaret Davidson deep in conversation during the Port Adelaide Rostrum meeting on 9th July 2019. Ian delivered a great reading within a speech and followed up with a reading exercise which involved all meeting attendees. A great exercise in which readers were encouraged to let their inhibitions go and talk to the kids. All attendees did this superbly and learnt a lot about the importance of readings and their relevance to improving public speaking skills. Well done Ian and thank you for this great experience
17.01.2022 To all members and visitors of the Port Adelaide Rostrum Club. Due to the COVID-19 virus, the Club has temporarily moved to on-line rather than face-to-face delivery. The on line system is very easy to use. Just email the Membership Manager, Bob Pearce at [email protected] and he will provide some easy to follow instructions. See you on-line very soon ......
17.01.2022 Helen Bowen received her very first Port Adelaide Rostrum Dolphin Award on Tuesday 11th February 2020. Well done Helen, first of many
17.01.2022 A great celebration of 83 years in South Australia! Rostrum Port Adelaides Coach Neil responding to the vote of thanks at the Anniversary lunch on Sunday 14th July. An entertaining afternoon with command performances from very experienced Rostrum speaker, Club 9s Michael Lutt (The Power of Music) and a relatively new speaker, Prima Oza, who joined Club 22 in the last twelve months (What is the Best Type of Renewable Energy?).
17.01.2022 The Port Adelaide Rostrum Club is growing!! At the Clubs 25th February 2020 meeting, it had no less than two new members join. The Clubs President, Margaret Davidson warmly inducted Lilly Fitzgerald and Steve McClure, both seasoned public speakers, who bring a wealth of skills and experience to the Club. We all look forward to both Lillys and Steves contributions and know that we will learn plenty from their involvement in the Club. Welcome Lilly and Steve.
17.01.2022 No doubt about it. We have some real celebrities visit Port Adelaide Rostrum. Last night (12th November 2019), we were witness to an outstanding speech from an outstanding Table Tennis player - Freeman Dennis Walsh, who recently represented the State through his passionate involvement with Table Tennis SA (or TTSA for short). Although disappointed that he didnt have his full name on his State uniform, Dennis didnt disappoint, with a great speech about his recent accomplishments in this ultra-competitive sport. Must remember not to challenge Dennis to a game of table tennis anytime soon
16.01.2022 The Port Adelaide Rostrum Club held its first on-line induction of its highly valued, newest member, Rossana Mendoza. Great to see that Rossana has decided to join this up and coming, very progressive Rostrum Club, and we all look forward to watching Rossana develop her confidence through practising and developing her public speaking and meeting management skills. Welcome Rossana and well done you for taking the plunge - you wont regret it!
16.01.2022 What a great Rostrum man is Geoff Bowley. Not only is he an outstanding Program Manager for Rostrum Club 26, he is also a very regular visitor to the Port Adelaide Rostrum Club. Last night (12th November 2019) Geoff delivered a powerful and passionate speech about his deep interest in photography. Great speech Geoff and thank you for sharing it and some of your wonderful photographs of many and varied things, places, creative paint blobs - you name it and Geoff has probably dabbled in it. Also fascinating to know that one of Geoffs favourite birds is the majestic Pelican which he has taken some fantastic pictures of. Well done Geoff and look forward to further photographic explorations of your 100,000+ collection. Just remember to store your back-up drives in different places
15.01.2022 Port Adelaide Rostrum is open for business at the British Hotel on Tuesday 11th February. Why not join us for an interesting hour between 7.30pm - 8.30pm and watch the sun set over the tranquil Port River. Just sit back, relax, observe and listen. Thats all you have to could also enjoy a tasty pub meal from 6.30pm. You can discover what we do and how you might benefit by visiting us. Wed love to welcome you.
14.01.2022 We all learnt something new from Keren Holmes at the Port Adelaide Rostrum meeting on Tuesday 13th August 2019. We all learnt a new meaning for the word Oasis. Without the aid of any notes Keren delivered a very informative speech about the dangers of using the type of rigid foam that florists use to to secure the stems in flower arrangements. It was such a good speech that Keren was awarded the Best Speaker of the Day - Port Award by Coach Neil Murray. Well done Keren
13.01.2022 Congratulations to Freeman Margaret Davidson! Margarets significant service to Rostrum - at both State and Club level - and in the community was recognised last Sunday at the 83rd Rostrum SA anniversary lunch.
11.01.2022 Being in charge of the Port Adelaide Rostrum meeting on Tuesday 9th July 2019 was obviously thirsty business. Chairperson, Freeman Dennis Walsh takes a breather after a superb effort chairing this great meeting. Bob Pearce is obviously engrossed in operating the stopwatch in his important capacity as official timekeeper!
11.01.2022 Check out this valuable resource on the Rostrum SA/NT webpage
10.01.2022 For some reason we were not able to capture a photo of our Port Award winner from last night, Steve McClure. Maybe hes camera shy, or maybe the vagaries of zoom caught up with us somehow. Steve delivered a great 3 minute speech on the subject "Time is precious, so waste it wisely. and was judged by our coach, Neil Murray, as the best speech of the night. Great effort Steve and looking forward to your 8 minute speech and 6 minute Q&A session - you never know, you might be the next Tony Jones, Barry Cassidy or Hamish Macdonald
09.01.2022 Podcasters Extraordinaire! Peter and Steve shared the Port Award for their informative and entertaining foray into Pod Casting Port Adelaide Rostrums last meeting. Steve has an interest in creating pod casts and interviewed Peter about his interest in STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Skills) and working with schools to share his skills and experience. Geoff and Tony shared their Elevator Spiels with the Prime Minister and the Icebreaker provided us with a chance to convince an interview panel that we were the right person for the job! Want to be part of the fun and learning? Membership Manager Bob would be happy to hear from you:
08.01.2022 Hey Rostrum Port Adelaide members and followers Want to develop your blogging skills and discuss the skills of speaking effectively?...this might just be for you!
07.01.2022 The Port Adelaide Rostrum Club was treated to an insight into the wonderful and mysterious world of "The Australian Society for Exploration Geophysicists" through its very accomplished and talented visitor, Dr Kate Robertson. Kate presented a strong case to aspiring Geophysicists, existing Geophysicists (and others) that they should seriously consider involvement in the Society. Great speech Kate, and Im sure when you present it in the real world, you will have people lining up to join.
07.01.2022 What a great meeting the mighty Port Adelaide Rostrum Club held last Tuesday evening (Tuesday 25th August 2020) at the British Hotel, Port Adelaide. Not only did we have a significant number of visitors on the nigh, both in person and via on-line zoom technology, we were also treated to a masterful display of Chairing from our youngest member, John Rudloff. What John lacks in terms of experience, he makes up for in confidence and enthusiasm. John chaired his first Port Adelaide Rostrum meeting and did it like a pro. Well done John, you can only get even better from here. Our Coach, Peter Perry concurred and awarded the Port Award to John for his excellent Chairing effort.
07.01.2022 AT the Port Adelaide Rostrum meeting last night (28/4/2020) the Club President, Margaret Davidson, conducted a lively icebreaker exercise based on the theme, "time travel". We witnessed some great impromptu responses from club members and visitors. Our highly valued visitor, Peter Perry, really got into the act by appearing to travel to a galaxy far, far away (pictured). Than you to Margaret, Peter and all other contributors to this most effective and useful exercise.
07.01.2022 Port Adelaide Rostrum Club 33 was well represented at the recent Rostrum ICOM workshop held on Thursday 13th February 2020. Pictured representatives (from left to right) are Bob Pearce, Margaret Davidson and Gus Nwosu. Also attending the workshop from Club 33 were Helen Bowen (taking this photo), Lilly Fitzgerald, Kerry Harris and Sharon Harris. Thank you all for attending this important workshop and providing valuable input and feedback to assist new members in particular, with their Rostrum Officer Bearers duties in 2020.
06.01.2022 Looks all very serious, but they assure me they are having fun! Margaret Davidson, Geoff Bowley and Lilly Fitzgerald are busy trying to figure out whether the decade started in 2020 or 2021. This was the conundrum that the Port Adelaide Program Manager, Helen Bowen, mischievously set as a debating topic, within a very innovative, creative and engaging speaking exercise. Just the activity to help develop your confidence and find your voice. Come and visit the Club to see what other innovative things we get up to
06.01.2022 Another outstanding meeting of the Port Adelaide Rostrum Club on Tuesday 13th August 2019. A riveting speech from Ian Drummond titled "the Power of the Mind" had everybody mesmerised.and longing for more. Ian was followed by an interesting mock podcast interview involving Bob Pearce as the interviewee and Steve McClure as the interviewer. Steve excelled in this role, demonstrating his obvious interest in this type of communication. Bob, less experience with the podcast phenomenon, did his best to field Steves questions and the end result was something that everyone present could learn from, both in terms of content and delivery technique. Another Port Adelaide Rostrum example of pushing the boundaries and embracing technology in its ongoing speaking program. Well done Steve
06.01.2022 The outstanding and extremely important event that occurred at the Port Adelaide Rostrum meeting on Tuesday 13th August was the induction of our very first new member for 2019 - Kerry Harris. Helen Bowen conducted a very heartfelt and sincere induction ceremony and Kerry responded with a great rendition of the Rostrum promise. Welcome Kerry - its onwards and upwards from here
06.01.2022 The Port Adelaide Rostrum Club was both surprised and delighted to attract a highly prominent and respected visitor to its meeting last night (28/4/2020). The national Rostrum President, Jenny Blain, took time out of her busy schedule to zoom in to the Port Adelaide Club meeting and everyone was over the moon to firstly, meet Jenny and secondly, hear some special words from her about the bigger Rostrum picture. Rostrum is certainly in good hands nationally and the Club was impressed with Jennys summation of what Rostrum has planned moving forward, and what it wants to achieve. On behalf of the Club, thank you so much for zooming in last night and rest assured you, or any of your fellow ARC members, are more than welcome to zoom in to future Port Adelaide Rostrum Club meetings at anytime.
05.01.2022 Another day, another Dolphin..... Fantastic effort at the recent Port Adelaide Rostrum Club meeting. We assume you are aiming for a school of dolphins - right? We can see your confidence growing at each meeting - Well done Gus, cant wait for your next speech
05.01.2022 Rostrum Club 33 is meeting online for the next few months...join us. Contact: [email protected] for an online invitation!
04.01.2022 Looks like this fellas pretty pleased with himself! And so he should be. John Rudloff, Port Adelaide Rostrums youngest and one of our newest members, won the "Port Award" for the Best Speaker of the Day" at an action-filled meeting last night (12/11/2019). John also won the "smartie" Award for use of the word "injudicious" in the course of his great About Me speech. Great effort John, well done and we look forward to many more speeches from you at future meetings
01.01.2022 Hard at work Port Adelaide Rostrum member, Kerry, multi tasking in the local library...preparing the Minutes in readiness for last nights meeting AND researching her speech on the Mighty Port Power! What a Champ!
01.01.2022 Well done Jenny in winning the Port Adelaide Rostrum Speaker of the Day (the "Port Award") at our 23rd July 2019 meeting. Jenny delivered two outstanding readings associated with "The Three Little Pigs". Plenty of gesture, inflexion and getting into character. Jenny, you did Ian Drummond proud. Well done!
01.01.2022 A great commentary about the benefits of Rostrum, regardless of which Australian State or Territory, as this message is applicable across the country.
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