Rotary Club of Onkaparinga | Community
Rotary Club of Onkaparinga
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25.01.2022 We welcome the amazing crew from Repair Cafe Campbelltown - SA to the Magill Sunrise September 2020 Market. Come down and check it out!
24.01.2022 Adelaide Uni Rotaractors had a great time attending a general meeting with the Rotaract Club of Thebarton Senior College! Congratulations to the new President, ...Hafsa Bah and the executive team for the incoming year! We look forward to an ongoing relationship between our two clubs to benefit our communities #UnitedinService #ServiceAboveSelf #Rotaract #Partners Always good catching up with friends as well from Rotary Adelaide and Salisbury City Rotaract Club!
24.01.2022 The Adventures of Jyreauxff the Giraffe Adelaide Uni Rotaractors - Jyreauxff, Aparna and Lenard all had a great time visiting Rotary Adelaides New Members In...formation night to share what we do as a club, and how new Rotarians can be involved with us! Jyreauxff met so many new people Were really looking forward to all of the opportunities for collaboration between our two vibrant clubs! #PartnersInService #Rotaract #Rotary #ServiceAboveSelf See more
23.01.2022 Rotary is stronger worldwide thanks to Rotaract. Spending time at one anothers meetings, sharing ideas, having fun and working together makes us better. Rotar...y Adelaide members Julie Johnson, Tracey Lee, President Heidi Unferdorben and Mike Stevens joined the Adelaide Uni Rotaractors tonight. Next time why dont you join in too? #rotaryrotaractpartners #leadership #RotaryOpensOpportunities
23.01.2022 ROAR 2020 Project. All donations sorted, packed, labeled. Total of 288 kg have left Adelaide to go to Serbia to help Romani children this winter. Thank you ever...yone! So much love and care in every package. #rotarypartners #PeopleOfAction Roma World United South Pacific School Aid
23.01.2022 What a meeting! Were so excited that there are so many people interested in what our club has to offer! We started off with an ice-breaker. Attend...ees were split into groups and had 10 minutes to discuss and formulate a project idea. Then present it to everyone! We then heard from the Adelaide Sustainability Association . Before moving onto a beautiful presentation about home gardening, indoor plants and growing food by Yeganeh Solt! Finally we did a live reading and adjusting of our official policies for how YOU can become an executive member! A fantastic opportunity to see how an organisation runs and operates democratically! If all this sounds like an unreal collection of topics and activities , good news! Expression of Interest: You can join our club! We would love to see you around!
23.01.2022 Did you know that volunteering is good for your health?
23.01.2022 Some familiar faces and some new... Coffee Mornings are evolving. Come, say hello and join us for a Cuppa!
22.01.2022 Our Club , the Rotary Club of McLaren Vale! Meet the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month in the evenings. Venues picked at each meeting for the next. Coffee ups when needed ,for projects and fun. Hospital garden when you can, each Wednesday 9.30-1pm BYO snacks. Koala rescue project when you can, twice a month . Relaxed and having fun working for and in the Community! Contact Briony [email protected] See more
22.01.2022 This evening we were very privileged to have Past President John Germ as our guest at the Kelso Conversation. He spoke eloquently and passionately about Rotary... Internationals involvement in the Campaign for the Eradication of Polio, from the very beginnings led by Sir Clem Renouf until the present day, helping with the COVID 19 pandemic. It was wonderful to be able to welcome visitors from over 20 different countries, all friends of Kelso Rotary Club. Thanks to PP John, and remember, in October, we will have another Past President, K.R. Ravi Ravindran as our guest. See more
21.01.2022 THE ST JUDES COMMUNITY CHALLENGE is about ordinary people doing extraordinary things to raise vital funds to the Power of 10! The School of St Judes Communit...y Challenge kicked off on the International Day of Charity to help fight poverty in Tanzania. When you register to Challenge Yourself for St Judes, you can choose your challenge and ask your family, friends and work mates to sponsor you to the Power of 10! Sponsorships can be for $10, $100, $1,000 or even $10,000! There are lots of challenges to choose from personal, team, workplace and schools and you can take the St Judes Trivia Challenge to raise funds for St Judes. Please SHARE, DONATE & REGISTER here today to Challenge Yourself for St Judes to help fight poverty in Tanzania! HOW WILL YOU CHALLENGE YOURSELF FOR ST JUDES? St Judes Community Challenge falls during Childrens Week - 24 Oct to 1 Nov - St Judes Day is 28 Oct. DONATE or REGISTER here today to help The School of St Jude continue our life-changing work!
20.01.2022 The Walkerville Art Show has received a record number of entries. It is one of few real art shows this year. Opening night is on Friday 2nd October at St. Andr...ews School Gym in Walkerville. Come and have the first chance to preview and purchase the art. Entry fee for the night is $10. Full days for the rest of the show opening days and times are on the Art Show website. All profits go to Rotary projects.
19.01.2022 To Support Australian Rotary Health, DG Partner Lyn Jones is raising funds for "Lift the Lid" program. Please share with your network and book tickets on The Raffle will be drawn on 10-Oct-2020. Great prizes and more to follow...
18.01.2022 There is something fun about working outdoors ! Planting a gumtree plantation at the Southern Koala Rescue property Rotarians at work! Come and join us
18.01.2022 The Governor of Western Australia, The Honourable Kim Beazley AC, shared this encouraging message with WA participants of the 2021 NYSF Year 12 Program. The Hon... Kim Beazley AC highlighted the importance of science and technology in the future workforce and thanked all volunteers, including Rotary Australia and NYSF Student Staff Leaders, for their support throughout the program. "You've been selected because you are passionate about science and technology. I encourage you to make the most of this opportunity" Government House Western Australia
18.01.2022 Club President Lenard Sciancalepore and Adelaide Rotarian Julie Johnson visited the The Rotary Club of Port Adelaide yesterday to hear District Governor David J...ones speak about Rotary and the strategic vision of Rotary International for the 2020 - 2021 year. We also heard from partner Lyn Jones speak about Australian Rotary Health and the importance of supporting mental health research. FUN FACT!! Did you know that David and Lyn met when they were Rotaractors?! Wed like to extend a special thank you to the District Governor on behalf of Rotaract District 9510 for all of the support being provided to Rotaractors to help them strengthen clubs and foster community leaders. Thanks DG!!! Rotary Adelaide Rosie Rotary
17.01.2022 Dear Freshta, My heart is so full watching this video. Youre beautiful, strong and have so much courage. Thank you for reaching out and I am so thankful that w...e were able to help you. Once again thank you to Donations in Kind, Rotary and everyone else that continues to support me with my projects. This would not be possible without the help of everyone involved. I hope to meet you in person one day freshta gul See more
16.01.2022 We are helping with the working bee at the Paradise Primary School
16.01.2022 Our President Vineet Dogra setting an example to the fellow Rotarians and other members enjoying the work including the young kids and future rotary members
14.01.2022 We are thrilled at the tally of our first online community auction. $5089 = A huge success! We have now contacted all winning bidders with information on how th...ey can collect their goods or services. If you have not received a facebook message from Megan Phillips-DuBois please check your message request folder in the friends section. If you still cant see it please inbox us and we will reply. The money raised will go towards the many usual groups and projects we support including a few new ones with Bedford Industries, Mentally Fit EP and a local tourism promotion video. Thanks for your support. See more
13.01.2022 2020 has taught me a lot. Particularly, I have realized the importance of finding meaning in the little moments of life. Recently I became a Rotarian. Although ...I know the impact Rotary has across the globe, I have spent the first week telling my coworkers and friends about it. They havent had experiences with it before and they were curious. What is it? What do these folks do? Who are they? Its been fun sharing this new perspective and not having to say they but getting to say, we. This week, my Dad gifted me a bracelet that has the Rotary Wheel on it. I wore it to work yesterday. During my shift, I had a patient who did not speak my language. Here in Fort Bend County, we are extremely diverse and this happens regularly. We have amazing tools at work that we can connect to in order to communicate with our patients. If we are simply going in for a moment or two, and words arent necessary, we dont use these tools, necessarily. I walked into my patients room to make some minor adjustments and when my wrist moved closer to him, the Rotary emblem from my bracelet dangled into his view. He pointed to my bracelet. For a moment I wasnt sure what he was referring to. However, he was adamant. He pointed closer and I understood. I pushed my wrist closer and showed him my bracelet and he said the word, Rotary and smiled. In that moment, we connected. A sort of trust formed. You see, prior to that moment if I came into the room to try and help another nurse, he seemed a bit fearful of me. When we have patients that dont speak our language that can be the case, sometimes. There is a sort of divide that exists when we cant communicate with the same ease as someone who speaks the same language. However, we connected and from then on, when I walked into the room, he smiled. I have a friend and coworker who speaks the same language and through the day she would tell me what he wanted, which included his tea. She communicated to me how he liked it made and she even taught me a few words so that I could learn how to tell him it was hot or that it was tea. My Dad has always stressed to me how wearing your Rotary pin can connect you to so many people. I guess in my mind I always thought it was people asking what it was. A teachable moment. I didnt even consider that it would be that same emblem that connected two different people from two different places in the world who both understood what Rotary is and what it does. What it means to be a Rotarian. They dont have to speak the same language or even be in the same place in life. I guess its true what they say. Rotary connects the world. See more
12.01.2022 An IWT club member and friends formed part of the support crew for the Scottish Borders Open water 5 and 10km swim challenge at St Marys Loch. Congratulations to all the swimmers on an amazing achievement raising money for Gala ASC. #Rotaryinaction
11.01.2022 Members of the Bayside Covenant of Churches and Rotary Donations in Kind made a special delivery to our staff in the mental health unit last week. They dropped gratitude bags filled with self-care items, as a token of their appreciation for the work the mental health team do, and continue to do throughout the pandemic. Word spread in the Bayside community about the gratitude project, resulting in the creation of over 1800 bags for our staff and staff at other hospitals. A huge thank you to Rotary and their partnerships, for their ongoing kindness and support to our mental health unit and patients. See more
11.01.2022 Visit by DG David Jones and his partner Lynne, and DAG Sheralee (yes, really - Rotarians do have a sense of humour!) last night at Lobethal Bierhaus. We were looked after really well in a Covid-19 safe way by Alistair and Rose and Bierhaus staff. The guests were shown some of our Club's fencing work after the Cudlee Creek bushfires, which will be ongoing for at least a year, prior to meeting the Board before dinner.
11.01.2022 A baby born in the Arthur Wina Memorial Maternity Hospital in Nalolo Zambia assisted by equipment shipped from the Rotary Australia World Community Services Donations in Kind facility at Edinburgh South Australia.
11.01.2022 Service has long been recognised as a fundamental feature of Rotary membership. But neither Rotary nor any of the other major service organisations have been ab...le to gain a meaningful handle on the actual scale or economic value of the volunteer effort they mobilise. Now, an international report has powerfully demonstrated the significant renewable resource of volunteering that service organisations like Rotary are generating. The recent worldwide study on the The Scope and Scale of Rotary Volunteering, conducted by the John Hopkins Centre for Civil Society Studies found that: Rotarys 1.2 million members volunteered a total of nearly 5.8 million hours in the four-week reference period. Taking out the hours of volunteering associated with World Polio Day, which fell in the survey reference period, Rotary members accounted for close to 5.1 million hours of volunteering. Rotary annually mobilises volunteer effort equivalent to nearly 27,000 full-time paid workers. Rotary volunteers save communities an estimated US$850 million in service costs per year. Our members are responsible for 47 million hours of volunteering per year. Average volunteer hours per month varied by region, with the average hours in Australia and New Zealand being six. These statistics do not include the more than one million friends and relatives of members who frequently help out at Rotary-organised volunteering events. Nor do they include the volunteering contributed by more than 700,000 members of Rotarys Rotaract, Interact or Community Corp affiliates. The study concludes that: Rotary is annually generating a scale of social and economic problem-solving effort that is worth nearly nine times more than it costs the organisation to produce. Here is a powerful demonstration of the enormous leveraging possibilities available from mobilising the unique renewable resource represented by volunteer work. Check out the full story in the September edition of Rotary Down Under. In mailboxes and inboxes now! #Rotary #RotaryOpensOpportunities #DoingGood
09.01.2022 I know this lockdown has been beyond devastating for people, their families, livelihoods and this includes me Adelaide, I know everyone will be furious with ...the person who lied to SA Health about their actions/movements, and I know the consequences have been financially, socially, emotionally devastating - and I am not looking to excuse their behaviour BUT can we please interrogate the upstream and bigger picture here. WHY did this person lie? What in SOCIETY caused them to do this? If they were working illegally then why? Casualised workforces, insufficient income, low pay and not enough hours, insufficient social welfare, etc - these factors are all at play here too I don't mean this post to be insensitive or dismissive of harm and damage that has been caused- in any way - this is intended as a call to how we can learn from these things, and how public policies rather than individual blame has infinitely more capacity to have positive impact moving forward Post stolen from a friend but 100% agreed with
09.01.2022 Rotary clubs in Australia and New Zealand have contributed to the largest-ever Rotary Foundation Grant to fund vital healthcare equipment on the world’s largest... purpose-built NGO hospital ship, operated by Mercy Ships. The ‘Global Mercy’ launches in 2021 and will double the NGO’s healthcare impact throughout West Africa by providing six surgical specialities, as well as training for local healthcare workers. Money donated by Craig Brodey, of Lane Cove Rotary, Rotary District 9685, together with contributions from New Zealand’s Rotary Club of Morrinsville - District 9930 Inc, Rotary District 9930 Central North Island New Zealand, forms part of the 2020 Rotary Foundation global grant of US$1.125 million, helping outfit six operating theatres, three infection isolation rooms, six wards, and an intensive care unit on board the Global Mercy. Worldwide, two out of three people could not access surgery when they need it pre-COVID-19. More than 18 million people were dying unnecessarily from conditions that could have been treated by surgery because they could not afford it, could not access it, or it was simply not available in their country at any time. In 2020 this need has escalated. During the 50-year lifespan of the ‘Global Mercy’, it is estimated more than 150,000 people will be transformed through free essential surgery. The addition of the new hospital ship will enable Mercy Ships to reach more people in need and train more local healthcare professionals, while leaving a sustainable, lasting healthcare legacy. Read the full story in the November edition of Rotary Down Under. In mailboxes and inboxes now! Mercy Ships NZ Mercy Ships Australia Rotary International #RotaryOpensOpportunities #TheRotaryFoundation #DoingGood
08.01.2022 At the End Polio Now ute relay in Tanunda. Iron lung in the trailer showing what kids endured during Polio. #barossavalleyrotaryclub
08.01.2022 RAWCS has established a national project to provide funds for humanitarian programs to assist the people in Beirut recover from the recent disaster. Donate here... ---> Rest assured that funds managed by Rotary actually get to where they are needed most based on our best advice. Any assistance you can provide will be appreciated.
07.01.2022 Esteemed followers of our page, members and friends... your executive team With our first in-person exec meeting since March, we got down to some exciting bu...siness! There is going to be a lot to look forward to in the coming months, thats for sure! Youre going to want to stay tuned! So why not fill in our Expression of Interest and get the full Rotaract Experience!
07.01.2022 Congratulations to Greta of Modbury High School who is 2020 recipient of the John Tilley Award
06.01.2022 How is this for a fab fundraising idea. Great idea Rotary Club of Burnside. The chocolate wheel, Rotary Wheel made the club $25-$50 a spin. Made by their member, Will.,
06.01.2022 Another successful event by the members. Thank you Maureen for your guidance and leading this work, to Mark Abbott for organising and to our hosts on beautiful 20 mins out of Burra. We hope our small contribution to the tree planting project grows well Thank you Margaret, Vineeta Dogra and to all club members friends and family who made the day fun
03.01.2022 The Carousel is back in action... Covid friendly and still only $5 a ride. Come down. Supporting Rotary projects in our community...
02.01.2022 THANK YOU! We had such a good response to our blood donation drive, exceeding our original goal of 15 donations! In total, we had 16 donors (1 plasma) w...ith 5 people attempting but ineligible We potentially saved 46 lives! When communities come together and focus their efforts anything is possible! Do you want to get involved in volunteering opportunities, give back to the community, and build yourself as a leader? Well, youre in luck! Fill in our Expression Of Intrest to become a part of our club! If you still want to donate you can register at lifeblood and get involved Team: Rotaract Australia Club of Adelaide University
02.01.2022 No pageant this year due to Covid - no worries! Today Rotary has announced a whole week of Christmas fun! The Victor Harbor Festival of Christmas runs from 7th... to 13th December, with the 12th December being the most fun day - all in a Covid-safe way. A giant balloon, horse carriage rides, Festival of the Marching Bands, Carols by the Sea and competitions with awesome prizes! More details in the coming days! #festivalofchristmas See more
02.01.2022 The Rotary Youth Driver Awareness programme held at Victor Harbor recently is another life saving project local Rotary Clubs are proud to support.
02.01.2022 Good article about our recycler Transmutation - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in todays Adelaide Advertiser. It says the bread tags come from Adelaide but we collect nation-wide. Check out the map on our website for your closest collection point :
01.01.2022 One & All twilight cruise with Tamika on board & Don climbing the ropes - super balmy night, great dinner & starry night
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