Rowena Jayne in Sydney, Australia | Health & wellness website
Rowena Jayne
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 422 240 003
Address: Suite 8, 141 Victoria Rd, Drummoyne, NSW 2047 Sydney, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Sometimes you just have to STOP & have a warming anti inflammatory turmeric latte ... learning to listen to the signs to nurture yourself is more important than ever in this crazy fast paced life of ours.. #stressreduction #anxietyfix #stressless #stopandlisten #selflove #nourishment #realfood #nurture
24.01.2022 Monday Mindset Moments.... my website will either launch tomorrow or Wednesday... talk about totally detaching from the outcome.. delays happen.. life happens... but its close ... patience is the key .... but I am trusting in the greater good that it will launch EXACTLY when it is meant to... #divinetiming #gratitude #magichappens #mindset #boldbraveandbeautiful #businessgoals #stressbegone #anxietyawareness
24.01.2022 Sometimes you just gotta get inside a crystal .... Such a special day yesterday at Brunswick Heads Beach Crystal Castle with special, treasured friends ... #toocoolforschool I miss having you both in Sydney Faye Maramara & Francesca Scimone... ... but so grateful to share all the new ventures everytime I venture through on the way to Shanti Bhavan.. Now heading to the mountain top #shantibhavan time @ Crystal Castle
23.01.2022 Teaching yoga for Adelaide on zoom wed 5.45pm ..., come play .. details below
23.01.2022 Sometimes the hardest part of the journey is believing youre worthy of the trip... Keep showing up for yourself. Do things that make you feel good about yourself Hang out with people who uplift you, not bring you down Do Yoga Get into Nature Do some self tapping (videos coming soon)... Fix your gut to improve your mood See a Neuro Emotional Technique Therapist to clear the blocks standing in your way ... there are so many ways to move beyond self doubt #selfdoubt #naturopath #heal #emotionalhealth #stressrelieftherapy #therapy #anxietyrecovery #anxietysupport #loveyourself #improveyourlife #anxietyfix #yogapower #yogatherapy #anxietyhelp #anxietytips #bebold #bebrave See more
23.01.2022 Thanks again to the sponsors @tammyguests @fxmedicine .. they created this cute little graphic to post ... so I couldnt resist ... what an incredible event last week.. the highlight being the inspirational speech by author and award winning Petrea King... my website is finally about to launch so check out my blog post when it does on the take away gold nugget insight Petrea left us with. #awardceremony#naturopathicmedicine #natex2020 #liveyourdreamlife #motivation #inspiration #dontgiveup #anxietyrecovery #selfdoubtrecovery #empoweredwomen #boldbraveandbeautiful
21.01.2022 We humans have lost the wisdom of genuinely resting and relaxing. We worry too much. We don't allow our bodies to heal, and we don't allow our minds and hearts to heal. Thich Nhat Hanh . . This is one I have most certainly had to learn the hard way on... being single, living in a city with no family support, running a business, trying to wear all hats hit me hard last year and I had major burn out and I at times wanted to end my life... I wasnt coping .. I didnt want live if life had to be this hard ... . . Come my friends Shanti Bhavan retreat centre to the rescue.. their healings & love and support and helping me identify what was going on on a deeper level really helped bring me back to myself.. get me back on track and I have now created huge boundaries and even changed my yoga classes around so I can actually get days off .. wow what a good feeling that is .. . . So on that note .. I am off to the bush for the day to rejuvenate my soul & spirt after so much hard work getting my website up (the framework) . . I am going bush to look for my sacred Wanampi (aboriginal language for serpent) stick to use in my shamanic healing course I am doing over the next three years .. . . what did you do to rest & relax ?? #relaxation #heal #shamanichealing #emotionaltraumarelease #empowerment #womenrock #anxietysupport #anxiousnomore #buildresilience #oneonone #workshops #retreats #healing
14.01.2022 We think life is so busy.. we get caught up in the speed.. we forget ourselves.. but it is always there.. we just need to stop and drop .. drop into our heart, our breath our stillness and aghh there we are again... even five minutes has been known to slow down the brain waves from alpha to theta ... Focus on the breath going in and out.. low slow flow .. if ur mind waivers coax it back gently .. @i always think of a few things I am grateful for in the beginning of my medi...tation as it switches off the ego... Try to do five minutes a day for a week and see the difference. #anxietyrelief #stressrelief #empoweringwomen #boldbraveandbeautiful #dailyrituals #happiness #joy
14.01.2022 Working with underprivileged children with yoga & meditation to create feelings of wellbeing, increased focus, concentration and improve their outcomes for life..
14.01.2022 Bye Sydney..... off to watch some incredible women’s lives change !!! On my way to my favourite place ... Shanti Bhavan... to run my next retreat .... weeeeee .. No phone coverage from Tuesday to Monday 14th Sept ... #sacredearth #earthhealing #shamanichealing #lomilomi #quantumenergetics #neuroemotionaltechnique #permaculture #meditation #soundhealing #sweatlodge #mountainheaven #crystalportals #sacredcircles #drumming #magichappens Follow your dreams ... @ Barkers Vale, New South Wales, Australia
14.01.2022 SWIPE right... #21yearschallenge For people who think eating well makes NO difference to your life... I say Bulls#%t... . .... For People who think yoga doesnt help you stay youthful & vibrant .. I say Bulls#%t... . . & mostly ... for people who think doing EMOTIONAL healing is not necessary & is a waste of time or should be pushed beneath the surface .. I say A HUGE Bulls#%t... . . 21 years ago this image was me .. A TOTAL MESS .. I HATED myself .. I HATED my body .. I was SO UNHAPPY... so totally broken from life and trauma and abuse from my early childhood & adolescence... . . I had an eating disorder , I had anxiety & depression, I had sciatica & my legs would give way constantly as I tried to walk ...& perform on stage in the show I was in, in Sydney.. . . This image was a few months before getting Rheumatoid Arthritis, after getting the restraining order on my birth father ... then a bleeding colon which lucky for me ...changed the course of my life ... . . So if you want to change your life... may I suggest you work with people who have done it .. people who walk their talk.. People who dont just give you textbook advice .. but really truly understand what you go through ! I changed my life .. I turned it around ... I know its possible - FOR YOU TOO. . . Healing from anxiety & believing in yourself does not happen overnight.. there is no quick fix pill , no affirmation you can say 10 times & like magic..., wallah youre healed, ... NO, its a slog .. Its about facing your shadow self, but it is worth every step of the way .. EVERY STEP... . . So ... if this post resonates with you & you want to turn you life around and be free of the shackles that hold you back from your TRUE path... I am your woman ... - link in bio #neuroemotionaltechnique #floweressences #naturopathicmedicine #lifeofservice #befree #freedomquest #selfdoubtnomore #standinyourpower #beyou #bravewomen #boldasfuck #beautycomesfromtheinside #mission #anxietyrecovery #loveyourlife #standtall @ Rowena Jayne - Health & Wellness
13.01.2022 No playing small.. you unique voice and gift is needed in this world ! #selfdoubtnomore #shine #bravewoman #tomorrowwoman #standtall #selflove #heal #beyou #createyourdreams
12.01.2022 Every time I come to the land at Shanti Bhavan .., I am taken on the most remarkable journey of the self.. to the self .. This trip took me deeper than ever before in my healings .. & I acknowledged parts of myself I have never been able to before .. This trip, like all others I let go of some deep sH#% thats been around a long time that is not serving me to be my best self ..... My wonderful friends, the stewards of the land who own the centre are so connected to the earth , land , spirit... & the respect they offer to the original custodians of the land the Gitthabul tribe .. is so paramount .. & all part of why its so magical & authentic .. I cannot be more grateful than I feel today from the love, support & healing their retreat centre offers... I cannot wait to take my next group to the land In September to witness an unravelling of stuff they are ready to let go of .. Life is so beautiful when we connect to the depth of who we really are & the magic of this land ... instead of being so caught up with this material world we live under the veil of .. Karolina Nowakowska, it was an honour to journey with you into deeper realms. Respect to you for your courage & openness... #thereissomuchmore #shamanism #healing #quantumenergetics #lomilomi #permaculture #shantibhavan #naturelover #respectforoutindigenous #gratitudealways #changeisuponus #retreats #deepretreats @ Barkers Vale, New South Wales, Australia
12.01.2022 #celebrateanyday Yah my retreat is SOLD OUT .. with a wait list .. this is a COLLABORATION with two of the most incredible therapists & transpersonal psychosomatic healers & they have an eco permaculture property .. on sacred aboriginal land .. we are combining all our skills for a deep transformational intense immersion... Its not a light and fluffy retreat but a deep dive inwards.. so excited we ran a beta test last October & are continuing to develop what we do yoga, meditation, healing treatments, with land and tribal connection, shamanic healing, permaculture, the lot .. This is my BIGGEST PASSION ever .. so so grateful #retreat #heal #changeyourlife #permaculture #healing #psychosomatic #neuroemotionatechnique #anxietyrelief #boldbravebeatiful #sacred #soul #shantibhavan #faith #deep #immersion @ Barkers Vale, New South Wales, Australia
12.01.2022 Preparing to record my meditation series ... I started this project in 2014 - then life took me back to uni .... finally getting back to all the things I had on the cards for my clients & retreat take home bonuses ... will be recording over the next few weeks ... this is just a mock up ... but ... more to come #chaostocalm #anxietyrelief #stressrelief #yoga #neuroemotionaltechnique #boldbraveandbeautiful #healyourlife #meditate #ayurveda #vedicmeditation #heal #selflove #heartopening #spiritualawakening
11.01.2022 Omg I won the Emerging Leader award at the naturopathic Medicine Industry awards... aghhh thank you so so so much for voting for me ... and thank you mostly to my clients and students and retreat attendees who make it possible to do my work in the field... Thanks to NATX AND FX MEDICINE #lifeofservice #natmed #awards #naturopathicmedicine #gratitude #anxietyrelief #stressrelief #neuroemotionaltechnique #boldbraveandbeautiful #selfdoubtnomore #transformation
10.01.2022 Food and mood ... one persons Medicine is another persons poison... when we find out what foods actually work best for each individual we getter better results.. before I perform any dietary advice my patients all receive this test... it highlights not only what foods you are not biocompatible with, it also highlights what you are! Patients report improved gut health, improved moods and more than often end up getting every person in their family to do the test ... The... wellness comes with a mini phone consult plus a wellness plan once report is back. BEST EVER For more info on the test see the link in my bio #foodie #foodandmood #guthealth #healyourbody #healyourmind #anxietyrelief #feelgood #anxiousolutions #selflove #lookgoodfeelgood #braveheart #bold #brave #beautiful Photo by @markbondphotography
10.01.2022 Bye Sydney..... off to watch some incredible womens lives change !!! On my way to my favourite place ... Shanti Bhavan... to run my next retreat .... weeeeee .. No phone coverage from Tuesday to Monday 14th Sept ... #sacredearth #earthhealing #shamanichealing #lomilomi #quantumenergetics #neuroemotionaltechnique #permaculture #meditation #soundhealing #sweatlodge #mountainheaven #crystalportals #sacredcircles #drumming #magichappens Follow your dreams ... @ Barkers Vale, New South Wales, Australia
09.01.2022 Eat Well, Live Well... We have all heard of the saying You are what you eat.., so go eat (well drink) a smoothie & you will be SMOOTHie . .... Jokes aside ... one way to an improved nervous system is through the gut.. (Gee I wish we had a better emoji to use than this !) . . Remember there are more neurones in the gut with efferent nerves (run upwards to the brain (central Nervous system) so notice how your mood lifts when you eat foods to sustain better health & functionality. For long term changes to our lives and transforming anxiety and self-doubt we cannot skip the daily essentials of eating well... . . Check out one of my all time fav recipes .. Gut health Turkish Rose Smoothie.. its an adapted version from Rachel Morrows recipe.. with my own spin.. If you dont have @medlab gut daily , replace it with a) glutamine Powder or b) slippery elm powder .. or c) skip the supps all together.. Enjoy - Link in Bio #smoothie #anxietysupport #gutmatters #guthealth #drinkup #freedom #naturopathicmedicine #healthylife #livethedream #dreamchaser #recipeshare #plantbased #dairyfree #vegan #guthealth #loveyourbody #mindmatters
08.01.2022 Mountain Climbers my awesome tribe of women I serve ... you are the boldest, bravest, most beautiful souls I know... . . The women I work with have a deep, deep desire to do meaningful, fulfilling work and make a difference...... #neuroemotionaltechnique #emotionalhealing #naturopathwithadifferrence #anxietyrelief #stressfree #fear #transform #anxioustopowerful #bold #brave #beautiful #stepsforward #climbtothetop
07.01.2022 Dreaming of the days when we could have a whole classroom of yogis together ... thanks for the video @_hannahgrammm .. #yoga #bikramyoga #hotyoga #yogi looks like #contortion but its not !! #passion #lovewhatyoudo #nostalgia
07.01.2022 For anyone interested ...
06.01.2022 Flower Essences.. one of my favourite modalities as a naturopath & practitioner who works with women with stress, anxiety & self-doubt .... . Flower Essences are a vibrational medicine. The human body contains a subtle -energy body, with meridians (or srotas) which play a major role in our health & wellbeing (Yogis and other eastern medicine systems extensively focus on this). . Research shows that vibrational medicines contain high frequencey subtle energies. The highe...r the frequency, the more impact it has on our own human subtle-body. When ingested or absorbed through the skin this energy penetrates the circulatory and nervous systems where an electromagnetic curent is created. The essence then moves into the energy channels (meridians or srotas) and our life force is increased.. . I create a personal blend for you based on what words I hear you.. then I cross check by muscle testing (kinesiology) to check what is best for your body out of the options I come up with. . To learn more click the LINK in my bio to download your FREE flower essences guide ... #floweressences #australianbushflowers #emotionalhealing #healyourlife #reduceanxiety #stressfree #anxietyfix #chaostocalm #naturopath #teacher #empoweredwomen #boldbravebeautiful #changeyourlife Photo by @markbondphotography Hair & make up @bulgarisophia
06.01.2022 FREE MEDITATIONS ... during this stressful time .. (link in insta bio to join the LIVE group page) . many of you have expressed concern, worry, fear about the unknowns.. regarding health but also huge financial fears have hit in many sectors with closures of workplaces and income sources ... we are all unsure if an predicted future given things are changing regularly ... What can you do ? . Continue with your YOGA practice .. be it in class (many schools are still ope...rating) and some are running online live streamed classes . meditate and practice your calm techniques.. I will be uploading FREE meditations soon - stay tuned for now click the link in my BIO & get onto my fb page where I will be hosting LIVE meditations over the next week . Tapping can also be used to help support your worries & fears.. I will be putting some guided tapping audios up soon.. . Continue supporting your immunity.. see my previous posts on corona virus or connect with me via link in my bio on Instagram OR HERE #freemeditation #meditation #yoga #yogapower #stressfree #worryless #trusttheprocess #chaostocalm #becalm #itsok
06.01.2022 Yogis are nuts but we are HAPPY ... bikram yogis are the most nuts.. but we are always laughing & having fun... Deepak Chopra says The truest sign of a person on their spiritual path is someone who is always laughing and having FUN .. seriousness is a sign of ego So get your crazy yoga pants on and go have some FUN..... #yogapower #yogafun #spirituality #anxietyrelief #stressrelief #nuts #followyourheart #dreams #hotyoga #yogatherapy #iamnotinstafamousandidontcare #betherealdeal #laugh #heal #bold #brave #beautiful
05.01.2022 A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her. Happy #internationalwomensday #iamwomanhearmeroar #powertothewoman #empowerment #empoweringwomen #leadership #connection #powerhouse
05.01.2022 Welcome to Rowena Jayne Health & Wellness New Branding - NEW Website now launched
03.01.2022 Online Bookings .. now available..
03.01.2022 Gratitude can be a first step in meditation to help switch off the ego... but gratitude also plays a HUGE part in transforming how you feel about yourself and your life.. wake up daily and feel into what you are grateful for... make it a daily affair and in no time you will be seeing how much you have as opposed to how much you dont have ... pink flannel flower is an amazing vibrational essence used to assist you in staying in gratitude ... I use it often with my clients to help them see life differently.. #gratitude #floweressences #emotionalhealing #emotionalhealth #happinessisbliss #anxietyawareness #stressnomore #loveyourlife #boldbraveandbeautiful
01.01.2022 Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain. ~Charlie Chaplin . . We laugh a lot in my clinic ... my clients can attest that... .... . Emotional healing & techniques to help with stress & anxiety relief, along with healing self-doubt is not always stuffy, painful & icky - its also a bloody good laugh .. & I am good at finding the humour with them to lighten the load, if it gets heavy... (Or even if it doesnt ) . . Clinical studies demonstrate stress-relief effects from laughter ! . laughter can bring about feelings of being uplifted or fulfilled . . laughter can lead to immediate increases in heart rate, respiratory rate, respiratory depth, and oxygen consumption. . . These increases are then followed by a period of muscle relaxation, with a corresponding decrease in heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure. . . Best bit.. there are almost no negative side effects or undesirable ramifications associated with laughter... so what have you got to lose !! #laughter #lightenup #anxietyrelief #stressrelief #selfbelief #clinicalfun #joyfulhealing #emotionalhealing #emoji #saturday #selfhealing #mindbodyspirit #lovelife #nomorrselfdoubt #anxious #anxiety #net #floweressences
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