Royal Australian Air Force Association, RAAFA | Community
Royal Australian Air Force Association, RAAFA
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25.01.2022 AIR FORCE NEWS The latest edition for a bit of light reading for the day.
25.01.2022 BATTLE OF LONG TAN ~54 years ago today~ 18 young Australian lives lost-... 17 from Delta Company (D Coy), 6RAR 11 National Servicemen, Australian Army,6 Regular soldiers, Australian Army. One from 3 Troop, 1 APC (Armoured Personnel Carrier) Squadron passed nine days later from wounds sustained in the battle 24 members of D Coy were wounded. Lest We Forget
20.01.2022 Redcliffe RSL in collaboration with 99.7FM will be conducting an On-Air Dawn Service from 5:30am on Anzac Day.* This will take the place of our regular Dawn Service at Anzac Place. We are grateful to 99.7FM for assisting us in providing this special service for our local community.... More information to be announced. *All plans are subject to change based on advice from the relevant authorities.
20.01.2022 TODAY IN HISTORY// The bombing of Darwin- A defining moment in Australia's history. In the initial attack at 9.58am on 19 February 1942, 188 Japanese aircraft dropped more bombs over Darwin than were used in the attack on Pearl Harbour. The attack was the first of at least 64 air raids on the Top End of Australia, which continued until 12 November 1943.
19.01.2022 This page is currently under construction - please stand by.
18.01.2022 VALE A113600 Ray Townsend OAM 24 June 1935 - 22 June 2020 Ray was an Ipswich RSL Sub Branch President for 7 years. Past President of Ipswich Legacy 2000-2003. Past Director of Ipswich RSL Services Club. 7 years Vice President of the Queensland State Branch RSL. ... Spent the greater part of his working life in the Royal Australian Air Force. Trained and worked on various types of aircraft as an Airframe Fitter and eventually became a Warrant Officer Engineer. Traveled quite extensively throughout Australia and Overseas with various postings which included a year in Vietnam in 1971. During this time he was involved as a Volunteer Pensions and Welfare Officer.In addition he was a volunteer trainer with the Training Information Program which works closely with the Department of Veterans training interested personnel State wide with welfare issues. Ray was a Life Member of the Ipswich Sub Branch. Today we have lost a great man and will be sadly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him. Our sincere condolences to Rays family and friends. Funeral TBA Lest We Forget (Post copies from Ipswich RSL)
17.01.2022 PLEASE READ IMPORTANT ANZAC DAY INFORMATION RSL Queensland is advising its Sub Branches to cancel ANZAC Day commemorations in light of the emerging Coronavirus public health emergency. Our older veterans are particularly at risk from this virus, so we believe this is the responsible thing to do to ensure their health and wellbeing, Mr Ferris said. ... Please click link to continue reading article
16.01.2022 2020 -YEAR OF THE NURSE Australian nurses have been serving in war for over 100 years. Every year nurses are deployed on tri-service, peacekeeping, and humanitarian operations, providing care to local military personnel and civilians in countries ravaged by war or natural disasters. Men and women across all branches of the Australian Defence Force continue to treat, heal and support civilians and military personnel alike both in conflict and in peace. We thank you ...for your service and sacrifice. As a nurse you dont discriminate, theyre all casualties. - Captain Roneel Chandra, RAANC
15.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.... LEST WE FORGET.
11.01.2022 CHOCKS AWAY// This article below was written by Rev Ian and this was just a small part of his story.
08.01.2022 If any of our members are close to the Redcliffe RSL today pop on down for lunch on Chanel 9 at 11:30.
07.01.2022 How prominent is this Poster from World War 2 . Worth remembering In our current climate . Please take care of yourselves and look out for your family, friends and neighbours.
03.01.2022 ANNUAL AGM 2020 ~ 08/02/20 // This past Saturday the Redcliffe RAAFA Branch held their Annual General Meeting at the Redcliffe RSL. We would like to thank Mr. Phil Symonds, Moreton Area Vice President for taking the chair for the AGM.... Please join us in congratulating the following members on their elections. Branch President: Carol Orr (Reinstated) Deputy President : Tom Ireland Treasurer: Andi Martin Secretary: Juanita Anable Social Secretary: Andi Martin Branch Delegates: Carol Orr and Tom Ireland with Barry Mayne Observer and Back up. Congratulations to all!
02.01.2022 IN MEMORIAM It is with a sad heart that I have to inform all our members that our Padre - Rev Ian Taylor has sadly passed away. Our condolences go to Val and their family. Rev Ians funeral is being held at the Uniting Church, Robinson Road, Aspley on Thursday at 10am. ... RIP Rev Ian ~ Carol Orr- President, Redcliffe RAAFA.
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