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25.01.2022 PB achieved!! 180kg x3 The goal over the past 10 weeks was to be able to squat 180kg & today I did. Aiming for just the one & pumped out 3, so super stoked! (last rep a bit sketchy..) Strength training is becoming a favourite lately. Planning & executing the game plan each week is detrimental to progressing. ... Physiological adaptations: - Increased motor unit activation - Increased efficiency of ATP-Cr System - Hypertrophy Discounted training programs being launch soon. DM for details! -Online training -Strength/hypertrophy/fat loss training program - Nutrition plans
25.01.2022 BacK & Biceps Strength/hypertrophy session today. I've had a hell of a stressful week with numerous things needing to be completed, but hey ill never skip a workout because you can always make the time!... Todays Workout: 1. BB Deadlift 3x2 at 200kg 2a. Lat Pulldowns 4x10 2b. Low Rope Pulls 4x10 3a. T-Bar Rows 4x12 3b. Banded Chin Ups (slow eccentrics 3s) 4x12 4. Ez Bar Curls 4x10 5. DB Hammer Curls 4x10 ES Launching tailored Training program & Nutrition plans (written by a nutritionist) soon. Specific & very detailed to guarentee results! Eat more & loose weight, Feel better & more energetic! DM for Early bird Special!
23.01.2022 CONSISTENCY! Slowly but surely progressing day to day! Train hard, eat healthy nutritious foods but most importantly! KEEP CONSISTENT! Consistency will conquer all. ... No quick fixes people, I’ve been at this training thing for over 6 years & still have a long way to go! Can’t wait to see what I can sculpt in the future! Up roughly 25-30kg in that time, let’s see how far we can take it!
23.01.2022 With the current outbreak of COVID-19 our immune system should be a great importance to everyone. Exercise is a very beneficial way of improving your immune system. By building up a stronger defence system, this will allow our bodies to combat invasions from pathogens. This will create quicker response times to combat and eventually destroy these pathogens. So many people are avoiding gyms because of sanitary reasons, but gyms are cleaner then they've ever been in their ent...irety. Sweating and breathing everywhere can spread the virus, but you are literally closer to others in the supermarket, fighting for the toilet paper! Moral of the story, exercise people it'll help your body function!
23.01.2022 300kg DEADLIFT!! Tbt, to early 2016 when I hit the best lift of my life!! (might have had some help..still counts) Wouldn't surprise me if this big boy next to me could hit it by himself these days! ... Lifetime goal is to hit that 300 club, long way off atm but we're keeping consistent & putting the work in, so maybe one day! Put in the work & the results will skyrocket!! Consistency is key!
23.01.2022 OBESITY! Australian obesity levels are increasing year by year with no vision of slowing down. This creates a climate of unhealthy eating habits and inactive individuals. This chronic disease can cause many other health effects such as: - high blood pressure (hypertension) - type 2 diabetes... - Coronary heart disease - Stroke All of these side effects will increase an individuals risk of mortality. Stats: - 67% of Adults are overweight or obese - 24.9% of children are overweight or obese - 70% of Australian adults are sedentary of have low activity levels We need to change people! Lets create a healthier future that increases our longevity.
21.01.2022 #personaltransformation
21.01.2022 Uni results are out & I can finally say I am an EXERCISE SCIENTIST!! All the hard, long nights, doing assignments last minute... it’s finally over! God it feels good to complete this bachelor degree after a few hurdles along the way. Extremely thankful to my family & friends for all the support. Along with my number #1 supporter Alana Tuballa always a ray of positivity when I was stressed, & for that I am thankful. ... This last semester was stressful with doing 5 subjects & developing a PT business, but I wouldn’t change a thing. It pushed and challenged me in the best way. Over these past few years I’ve learnt so much including: -Cellular respiration -Mitochondrial biogenesis - Aerobic respiration - Glycolysis - Lipid metabolism - Sensorimotor system - Cardiorespiratory system - Musculoskeletal Anatomy - etc. While I’ve learnt all this different knowledge, I’ll always want to know more because knowledge is power! Now to decide if a Masters degree is the next step..
21.01.2022 BFR is a style of training that creates a more intense workout with lighter weight, putting less pressure on the joints and still obtaining similar physiological effects as heavy lifting. Recent research has indicated that BFR training is a great way to boost strength/hypertrophy over shorter periods of time. Creating the same physiological responses to the muscle as during high intensity exercise eg. release of hormones, hypoxia and cell swelling. Essentially boosting cellu...lar activity inside the muscle cell, by restricting blood to leave, creating metabolic stress = Muscle hypertrophy. The band around your arm/leg should be at about a 6/10 tightness, 10/10 being unbareable. Honestly the biggest pump I've had in my arm in a few years after trying this out!
19.01.2022 Looking back at old photos sure can re-ignites the passion I have for bodybuilding!! I honestly can't wait to jump back on that stage in the near future. Over 4 years ago this picture was taken, just before competing at nationals. My goal is to absolutely smash this physique, with size and shreds! Currently up 15-20kg on this dude but with a bit more Body Fat % This bodybuilding game is a slow one but beyond rewarding when it all comes together! ... Find your passion & chase it people! We only have so long on this earth.. #bodybuilding #icn2016 #icn #natty #natural #teenager #passion #chasegoals #illbeback #muscle #strength #growth #shreds
19.01.2022 2020, What a year! Transitioning into online uni to complete my final year of my bachelor of exercise science. Building a personal training business in this COVID-19 climate. Hitting strength gains I've been trying to hit for a few years. ... While everything was a challenge, it honestly helped me with direction for my life. I'm super excited for the new year & setting some big goals to achieve for the upcoming year. Finishing off the year with a nice leg session to build up that symmetry, 2021 I'll see you on that stage!
18.01.2022 Home workout Upper Body Push Day (chest and deltoids) Okay sorry for the delay, but heres a home workout video using minimal equipment. I did mine at the beach but the concept is the same no matter where you train. Everything is based around super sets and high volume (15 reps+) since the weight is a lot less then what my body is used to. Training this way will adapt more of our slow twitch muscle fibres, so your more endurance based aerobic muscle fibres. While also creating... these physiological adaptations: - Improving gaseous exchange - Movement of nutrients and waste products. - Increased number and size of mitochondria (energy factory of cells) enabling more efficient energy production. - Increase fat oxidation While these factors do come into play, essentially the home workout is more so for muscle retention and for me personally more mental resetting through the release of endorphins. Always trying to chase that pump!! Every exercise 4 sets of 15 receptions. Superset 1. 1. Banded dumbbell chest press - Keep elbows flared out 45 degrees from body, push upwards and slightly in. 2. Bodyweight pushups - Keep neutral spine head to toe, going down until one fist width off the ground. Superset 2. 1. Incline chest flys - Position spine of scapula (top of shoulder blade) on bench, with chest to the sky to allow for range of motion. (easier on a incline bench) 2. Front chest adduction raise - Start with arms back as far as they go at a 45 degree angle from the shoulder, raise across the body, finishing just past the middle of the pectorals (chest). Superset 3. 1. Dumbbell front raise - Slightly tilt hips backwards, start with dumbbells beside the body raise up straight in front. aiming to keep the thumb facing forward at all time. slowly control the eccentric (down phase). 2. Dumbbell lateral raises - I've done them in the video starting behind my back for more range of motion but starting from beside yourself is fine as well. raise up laterally leading with your elbow not your hand, to create more tension on the medial deltoid. 1 second up 2 second down phase.
18.01.2022 Banded Home workout back routine. Working out is a great way to keep immune function up & release endorphins to make you feel better. With all gyms shut down, I’m working with minimal equipment to train & maintain muscle mass. ... With thinking about planes of movements in the completion of different exercises, any exercise can be mimicked from gym machines with the right technique. Here’s a few good back exercises that really gave me a pump! Try it out guys, 4x10-12 reps. Pausing at the bottom of each rep for 1s+ to hold the contraction. Exercises: 1. Banded Lat Pulldown 2. Banded Close Grip Lat Pulldown 3. Banded Bent Over Row Primary muscles: Latissimus Dorsi, Rhomboids, Trapezius Equipment needed: Resistance Band
18.01.2022 My personal natural transformation from 15-18 years old These 3 years were the most committed I've ever been to my training, putting in 12-14 hours a week of weights sessions, along with very high caloric intake (4000+ cals). At least for the last 18 months of it I was following a strict regime. Honestly loving my training and the routine. REMEMBER: We All Start Somewhere!... I turned from a skinny kid with little muscle mass into what I am today and it feels great, makes anything seem possible because ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! If you need help changing your body and feeling better, more energetic during the day. Hit me up through: - DM - [email protected]
17.01.2022 Tbt to 2017 one day out from my last competition. Icn south coast classic. The only time of the year when my skin is not glow in the dark white.. Finding some old photos, excites me for what I can bring this year to the stage! ... Let’s get after those goals & make 2021 a good year!
15.01.2022 Lifting Tip Targeting the smaller muscles that are deeper can be highly beneficial to becoming stronger & more functional. This current exercise shown is done with a band just above the knee, forcing abduction of the hips. Creating more activation of the deeper muscles being your glute medius/minus. These muscles are prime movers in hip abduction & are usually an overlooked muscle. Strengthening them can be highly beneficial to improving other lifts, functionality & even fl...exibility. The band position can be used for majority of other movements that involve knee flex ion & hip extension. Eg, leg press, glute bridges, BB Squats etc. Give it a try, it could be the first time you’ve ever felt those muscles activate!
15.01.2022 GOALS!! My personal strength goals, for the next 3 months. Bench = 140kg Squat = 180kg Deadlift = 220kg... Everybody has goals but actually achieving these goals takes time and a SMART plan. If you haven't got a plan you'll just go around in circles and never reach them. So using SMART goals as a guide will help with actually creating a game plan: S:Specific M:Measureable A:Attainable R:Realistic T:Time-based Think about what you want, plan for the steps that will need to be taken to get there. Than execute the game plan! Easy concept
14.01.2022 Moving 1000kg each set! (1 TONNE) 4x10 at 100kg for working sets today, pushing the volume into the muscle to help muscle, hypertrophy development. Brand new elbow sleeves are helping with the niggles associated with heavy lifting constantly.... Highlighting the importance of training your accessory muscles so the co-contraction of the bicep/brachialis & tricep (lateral head) can help stabilise the joint. Injury prevention measures are the best associate for weight lifting! (Plus deload weeks)
14.01.2022 I’d like to welcome everyone to my fitness page! This page will focus on fitness promotion & my jounrey in natural bodybuilding. While also showing and highlighting the people I’m teaching & helping with their fitness journey! My background in fitness is natural bodybuilding & I love to lift. It’s a lifestyle I’ve addopted & wouldn’t change for anything. The nutrition and training side I will highlight & show others how you can get results. I try to learn something new ev...eryday, either through my education service as an exercise science student or through nutrition research or learning different training methodologies. If anyone needs help with anything fitness just shout me a message I hope you guys enjoy the content!
14.01.2022 Over the upcoming week I will be posting home workouts with minimal equipment (Resistance band and 6kg Dumbbells). These are the workouts I've been doing while in isolation and I've honestly got to say they're hard. High volume workouts with concentric holds for more muscle activation along with high repetitions and supersets. They're creating some serious DOMS for the next few days. Give them a try! Just because were in isolation doesn't mean you should be slacking on your health and fitness goals. Lets get after it guys!
13.01.2022 Upper Body Push Workout Try out this Chest & Shoulder Workout for a MASSIVE pump! 4 x 6-8 DB Chest Press 4 x 8-10 DB Incline Chest Press... 4 x 10-12 Smith Machine Guillotine Press 4 x 12-15 Cable Chest Flys 4 x 8-10 Seated Smith Machine Shoulder Press Superset 4 x 10 BB Upright Row / 4 x 10 DB Seated Lateral Raise Train Hard & Enjoy Guys!
12.01.2022 My lifting goal from when I was young was to be able to bench 140kg & my strength program was building me up slowly, I was expecting to hit it by Juneish. But with the current quarantine it seems like it’ll be a lifetime away now! This weight was 110kg for a fairly easy 6. I’ll be back better then ever though & hit that weight before you know it! ... Training goals are important if you want to progress, otherwise motivation can vary between session. So set a goal & go for it!
09.01.2022 Today's leg session to improve strength (5 x 8 at 150kg) My current strength has been increasing progressively over the last few weeks, due to the structure of my training. Training for strength will create early on increases in weight due to the neurological adaptation, that occur over the first few weeks. This is becuase more muscles are being activated by action potentials inside the cells. Increasing firing rate = more muscle fibres contracting together. Training Weeks 1-2: 5 x 8 reps Weeks 3-4: 5 x 6 reps Weeks 5-8: 5 x 5 reps Followed by training all accessory muscles after Squats are completed. (varying rep ranges): - Leg press - Lunges - Leg extension - Single legged romanian deadlift - Leg curls - Standing calf raises
09.01.2022 Last weeks 3rd set of 5x5 at 180kg. (semi-easy) The importance of periodising your training! If you want strength gains in the gym, you need to structure your training. You cant just expect to go into the gym one day and pick up some massive weight. You need to structure your weeks of training so you can build upon your strength, through PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD techniques. ... Plan ahead & you'll get further ahead! Just like everything in life
09.01.2022 Starting the new year right, with CHEST DAY! Big plans for the upcoming year, lots to do, lots to achieve. The goals are set it place now just time to execute! Let’s get those fitness goals team!
08.01.2022 Client Spotlight! Rob's consistency & hard work over the past 8 weeks has seen him gain great results, dropping over 10kg in this short period. He has also been increasing his strength & hypertrophy from head to toe! Congrats Rob, your killing it! ... If you want results like Rob, DM: Via facebook page or Email: [email protected] 1:1 PT available Online training available
07.01.2022 Today’s bench press challenge - Max reps at body weight. Managed to get 24 reps at body weight but damn it was hard, completely wrecked me for the following power sets ... Try it out today & see how many you can get!
07.01.2022 Forever chasing that Popeye look! Bulking season is going well with increasing weights on the bar & on the scale steadily! Slowly but surely progressing day to day. Put the work in, trust the process & the results will show! ... One day I’ll have 20inch arms
06.01.2022 1000 Rep Challenge! Honestly one of the most challenging workouts of my life, more mentally then physically! Absolutely shocking the body with volume, while maintaining a high heart rate with small rest of 30s between sets. Burning well over 1000 calories during the workout. ... Back & Biceps Workout: 1. 10x10 BB deadlift at 50%1RM 2a. 10x10 Seated Row at 50%1RM 2b. 10x10 Suppinated Lat Pulldown 3a. 10x10 T-Bar Row at 50% 1RM 3b. 10x10 BB Bent Over Row at 50% 1RM 4a. 10x10 Incline Bench DB Rows at 50% 1RM 4b. 10x10 Back Extensions at Bodyweight 5a. 10x10 BB Curls at 50% 1RM 5b. 10x20 DB Curls at 50% 1RM Yes those are supersets throughout the entire workout. Give this session a try if you want to push yourself to the limits.
06.01.2022 Lately I’ve been doing some strength training to boost my 1RMs & help with progressive overload. The training load is based around the 3 big lifts (squat, bench, deadlifts), followed by bodybuilding based training after. It’s helped me boost my strength by an average of 10-15% in each lift over the past 6 weeks! Today was leg day & while I hit an equal PB of 5 reps of 160kg on squats. The weight felt harder than my last leg session. This may be due to nutrition or sleeping p...attern effecting my training. While I’m happy with the lift (weight), looking at the video I need to fix some minor form deviations! Super excited though with my progression through the weights, 140kg was hard 6 weeks ago for 5 reps! On the road to 180kg! Let’s get it!
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