Railway Preservation Society Of Queensland Incorporated in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Charitable organisation
Railway Preservation Society Of Queensland Incorporated
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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25.01.2022 Who started their career in the shops?
24.01.2022 Some of the spares we have
23.01.2022 -Whoops A’Daisy: Mistakes At Work- Location: Emerald Image: Unknown... Everyone on the railways, has a bad day and sometimes you wish, you should have stayed in bed. As this poor Shunter found out overshunting the coal hoppers and dangling his PB15 engine on the very edge. The aftermath was a right mess, and ended up in the dog house with the boss. He was docked 25 and demoted for 5 months back to cleaner. He was very nearly iced by the Department for serious breaches without union intervention, he narrowly kept his job. Have you had a bad day on shift? What’s your stories? Comment below
22.01.2022 -Lost Stations: Freshwater- Opened: 1890 Built: 1918 Closed: 1983... Reopened: 1984 #freshwater #queenslandrail #LostStations #northerndivision #cairns
20.01.2022 -Crib Break Gossip- Date. 1987 Location: Wallangarra Image: (C) Alan Shaw... During rostering, you would have time to catch up with the local station masters, fetters, shunters to have a good old chinwag on the latest goings on, promotions or departmental skuttlebutt. It signifies the Queensland Railways as a family organisation where everyone was uninterwined and your mates got your back for life. What were your stories? And what rumours did you hear. Comment below #queenslandrailway #railwayemployees #wallangarra
17.01.2022 -Throwback Thursday: Missing Link Of The North Coast- Date: 15th October, 2020 Location: Daradgee Images: (C) RPSQI 2020 & Authors Et El Al... In this Throwback Thursday, we take a look at one very important bridge which in the tiny settlement of Daradgee which presently holds a population of just 76 people. However this bridge over the North Johnstone River was instrumental in the completion of uniform link to all of Queensland and the North Coast Railway was born. It bores from the need to have absolute unification, so the North Coast Railway Act 1910 was enacted to enable the Government to build a single iron road that will feather the growth of a fractured state.. - Walter Paget: Minister For Railways (1910) On the 8th of December, 1924: the final span was placed and the opening of the first through train from Townsville to Cairns was established. With many speeches by local dignitaries and cutting of the ribbon by Premier Theodore significantly ended the struggle of movement of goods around the various fragmented railway systems. The North Coast Railway was officially christened the Sunshine Route and truly united the state of Queensland together. From here Queensland Rail became one of the largest employers in the state and the proclamation of Progress & Prospoer, rings true today. #railway #railwayhistory #daradgee #dronephotography #northerndivision #innisfail #northcoastrailway
16.01.2022 -Postcards: Charters Towers- Sent in by our Chairman on holidays: Charters Towers Level Crossing Gates, designed by McKenzie & Holland at Alan Oshyer Park #railwayheritage #charterstowers #railway
15.01.2022 -Around The Network: Charters Towers Ore- Location: Charters Towers Image. (C) RPSQI 2020... Aurizon 2800 class 2804 & 2840 pass through Charters Towers on the long haul on the GNR to Townsville. The empty station of reduced importance, shows the decline in many regional communities but the freight rolls on. #freighttrain #charterstowers #aurizon #gnr
15.01.2022 -Postcards: Redlynch Return- Date: 11th September, 2020 Location: Redlynch... Kuranda Scenic Railway 1720 class #1744 & #1771 pass through Redlynch with the 5:30pm return Ex Kuranda service to Cairns. Under stormy skies #AroundTheNetwork #queenslandrail #cairnskuranda #LostStations #redlynch
12.01.2022 There's a chance to get up close to almost two centuries of Great Western Railway heritage at our Autumn Open Days at weekends until 1 November. See replica Vi...ctorian broad gauge locomotives, discover beautifully restored carriages, soak up the atmosphere of the spacious Engine Shed built in 1932 and full of preserved locomotives and take unlimited rides aboard a vintage train. Full details and bookings at DidcotRailwayCentre.org.uk
11.01.2022 -Crossing To No Where- Location: Kaban Railway: Ravenshoe Branch Closure: 1988... #lostrailways #lostlinesofqld #loststations #kaban #ravenshoe
11.01.2022 -V for Victory: The Sacrifice Of War- Image: (C) RPSQI 2020 The end of the Second World War may be gone into history but on this Remembrance Day, it is still a poignant reminder that with victory is still a great cost long after the fires of war have been swept away.... Behind the Queensland Rail railway station at Toowoomba remains a legacy of the direct threat of war upon our shores and the blood of its defence. Built in 1942 to withstand all but a direct hit by a bomb, the shelter located in Railways St is the only intact public shelter in Toowoomba Built to hold 50 to 60 people the shelter's walls and ceiling were reinforced with old railway sleepers, a method of construction believed to be unique to Toowoomba. The concrete shelter shared a common form of design with a sheltered entry way and some form of doorway with blast shielding. Of Inside were placed seating for people, sand buckets, stirrup pumps, first aid supplies and other gear to deal with any form of injury or damage sustained during an air-raid attack. Ventilation was also provided, and they also had some form of protection in the events of a gas attack. During the war Toowoomba was a major centre for 24-hour railway operations and was recognised as a military hub. Nowadays the shelter is mainly used for storage by Queensland Rail. At the end of the conflict in 1945: victory was laid as the V for told but at a great cost and is now a lasting reminder of those dark days from 1939 to 1945 and the sacrifice of those few who defended our nation and to those who returned to a changed land. #vforvictory #toowoomba #remembranceday2020
10.01.2022 -Throwback Thursday: A Signalmens Ode- Image: (C) Bill Blanien Collection Written by an unknown signaller from Rockhampton A Cabin, bored passing the time between shifts during the 1960s in the transition period between steam and diesel.... Every lever has its way; Long pull, springs back, stops halfway. Sequence natural after weeks of pulling off and working peaks. Section lock, pull stop, distant, home. Lever frame and I alone. Section signal, three white spares, section, home, distant. Then down stairs. Pum-pum, pum-pum, a passing train crosses the line behind. Another, once the line are blocked. Then nothing till four of the clock. Lamp shelf, crowded, time to spick. Polish lenses, trim the wicks. Time to do it all again. Not a train since half past ten. The Mail is due, what to do. Clanging and yelling of the Shunters. A lot of swearing, and blues. Rumbling of engines, and blowing smoke. Time to learn a thing or two How to play didgeridoo Learn a language, crossword puzzle Walk to distant through the busy yard. The dot below the line, that’s me. Marked in the box on diagram, see? Silence, save for creaking floor. Then single ting calls me once more. #rockhampton #railwayemployees #centraldivision
10.01.2022 Thanks to the Queensland State Archives; this beautiful film sees light. The heart of the Queensland Railways, was the North Coast Railway which was completed in 1924 and was christened the 'Sunshine Route".
10.01.2022 -Remembrance Day: 2020- On the 11th of November, we remember all Queensland Railway employees who served and gave their sacrifices to the horrors of war. From the Boer War, Great War, Second World War, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, East Timor, Iraq & Afghanistan. Stories like Corporal Harold Owen Cook, 26th Battalion, of Rockhampton, Qld. A railway guard prior to enlistment based out of the Central Division. He was eager to join up like many of his comrades to fight for King & C...ountry. Pte Cook embarked from Brisbane on board HMAT Ascanius (A11) on 25 May 1915. He arrived at Gallipoli in October 1915 and remained until the evacuation in December. In May 1916 Pte Cook arrived in France for service on the Western Front and in June he was appointed Temporary Corporal. Corporal Cook was killed in action at Albert, near Pozieres, France, on 5 August 1916. He was 31 years of age. However:. Sgt Craig was more luckier. He was a Porter posted to Boolburra when the call came to join in 1914. Both men were on the same ship bound for war on HMAT A11 Ascanius on 24 May 1915 from Pinkenba (Brisbane). He returned to Australia 26 July 1919. Then worked for Queensland Railways once more until his death in Herberton. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them. lest we forget.
09.01.2022 An exciting event happened at Karoola this week. Micheal and Bozza finished up their work on DP 14’s engine. So with a bit of help from Clynton, Andrew and John... (his tractor too) we got it fired up! More videos and photos in comments. This is the first time in over 15 years the North East line has heard a Gardner engine, and the first time in our control it’s been started. Thanks to all the volunteers and supporters involved. Also the work continued on the container roof untill we ran out of sisilation paper.
08.01.2022 -Throwback Thursday: Captain Cook At The Races- Date: 1983 Location: Ascot Image: (C) Ian Lynas... In this Throwback Thursday, we ask ourselves what has Captain Cook got to do with going to the races. Well? In 1970 Queensland Railways named 1720 class 1770 in honour of Captain James Cook after the 200 year anniversary of the landing near Cooktown. Prior to the formation of the Brisbane Racing Club there was two organisations at Eagle Farm & Doomben. Ascot serviced the Eagle Farm course since 1882. As seen here on a heavy race day loading on Platform 2 which would also form part of the Pinkenba service beyond Whinstanes-Doomben. The Evans type carriages were iconic with their slam door and swinging tones which was a symptomatic song of Brisbane life for well over 80 years. These were replaced by electric traction until disappearing in 1993. #throwbackthursday #ascot #pinkenbaeaglefarm #loststations
08.01.2022 -On the fly: a Shunters Life Date: 1990 Location: Toowoomba Image: (C) Allan Shaw... In many of the railway yards across Queensland, the clanging, banging, rolling and loud exhaust of locomotives mixed in with swearing and yelling of Shunters communicating with the locomotive running men was once a common sight. With the signaller or station master onlooking for the changing of signals. In 1990, within Toowoomba yard is DH 68 with attached LSR shunters wagon making up a train of containers under the watchful eye of the rostered signalman in the cabin awaiting the movement of changing lines and semaphore signals. If everything went wrong, you would blame the shunter. A process that had not changed in over 100 years. Like all good traditions, there is an end: with corporatist changes to Queensland Railways. Came rationalisation that yards like this was deemed ineffective and inefficient to the accountants, so they were progressively moved to Road and shunting locomotives were withdrawn. Most roles were reduced as a cost measure which lead to job losses and changes in the railway environment that it never recovered. #railwayemployees #toowoomba #lostrailways #southwesterndivision
08.01.2022 -On the Line: Kurandas Longest SM- Date: 16th October, 2020 Image: (C) RPSQI & Queensland Rail Location: Kuranda... Division: Northern Division In this Friday Feature, we look at railway staff stories and feature: the longest serving Kuranda Station Master: Neville Smith who clocked up 49 years service with the Railways. Retiring in 2016. Neville commenced his career at various stations around Queensland to settle in Kuranda 30 years ago with the last 21 years employed as Kuranda Station Master. Which was considered as a glamorous posting for Northern Division men. In Neville’s own words I have been very fortunate to have worked at Kuranda for 30 years and have seen many changes. It was a very busy Station some time back with Goods, Livestock, Grain and Mineral Trains passing through as well as the daily Railmotors to and from Mareeba and Ravenshoe and welcoming daily our world famous Kuranda Scenic Railway. One of my most memorable moments here was when I met the Queen and Duke during their visit to North Queensland in 2002. The Great South Pacific Express also stayed overnight at Kuranda in its days. A National Magazine many years ago wrote about when the Circus used to travel by train back in the Steam Days. When the train was stopped at Kuranda for the Steam Engine to take on water and have the fire box cleaned the elephants used to stretch their trunks out and eat the orchids. The station is now the last operating mechanical signal cabin in Queensland and even with Nevs departure, the place is still in good hands. #railwaystaff #queenslandrailways #kuranda #northerndivision #cairns
08.01.2022 QUIZ TIME: QUEENSLAND DIESELS LOCOMOTIVES Test your knowledge on the Sunshine state and let us know how you go @ausrailhistory : https://www.railtram.com.au.../qld-diesel-locomotives PICTURE: 1461 is seen at Brisbane Central on a Down Suburban on 18 November 1966. 1461 Centennial, is wearing its special Centenary of Queensland Railways livery which it actually wore until it was withdrawn from service. 1461 is preserved with the QR heritage division at the Ipswich Workshop Museum. Weston Langford #qr #centennial #queensland #queenslandrail #narrowgauge #passenger #railways #livestock #stocktrain #special #livery #australia #australianhistory #railway #railwayhistory #goodstrain #noosa #sunshinecoast #1460class #theworkshops #90s #qldrail #clydebuilt #northcoastline #northcoast #diesel #dieselelectric #power #sunshinestate
07.01.2022 Ex Suburban Evans Swing Door BU 1071
06.01.2022 -Monday Memories: Central Under The Wires- Date: 1983 Location: Central Image: (C) Ian Lynas... Queensland Railways EMU 02 with EMU 01, brings a peak hour Redbank train from Brunswick Street. This is prior to the Sheriton Hotel & Redevelopment which intombed Central into the underground bat cave. #central #lostbrisbane #suburbanrailway
06.01.2022 -Wayback Wednesday: ‘65 Suburban- Date: 1965 Location: Bowen Hills Image: Unknown ... Queensland Railways DD17 1049, brings a terminating service into old Bowen Hills with Evans Type Carriages. With Bulimba Junction Signal Cabin and the Bulimba Goods Branch branching off to the left. While two railway staff strike up a conversation on the walk. DD17 1049 is now preserved at the Zig Zag Railway in Lithgow, NSW. #waybackwednesday #bowenhills #suburbanbrisbane #loststations
05.01.2022 -Lost Stations: Tumoulin- Opened: 31st July, 1911 Closed: 1988 Railway: Tablelands Branch... Image: (C) RPSQI 2020 The Tablelands railway line from Herberton to Tumoulin opened on 31 July 1911 with Tumoulin railway station being Queensland’s highest railway station at 965 metres (3,166 ft) above sea level. The name Tumoulin is thought to be an Aboriginal word meaning waterfall. The railway line from Atherton to Ravenshoe was closed in 1988 due to the World Heritage Listing of Queensland's Wet Tropics. However, the section between Herberton and Tumoulin can still be used and the Ravenshoe Steam Railway operate heritage steam train tours along the route. This has since ceased due to group politics and the cost of line maintenance. Only the Herberton section is now in operation under the Atherton-Herberton Historic Railway. Only ghosts can tell, with a bit of weeds that there will be a train again. #LostStations #tumoulin #ravenshoe #athertontablelands #closedrailways
04.01.2022 -Normanby Stock Train- Date: 1987 Location: Normanby, Brisbane Image: NMP... Queensland Railways Clyde 1502 #1523 brings a empty stock train with TLV, TDV & 46 cattle wagons through the Normanby-Exhibition Loop under the newly electrified wires to Cannon Hill. #lostbrisbane #cattletrains #normanby
04.01.2022 -Monday Memories: Roma Street Railmotor- Date: 1979 Location: Bowen Hills Image: (C) Ian Lynas... In this Monday Memories, we look back at the first weekend of Electrifcation from Ferny Grove to Darra. Passing the junction for the Bulimba Branch is Queensland Railways 2000 class Silver Bullet 2033 accelerates towards Brunswick Street returning from Pinkenba. The former site of Bowen Hills was opened prior to the tunnel in 1890, just prior to the junction of the Bulimba Branch which arched off to the lower right and was rebuilt in 1973 allowing closure of Mayne & Bowen Hills into one station. The branch progressively closed between 1977, 1980, 1989 until complete closure in 1990. #bowenhills #loststations #silverbullet #railmotors #brisbanerailway
03.01.2022 Today was a great day. Preparations for our Santa Express services are well under way! Tickets available from our website... https://www.west-somerset-railway.co.uk//det/santa-express See more
03.01.2022 -Tuesday Timewarp: Roughing it- Date: 13th October, 2020 Image: (C) RPSQI 2020... Who remembers these hard beds? Travelling in Camp Wagons between depots or job sites. Typical of the period of converting ex passenger carriages to camp wagons (CW) as see at the Mareeba Museum in Ex BL 1043 which was converted to TCW24. What’s your camp wagon story? Comment below #tuesdaytimewarp #campwagons #railwaystaff #queenslandrail #mareeba
02.01.2022 #GOINGLOCO this week focuses on the invention of the steam injector. An amazing piece of equipment that seems to work via magic as far as most people are concerned! See the blog at bit.ly/DRC-going-loco
01.01.2022 -Tuesday Timewarp: Maryborough Mail- Date: 1984 Location: Wooloowin Image: (C) Ian Lynas... Queensland Railways English Electric 1250 class 1260 coasts down the Wooloowin bank with the Roma Street ex Maryborough Mail consisted of three Sunshine carriages, baggage and Mail van. This service has now been replaced by the ICE units plying the Gympie North Trains, but their days are numbered like the old Mail trains it replaced. You can only get to Maryborough West by Tilt Train, not the centre like they used to. #lostbrisbane #gympie #losttrainsofqld #wooloowin
01.01.2022 The Ghost of Vince Hall would have had a fit.
01.01.2022 Well it’s been a rather trying year for our volunteer railway, unfortunately we are still not open again yet. Hopefully soon This year our 62 year old track g...ang compressor unfortunately suffered terminal mechanical problems. Thankfully Queensland Rail donated a compressor to keep us going. It’s been a great addition to our maintenance team. Thanks a lot Queensland Rail It’s also technically the first QR diesel to ever make it to Woodford
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